Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanity's Billion-Year Legacy

The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. The Ancient Builder Race apparently left crystalline domes, pyramids, obelisks and underground cities all throughout our solar system as well as many neighboring ones.

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All Dimensions INTERFACE NOW ~ Here on Planet Earth

The Dimensions are very interesting to view when viewed from a place of separation from them. They all exist now and you might imagine them as overlays or spheres of consciousness “worlds” as realities that interface and penetrate the very fabric of the here and now. Many Beings are here on Planet Earth in the so-called 3D World ~ yet consciously exist in the higher Dimensions. These sphere of consciousness are ALL consciously ACCESSED when you live through your Higher God Self ~ Union. That is ~ with no awareness of SEPARATION. You exist in that state now ~ not consciously in your vibrating form of light that you perceive as solid. The Process of Ascension with the YOU as your conscious awareness now with your Original Light which aligns you with all the dimensions you exist in and AS ~ with the merging and Union within the consciousness that inhabits your form.

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LIGHTWORKER UPDATE: SHIPS AND LIGHT BEINGS ARE STREAMING IN AND READY! Katie IndiCrow – Many months ago I began sharing about advanced ‘et’ and light being contact. If you recall there were a few videos which I reposted two days ago. Since that time (and before it), I have been quietly going about practicing with team to learn dynamics of interdimensional movement and ways to create spaces where light family could come in with more ease. It is time, it seems, to provide another update! One of the main things that is being called for at this time is the unveiling of ships, light beings, and a more direct understanding of on the ground contact. Some including the reputable Dr. Suzanne Lie have been saying that during the eclipse, there will be events occurring in the sky that cannot be denied. Romeo Baron over at Ascension Energieshas been talking about contact for some time as well. Remember – there have been times on this earth where we lived in scenarios with grounded contact on the regular (that people knew about). For many of us, this reality has been strongly calling us to re-create. Guess what, friends?


The Event Flash — The Galactic Wave of Love

You know how powerful the forces of nature are amid a storm? When that sudden sound of thunder with a terrible noise surprises us and transports us to a feeling of awe and wonder. When the Event Flash is upon us it will be sudden, unexpected and everyone on this planet will experience it simultaneously. If we are asleep we will no doubt awaken with a knowing that something very unusual is taking place.

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RIP Jim Marrs UFO Conspiracy Paranormal Investigator Passes Away at 73

Acclaimed investigative journalist and beloved member of the conspiracy theory and UFO research community, Jim Marrs, has passed away. After several years working as a reporter for a variety of Texas newspapers, Marrs achieved worldwide notoriety for his landmark book Crossfire, which examined inconsistencies in the official story of the JFK assassination.

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