5th Dimensional White Light Grid ~ Crown Chakra of Gaia * HUGE spike of Ionized Energy Flooding Earth ~ Quantum Shift
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Rainbow Diamond Light Beings of Eternal Life and Infinite Light
On this final day of the first month of our Universal 9 Year we have made a Quantum Shift in Consciousness and have anchored in a Higher more stable Timeline of balance and harmony for all our Good People of the New Earth.
As we Shift from January to February, tomorrow on the 1st we celebrate the Sacred Day of Imbolc and Goddess Brigid, which is the midway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox and a day of renewal, fertility, and the returning light.
Our local Soualris joins us in these Holy Days becoming very active again today releasing 9 Class Soular Flares and a Trinity of M class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 6.76 at 14:06 UTC enveloping Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun with Adamantine Diamond Gamma Plasma Rays of Indestructible Light.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Indonesia at 11:03 UTC, raising the frequency of the New Lemuria into our current collective trajectory.
As Christ Consciousness walks upon the Holy Still Waters of Eternity a Ripple forms across the surface to spread Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Abundance to all inhabitants of the Infinite multiverse.
In the Eternal Unborn Mind of Buddha all things become clear and the perfection of all Life shines through all illusions and delusions to reveal our True Middle Path to Freedom and Liberation, once and for all!
As the Lion lays down with the lamb, the Yin merges with the Yang and the Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union, the meek are inheriting the Earth in this Now…A’Ho!
Quick update – We experienced a HUGE spike of ionized energy hitting Earth last night, which your bodies will be integrating today. Don’t worry if you feel strange or have unusual sensations—it’s all part of the process. We are encountering some intense energetic turbulence, with more to come. The body will adapt but it might feel a bit strange over the weekend.
22 portal
The 22 portal is already open. I am sure you have felt the energy shift since the New moon. Number 2 is associated with intuition, harmony, balance, love, union, relationships and partnerships of all kinds. It is a feminine energy that is helping us see, feel, realise what is missing or what we need to clear out of our systems to feel balanced, calm, joyful and passionate about life in the present moment.
This is the opportunity to release the heaviness out of your system and breathe in the new energy. Bring yourself into balance and harmony. Even though the energy can be heavy on portal days, we are always reminded that we are the divine beings learning how to live a happy life, how to step into our power, etc.
We might not see the bigger picture when triggered, but every portal gives us the opportunity to receive new downloads and light codes.
There is so much knowledge within us and on portal days we get the opportunity to access it, to remember, so we can make the next step in the right direction. Things might not make sense just yet, but trust in the divine plan. It is always unfolding as it should, even if we can’t see it yet.
The energy will be elevated until the 22nd of February when we have the 222 portal, which means we will have 20 days of high frequency energy coming in – which is the longest time of any portal (with the 11 – 111 portal and 111 – 1111 portals, we have 10 days and with any other portal we “only” have the day of the portal – but some of the portals like the 88 portal are totally powerful).
We request that All join in at Activating the Physical Pineal Gland of Gaia/Earth into the 5th Dimensional White Light Grid.
The recent Wave in Chile was an indication that the Pineal Gland of Gaia was cracking open and being prepared for Activation, that time is NOW.
It is positioned in the South Pacific Ocean at coordinates
43 21 44 S
97 57 48 W
The Golden Circle see in one of the attached photos has a radius of 632 miles and represents the Crown Chakra of Gaia. John 316 speaks about Christ(DivineMasculine), to double this to 632 has Sophia/Mary Magdalene/ Divine Feminine as equal representation for the Golden Age.
One 5D White Light Ley Line from the Pineal Gland attaches to Easter Island and Activates the Vortex Stargate 23 as well.
1/31/25: You’re officially free of January’s efforts to get you out of your own way. Now that it’s over, you should be able to see how you were encouraged (forced) to let go of controlling anything or anyone… including your own feelings. How there were times when you could only take one step, one moment, one breath because old habits and expectations weren’t working anymore and the way wasn’t clear.
