The Wheel of Fortune is A Turning ~ ESSENE FOUNDATIONAL PRAYER
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sovereign Galactic Protectors and CareGivers of Terra Nova Gaia
As Gaia receives more Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Light she experienced a large spike and white flash of light on the Schumann resonance at an amplitude of 37 hz. 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth Code. Pachamama also received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake at 22:26 UTC on the Ring of Fire in the Solomon Islands. The Sun of the Moon Center.
The Eleven Nation, the Owl Nation and the Butterflies of the Winged Nation have joined forces today to assist our Tribe and Rainbow Goddesses in the Vision of taking Flight over the New Earth and stepping into our highest trajectory along the Ascension Spiral at the Freedom Peak of Tian Shan (Celestial Mountain).
We are at the precipice of the New Beginning of Beautiful Creation with Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient beings of the Way.
Nothing can stop the momentum all Starseeded LoveWorkers have built over the last millennia for our full SuperNova Compression Breakthrough and total expansion into the Light of the Unborn Mind of Buddha.
The Christ Consciousness of Unconditional Love is being awakened within every living heart of our Ground Crew of the 144,000 Divine Feminines and Divine Masculine’s on the Path with Heart that is aglow with the Bright Virtue of our True Nature. All is coming into alignment and synchronicity with our Divine Birthright of Freedom as we move beyond the survival programs so we all may Thrive in the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
We have reached the critical mass of our Great Awakening and Shift of the Ages to push the whole Cosmic Game over to our Side of Benevolence all the while living from our hearts being connected to all things. Our Pure Awareness is at one with the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things as we are honored by the world and the world honors us by living in the harmony of the Tao as conscious co-creators of the New Jerusalem. Shalom Earth Angels of the Edenic Timeline.
Let us move beyond the divisiveness of the false programs and projections and keep the Faith in Unity Consciousness. We are all in this together as we walk each other home, to the other Shore of the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life…A’Ho!
enthusiasm is contagious, so is fear and paranoia. Let us project the joy and bliss we wish to see and experience in the world.
Right now: Moon at 28°23′ Leo, Sun at 24°32′ Scorpio
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form.
Sabian Symbol for 29º Leo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Leo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
An x ray photograph.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Scorpio.
All day, there has been further INCREASES to the STRENGTH of Incoming Energies. Continued INCREASES in HERTZ assist the dissolving (of the old) in parallel to the RISINGS.
I am just sitting in silence …and feeling love. I’ve never felt this expansion of love… blossoming of my heart… and divine grace of my Soul. Pure Divine bliss
There’s a deep cellular clearing happening and it’s deep and powerful. It’s ancestral. In my visions I see the grandmothers and their hands. “You are freeing us by daring to do it differently”. It’s our blood and bones and cosmic lineage. This feels like a homecoming… deep body morphing, clearing and healing. This is a time of sacred initiations that YOU have set up for this time. I can’t express how POWERFUL this energy is. Let it all go. Dare to be different.
We are approaching the end of the Eclipse zone. You are about to feel more and more inspiration & creative flow. The signs, presages, of 2023. Old ideas becoming real. Old ground making at last sense. Start movement, but find your center. You have time. Time to manifest this bigness of yours. Major visions can’t be rushed. Just take the steps. A new portal has opened and this is how it will remain. You will not go backwards. New energy & awareness are having their way with you.
More interesting times and fast moving energy and it’s creating huge energy gaps. Stay in your energy field, be aware of your own energy, and use discernment to know what is right for you.
From now to year end we are still experiencing historic energy movements.
Ascension is a daily exercise ( we aren’t practicing, we are live on stage) of choice, decision, intention, and movement. One step at a time because the timelines shift constantly with every choice we make – forward or backwards, up or down – there is no set outcome and miracles abound.
As the drop has merged with the river and is now atOne with the ocean, as ..
ALL IS ONE again.
As we re-member our TRUE SELF’s fully again, as the Diamond Sun’s, Cosmic Dragon’s, Maji Grail Queens and Kings, and SOURCE INCARNATE that we are!
