Full Blown Collective Ascension Portal
Full Blown Collective Ascension Portal ~ Grace Solaris Ananda and the Arcturians As the ascension waves and tsunamis are rapidly quickening and will be reinforced and reach an unprecedented momentum,…
Full Blown Collective Ascension Portal ~ Grace Solaris Ananda and the Arcturians As the ascension waves and tsunamis are rapidly quickening and will be reinforced and reach an unprecedented momentum,…
New Earth Has Arrived - OCTOBER VIBRATIONS FORECAST by Natoya Hall As I sit and prepare to write this Forecast I can feel the expansiveness of the dimension I’m currently…
***We Are Uncloaking Our Ships To Those Who Are Ready To See*** <3 KaRa via James McConnell, September 29th, 2019 Per Staffan October 2, 2019 Pleiadians (channeled messages) KaRa (Channeled by…
Preparing for Transmutation into your Fifth Dimensional Human by Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. While Following YOUR Path There are NO mistakes or accidents If you can “follow YOUR road” into the…
9D Arcturian Council~Our Vision for Humanity’s Ascension Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a vision of…
12-stranded DNA ATHENS SEPTEMBER 26 1029 THE IMPORTANCE OF NEXT 3 MONTHS During the next 3 months everyone will have the chance to face and recognize their own shadow self.…
TimeLine of Change Pars Kutay ENERGY UPDATE There are many temporary Timelines jumping around and there is One solid Timeline that We are moving along steadily at this point. The…
HUGE COLLECTIVE QUANTUM TIMELINE SHIFT IN PROGRESS Ramona Lappin As the Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies within us all are balancing and merging at new HIGHer levels we are letting go…
"Being Present Has Nothing to Do With Time" Being Present is a state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with time. Being present in the now moment is the…
Cosmic Frequency Shift In Progress/ The Advanced Council Of Interplanetary Light Message by Diane Canfield Blessings Everyone, Cosmic Shift A Cosmic Frequency Shift is now in progress. This has…