About the Benefits of MedBed – The Galactic Federation of Light

About the benefits of MedBed
The Galactic Federation of Light channeled by Kate Woodley
Note: This technology is not yet available to the general public. Ask for this to be released to humanity as soon as possible.
Kare [Interviewer]:
This man I met says he is capable of transforming, removing or eliminating nanotechnology from people’s bodies. And I guess my question is: is this possible? And can Kate and I do that, if it’s possible?
Galactic Federation of Light:
Yes, it is possible. What we see, or rather, what we show Kate (Plumber), is that this is all a matter of vibration. This nanotechnology feeds on lower vibrations in the body itself, in the very being, and is fed, or rather, enabled by them.
When one focuses on raising the vibration, it is almost as if the nanotechnology is energetically deactivated or dissipated. For lack of a better word, it’s almost like she’s being “electrocuted”. And how that happens is a pretty complex explanation that we don’t think Kate (Channeler) would understand because it’s rooted in physics and even quantum science.
But we have a feeling that in the future, for those who have had a lot of difficulty raising their vibration and deactivating any nanotechnology that may be in their physical body, we will see what you call medical beds.
We don’t necessarily call them medical beds, but we understand this is familiar and resonates with you, so we will refer to these medical beds as soft pods.
And this light carries with it a high vibration that removes any pathogens, toxins or any other minute technology that may be present in the body.
It is similar to laser treatment, but it is not pure laser. It is a newer, more advanced light-based technology that some of you have access to on your planet, but which has not yet been made widely available. So yes, it is possible.
Until these capsules of light or beds of medicine become available, which won’t happen for a while, the only way for you to free yourself from this is to raise your vibration.
And for those of you who are more adept in this aspect, setting the intention to not submit to anything in your body or without it does not serve your highest and highest good.
But we understand that many of you have not yet mastered this practice.
It is still beyond the scope of your understanding. So if you are concerned about this, know that these pathogens can and will be eliminated in the future.
Everyone is sovereign over their own body
Kare [Interviewer]:
This is a very helpful and comforting message. Thank you very much. As you were talking, I was thinking that in my practice, when I help other people heal, I often come across implants. And I invoke several beings to help me remove them. Is this something I could do with the nanotechnology I found or am discovering?
Galactic Federation of Light:
Yes absolutely. There are no limits to human intention and focus. Any limitations you have been taught are not based in truth.
There is very little difference between the underlying technology and composition of an implant and nanotechnology.
The only difference, you see, is the size and therefore the ease with which you can perceive or perceive it during your cleaning work. But you can certainly remove this. But it’s also imperative that the person coming to you believes it can be done. Because this is a meeting between your intentions and the client’s intentions.
And while your intentions are very, very powerful, they are even more powerful when combined with your customer’s intentions. And it’s important that these customers understand that this is possible.
Everyone is sovereign over their own body. You control your health and well-being much, much more than you realize. This is part of how you have all been deprived of your own powers and abilities.
We look forward to reminding you and awakening you to your inner beauty and your wide range of abilities.
It will be great. It will be a thrill for many of you to try to discover what you are capable of – and healing yourself and others is a big part of that.
Medical Beds Work with your own intentions and your own conscience
Kare [Interviewer]:
Thank you. Thank you very much. And is there anything else? Is there anything else you would like to add before we wrap up?
Galactic Federation of Light:
Yes, we simply want to inform you that these medicinal beds or these light capsules, although technologically very advanced, work together with the human being’s consciousness; with your intentions. It is not something that is done from the outside to an individual. For nothing can truly be done to an individual without his permission and consent, for you are all masters of your own domain.
When you go to the meditation bed with the intention of regenerating yourself, this intense light, this high vibrational energy, works in combination with your intentions to achieve the desired effect. It is simply a “reinforcement” of your own intentions. And it speeds up the end result, so to speak.
This is an overly simplified explanation, but we believe it will be helpful for all of you to understand how these medicinal beds work. If you go in with the intention of removing pathogens, it will happen. If you go in with the intention of rejuvenating yourself, it will happen.