Fully rising and re-claiming our power as the mighty Cosmic Ocean that we are!!
As when we stand together and RISE again AS ONE,
From within the quantum field and Cosmic Womb of the Mother, where all possibilities exist as pure potentiality.
For THE ONE, who doesn’t die and has never been born.
No-thing is impossible now!
All illusions of separation dissolve in this Cosmic Ocean of pure True Divine Love.
As we remember our ETERNAL SELF,
As we fully re-member who we truly are, our Cosmic Origins and true history, what really happened, as our real memories return.
The Emerald Tablets awaken and unlock from deep within us.
As we re-member that indeed we are
ONE TRIBE, that fell together and now RISES TOGETHER again, AS ONE!
Igniting the Organic Divine Creatrix Field and our New Eden, as we fully awaken from the dream of separation and forgetfulness..
Fear but a distant memory, as all that is false and artificial is exposed and dissolves, in this Cosmic Ocean of pure True Divine Love, that we are, and all is.
Eternal Love,
Emerging as The Self
Blue Rose Oracles
A collective vibrational uplift and upgrade was anchored earlier today which felt like waves of light moving through the grids illuminating the Pathway ahead which has been submerged in doubt and confusion.
The old grid frequencies and associated survival drivers are slowly releasing as we shift into a new spiral of co creation elevation, alchemisation & transformation.
We have been shedding layer after layer, incubating and retreating into the voidal space to be rebirthed as we expand deeper in a conscious reawakening.
We are reclaiming ourselves one beautiful layer at a time. Letting go of the illusions and reconnecting to the totality of our multi dimensionality through allowing, softening, receiving and surrendering.
The new earth is you it’s an accumulation of the vibrational resonance you hold and amplify each time you step into your power and follow your heart, inner guidance & trust in the universe to co create miracles with you.
We are all co creating and forming new pathways which become the foundations of an expanding and evolving collective grid, a sacred space of pure loving divine frequency which supports the holographic experience of this physical reality.
We have been clearing density layers and karnic imprints, releasing old timelines and grid anchors and this has been gruelling, emotional and challenging but each time we shift and shed a layer of limiting beliefs, conditioning & survival programming we clear this at a deeper collective level breaking through the denser realities into new beautiful & expansive probabilities & opportunities.
The shift is you, the new world is ready to be birthed through you.
Dear friends, we are moving now through a very special wave of post-11/11 portal energies, I call these the “cosmic nursery” energies. These type of energies sustain, nurture, shape, and help mature the changes in timelines we will be experiencing during the next six months. This particular period, until December 2, is pivotal for the consolidation of all the inner changes we have been experiencing since before the eclipse corridor.
As we mentioned in yesterday’s post, our physical vessel is undergoing recalibrations at many levels and systems at this particular time, most notably our nervous system. At the same time, more subtle energy fields within yourself are also being recalibrated and “coming on line”
One of those subtle energy fields coming online is related to your memories, from this lifetime, previous/parallel lifetimes, and ancient galactic times. For some of you this may sound a bit like science-fiction, but the deeper we delve into ourselves and our history, the more information we uncover.
During this cosmic nursery time window, it is possible that some of those memories may come into your awareness for specific purposes. They can act as wake up calls to guide you forward into higher and deeper levels of healing and awakening.
At this stage in Earth’s timeline, we need the wisdom residing within ourselves to evolve as a species. You’re being called to connect with the lost wisdom of your own soul. If you feel guided, or feel a deep knowing, to make a change in your life to step into a new career path, birth a creation, or bring an idea to life, most likely you have the answers you need within you.
Through surrendering to the wisdom of your soul you can unlock the seeds of these ancient memories so you can learn from them and usher in a new timeline for your reality.
These memories can come into your mind/awareness at any time. You may have vivid dreams, sudden visualizations while showering, or even receiving an epiphany while standing at the grocery line. At first you may not fully understand their meaning, but try to write them down in a journal and you will see in time their reason for coming online.