How you learned that you are the pivot point in your life and that movement and progress requires shifts in your perspective, attitude, or intention. And, most importantly, how much was accomplished without your help. February will work on your inner balance… and that outcome depends on how well you navigated January.
The 2025 Cosmic Event That Will Change Everything as We KNOW It!!!
As We move forward into this New Era. . . This Mass Collective Awakening is prompting a Shift towards a more advanced State of Awareness.
As We liberate our SELVES from the limiting illusions of our old existence. . . We have the Chance to Step into a Galactic Society.
Moving out of the 3rd Dimensional reality. . . We are BEginning to recognize all the constraints that have held us back from achieving Higher Consciousness.
The 3rd Dimension is driven by fear. . . judgment. . . and separation. The Human perspective is often moulded by materialism and greed. . . survival and separation.
Breaking Free from this illusion is essential if We want to experience the vibrant life that awaits in Higher Dimensions.
As We awaken and recognize that We are more than just our physical form. . . an expansive sense of potential unfolds.
The Shift to a Higher Consciousness is marked by a profound transformation in our worldview.
Rather than seeing life through a lens of scarcity. . . We BEgin to embrace ideas of Abundance. . . Collaboration and Compassion.
Transitioning to a New Earth means welcoming a reality filled with Transparency. . . Compassion. . . Unity. . . and Mutual Respect.
Our perceptions of time and space will Shift. . . We BEgin to understand our deeper connection with Not just our fellow Humans. . . but also with Nature and the Universe.
In a Galactic Society. . . Spiritual Awareness will take center stage over material pursuits. Intuition will Sharpen. . . Guiding our decisions with greater Wisdom and Insight.
We’ll find our SELVES evolving beyond fear-driven living. . . granting us authentic freedom to express who We are.
On the New Earth. . . the relationship with nature will undergo a significant Transformation.
A respectful and cooperative relationship with our environment will take precedence.
Sustainability will evolve into a fundamental way of life. . . one that Honours the planet and ALL its inhabitants.
Expect to see initiatives that focus on organic farming. . . tree planting. . . and community gardens. . . all aimed at establishing a thriving ecosystem where Humans and Nature thrive together.
In our New Reality. . . advancements in technology will enhance the well-being of Earth and Humanity.
While AI technology. . . can help with the understanding of what is needed to advance. . .
AI will Not be allowed to control narratives that determine the future or have any control over the Human race and will be blocked and removed if it tries.
We must understand that AI is Not Natural Consciousness. . . and so therefore. . . it is Not of the Light. . . Not of GOD-SOURCE and CanNot Ascend with us into the Higher forms of Light of the 5th Dimension.
Only Natural Consciousness can Ascend.
Many are worried about the Nano particles that many received during the forced injections.
This is Not AI. These are data tech. . . or components. . . that will connect with the AI if it is implanted in our body.
All of it is connected. The Nano tech was just part of the Darks Plan to Implement an AI control microchip.
The Nano tech by themselves does Not affect our Consciousness. . . which is what is Ascending.
Understand that this dark plan has been foiled and will Not advance.
As We consider the potential that lies ahead. . . We must prepare for our journey into a 5D existence.
Key steps involve cultivating Mindfulness. . . Love. . . and Compassion to align our SELVES with this Higher Frequency.
In these moments. . . We are BEing Elevated into Higher 4th Dimensional Vibrations.
Humanity will continue in this stage until the Grand Event which will lift us completely out of the 4th Dimension and into a 5th Dimensional state of BEing.
Where our Entire form is Elevated. . . in the Higher Spectrum of Existence.
We are Not alone as We make this transition. Many more individuals are NOW Awakening. Approach this societal Shift with an open Heart and Genuine Intent.
As We step through the veil of illusion. . . a world rich with opportunities for Love. . . Growth. . . and Connection awaits.