It is the light that highlights your own light and your own desires. We hope this clears everything up.
Kare [Interviewer]:
This is very, very exciting. Do you have any idea when these medical beds will be more available to humanity?
Galactic Federation of Light:
Yes, we have many, many off planet. There are some on the planet that a small number of individuals have access to. Some of these individuals are not necessarily of the Light, but have benefited from these drug beds.
But these medicinal beds or light capsules have been made available to Warriors and Lightworkers, those who are at the forefront of advancements in the fields of medicine and medicine.
health, who have learned how they work, who have tested and tested their use and benefits. And now there are a limited number.
In the future, when your current institutions, especially those in healthcare, that do not necessarily serve the people or always have their best interests in mind, when there is a more comprehensive dismantling of this approach and this mentality, these medical beds will be introduced slowly and gradually become.
We believe that within a few years they will be widely known and understood.
We believe it will be a slow and gradual implementation.
And when knowledge becomes more common and commonplace, there will be many who will work to spread these capsules of light, or build them and learn about them, so that, in time, they will have a global reach.
You can heal yourself through your intentions
Kare [Interviewer]:
Wonderful. I can’t wait, it looks fantastic. And I’m wondering if we could energetically engage with a medical bed in meditation so that we can reap the benefits now.
Galactic Federation of Light:
Ah, well, that’s a good and interesting question. We are very pleased that you asked this question. Some of you have had access to these medical beds in your dreams, albeit minimally and more on an energetic or astral level, more for spiritual and energetic healing and calm. Some individuals had access to these on a physical level.
But let’s say this: you are all a capsule of light. You have the ability of these medicinal beds when you utilize your own power and abilities. We understand this seems absurd at this point. It seems far-fetched. But with your intentions and focus, and believing that you have unlimited healing powers, you can begin to focus on cellular rejuvenation, healing on many levels.
You can always ask your entourage for help. Although we cannot necessarily guarantee that everyone who applies for a medical bed will have the opportunity to do so at this time. But we can see it becoming more available in the future.
Galactic Federation news.
Let’s talk about new age medicine, what awaits us, how we will be treated. I want to warn you right away that this has nothing to do with science fiction.
The medicine of new times differs in that it will be completely new, treatment methods will help to correctly diagnose and identify the causes of the disease with the help of new technologies, as well as choose the appropriate treatment without drugs. This medicine will give everyone the opportunity to find a cure for themselves, without putting their health at risk.
How are illnesses treated? We will be able to diagnose diseases by scanning the machine and also by scanning the biofield. In addition to the new diagnoses, there will be medical beds accessible to everyone. These beds can automatically detect and eliminate the cause, making our work easier.
First, let’s find out where these beds come from, more precisely, where they come from. I have already talked about the construction of the boxes and their medical department. Representatives of the Galactic Federation use these beds on their ships and planets, which help them heal and care for their bodies after attacks.
What types of medical beds are there?
– Medical rejuvenation bed
– Medical treatment for serious illnesses
– Medical bed for treating organs and diseases
– Treatment bed for organs and body parts
– Bedside medical therapy for mental disorders
– Medbett clears negative influences
– Medbed for animal healing
What are these beds like?
These beds look like capsules, others are centrifugal, the third type is sweeping.
Each of these beds has different functions and the treatment time depends on the customer’s request. The treatment is monitored by specialists.
Medical bed rejuvenation
These beds can rejuvenate your body, figure and appearance up to 25 years old, more precisely if you are over 50/60 years old then we can rejuvenate you as much as you want according to your desire. These beds can extend the service life. They act on cells without injections. This procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes.
Medical treatment for serious illnesses
This bed is provided for serious diseases that do not respond to treatment, such as AIDS, cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc… Treatment is fast, these beds can find the causes of diseased cells and eliminate the cells produced by them using invisible microparticles. This treatment can take up to 5 minutes.
Medical treatment of organs and diseases
Consider this species, these beds are capable of curing any organ, any disease in seconds, eliminating severe forms, pathologies.