Outdated rigid inner 3D structures are slowly being dissolved within us, creating space for new ways of understanding the nature of your own Divine essence. Keep your intentions focused on the positive timelines you wish to see in your personal reality. We are starting to resonate with higher states of being, and that’s where these new timelines are taking us. All you have to do is remember.
The shift in the energies is subtle but unmistakable. While the past few months have been spent deep in the underworld womb tomb of Transformation , the shift in the Winds of Change is palpable as we near completion of the Death/ release/ surrender and move into the Rebirth/ Resurrection. Note Venus/ Inanna is still in the underworld but now moves into passionate , adventurous and impulsive Saggitarius along with Mercury. Communication and Relationships are on the precipice of New Direction and momentum .The Wheel of Fortune is A Turning…time to begin seeing the results of all the Hard Shadow Work of the past few months. Old/ past life relationships could be suddenly resurrected .
A word of caution though- it is easy to be swept up in the intensity of the passionate devil may carry the energy of Sagittarius, but impulsive recklessness needs to be guarded against as Venus is still in the Underworld. This means the new communications/ relationships that are showing up, although tempered with the alluring new adventure expansive spirit of Sagittarius , need to be held up to your touch stone of Self Worth ,Self Respect, Authenticity and Truth especially with respect to patterns of abandonment, rejection , egoistical transactional relationship patterns. The disappointments too hold important lessons and takeaways.
Psychic abilities and lucid dreams increase as we approach the Ancient Samhain Portal of Pleiades at Mid Heaven on Nov 21/22. This is being shown as a major portal to work with in my client sessions with particularly for those who identify as Pleiadian Wise Woman Starseeds, The Womb Priestesses/ Midwives, Serpent Sophia Wisdom Keepers and The Record Keepers all of who are midwifing the New Earth Blueprint. It is Womb Healing,Womb Magic , Womb Sovereignty Freedom and Empowerment that are coming up as the major themes for this Portal Gateway , so that patterns of ancestral and generational Patriarchal wounds / trauma/ curses/ karmic debts may be released for only then can the New Earth Blue Print be birthed.
You’re now in a New Timeline!! You might start to notice that your expanded light can irritate a lot of un healed people around you this is because we are merging and crossing into a completely different dimensional timeline
which alters realities that are now coming into ours. It’s time to Choose what you wish to keep,
merge with it and bring it into your current reality , letting go of what doesn’t serve you
for your highest good.
You have the power to choose what you want in this life.
You are starting to Merge with your higher dimensional selves
Many of you will start to remember more of your past lives and remember gifts and talents you possessed in those past timelines.
Many starseeds will remember and connect to their higher self characteristics strongly now.
Welcome and embrace the new You
Remembering always that you are a Creator .
We are approaching the powerful 29/11
Another (11-11) Gateway Portal this one is of Initiation that occurs on the 29th of November.
this year, the portal resonates with the Energy Master Portal vibrations .
Which means that the energies that will be moving through you will be very intense and powerful this could bring up past lessons
To reassess things learned in the recent past .
However it’s also going to give you that extra “lift” that you need to move your Time Spiral into the New Earth Frequencies.
You will be continuing to upgrade your Light Body/Physical Body so that you can receive more clearly the incoming Master ascendant Frequencies of Light that will be manifesting and saturating the New Earth Reality.
As you spiral higher into the New Earth frequencies, you will embody these Higher Frequencies and you will become transmitters of the Christ Codes that they hold .
You will also learn that these New Earth Frequencies carry high frequency Healing Energies, and you will become aware of how to work with these energies and codes to bring another level of healing and balance for yourself and those around you.
I was made aware last evening of the immensely powerful energies being released by the full merger of the Old Earth and New Earth’s Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Energy Fields, as well as the Spines of the Earth and all her sacred energetic sites.
This is amplified by the Cosmic Energies streaming in, and thus all is being lifted into the higher dimensional states of the 7th and 9th, while the 5th dimenional New Earth is in escalated ascension back into the 7th.
What this means is that we already are fully in the New Earth, as the Old Earth disintegrate and what does not disintegrate is being incorporated into the New Earth, through a merger, and thus transmuted into the much higher dimensional energetic state.
