The Blue Ray ~ 2017 Starseeds, 1st New Earth United Alliance

The Blue Ray ~ 2017 Starseeds, 1st New Earth United Alliance

By Shekina Rose

The Blue Ray

The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity.

The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance “Light body upgrade” Will take place Jan 26th 2017 Thursday 4:00pm mountain standard time. Where you can tune in to through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix.  This coincides with the rare astrological event where all planets are moving direct in the month of January.

The Blue Ray anchoring of the Whales/Dolphin through the star Sirius will start this series of the New Earth Star United Alliance. Where you will receive upgrade transmissions for the new alliance of Light foundation and Radiance of your core essence light body activation to attune to the new grid alliance in the Divine Holy Matrix. You will be able to make connections through your star lineages, Galactic and inter dimensional realms. Downloads of information will be available on the ascension, ancient star wisdom and your lineage from the Cosmic gateway from the Unity alliance.

This will be the first Earth Star United Alliance gathering as others will follow connecting with the different star group and races and light lineages to increase the support of the Universal flow to the earth plane and star connections and fellowships with Humanity.

Your Divine essence is required and being called for by the Unity Earth Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. You have a sacred technology through your empathic telepathic nature that is a resonance frequency alliance. You will be the ones that reconfigure to the Divine Holy Matrix. Through Love, the light will realign each one, activating the radiance, the light bodies that will awaken other Starseeds: “The Teaching of the Star People.” This light directed will generate a combination configuration into the Divine Holy Matrix, a divine grid of light, a system like the internet used by spirit technology that is not powered by electricity or computers but works within other dimensions out of time-space. In other ancient times, you used these networks.

You will turn on and tune into a gridwork of information where you will no longer need to be as reliant on systems that do not fully support the positive evolution of humanity and your sovereignty. This Unity Earth Star Alliance through the Blue Ray was initiated through contact with the Star People, Shamballa Light Masters, Pleiadians/Inner Earth and Galactic Families.

This contact through various ways is happening to many beings and Starseeds all over the planet for the awakening. This venue of unity, information and sovereignty is being overlighted by the Sacred Divine Feminine Counsels—the Mothers, Goddess Priestesses, ascended beings of light who wish that humanity have a chalice of support as they go through the awakening, “the ascension” and disclosure. They are contributing in other ways to the awakening ascension to hold humanity’s namesake sacred in integrity.

Blue Ray of Creation and Blue Ray beings

The Blue Rays, ultra-sensitive empath Star Beings, have a special connection to the Sacred Divine Feminine and Codes of Creation and to the water element of Gaia. As this is one of their main connections, through their ascension is the way of the Mother Frequency. The Blue Rays’ super empathic nature and intuitive body resonance is an aspect of the dormant DNA codes of the Mother’s Frequency. These DNA codes are being activated to unify and create access to other intelligent life forces needed to support Earth and humanity in the Divine Power of Love.

All Rays, Wanderers, Starseeds, New Forerunners, Angelics and Light Bearers are being called and will feel the resonances in how they will play their active role. Each one of you has a specialty of divine alignment that will assist in the new grid unity alliance and ascension of humanity and is why you are here at this conjuncture.

The Starseeds, Blue Rays will be Wanderers no more, and will be called to anchor frequency through the Whales/Dolphin, star Sirius, the Pleiadian lineages for the Earth systems for peace, Arcturians’ new light grids, Ascended Masters Shamballa Inner Earth, DNA Radiance Divine Original Blueprint; 444 Angelics will overlight and hold the fields of Light in the heaven realms, celestial bodies with protection from the Guardians.

The Goddesses/Sophia/Shekinah/Shakra/Shakti—the sacred divine feminine essence—will bring balancing frequencies to Earth plane, twin flame and double helix through the Priestesses and Venus. Love will be anchored through all with the Elementals/Faerie/Tree kingdoms as witnesses and receivers.

In the Divine Principal of One, We love You and are in this together!

Shekina Rose Blue Ray Angelic Starseed, Galactic Emissary Contactee, Harmonic Vocalist for the language of light in the 528 Hz Miracles and Love, Channel of the Blue Ray, Author and Healer. 

Downloaded in 2008 with the information that she was from the Blue Ray, Shekina Rose received sacred knowledge on the Blue Ray and has been sharing the Blue Ray Transmissions on ascension, the ancient sacred technologies, to empower the ultra-sensitive empath starseeds on the planet, letting them know they are not alone and assisting them with their mission of light on the planet. For years, the Blue Ray Orb has appeared regularly to Shekina and manifests in photos. It is a Light Transmission generator from the higher planes that acts as a stargate portal of Home Frequency to let us know it’s time for our ascension and to unify..Divine principal of one

Shekina Rose was activated by her star family decades ago and given prophecies to assist in restoration and activation of the Divine Original Blueprint, the New Man of Light (Homo Luminous). In 2013 in Sedona AZ, she started having regular physical and telepathic visited by the Pleiadians/Inner Earth and the Pleiadians Peace ships. They have been showing her interdimensional ancient sacred technologies that she has created and is sharing. More recently other ascended master’s beings and races have contacted Shekina for alliance of light for Humanity and sacred technologies of the sacred divine feminine nature. 

She has been anointed in the Rose Ray by the ascended master Mother Mary where the apparitions and appearances occurred at Cathedral Rock Vortex, in Sedona, Arizona. The Rose Ray in the Violet Flame of Supreme Divine Love is back on the planet to restore the balance of the sacred divine feminine that empowers our I Am presence.

2017 Starseeds with the Whales/Dolphin Star Sirius 1st New Earth Star United Alliance Whales/Dolphin Star Sirius

2017 Starseeds 1st New Earth Star United Alliance Whales/Dolphin through the star Sirius

1st New Earth Star United Alliance with the Starseeds and Blue Ray Anchors in 2017

The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a unity star alliance in the name of Humanity.


The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process.

BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:


“According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.”

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lauren Neal

    Thank you thank you!! The last time I heard from Shekina Rose I was struggling to get sober and going through a Dark Night of the Soul Awakening. I am now two years sober and know & feel the celestial energies working with me, healing me. I have been feeling these energies, (albeit subtly). Reading this made my day!

  2. Paul Butler

    Hey Lauren,
    Thank you for the positive comment. We appreciate you. Keep shining your light brightly. I am glad we made your day:)
    Love and Light my friend…Paul

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