Beyond 2012 ~ The Veil is lifting
The Event is coming soon. We can experience the shift now by going into the heart center and feeling one with all things.
The Event is coming soon. We can experience the shift now by going into the heart center and feeling one with all things.
Host Michelle Walling interviews Sonya, who chooses to remain anonymous for several reasons. Sonya and Michelle met just after the huge Equinox shift and have been speaking every day since then, comparing notes in their everyday reality. The biggest introductory topic between them was that Sonya and her sister began emitting light from their pores. Her sister and many people in her family have been activated and are glowing as well.
The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance “Light body upgrade” Will take place Jan 26th 2017 Thursday 4:00pm mountain standard time. Where you can tune in to through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix. This coincides with the rare astrological event where all planets are moving direct in the month of January.
There is a grand shift taking place on the planet at this moment in time. People from all walks of life, all over the face of the Earth, are awakening to their true power and inner calling. The beginning seeds of this movement first began back in the 60’s and 70’s when flower children were born, spreading their message of peace and love. Afterward, the global awakening of the collective consciousness truly began to pick up speed during the supposed ‘end of the world’ prediction based off Mayan calculations.
We are addressing different spectrums of the Starseed and Light Bearers shift awakening, to let you know you are all a part of this together, each affecting the whole matrix 444 and that is all beings on the planet in unison of creation of the human web of light. Some of the old souls, ultra sensitive empaths who have been on the path for a long time, may feel fatigued and burned out from the years and decades of transforming the energies, ascending and evolving.