The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!


Planet Earth will NEVER be the same again after this Portal Gateway Month – Sept 2016

Fear not, for your suffering will end before you know it. In time we feel that our suffering is eternal but in reality it is only a moment in time. As we travel out of time into eternity we will realize that it was all just an instant. We are eternal Spirit experiencing a moment of seeming separation. It seemed like a good idea at the time until we fell into deep sleep and the fear kicked in!

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Life is an Experiment

Living in the Matrix you never know what youre going to get. Regardless if the earth is round or flat it is an illusion. A Dream within a Dream. As a living sovereign being we are waking up from this dream into reality of a higher dimension. As we travel through the 9-9-9 gateway we are in the midst of the third wave of ascension.

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Ashira ~ It is Time for Earth, for Gaia, to Be Fully Represented

Your original representatives, Wakana Taka and company, those who have also served at the council fire of the Mother Gaia, have performed and served extraordinarily well, but this delegation, as we would call it, is rapidly expanding. Your period of internship is over. The period of finding your legs, as it were, is over. And it is time for Earth, for Gaia, to be fully represented – and not only in ceremonial ways but fully as humans.

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Our Time Is NOW

We have completed the final stages of preparation and now it is time for us to BE the Instruments of God we have been preparing to BE for literally lifetimes. KNOW that we each have within us everything we need to be God Victorious for this essential facet of the unfolding Divine Plan which will occur during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.

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Sananda, Ashtar, OWS & Ashira ~ You Are Getting Closer and Closer To Accessing “The Event”

This is “Sananda”. Wonderful, as always, to be with you. To share in these times, in times as things are changing, as your consciousness is shifting and changing. I speak now of the consciousness of the entire planet. Not only to those of you on the phone and those of you in the room here, but the entire planet is shifting.

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