Activating the Christed Heart Petal

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July as you deepen your journey along the Pathway of Divine Love. You are moving into a deepening flow of Divine unconditional Love through the activation of the Diamond Light Codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and through the Galactic Center, and deeper into your Purity and Innocence, your Divinity. And with the additional activation of the Rose Grids through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose, the sacred dance of Divine Love, and the rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes, draws you closer into this Golden Rose Galaxy, the merging of your Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromedan Galaxy. Additionally, as the Diamond Light Codes of creation continue to activate and actualize through Mother Earth’s Light Body and into her leylines, vortices and sacred sites, a re-wiring of your chakras to these Cosmic Diamond Light Codes and higher dimensional frequencies occurs.

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Dimensional Realignment

Something strange has been happening, and if you have noticed this, you have been experiencing a REAL PHYSICAL, dimensional re-alignment. The last couple of months have been really challenging. I like to think of this as a cosmic fire walk. We have traveled through the 20 core days in the mayan calendar, magnified by 6 planets that were working backwards, while we strived really hard to live forward. We are much stronger for this huge initiation, and we should feel lighter and more solid than we have in months... and it is only going to get lighter as summer progresses. If you have felt this fire walk, I hope that what I share next will make sense to your journey.

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Your human aspect will experience many deaths along the way. Your physical body will too. This is how your SOUL awakens INSIDE YOUR BODY, and your physical cleanses and purifies all of the human'ness you came here to experience and transcend from within you. As your physical body awakens, it becomes conscious too. The ENERGY of LIGHT will start to move inside of you, activate and awaken that which you didn't REMEMBER existed....

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New Powerful Portals are opening, expanding and downloading in consciousness. This is a very deep and powerful alchemy process. This is impacting all consciousness. The increase of Source Light Frequency, transmitted through the Central Sun (Spiritual Sun) Pleiades, is activating Portals of Consciousness, NEW EARTH PORTALthrough which you are AWAKENING Through.

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10 Ways to Boost your Immunity Naturally

In this time of the great shift, more than ever, we need to be conscious co-creators with our health and wellness. Our bodies and nervous systems are becoming more sensitive to the nerergies and vibrations of our world and environments. We must be vigilant in being responsible for how we treat and nourish our sacred temples, our physical bodies. Obviously our thoughts and actions are also very important but in this article today I will be covering our physical bodies and health.

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The Sun Gate and Grand Climax

Great beings of the Earth, as the 2016 solstice sun gate prepares to open to the kingdom of heaven, the third and final mass ascension wave of this planet will walk across the great rainbow bridge, even beyond death and experience a brand new paradigm for the first time. A grand cosmic announcement of freedom for the earth is about to be proclaimed. There are incredible Earth changes under way and great bodies in the heavens are showing themselves as they move ‘to and fro’ allowing huge amounts of magnetic white ionized light to flow into the earth for the grand climax of ‘The Event Horizon.’ At this time for first and second wave ascended beings, the physcal human body still may need to go into hibernation-delta mode for a bit as these incredible energies integrate and morph the DNA into a more advanced species. Do not be alarmed and know that nothing is wrong with you health-wise.

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Energetic Activation

We’re nearly halfway through 2016 and if you feel like you have made no progress this year, you are probably right in more than a few ways. So far 2016 has felt like one big retrograde with each small step forward accompanied by several huge steps backward. But this month the energy clears and we have a double 6 vibe (June is the 6th month, 2016 is a 9 and 9 + 6 = 15, which adds up to 6), so we can see movement, grounding of higher vibe energy, and concrete progress, with a big caveat – we must align internally first, before we act externally. June’s energy is like a rose – the outer petals open when the inner ones are ready—and it’s also the month that roses traditionally begin to bloom. May’s five retrogrades helped put us into position and now we’re entering a new month with new options, opportunities, and a big desire to move forward, which we have been awaiting for a long time.

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Higher Realm Energies

The higher realm energies have activated and the old programming is pushed up to be seen. These also open portals, create dimension rifts and allow for overlapping parallels to become visible in the physical here. Pay attention to absolutely everything and start stretching your mind beyond it's previous comprehension now. This occurs every day now, watch for "markers" (mine are ambulances/sirens), as these activate to tell you what realities are present, what portals are open and more. I hear the frequencies activate and within a half hour to an hour the sirens come blaring through (this did not used to be a normal occurrence, yet I saw all of this last year and to "watch" for such things to "tell" what realms are active at any given time). I have a video on various Quantum Experiences lately, along with the new super expansion of the Unified Consciousness Field available now. It's been uploading all night and still not half done.

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