Diabetes, the treatment of unequal diseases
Medical treatment of organs and diseases
Consider this species, these beds are capable of curing any organ, any disease in seconds, eliminating severe forms, pathologies.
Diabetes, the treatment of unequal diseases
Medical bed structure of organs and body parts
This species is able to find the missing body tissue in the organ itself to complement the organ or body part. This bed can help the client to develop an organ, a body part like legs, arms, teeth in 10 minutes.
Medical treatment for mental illness
These beds treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, severe forms of trauma such as violence… Exposure to these beds can erase part of the memory.
Cleaning the medical bed from negative influences
The bed is able to remove negative influences from the biofield in minutes
QFS ready for launch: GESARA and financial services centers ready to replace banks!
Once the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is fully operational, say goodbye to the days of exorbitant fees for financial services. No more usury fees on loans, no more bankers pocketing your hard-earned money, and no more delays in transferring funds. Everything will be simple, with transfers happening directly from one account to another, managed exclusively by the account holders themselves.
Forget third-party systems like CIPS or SWIFT. The QFS eliminates the need for these intermediaries, putting the power back in the hands of individuals. You will see customers walking out of banks with smiles on their faces, wondering how banks will survive without their traditional fee structures. The era of bankers manipulating money to make a profit is over.
QFS is not only free and secure; it is extremely fast. A new financial services industry will emerge, replacing traditional banking services and offering them free of charge. Enter the Financial Services Centers, led by Major Jim Holders and Jim Benefactors.
These centers will use current buildings and bank branches as centers, transforming them into the epicenters of this revolutionary financial change. This is where substantial humanitarian funds will be directed, ensuring that these centers meet the financial needs of the population without the exploitative practices of the past.
A critical aspect of the QFS is the treatment of currencies. Fiat currency and other traditional forms of money can only enter the QFS through a meticulous exchange process where digital vouchers are issued. Without these vouchers, the system cannot recognize the currency as legitimate. The Zim redemption process, for example, activates a voucher and deposits it into the customer’s QFS account, ensuring the currency is clean, transparent and free of any links to terrorism.
It is essential to understand that QFS is not yet fully activated. The currency is currently downloaded into the Alliance system, but full activation is dependent on the completion of the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
Several conditions must be met before this can occur, including the rescue of Zim and the revaluation of global currencies. A crucial prerequisite is the collapse and full disclosure of the central banking system, a system that has enslaved humanity for decades.
The Elders, who have accumulated gold for centuries, play a key role in this transformation. Its gold, hidden in caves, was once lent to the central banking system to finance the reconstruction of Europe after the world wars. However, this gold was never returned and was instead used to build a financial empire that perpetuated global enslavement.
The QFS coin is backed by this gold, with each kilogram identified by a unique serial number, linking it to a corresponding amount of coin. This ensures that every digital note issued on the QFS is backed by tangible assets.
The transition to the QFS will not be without challenges. A significant hurdle will be the integration of debit cards for commercial purchases. While VISA and Mastercard currently dominate this space, adapting them to QFS debit cards will be a monumental task.
Over time, the merchant fees associated with these cards will be eliminated, fundamentally changing the way these companies operate. QFS, with its advanced security systems, will prevent fraud and ensure the security of all transactions, safeguarding our financial future as long as money is used to exchange goods and services.
The Financial Services Centers represent the future vision of the financial services industry within the QFS. These centers will emerge from the ashes of collapsed banks, essential to maintaining the glue that holds society together through financial transactions.
Jim Benefactor, while primarily focused on humanitarian efforts, will play a critical role in establishing this new industry. The financial services sector is crucial to the success of society, similar to ensuring food and shelter for humanity.
The inherently unprofitable structure of the QFS will require the intervention of wealthy individuals like Jim Benefactor to save and repurpose the existing banking infrastructure. By acquiring assets in the banking sector, these Financial Services Centers will transform traditional structures into centers of the new financial services industry, making QFS a reality for everyone.
QFS is not just an advanced system; marks the end of the corrupt central banking system controlled by the cabal. Trust the plan! The QFS Satellite Monetary System and the GCR will usher in a permanent golden age under GESARA , putting an end to deep state corruption. This monumental shift, often referred to as the Black Swan event, is imminent and will lead to the global financial reset.