We will start feeling this on all levels now, as our new crystalline bodies are going through the very same and thus we will often feel as if we are in the middle of an intense spinning cycle.
What is spun out, is the old. Literally.
Like a washing machine spins out the dirt.
At the very same time as the spinning motion escalates, we are going through an escalated transmutation and transfiguration stage.
The only way to navigate this, is with the increased usage of the White Flame and the Violet Flames in expanded forms, also incorporating the Golden Rainbow Fires.
I was told three weeks ago, to integrate and fully activate the higher 5th dimensional chakras and that all these chakras now are incorporated WITHIN the spine, and not outside it any longer, as our spines are being stretched, as our physical body will be much taller than before and our skulls more elongated again.
The only way to navigate is through the heart center, through the merging of the lower body with the higher body, and then going deeper within.
ATONENESS literally means embracing DIVINITY within, and as you embrace this, there is only ONE.
We are entering into a Sagittarian passage, whose main energies are going to help us into the transmutation of all that no longer serves us. A passage to be reborn, after dissolving lower layers of the egoic self.
Since the eclipses, we have been immersed in a massive transformational wave, and its peak comes with the Sagittarian energies that we are about to welcome, and that will offer us the clarity, the light, that so many need, to initiate a new path. The light that helps them see who they truly are. The light that guides them through the unique path that they are meant to walk, at this time.
Sagittarius’s main essence is one of resurrection, like the phoenix, re-emerging from the ashes of the old to the new self that rises when we release all that is not us. We are entering into a phase of spiritual alchemy where it is pivotal to disengage from the past, and the past is everything that is not part of this Now moment, so we can create our next one, free of old emotional triggers, limited patterns and anything that impedes us to create more love, and hence, abundance.
Creating this Sagittarian portal are some planetary forces, since November 16, such as Venus entering into Sagittarius. On the next day, Mercury will follow as well as the Sun on November 22, to conclude the next day with a New Moon in this same sign. These transmutative frequencies are the ones who will accompany us until the end of this year, helping us into the process of conscious release, so we can step into a new phase completely anew.
We all have an opportunity for us to release the old, through the element Fire, and begin to emerge into the light beings that we are, for it is by releasing old layers of our egoic self, and healing what it damaged for eons, that we can begin the process of conscious restoration, at all levels. In the physical, working with our DNA, mental, emotional, and genetic, for we too have inherited many patterns that need to be brought into the light, so we can transform them into new ones.
It is in this passage with the assistance of Sagittarian forces that we too can begin healing our Cathar/Essene lineage if part of our ancestry, and the many imprints and false codes that were put into these benevolent souls who came with a mission of restoring the planet.
This a passage for those who wish to work as well on solar reconstruction, by first clearing their solar plexus, mental and hence egoic self, and the many memories associated with our three-dimensional timeline, where we dwell, and probably have previously done so for many of our human years.
The element associated with Sagittarius is a tetrahedron, a pyramid, for it is the one that represents the connection to our God Self. This tool when properly visualized can help us to reconnect ourselves through meditation with the Illumined Aspect of us, as well as Guides. We only need to create the conscious links, with the decrees of our choice necessary to build this communion.
This is just the beginning of all that these energies can help us with, as everyone is unique and is in different stages of their ascension journey. However, something we have in common, in this path is that we all need to be constantly disengaging from the old, for at every moment, we are new, and we need to create from this new state of being. We just need to accept change as a natural constant in our being and reality and welcome the unknown.
Venus enters Sagittarius. Last Quarter Moon in Leo. Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter retrograde in Pisces – The Moon’s square to the Sun has us longing to delight in life’s playground but a fear of exposure, imposter syndrome or stage fright makes the stomach jumpy. Hold your head high. Align with your core values. Follow what gives you meaning. Inside you burns a spark of the divine, an ever-shining sun. You are radiant cosmic power. Look up.