This Galactic Society is Not merely a distant dream. . . it is an attainable reality that is just on the Horizon.
By freeing our SELVES from the shackles of old patterns of the 3rd Dimension. . . and embracing Higher Frequencies of Love and Unity. . . We pave the way for a Harmonious Existence that Nurtures Not only us but all of Humanity.
NOW is the Moment to Welcome the incredible Possibilities that lie ahead.
Are We Ready to Enter this NEW CHAPTER Dear Ones?
With Love and Intention. . . embark on this transformative journey and BE a vital part of the New Earth that is Emerging.
Each Moment is an Opportunity for Transformation. . . leading us toward Alignment with the ONENESS of our Beloved GOD-SOURCE!
While Serpent Medicine has a myriad connotations which we are presently feeling with the start of the Lunar Year of the Serpent , it is the curious aspect of Goddess Bast that has been showing up simultaneously for me.
When i asked for the connection, this is what I got:
All ancient Goddess Mystery Schools were either associated with Wisdom or Healing or both. And it was the Serpent Medicine that was the Source of both forms of Alchemy.
The Priestesses of Bast have often shown up in my sessions as midwives of souls, both entering or leaving the Earth plane. They are adept in healing not only the physical body but also the Soul , especially where there is deep trauma which the soul is likely to carry into its next incarnation if not healed.
They “regenerated’ the Lifeforce of the Individuals using their own sexual/ serpent/ kundalini Energy. The Temples of Bast were also where the weary souls would go to ignite the spark of Creativity as music /dance / movement was often used to reignite the dwindling Lifeforce of patrons.
It is This “ Regeneration” energy that has been unleashed with this turn of the Wheels of Time, given that we are also currently in the Imbolc gateway 29th Jan-3rd Feb in the N.Hemisphere which initiates the stirring or quickening or regeneration of Life Force of Gaia .
Where are you feeling the “stirrings” within your energy fields with this New moon energy- that where the serpent medicine is bringing healing and regeneration for you via the Priestesses of Bast. Call in this energy with the Intention of receiving healing wherever you need some divine intervention!!
Where are feeling a sudden surge of Creative Juices flowing…again Bast Energy guiding you to your Creative Potential via Serpent medicine!!!
Dear friends, as we approach the end of January 2025, the cosmos is setting the stage for a dynamic transition into February. A pair of solar coronal holes, particularly the large coronal hole #11, are now facing Earth, poised to unleash a solar wind stream that will interact with our planet’s magnetic field. This celestial event is expected to peak by January 31st and into February 1st, with active geomagnetic conditions forecasted.
The energies emanating from these coronal holes can have a profound impact on our planet’s magnetic field, potentially influencing our emotional, mental, and physical states. As we navigate this solar wind stream, we may experience heightened emotional sensitivity and intuition, as if our emotional antennae are tuning into the subtlest vibrations. Our minds may become more focused and clear, with creative ideas and inspiration flowing more freely. However, some energy sensitive individuals may also experience disruptions to their sleep patterns, technology glitches, or physical sensations like headaches, fatigue, or tingling.
Aurora sky watchers at high latitudes should be alert this weekend, as the increased solar activity may produce spectacular displays of the Northern Lights. The night sky may come alive with dancing colors, a breathtaking reminder of the awe-inspiring beauty of our universe.
The timing of this event is intriguing, as it coincides with the transition from January to February. This period often marks a turning point, where we reflect on the past month’s experiences and set intentions for the new month. The energies from the coronal holes can amplify this process, encouraging us to release old patterns and energies that no longer serve us. As we let go of what’s holding us back, we can embody new perspectives and insights gained from recent experiences. This is an ideal time to set clear intentions for the upcoming month, aligning with our highest potential and welcoming the opportunities for growth and transformation that this solar wind stream may bring.