Believe in the plan. The QFS, the GCR and the introduction of revolutionary technologies like Med Beds signal our departure from the matrix and the beginning of a new golden age. This is the new financial system, a complete reset that will change everything. Transformation is upon us and those who believe in the plan will witness the birth of a new era.

How will advanced civilizations change after GESARA?
What kind of society will be created when GESARA is activated, currency is reset, and currency becomes stable?
Although it was not mentioned this time, the value of basic income, which is a guaranteed minimum income, is not certain.
Given that circumstances differ from country to country, firstly, what if income tax, corporation tax and consumption tax were abolished and excessive interest on illegal bank loans were liquidated?
Basic income payment standards are expected to be determined at a later date.
He says banks will disappear.
In addition to the Medbed, which normalizes cells frequently, and the Replicator, which allows you to freely create things in the shape you want, the technology hidden by the Illuminati allows people to live a life that is not limited by time, material, or place. That’s not the case?
And, above all, what kind of happiness does freedom from mental pain caused by poverty, ill health, inadequate work, etc. bring?
Below are excerpts from the article.
Banks are tools of the cabal that control us in a debt-based economy that can never bring prosperity.
As a result, banknotes and banks will eventually disappear . Coins are not like that.
Purified water from Antarctica is used to turn the desert green and restore the mineral life of all plants and living things.
The future will be incredibly complete with our personal credit cards.A “replicator” app that lets you create anything . And most importantly, a “new awareness” of the “power of the mind” to “display” our needs.Plus, “real healthcare” (Medbed) that makes you healthy instead of sick , regenerates your limbs and organs, and reduce your age by 30 years are also readily available.
Business and profits will increase significantly in the coming years.
This creates wealth. An important aspect of Gesara is the cancellation of the national debt of every country on the planet , so that taxes for citizens and businesses will be adjusted to be lower.
A flat sales tax of around 15% is applied to new products .
When free energy, transportation, and replicators are distributed to everyone, we become equal.No one will be a slave, people will do what they want, they will have free time, they will think and be creative.There is no need to save anything.Advanced civilizations don’t wonder where their next meal will come from, how they’ll pay their rent, or how they’ll get from A to B.
What is the currency change period and the effect of tax reduction after GESARA activation?
What will the change of currency and the abolition of income tax be like after the implementation of GESARA?
Once GESARA is announced , it will herald a “global gold standard”.All remaining fiat currencies will be monetized as gold standard currencies .Paper money will eventually be phased out and all .The goal is to make the migration event simple, smooth and fast.This new financial system has been online for several months and is hosted on secured Quantum servers that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.In particular, the distribution of wealth is very stable. People with extreme, newly acquired wealth are much more likely to feel able to help family, close friends, and fellow citizens.They are more likely to participate in humanitarian efforts. This is wealth accumulation.
RV may have a shortage of skilled workers. This is wealth building.However, this will lead to higher wages and salaries.This is reflected in the price, but is offset by a tax reduction of up to 80% of the final cost of the product in some cases . (This means costs will decrease if corporation tax is abolished.)This would lead to deflation. As prices fall, workers and their families save more. This generates wealth.
It looks like things are starting – I received three different reports saying that Zurich has started. People are receiving notices and having contracts signed, some are under NDA and will be awaiting their blessing next week. If you say it’s not true, it’s because it’s not your turn yet. It’s a process.
“Dear Mr. XXY, I hope you have a good day. I would like to inform you of the good news soon. In addition to exclusively positive news, we can now observe surprisingly positive market turmoil. All official buyers are working hard to prepare the files for settlement, and this month we will be able to see the first ones.
HARP first liquidates all types of dragons and HK-$, but only a few days later with German bonds and then with currencies. What is important now is peace of mind on the part of the environment and, above all, intermediaries, confidential cooperation with the protection of all security interests, as well as good cooperation and direct communication between sellers and Mr. .XY and/and you.
