The Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor at Turtle Lodge

In prophecy, the Knowledge Keepers of the First Peoples of Turtle Island foretold of a time when people from the four directions of the world would come together. This is the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The Eagle represents the people of the northern hemisphere, and the Condor the people of the southern hemisphere. In June this prophecy will be fulfilled at the Onjisay Aki International Climate Summit, as Indigenous peoples unite the human family at the center of the continent of Turtle Island.

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Crow Medicine

Crow is the left-handed guardian. Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law. There are several species of crow. Raven is one of these and magpies are another. Crow medicine people are masters of illusion. Do not try to figure crow out. It is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen.

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