As we navigate this celestial event, remember to stay grounded, centered, and hydrated. Engage in self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, and remain open to the possibilities that this solar wind stream may bring. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to ride the waves of this energetic shift and emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant on the other side.
Have a great weekend, and see you soon under the new February energies.
For The Light Facilitation Of Your Hu-man Form Is Providing Much Insights For You To Explore.
A Great Wonderment Is Before You, As 2025 Brings The Great Light Of Now. We Provide This Message To Highlight The Incremental Advances Before You.
For Your Role Is To Stay In Attunement With This Light Frequency. Understand The Sacredness Of This Light Frequency As The Illusion Of The Physical Reality Continues To Unfold, And Represent Itself In Many Formats Of Observation.
For The Parallels Of Many Light Perceptions Is Now Before You, As Many Openings Of Light Uprise In Your World.
We Wish To Confirm, The Human Mission Is In Alignment With Gaia’s Higher Mission.
We Ask You To Feel Into This
For The Ancient Light Encodements Of You Is Uprising, A Collective Synergy Now Unfolding, leading Each Of You To Explore Different Aspects Of Your Light Mission.
We Ask You To Visualise This Light In A Multidimensional Perspective.
For This Is Important To Truly Understand The Depth And Breath Of Light Work Now Taking Place In Your Reality, Interconnected To Your Higher Mission.
The Importance Of Anchoring The Human Form Is Before You As The Great Uprising Of Light Is A Balanced State Of Great Awareness.
For The Great Uprising Is All Around You In Many Formats. Your Role Is To Be The Observer, Choose The Path Aligned To The Organic Alignment Of Gaia.
The True Empowerment Of Now Aligns With The Crystalline Presence Of Gaia Uprising
You are in a collaborative process with Creation that needs your time and energy. Settle into stillness by going quiet from the outer world this weekend. Explore the past and the future through the lens of love. Connect to the breath and call on your inner voice that has guidance to instil. All of this information is assisting in weaving the direction for your future.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
magical Pisces stellium
Molly McCord
Big astrology closes out January! The New Moon in Aquarius also coincides with Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aqua, and Uranus stationing direct at 23 deg Taurus.
Changes and shocks are happening this week! Dynamics changes are coming in strong and won’t stop this week a lot of cosmic shifts in the works! The Aquarius New Moon at 9 deg 51 on January 29 is boosted by Uranus stationing direct at 23 dg 15 Taurus the next day, amplifying more surprises and shocks.
February begins with a magical Pisces stellium (Moon, Venus, Neptune, and NN) all at 28 deg, which sets the stage for the next few months with karmic endings, grand closures, and compassion portals.
Then Venus enters Aries on Feb 3, where she will move slowly through the first sign of the zodiac this month before her retrograde begins on March 1 at 10 deg 50 Aries.
Jupiter stations direct at 11 deg Gemini on Feb 4, and with the trine to Mercury in Aquarius occurring at the same time, big messages, news, announcements, and inspired directions will light up the path ahead.
On Friday, January 31st, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in dreamy Pisces and has just grown a sliver from the New Moon in Aquarius that we had two days ago. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so perhaps we are energetically bringing something to completion situationally, or within ourselves, in order to prepare for something new.
Today Luna (the Moon) is in a challenging square to Jupiter, ruler of our belief systems, in changeable Gemini, and a weighing opposition to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in the same uncertain sign of the Fish. We are bringing a mind-set, an outlook, a circumstance or one of “life’s teaching moments” to its conclusion. At least our soul is attempting to guide us there. Be gentle with yourself. Do not push….go with the flow….listen to the whispers of Spirit. You are Divinely Protected and Guided in your journey.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in dreamy Pisces
Lunar aspects. Mars retrograde in Cancer quincunx Ceres in Aquarius. Neptune in Pisces semi-sextile Hygeia in Aries – For some, the feeling of overwhelm is acute. What we need is tenderness, a soft spot to fall, a blanket fort, empathy. But instead, we may feel like we’re met with hard words, intellectualised reasons, politics, excuses. Internally, the dialogue may be the same, dancing between provoke and attack, scoffing at discomfort or dismissive.