As stated earlier, if you are contacted by any unknown person, write down their name and contact details, do not provide any information or sign anything.
Now is the time when many individuals and criminal organizations will attempt to obtain data.
Carpathia also heard from a source who has an associate in Zurich!
Yesterday, Telegram channels exploded when one of the leaders of the Pentecostal group in a video on YouTube
People were very happy, excited and I had hundreds of private messages coming to me, What’s App was exploding… people were full of joy. What we received is that they became liquid. It’s purely liquid now and now they’re about to release those funds right now.
We will soon receive messages to be ready.
I was quite emotional because I’m on that platform, I’ll be signing that NDA soon, but when that happens, I’m sorry, you won’t hear from me because I’ll have to close, but it depends on what the NDA says what you can and what you can’t. you can say, but if I can’t talk about Intel, I can’t do the live chat, but if I can talk about it, I’ll do more live chats.
I received another message from Brazil.
They have received their contracts, signed their NDA and await your blessing. A person from Colombia called me and said:
“Wolvie, Wolvie, I got the email! Oh my God, I got my email! This person had a really hard time and barely made it through and was praising God that it finally happened. He will receive these funds next week.
I’m not hearing much from Reno. I hope to get some news from there. The Admiral needs to go first, so we will receive news for group 4 A, which is a private in that group, so the Admiral needs to go first.
Notifications should be going out – PLEASE WAIT
I just got a message that HE just got his blessing!) There you go everyone, I just got a pop-up message! It is a special code that describes your blessing.
If you are a registered bondholder in a group, this will happen as soon as they arrange payment for all their members.
For 4B, for currency/securities, we only need these notifications.
I’m sure we’ll get those currency notifications over the weekend.
I’m sure we will receive that notification.
Some are asking about “why cell phone notifications”?
This is for bondholders in groups.
Leaders will have phone numbers of their members and will send text messages to all members. There is a different setup with different groups.
In my group we have emails, the majority have emails.
Wolverine via Carpathia
June 14, 2024 Wolverine:
- “It’s started. Lots of Bond People are getting paid. It’s the biggest wealth transfer in the history of this planet. I’m absolutely amazed. It looks like things are starting – I’ve got three different reports saying Zurich has started. People are getting notifications and having contracts signed , some are under NDA and will wait for your blessing next week. If you say this is not true, it is because your turn has not yet come.
- “We will soon receive messages to be ready. I was quite emotional, as I’m on that platform, I’ll be signing that NDA soon, but when that happens, I’m sorry, you won’t hear from me because I’ll have to close, but it depends on what the NDA says what you can and what you can’t say, but if I can’t talk about Intel, I can’t do the live chat, but if I can talk about it, I’ll do more live chats.
- I received another message from Brazil. They have received their contracts, signed their NDA and await your blessing. Someone from Colombia called me and said: “Wolvie, Wolvie, I got the email! Oh my God, I got my email! This person had a really hard time and barely made it through and was praising God that it finally happened. He will receive these funds next week.
- I’m not hearing much from Reno. I hope to get some news from there. The Admiral needs to go first, so we will receive news for group 4A, which is a private in that group, so the Admiral needs to go first.
- Notifications should be going out – WAIT. I just got a message that HE just got your blessing!) There you go everyone, I just got a pop-up message! It is a special code that describes your blessing. If you are a registered bondholder in a group, this will happen as soon as they arrange payment for all their members.
- For Tier4B, for currency/securities, we only need these notifications. I’m sure we’ll get those currency notifications over the weekend. I’m sure we will receive that notification. Some are asking “why notifications on cell phones”? This is for bondholders in groups. Leaders will have phone numbers of their members and will send text messages to all members. There is a different setup with different groups. In my group we have emails, the majority have emails.