Venus entering adventurous Sagittarius nudges us to savour new experiences. More valuable than possessions, experience feeds the soul with inspiration and vision. Book a holiday. Indulge your fascination for another country or culture. Armchair travel. Explore courses that catch your fancy and books that make you fall in love with life again. Fill your social calendar and discuss religion, philosophy, literature. Wander, wonder and drop into your heart. The more you love, the more you grow.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. It’s the last day of the White Dog wavespell and on the last day of any wavespell, one needs to digest the experience before moving on to the next. This can be an enduring task and it represents that wisdom is hard earned. No matter if you enjoy this 13 day journey or not, there is always a lesson to be learnt. Next time this wavespell comes around you’ll be better placed to get more out of it. The last day is so important because the wavespell assessment you undergo, leads to a deepening of your understanding of natural time and how you personally relate to it.
Today is White Wind and its key words are ‘Communicate, Breath and Spirit’. Communications on a Cosmic day can be tricky. ‘Endure to Communicate’! On the other hand, we can also transcend communication from Spirit. Whichever way you slice it up, it’s quite a day. Make your communication count and if you need to either send or receive communication from spirit, the channels are wide open. Do be prepared that some conversation will be enduring or that what you hear may be harsh. Words have power to change your life today. When you think about words in context to the wavespell’s agenda of love and heart – make sure your words are loving and come from the heart.
The Guide today is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes the crossing of bridges. The guide energy is all about what motivates us into action. Be motivated to cross a bridge today or be a bridge yourself between two people, in order to enable them to communicate. The Worldbridge is also the diplomat which symbolizes the need for diplomacy on a day when communications are potentially enduring
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human which represents ‘channeling wisdom’ and when in opposition our intuitive powers aren’t so strong. Be careful before you speak today as your gut feelings may not be reliable. If you are a Yellow Human, you may be affected more by the enduring aspects of the day than the rest of us. If you are not a Yellow Human you may still be affected by your gut instincts being off, and so that can throw a spanner in the works.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm, the Catalyst of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is all about magic and the Storm is about changes and so it isn’t hard to work out that magical changes are possible today. Just not in a relaxing way at all!
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. If you need help on this enduring Cosmic day, find a Red Earth. If you are one, expect to be very much needed today. If you don’t have one in your life that you can ask for help, then be like a Red Earth and focus on your evolution.
KIN 182 = 11 = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Duality
The 6 code represents HEAVEN frequency, as well as CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, harmony, fertility, romance and beautiful energies. Today we have a VERY DIVINE HEAVENLY DAY to communicate with great SPIRIT.
We have a hugely EXPANSIVE day, filled with lots of DIVINE COSMIC LOVE and guidance from SPIRIT, to carry us forth into wondrous new realms of creation.
And so we arrive at Day 13, the final day in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. On day 1 we were focused on attracting LOVE, and aligning our DIVINE purpose through our HEART based consciousness. The WHITE DOG is a loyal servant of GOD… DOG = GOD.. The culmination of this wavespell results in our total transcendence, as we merge together into the COSMIC MISTS of PURE DIVINE LOVE … returning to our pure ORIGIN.
Today as we close this 13 day journey with OC the devoted WHITE DOG at our side, we have arrived at the greatest lesson a soul could learn. That the pathway of LOVE is the ONLY way to reconnect with SOURCE and reclaim our Divinity. Hopefully this journey has revealed all that was holding you back from experiencing yourself as LOVE, in all aspects of your being and your life.
It’s another BIG DAY on Planet Earth folks!
Enjoy the BLISS
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns that have blocked the inflow of LOVE.
Releasing the limited conditioning, where the world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be still and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of DIVINE LOVE through the frequency of pure internal presence! Total COSMIC expansion – having journeyed from human love to discover the EXPANSIVENESS and pure presence of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as a potent CREATION force throughout the Cosmos!
so blessed be, dear ones! A POWERFUL day for listening and communicating in pure DEVOTION to Spirit as you hold the pure presence of unconditional LOVE through your being.
SURRENDER yourself to Spirit and align with your DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to become a PURE vessel for SPIRIT holding the pure presence of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in my HEART and my every word?
