Empowering our Planetary Grid of Divine Love
God's Heavenly Divine Light is Transmitting and Expanding to this Earth Realm through all individual's Heart Flame.
God's Heavenly Divine Light is Transmitting and Expanding to this Earth Realm through all individual's Heart Flame.
We, the Star Councils of Light, are de-lighted to enter into this portal with you, dear Earth people – the portal of 2018, in your time line. We bring you news that will excite you beyond measure – those of you who are ready for change! For those of you who are fearful of change – who are reluctant to let go of the safety of the shore and glide with the current of life’s stream into the new reality – you may experience cynical or doubting thoughts and emotions as you hear our words. But you will feel an underlying excitement, nevertheless, at the future possibilities we describe. And if you allow yourselves to move with that excitement, you will quickly dissolve the resistance that holds you back.
How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally? Good news for persons with serious eye conditions is that the how to improve your eyesight naturally product gives the quickest ways to stop certain conditions from worsening. These include lazy eye, cross eye, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, astigmatism, retinal disorders, near-sightedness and others.
Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence - https://primedisclosure.com/is-q-anon-ai Is Q Anon really A.I. - artificial intelligence or an inside government operative helping humanity trnasform into a positive state of existence. Some people believe A.I to be Alien or Inter-dimensional Intelligence. The question is is this Intelligence Malevolent or Benevolent? I guess only time will tell. Some people also believe that block-chain is a real world Skynet from the Terminator and A.I. is communicating through these block-chains. Elon Musk believes we may be summoning demons with this technology. Look at the connection between A.I. and Cern and also look up the black goo phenomenon. Things are really starting to get weird in the Matrix. (Divine Water)
These are minimal updates for those intentionally anchoring these new codes into their own physical body template as well. This last week - 10 days, we've anchored many new codes. I shared on a few earlier this month.
ODES & CODES & CODES & CODES & CODES - NONSTOP ♦ REPLACING TIMELINES WITH NEW ONES ♦ QUANTUM STYLE Aloha beautiful love family, Strong reality alignment energies... flooding our bodies, the earth and every aspect of our existence now... The galactic corridor is wide open and we are infusing light into everything more powerfully than ever before!
Sitting here writing this NEW Beginning and magical New Moon. In love and Grace with BLISS knowing no end. The Shortest Day ~ Of Daylight. December 21st, 2017, at 12:28 Pm AST. We enter the portal and womb…of darkness ONLY to EMERGE into the REBIRTH of Light. Welcoming IN the NOW new GREATER Light.
It is time to take the blinders off end the denial and address these issues. Not addressing them allows them to flourish. Draining the swamp includes all the fore-mentioned. For those who have been following the Russian collusion investigation it doesn’t get any more insane or fraudulent. Unfortunately, the cognitive dissonant, integrity-challenged lame stream media and their mind controlled following (often referred to as the liberal left) have no shame in continuing in this agenda. The fluoride, the chemtrails and project mockingbird are working. For those who do not know what chemtrails are search geoengineering and the NASA Papers. They actually name CNN as their chosen disinformation and mind control venue. I would also look into DEW, directed energy weapons concerning the California fires. Our hearts go out to those whose lives have been disrupted and lost their homes.
Lightworker News - Q Annon and David Wilcock Speak - Agenda 21 - Suicide Bomber in New York NEWS: Official Threatens Pedogate Disclosure, David Wilcock Meets Mega Anon - December…
In case you have not been following this, she is aware of the Alliance takedown operations against the Cabal on a level that very few, if any other insiders have at this point. She has prognosticated major, major shakedowns that will take place soon enough. In so doing she has validated many of the specifics I have been talking about since 2009.