- Fri June 14, 2024, member friend in Zurich: “Dear Mr. XXY, I hope you have a good day. I would like to inform you of the good news soon. In addition to exclusively positive news, we can now observe surprisingly positive market turmoil. All official buyers are working hard to prepare the files for settlement, and this month we will be able to see the first ones. HARP first liquidates all types of dragons and HK-$, but only a few days later with German bonds and then with currencies. What is important now is peace of mind on the part of the environment and, above all, intermediaries, confidential cooperation with the protection of all security interests, as well as good cooperation and direct communication between sellers and Mr. .XY and/and you. As stated earlier: If you are contacted by any unknown person, write down their name and contact details, do not provide any information or sign anything. Now is the time when many individuals and criminal organizations will attempt to obtain data.
- Fri June 14, 2024 Source in Zurich: “Yesterday, the telegram channels exploded when one of the leaders of the Pentecostal group published a video on YouTube. People were very happy, excited and I received hundreds of private messages reaching me. What’s App was exploding… people were filled with joy. What we received is that they became liquid. It’s purely liquid now and now they’re about to release those funds right now.
Fastepo: BRICS say no to IMF and World Bank – Sunday, June 16, 2024
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been central to the global financial system, providing much-needed financial assistance and policy advice to countries in development. However, the effectiveness of these institutions in serving the best interests of the Global South has been the subject of intense debate, especially among the BRICS countries.Critics argue that the IMF and World Bank have historically been controlled by Western powers, with lending policies and structural adjustment programs that perpetuate Western dominance and ignore local needs and priorities.
For example, the IMF’s structural adjustment programs, designed to stabilize crisis economies, have often led to social and economic disruptions in developing countries. These programs impose strict conditions on borrowing countries, requiring them to implement policies that may not be aligned with their development goals or social welfare objectives.
Dissatisfaction with traditional financial institutions has led BRICS nations to advocate for a reformed global financial system that better represents the interests of the Global South. The creation of the New Development Bank (NDB) by the BRICS is a significant step towards this objective.
This institution aims to support infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the BRICS and other emerging economies, offering a more balanced approach that respects the sovereignty and specific development needs of member countries.
The NDB, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as founding members, has adopted a more inclusive and equitable approach to lending. This is evident in the bank’s commitment to prioritizing investments in sustainable infrastructure projects, which are key drivers of economic growth and development.
Furthermore, the NDB operates based on the principle of equal representation among its members, ensuring that each country has an equal say in the decision-making process and promoting a more democratic global financial system.
The emergence of the NDB and similar initiatives from the Global South highlights the need for a reassessment of the roles of the World Bank and the IMF. As the global economy continues to evolve, these established institutions must adapt to better serve the needs of all member countries and promote more equitable and sustainable growth.
It is crucial that the World Bank and IMF engage in constructive dialogue with the Global South, acknowledging past grievances and committing to a more inclusive and participatory approach. This may involve reassessing their credit policies and structural adjustment programs, as well as providing developing countries with greater representation in their governance structures.
By adopting a more collaborative and responsive approach, the World Bank and IMF can continue to play a vital role in global development, while also addressing the concerns of the Global South.
In conclusion, the rise of the New Development Bank and the ongoing criticism of the World Bank and IMF require a change of approach in the global financial system. A more inclusive, equitable and sustainable development financing model must be prioritized, taking into account the needs and priorities of the Global South. By embracing this change, the global financial system can better serve all member countries and promote prosperity on a global scale.
Watch the Fastepo video below for more information.
RV RELEASED: How Indian rupee will RV by 4,708% in new gold-based monetary system
I highly recommend that you read two of my previous articles on the gold-based BRICS currency, which I call the CTCU (Common Trading Currency Unit).
This article assumes that you already have a good understanding of the foundation and composition of the new BRICS CTCU gold-based common trading currency.
Here are my two previous articles explaining the BRICS CTCU:
- Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency Is Underway
- A behind-the-scenes look at the gold-backed BRICS currency
This is going to be a lot to digest. But everything is fine. It took me months to figure out what you’re about to read.
About CTCU and Coin RVs
As the BRICS Alliance continues to expand and moves closer to the introduction of its gold-backed Common Trading Currency Unit (CTCU), the global financial landscape is poised for transformative change.
This new system, designed to counter the dominance of traditional fiat currencies such as the US dollar and the euro, promises to significantly revalue the currencies of the BRICS alliance countries.
