ET First Contact

ET-First Contact Radio HOST MAARTEN HORST, Speaks every Thursday about the development of Disclosure, First Contact and the Changes that are taking place on Gaia to prepare us for the great Shift, leading us to Ascension. All related subjects like The Galactic Federation will be dealt with in depth.

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We are your Arcturian friends, closely watching the evolving processes on Gaia. As high level frequencies arrived from your Galactic Center, and now penetrating the surface of your planet, many veils are lifting on the astral and ethereal level around earth and also around yourself. This is the reason why we are now coming closer together. Now it is easier for us to make a conscious connection with you, as it is also easier for you to connect with the level of our higher frequency of light.


Sacred Union and the Divine Heart

Beloved Family of Light, the energies are accelerating as you move towards the 11/11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. This will be a powerful moment in your New Earth Transformation, a moment when the energies of Sacred Union and the Divine Heart come together to initiate and activate New Creation on your Earth. It will also be a moment when your Multi-Dimensional Body will be ready to activate the Template for your new 5D Body within your Cellular Blueprints.

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How To Channel Your Higher Self

What comes to mind when you think of the idea of channeling? It is much more than ‘an alien entity speaking through you’ or as skeptics would consider ‘a well practiced message that garners popularity.’ Channeling is being just that; a channel. A channel for energy to flow through you – an endless ebb and flow rippling throughout all levels of reality. We are all conduits of energy, so just by breathing and just by being – you are channeling. We all have the innate ability to bring a ‘higher’ source of consciousness through us. Anything that comes through you as a separate entity still exists as an aspect of you. Channeling ‘Archangel Micheal’ is information filtered through the angelic aspect of you. We are all different expressions of the same energy. So the idea of channeling can be seen as a constant, unconscious act of life. To consciously connect with and channel a higher source takes time and practice.

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Five million years ago the genetic mutation was placed in DNA strand 1 to cause blockage of physical and etheric bodies. The sixth activation code (over tone) of the first DNA strand was removed, causing mutations in 1,2, and three DNA. It manifested in blockages of bodies particles and anti particles of the spiritual body of the parallel universe. That seal removed the humanities ability to have an Immortal body. It removed bodily transmutation and ability to pass into our Divine Blue Print. Seals were also placed in the sixth overtone of the sub harmonics in DNA strand 2 and 3. This became known as the 6-6-6 Death Seal.

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Forgiveness & The Violet Flame

Just as material Alchemy can turn Lead into Gold, the violet flame turns the lower vibrations of our human existence into expressions of our highest divine potential. The life of an Ascended Human Angel. The violet flame has a strong effect on emotional, mental and physical level, as well as through all layers of our individual spiral dance of creation. What we usually know as “past – present and future”. This means working with the violet flame can be used to shift the present moment, to raise above lower vibrational pattern and to release us from any karmic depths and energetic entanglements we still carry inside. It is an important tool of the divine blueprint for the Golden Age of Aquarius, uniting our divine trinity through the power of colors. Gold for the Christ Consciousness “I AM”, Pink for unconditional love and divine mercy and Blue for divine guidance and individual faith in our soul-plan.

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A Wake Up Call for ALL LightWorkers

In this time of transition, the time of the Great shift moving beyond the Kali Yuga and into a Golden Age for all eternity. all being incarnated on Earth presently are warriors of the Light but not all hear the calling... If you are reading this you are one of the chosen to help all humanity walk into the light. As a warrior of Light we live a path with heart.

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Commune with Spirits

Ev tried to conform to a conventional model of a service-oriented career as an 80’s-90’s power professional. She completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University and received a double Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and Art Therapy. Her educational background led her to work on a locked ward in San Francisco studying the development of mental illness and pathology with children and adolescents. The education was interesting, but the work left her yearning for a deeper way to access and enlighten consciousness.

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