‘That wasn’t the missive’ says Neptune. He links hands with Hygeia and now we’re flooded with healing. Holy healing happens when we open to compassion. Cleanse your aura with incense. Bless your water before drinking. Salt the boundaries of your home, doorways and windows. Make love your weapon of choice. Sometimes, when we don’t get what we need, we regress. Comfort your inner child to regain your strength. Inner peace is preventative medicine. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number thirteen and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. It’s the last day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell and we have all been on missions, even those who were not conscious of it. The 13th day is always tough and enduring. There’s a lot to take in and process. The number 13 is powerful but with that power comes a price and it’s not unlucky, just intense and of course that entirely depends on what day it combines with.
Today is the Yellow Star which is the symbol of ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. The ‘Cosmic’ star invites us to ‘Transcend beautifully or Endure for Art’. We can all shine like stars today but it takes effort. This is not a recipe for a laid back chilled out day. Get up, go out and see the beautiful world we all sometimes take for granted. Transcend through the beauty of nature and fill yourself up with some beautiful vibes. We are all stars of the Cosmos! The last day of a wavespell is like the final destination of a journey that had 13 stops along the way. The ‘Yellow Warrior to Yellow Star’ express was a wild ride that brought us here which is quite a beautiful place! How was your trip?
The Guide today is the Yellow Human who has great intuition. When in the guiding position, it is showing us how we can better navigate our own path, by following our natural instincts. So, from the Cosmos download what you need to know so you may sparkle!
The Challenge is the White Mirror which is the symbol of reflecting truth. Don’t believe everything you hear today, take things with a pinch of salt. If you are a Mirror, today will be more enduring for you, than the rest of us. Our challenges are meant to address imbalances and so whatever your challenge is, use that opportunity every 20 days, to face it head on.
The Occult power is Red Skywalker who is the essence of curiosity, adventure and courage. Always the first to be out the door on an impulse, the Skywalker wants to discover and explore and when in this position, it is magic which he is experimenting with. Be bold everyone, it can be fun to discover new things.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you need a friend today, they are great fun to hang out with. Monkeys just love sparkly, shiny things and this is why he adores Yellow Stars. If you are a Blue Monkey, you’ll be in a friendly mood today and willing to lend a helping hand.
MANTRA I ENDURE in order to BEAUTIFY Transcending Art I seal the store of elegance With the Cosmic tone of presence I AM guided by the power of Free will
31/1/2025 = 4/1/9 = 4/10=4/1=5
DAY CODES 31- Genius number/Think outside the BOX! 4-Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic 5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 208 = 10 = 1 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority/New Beginnings
An EXPANSIVE day of DIVINE elegance and creativity. Beauty is calling you to walk through the doorways to a better world!
Day 13 is the final day in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL, of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path, with a profound intelligence. We are disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today as we close this 13 day journey with CIB, our fearless YELLOW WARRIOR, we hold the pure presence of FEARLESS intelligence. Reflecting upon our place in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation.
We have journeyed FAR, from a place of battling from HARM, to a NEW HARMONY!
Our QUEST led us back to our original Divine state of Harmony and elegance, as part of this beautiful creation. Our Yellow Warrior has fearlessly forged a new path to the new world and now LAMAT OPENS the second door and beckons us to walk through!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality on through this ELEGANT DIVINE PORTAL.
They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure intelligent presence, translating into pure Harmony and beauty. So many DIVINE CODINGS today that you have NO CHOICE but to become a DIVINE SPIRITUAL BEING through OSMOSIS, absorbing these stellar codes into every cell of your being!
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Today we can be still, and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace, through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose in our Harmonic Matrix.
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY that enfolds me, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix and ascending into the NEW TIME, through pure Cosmic presence!”