This article explores the incredible implications of this new financial paradigm, detailing the process and calculations behind early revaluation.
Using the variables and formulas explained (in detail) later in this article, this is how the RV of the Indian Rupee will compare to the US Dollar once the BRICS gold-based currency CTCU comes online.
Here are the basic assumptions used to determine the RV exchange rate:
- Gold price in US dollars on the SGE (Shanghai Gold Exchange) This price per gram is assumed at the time the BRICS CTCU goes into operation, but can be higher: US$80/gram or US$2,500/oz.
- Note: The price already reached US$78.86/gram on May 20th this year at SGE.
- CTCU Gold Support : 40% or 0.4 grams per CTCU . This golden percentage has been mentioned repeatedly by the really smart people planning the CTCU structure.
- The native currency component of INR within the new CTCU: 60%
- The pre-CTCU exchange rate of INR to US Dollar : 83.58 INR per USD or 1.2 cents per INR (this is the latest rate)
- The RV exchange rate of INR to USD after the gold-based CTCU is in place and operational : 1.73 INR per USD or 57.7 cents per INR .
Which means the Indian rupee exchange rate will be RV from the current 1.2 US cents/INR to 57.7 US cents/INR in US dollar terms. This represents a 4,708.33% increase in the exchange rate of the rupee against the US fiat dollar.
This is just an example currency based on the calculations and variables defined below.
In my next article, I will do the calculations for the Iraqi dinar, the Vietnamese dong (VND) and some other currencies.
There are a few more variables involved for these coins as they are artificially depressed and will go through a process of removing the zeros from their current note denominations.
Here are all the details you need to know to understand how I calculated this RV to INR ratio.
Understanding the variables needed to calculate the new RV gold-based exchange rate for any currency
To help you understand how to calculate the change in exchange rates when a new gold-backed monetary system is introduced, let’s break down the key variables you need to consider in simple terms:
- Gold Price : This is the current price of gold per gram on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). Think of it as the store of value of a small piece of gold, like a gram.
- Gold Component in CTCU : This is the amount of gold included in one unit of the new currency (CTCU). It represents the value of gold in each unit of the new currency.
- Monetary component in CTCU : This is the portion of the new currency that comes from the local money of a BRICS country, such as the Indian rupee.
- Pre-CTCU exchange rate : This is the exchange rate of local money against the US dollar before the introduction of the new gold-backed monetary system. It shows how much local money you need to get a US dollar before any changes to the gold-based monetary system.
- Post-CTCU exchange rate : This is the new exchange rate of the local currency against the US dollar after the new system comes into effect. Indicates how much local money will be needed to obtain one US dollar after revaluation.
- Amount of local currency held : This is how much of a specific country’s currency you held before the new system was introduced.
Putting it all together
When the new gold-backed monetary system is introduced, these variables will determine how much your specific monetary holdings will be worth compared to the US dollar.
The price of gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the amount of gold in the new currency establish a base value for each unit of the new currency.
The part of the new currency made up of local money combines the value of gold with the value of the local currency. The old exchange rate shows the value of local money compared to the US dollar before the change, while the new exchange rate shows its value after the change.
Knowing how much country currency you have helps you understand how its value changes with the new gold-based system.
By considering these factors, you can see how the introduction of a new currency backed by gold would significantly increase the value of local money compared to major fiat currencies such as the US dollar.
This helps illustrate the potential financial impact and revaluation (RV) that is underway.
The end result
The planned introduction of the BRICS CTCU has the potential to revolutionize the global economic system, creating a multipolar financial landscape where traditional fiat currencies and gold-backed CTCUs coexist. For the countries of the BRICS alliance, this change promises a significant monetary revaluation and greater economic stability.
As the BRICS nations prepare for this monumental shift, the world is watching closely, anticipating a new era of financial innovation and economic rebalancing. BRICS currency holders should stay informed and consider the potential implications of this transformative development on their financial strategies and investments.
