A Wake Up Call for ALL LightWorkers

In this time of transition, the time of the Great shift moving beyond the Kali Yuga and into a Golden Age for all eternity. all being incarnated on Earth presently are warriors of the Light but not all hear the calling... If you are reading this you are one of the chosen to help all humanity walk into the light. As a warrior of Light we live a path with heart.

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Commune with Spirits

Ev tried to conform to a conventional model of a service-oriented career as an 80’s-90’s power professional. She completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University and received a double Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and Art Therapy. Her educational background led her to work on a locked ward in San Francisco studying the development of mental illness and pathology with children and adolescents. The education was interesting, but the work left her yearning for a deeper way to access and enlighten consciousness.

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Message from the Arcturians from Suzanne Lie We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say "we" for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest. Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.



Some exercises get labeled as “old school” and in some people’s minds, that’s supposed to be a bad thing. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In this video, I’m showing you the best exercises ever for building old school muscle size and strength and how to make each one work faster for you. I’m going to show you the best tips for each of these great exercises to get more out of each of these iron classics. Each of the exercises listed in this video is included because of the low risk high reward that it offers. As a physical therapist and strength coach for professional athletes, I have to know where to draw the line between the two. These exercises have stood the test of time in many strength and conditioning programs because they flat out work, and when done safely, work for a long time. The 6 greatest exercises in this old school edition video are as follows:


Time of expansion from Quan Yin

I come to you today as many of you are in a period of deep integration of the energies that entered your earth with the X-wave. While many of you are feeling the strong effects, understand this wave is doing exactly what was intended. Each of you is responding differently to the energies and this is determined by the amount of work each of you had done prior to the wave. Understand that all of the information, the light codes, are here to be accessed by all as each one is ready. For this reason you are in a period of deep integration. Once you have cleared density from your form, the light codes are then accessible to rewrite the programming and to change your light body. You will assimilate this information and then work on the next layer of encoding. While this may seem like a daunting task, you must understand that this will allow for incredible growth to take place and the transformation that you seek.

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The Importance of Imagination

Alexandra Meadors and Jon Rappoport share in a very profound conversation regarding the global economy and its players. Jon has a very unique way of seeing the globalist's false reality and what has evolved from this stage performance. We think you will thoroughly enjoy the profound scope presented on the US, China, Russia, Syria relations, as well as the mega corporations stirrings and how this is effecting the way this drama is concluding. You will love this interview! Jon's website is nomorefakenews.com.

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