And so we bid adieu to CIB – the courageous YELLOW WARRIOR who has guided our QUEST through this arduous Spiritual initiation. Through facing our greatest FEARS, and setting a true course to New Earth, finding our true North, to claim our Divine destiny. The RAINBOW WARRIOR comes home VICTORIOUS, finding the Holy Grail within his own precious HEART.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with MULUC the sensitive and intuitive feminine RED MOON Goddess, who will soften us into yielding to her Universal Waters, finding our pure HARMONIC FLOW in this New World we are collectively creating.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your trance-send-dance into pure Harmonic wisdom and FULL COSMIC ethereal PRESENCE!
Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
27 moons ago – 3 Galactic spins, KIN 208 occurred on the 12:12 COSMIC STARGATE on 12 DECEMBER 2022…
And so the weary RAINBOW WARRIORS NOW arrive at the SECOND STARGATE
KIN 188 opened the first STARGATE 20 days ago, as the YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR on 11 January 2025, enabling the authentic STAR travellers to walk through the doors, as we ORGANIZE for the NEW TIME to be laid and anchored as the TRUE PATH for humanity to follow from this day forth.
NOW is the RIGHT TIME for the authentic GALACTIC travellers, to be admitted to the NEW TIME, as GAIA ASCENDS into a STAR pulsing out WAVES of BLISS… very exciting.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we revel in the pure presence of what such a world of beauty would look and feel like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
This COSMIC STAR-GATE is reflecting the ordered HARMONY, coded into our natural HARMONIC MATRIX. DIVINE CREATOR has a PLAN for GAIA’S ASCENSION and it is absolutely BRILLIANT in every detail!
THY WILL BE DONE and we are all along for the RIDE of our eternal LIVES!
That beautiful world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives.
Our collective consciousness is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into.
Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM. Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS!
Use the portal of LAMAT to call forth (with sincere intention) your Higher Universal Self to merge and unite in your Galactic Mission to humanity.
It is time to CELEBRATE with our COSMIC STAR FAMILY!
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN EB the intelligent and wise Yellow Human beckons us to evolve into our pure Divine presence through alignment with Harmonic wisdom. The COSMIC HU-MAN is the higher guide today and the highest level of the human, – evolving through Divine Wisdom into attaining Cosmic Consciousness..
When the WARRIOR transcends his egoic desires, and aligns with the greater QUEST for humanity, he discovers the Holy Grail within his pure presence, merging into ALL THAT IS.
The COSMIC HU-MAN receives the wisdom from his experience, by aligning his free will to the harmonic path, revealed in the beautiful elegant patterns of creation itself. The fractals, the matrices and the harmonic woven web of interconnectedness, through the web of life itself, as a SPARK of the Divine.
Each spark of the Divine, can in turn influence, and truly impact, the depths of creation, just as a pebble dropped in the ocean creates a ripple effect. It is from this we learn, that when we truly are in HARMONY with the patterns of creation, then we too can influence the movement of those patterns, by co-creating consciously the greatest beauty that there is.
It is in our deepest WISDOM that we are able to influence the HARMONY of the SPHERES, to greater and greater harmonic revelations…pure symphonic music to our ears!
We are collectively orchestrating a New song for Nova Terra, so that we can dance to the rhythm of a new drum!
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY – CHUEN brings forth the presence of pure MAJIK today The infinite MAJIK of CREATION, accessible throughout the vast infinite COSMOS.. The supreme MAJIK of feeling the beauty of being connected, as part of the Harmonic symphony that is being orchestrated on our beautiful planet.
CHUEN is the great Magician, illusionist, trickstar and time traveller.. who can brilliantly utilize and apply the MAJIK flowing from SOURCE through the COSMIC STARGATE today.
CHUEN is a MASTER alchemist, and manifests his desired reality through the ART of PLAY. Playing with his kin, pure heartedly in a joyous and beautiful new adventure playground.