And so we bid adieu to OC – the beautiful LOYAL and devoted WHITE DOG who has cracked OPEN our Hearts through compassion for our fellow humans. It has been a potent lesson these past few years, in choosing to BOND and unite with our fellow Hu-mans despite the wedge that has been cast between us. Reach out and UNITE with your fellow HU-MANS as we all walk together through the Cosmic bridge to infinite LOVE available to all.
All roads lead us back home to SOURCE and the doorway OPENS through the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Why else do we incarnate in a physical body, but to experience LOVE in all its forms?.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell as we journey deep into the DREAMTIME with AKBAL – the mystical intuitive BLUE NIGHT who will guide us into the deep subconscious dreaming, and holds the keysfor AWAKENING COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE .
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….in these miraculous evolutionary times!! Bon voyage precious StarBlissSuns
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC WIND– IK Today the WHITE WIND is singing sweet LOVE songs. TUNE IN and LISTEN carefully. Be mindful and be observant as the communication channels are much clearer today.
The VOICE OF GOD, will come through much STRONGER today, so find yourself a quiet sanctuary and be STILL in order to benefit from the whisperings of White Wind.
Surrender to Spirit today and just BE in the pure presence of unconditional LOVE travelling through your hollow bamboo vessel. There is much WISDOM to be found through channeling Divine messages, greater than any library or google search!!!. The Divine can teach and show you incredibly wondrous revelations, beyond our limited comprehension or technology.
Spirit may also guide you to go to places or connect with people in order to open their hearts and minds to the Divine… Trust in the messages and TRUST in the power of SPIRIT to lead us to the greatest LOVE possible.
Open your EARS and EXPAND your channel allowing Spirit to dance through your vessel. Connect through your HEART through devotional prayer, mantras, yoga and appreciation. Fill your vessel with the breath of Spirit and radiate this HOLY LIGHT far out beyond the galaxy.
GOD/SOURCE is calling you to actively LISTEN. Can you feel the presence of WHITE WIND riding on the waves of pure Cosmic consciousness?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI is the BRIDGE or doorway connecting us to Spirit today. CIMI seals the store of death through SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. NOW is the time to fully FORGIVE yourself for drifting through separation from SOURCE LOVE. Allow CIMI to build the Rainbow Bridge connecting you back to SOURCE once more.
CIMI seals the door to DEATH – bringing final CLOSURE and indeed we are in the final process of departing from this old crumbling paradigm. As one DOOR closes, look for the new doors opening through the guidance of SPIRIT and CIMI. Follow the SIGNS to find the right path.
OPEN the door for Spirit to enter and channel through you, and SURRENDER completely to SPIRIT as a Divine conduit. Become the Divine messenger as you allow the messages to travel through you on the breath of the wind. Surrender completely to becoming the vessel for Spirit’s pure LOVE.Feeling the pure presence of unconditional LOVE communicating from the many realms, weaving a web of unconditional love connecting all hearts.
Gather with your kin folk to dance, sing, write and breathe Spirit’s messages from the Cosmos into the COSMIC HEART of all existence!
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC EARTH – CABAN today synergistically reveals the signs and symbols from Spirit which puts you in the FLOW of Cosmic synchronicity. What a beautiful synergy – AS ABOVE SO BELOW
Our PACHAMAMA will reveal the SIGNS when you just SIT with her, and feel her presence through the 5 elements. Sit, Listen and OBSERVE and all will be revealed,
We need to LISTEN and observe more intently in order to respond with more sensitivity and compassion as an instrument for Spirit. Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense it and experience it. Deeply LISTEN for the sounds of the wind’s messages that are directed from the very HEART of SOURCE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC STORM – CAUAC brings forth the transformative energies that brings the change that LIBERATES us. This enables the FLOW of pure energy to catalyse the LOVE R-Evolution that is needed.
This SUPERPOWER will ensure we attract all that we need to evolve to a purer frequency, assisting humanity in transcending the old paradigm. A beautiful synergy of transformational forces with the COSMIC wind.