Detailed math for readers who want to delve deeper into the calculations to determine the new RV exchange rates
CTCU was designed as a hybrid currency backed by hard assets, primarily gold. Each CTCU unit consists of a specific amount of gold and the remaining value derived from the BRICS countries’ currencies.
You can create a simple spreadsheet using these variables and formulas to play with numbers.
I know these variables and formulas look small on mobile devices. However, simply click on any of the math or equation images below to get a larger view.
These calculations and equations are best viewed on a laptop or desktop PC with a larger screen.

Pre-CTCU exchange rates and initial holdings

Post-CTCU Reassessment: Hypothetical Scenario

Summary of all variables required to calculate the RV exchange rate of any currency

All calculations needed to arrive at the new RV exchange rate

The RV and Rescue Funds.
ALL coins exchanged, as well as all Zim redemption funds, will be placed into the accounts they open in the Quantum Financial System. Absolutely none of these funds will be placed in a Bank at the time of redemption.
Bank computers cannot be programmed to transfer Digital Gold Certificates. The QFS can and will transplant funds to a bank account, as explained previously, so a person can transfer funds to their own bank account, but the convenience will be less and less as banks go into receivership and deposits of its customers are confiscated to prevent the Bank from disappearing. Which bank can compete with QFS when QFS is free, secure, private and stable?
One of the main problems in the transition will be the use of debit cards for commercial purchases. Will VISA or Mastercard be available? We will see what the Alliance comes up with, but there will be a lot of work to be done to change the VISA or Mastercard structure to work with a QFS debit card – but it will eventually be done.
Merchant fees for VISA and Mastercard or any other card will be eliminated, so changes will occur. A major cost for credit card companies is stolen cards and fraud. QFS learns all these counterfeit activities, including identity theft. The QFS security system will guarantee our financial security as long as we use money to exchange goods and services.
Introducing “Financial Service Centers”. The future of the new financial services industry.
There is a need for it to be eliminated within the new Quantum Financial System. The financial system is the glue that holds society together as we conduct our trade with one another. It’s essential. As long as money is used to exchange goods and services, it is a service that must continue in some form and, hopefully, better. Positioning ourselves to perform this service is essential.
As Zim Benefactors begin their humanitarian activities, a new Financial Services Industry will have to be created out of the disappearing banks. It’s an important facet of society that few Zim Benefactors have thought about. The Financial Services Industry is as important as putting food on the table and a roof over humanity’s heads for society to succeed. Again, it is the glue or mortar that holds the bricks of society together.
With the lack of any profits in the QFS structure, it will fall on the Zim Benefactors with large sums of money to rescue the banking structure and create a new financial services industry called Financial Services Centers. We can do this by purchasing the assets of the banking industry and transforming the entire structure, as it currently exists, into Financial Services Centers.
The Real Estate Agency is there, the employees are there and the customers are there waiting to be served. If we, as a group of Zim Benefactors, have the ability to find great people who want to continue to serve, we can acquire the assets including the branches, and pay for the entire structure without profit incentive. So which of us Zim holders will accept $12 million dollars to redeem a 100T Zim note? Only the uninformed who listen to the Deep State gurus.
Current employees from senior management, from middle management, to cashiers can receive very high salaries provided by the Revenue Sharing Solutions framework. They will receive Employment Contract Shares for their work, as well as the Individual Shareholder program. Every existing bank can be acquired by Zim Benefactors and, depending on the timing, we can transform everything from a sector of society that is in decline to one that is alive and well and serving people’s needs.
Consumers will always need loans for cars, houses, etc. and may need help learning how to use the QFS for their own personal financial needs. All of this can be met by transforming the banking structure into Financial Service Centers, a place where your questions can be answered. With the customer’s permission, tellers will have access to their QFS accounts and can help with obtaining money, etc.
We have a lot of work to do to implement this new QFS in society.
The QFS is our tool to do the work we came here to do. Our task will be to position ourselves to serve in many roles that we may not have thought of before. The Spirit will help us as we ask for and receive our divine guidance in using our funds in service to our brothers and sisters in the Family of God. We are here to change the way the world works, not just to help the poor.
Blessings to All, and to All, be a blessing.
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