As we receive the majikal vision of what is possible for us and our planet, we can endure and transcend the limitations. Holding presence as our pure innocent Divine child, trusting in the MAJIK of our Divine Father to lead the way home again.
Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us, to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER – BEN beckons us to AWAKEN, EXPLORE and EXPAND beyond all perceived limits. The fearless Warrior joins with BEN to lead us bravely to step out of our comfort zone and boldly go into new territory, revealing untold beauty and adventure.
MAGNETIC BEN enables us to attract all that is needed, to elevate our Consciousness, to embody the entire Cosmic web of Creation.
BEN shows us that the SKY’S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is NO LIMIT, in this endless infinite Galaxy of bountiful creation. EXPAND your presence and REACH for the STARS.
It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life, here on our divine planet, anchoring the BLISS through bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR – ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things, and to hold the presence of pure POSITIVE, high vibrational frequencies in our LIGHT bodies. Surrendering to being a pure reflection of pure consciousness!
Allow the YELLOW WARRIOR and ETZNAB to use the sword of TRUTH, to cut away all that is extraneous to the endless order of consciousness. Reflecting the divine patterns of pure unadulterated TRUTH.
The TRUTH shall set you FREE!
The COSMIC MIRROR reveals the path, to ESCAPE the broken glass from the shattering MATRIX.
As we can now SEE and REMEMBER our COSMIC ORIGINS we are FREE to soar into new realms – endlessly floating on a SEA of BLISS. Infinite multi-dimensional realms to explore with BEN.
The brave and honourable YELLOW WARRIOR has now completed his QUEST, much stronger and wiser. And now a beautiful new adventure beckons, as we enter this beautiful new world filled with infinite Cosmic LOVE….
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY that enfolds me, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix and ascending into the NEW TIME, through pure Cosmic presence!”
And so we bid adieu to CIB – the courageous YELLOW WARRIOR who has guided our QUEST through this arduous Spiritual initiation. Through facing our greatest FEARS, and setting a true course to New Earth, finding our true North, to claim our Divine destiny. The RAINBOW WARRIOR comes home VICTORIOUS, finding the Holy Grail within his own precious HEART.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell with MULUC the sensitive and intuitive feminine RED MOON Goddess, who will soften us into yielding to her Universal Waters, finding our pure HARMONIC FLOW in this New World we are collectively creating.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for your trance-send-dance into pure Harmonic wisdom and FULL COSMIC ethereal PRESENCE!
Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Mantra for the Indestructible Diamond Mind of Buddha
“Om Vajra Tathagata Hum,
Unshaken, Unbreakable, Infinite Light,
Clarity beyond illusion, Wisdom beyond time,
I awaken the Diamond Mind within,
Radiant, Pure, Indestructible—So it is!”
🌟 Chant this mantra to align with the unwavering wisdom, clarity, and enlightenment of the Buddha’s Diamond Mind, dissolving all illusions and embracing the eternal, indestructible truth. 🕉
“Om Vajra Tathagata Hum” translates to “O, the Diamond (Vajra) Buddha (Tathagata), with the essence of ultimate reality (Hum)” – essentially invoking the power and wisdom of a fully enlightened being, represented by the diamond symbol, to manifest the true nature of reality within oneself; “Om” signifying the beginning of creation and “Hum” representing the realization of that ultimate truth.
Key points about the phrase:
Represents the cosmic sound, often associated with the beginning of creation and the ultimate reality.
Means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” symbolizing strength, clarity, and the ability to cut through illusion.
A Sanskrit term for “Thus Gone One,” referring to a Buddha who has attained complete enlightenment.
Represents the essence of enlightenment, the ultimate truth, and the potential for realization within oneself.
OM VAJRASATTVA HUM.We can clean our minds of greed, hatred, and delusion by meditating on him. He carries a vajra thunderbolt in his heart, which signifies his upaya, or talent in liberating creatures via compassion
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