Place your LEFT HAND on your HEART, and RIGHT HAND on your Solar Plexus/Stomach – thumb in your belly button.
Take a deep breath in and send that breath simultaneously out your CROWN and your FEET – connecting a column of WHITE LIGHT to SOURCE and to MOTHER GAIA.
Being aligned and UNIFIED with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified with white LIGHT permeating your being, clearing your Divine Heart with the frequency of WHITE WIND and BLUE STORM. Allow the STORM to blow out all the cobwebs and dissolve all blocks and heart walls.
As your HEART chakra, and HIGHER HEART is cleared – expand your HEART toroidal field out infinitely.
Feel and experience yourself as PURE LIGHT – as a LIGHT BEING – formless and floating on infinite COSMIC WAVES of BLISS
All FLOWING back to your origin. Enjoy the COSMIC UNION as you BLEND with DIVINE SOURCE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN – EB challenges you today to truly RADIATE your LIGHT and LOVE, to powerfully influence those around you, who are reflecting on your radiance through the state of pure presence.
EB invites you to use your intelligence and your own independent creativity to foster and empower greater HEART connection with all beings. NOW is the TIME to choose LOVE, instead of fear!
Always make your choices in alignment with LOVE for all humanity. The purer your intent and the more you dedicate yourself to Divine service, the more Spirit will co create with you, bringing forth people, resources and guides to assist you in realizing your greater Divine Mission.
We have a plethora of DIVINE codes today in this HEAVENLY transition, challenging you to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL. LIsten to the whispering of the WIND and SIGNS from Mother EARTH to navigate your path aligned with your highest DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s challenge is to SURRENDER your little human will to that of the GOD FORCE. Aligning with DIVINE MIND is the best form of LIBERATION, as we surrender our egoic drive, in order to return to Spirit, ultimately leading us back to ONENESS.
“Divine Presence within,
living in wholeness,
moving in Joy and Love,
I surrender to your Will.
Bring the radiance of your Light
into my Heart and mind,
and merge with me to manifest
your Will upon the Earth. ”
SOURCE: P 196 THE ESSENES – CHILDREN of the LIGHT. – Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis
so blessed be, dear ones! A POWERFUL day for listening and communicating in pure DEVOTION to Spirit as you hold the pure presence of unconditional LOVE through your being.
SURRENDER yourself to Spirit and align with your DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to become a PURE vessel for SPIRIT holding the pure presence of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in my HEART and my every word?
And so we bid adieu to OC – the beautiful LOYAL and devoted WHITE DOG who has cracked OPEN our Hearts through compassion for our fellow humans. It has been a potent lesson these past few years, in choosing to BOND and unite with our fellow Hu-mans despite the wedge that has been cast between us. Reach out and UNITE with your fellow HU-MANS as we all walk together through the Cosmic bridge to infinite LOVE available to all.
All roads lead us back home to SOURCE and the doorway OPENS through the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Why else do we incarnate in a physical body, but to experience LOVE in all its forms?.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell as we journey deep into the DREAMTIME with AKBAL – the mystical intuitive BLUE NIGHT who will guide us into the deep subconscious dreaming, and holds the keysfor AWAKENING COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE .
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….in these miraculous evolutionary times!! Bon voyage precious StarBlissSuns
We have a plethora of DIVINE codes today in this HEAVENLY transition, challenging you to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL. LIsten to the whispering of the WIND and SIGNS from Mother EARTH to navigate your path aligned with your highest DIVINE MISSION.
Today’s challenge is to SURRENDER your little human will to that of the GOD FORCE. Aligning with DIVINE MIND is the best form of LIBERATION, as we surrender our egoic drive, in order to return to Spirit, ultimately leading us back to ONENESS.
“Divine Presence within,
living in wholeness,
moving in Joy and Love,
I surrender to your Will.
Bring the radiance of your Light
into my Heart and mind,
and merge with me to manifest
your Will upon the Earth. ”
SOURCE: P 196 THE ESSENES – CHILDREN of the LIGHT. – Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis
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