You are currently viewing The Quantum Shift ~ Must listen: From Sunday – The Shift for all things quantum begins tomorrow ~ QFS (QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM)

The Quantum Shift ~ Must listen: From Sunday – The Shift for all things quantum begins tomorrow ~ QFS (QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM)

Must listen: From Sunday – The Shift for all things quantum begins tomorrow ~ QFS (QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM)


Get ready to celebrate! This is the official beginning of the RV GCR and, NESARA/GESARA, and best of all, the Fall of the Cabal”!! !










Must listen:   From Sunday –  The shift for all things quantum begins tomorrow

Earlier today, a very encouraging message from a South American Patriot for Freedom circulated, from Telegram, to chat, to Whatsapp and in all the usual places. He shared some truths that we’ve all heard bits and pieces of, which ring more than true today given everything we’ve heard. It’s a remarkable amount of information.

The essence of this is that starting tomorrow, all banks around the world will exclusively use QFS (QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM). Confirmed by a variety of sources in many positions of authority… SWIFT is no longer permitted. Period. Drop the microphone and exit stage left.

No further discussion is allowed. Any bank that tries to transfer money via SWIFT loses its ability to operate in the banking/financial sector. The authorities (from Chapéu Branco – White Hat) are not messing around.


This is about putting one last nail in the coffin of “money laundering” and bad corrupt acts. When the general population – and bad actors involved in illegal activities, learn that the QFS is monitoring the movement of money for 50 moves (and more), they will start sweating more than sweating.

Desperation will have set in, leading to (potentially) desperate acts. Hence all the warning videos of doom and gloom and discussions of EMF attacks/power failures/blackouts, whatever the evil cabal might entertain in retaliation, it is possible but not likely.


Quantum It all started today, and tomorrow, Monday, we will be able to see the evidence. Treasurers around the world are contacting their downline with reports that money has been released. The only hope is for Quantum to let it all slide, according to the approved and verified GOLDEN accounts held by tens of thousands of good people – Dreamers, like you and me.

These are people from CMKX, on many platforms that were created to participate in the Glory Days of the Paper-Fiat Money Buy/Sell Ponzi Scheme that proliferated in the 1990s. These are people who joined private groups and received SKRs, for government bonds and for currencies that were subsequently traded on similar platforms.

These accounts run into tens of thousands and Quantum touched everyone to qualify both the recipient, the source of the funds and all the people who participate, in the fees, in the commissions, all the people who in some way participated in earning this money. What an incredible feat this was!


This massive Watershed Event will touch every corner of the world, especially those most harmed by the evil Cabal Cartels who have been instrumental in this corruption.

Proof that this is ongoing can be found in the announcement made yesterday by the Central Bank of Iraq, stating that Iraq will have a “new monetary value” in the next 3 days. The CBI is closed today and tomorrow, so it’s Tuesday!

Evidence that NESARA/GESARA is underway will be displayed in all directions. Mississippi and Kentucky announced NO STATE INCOME TAXES. North Carolina has passed a bill to hold a Convention of States and separate from the Federal Union – this after the same Assembly that took place in Abilene, TX in late 2021, it seems like it’s time to finally see an end to the tyranny of the WEF / WHO/UN and its evil gang.

Quantum has been activated and there is no turning back! All Banking Operations must be done 100% in the Quantum System and any non-certified banks, that is, if there is no digital certification attached to each transfer – as in other banks such as Wells Fargo, which already operates 100% in the Quantum System – they lose their license to operate. This is in ALL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. Cheaters will no longer be able to cheat. This Quantum System has been running simultaneously since February 22nd, so everything is already labeled and recorded.

Get ready to celebrate! This is the official beginning of the RV GCR and, NESARA/GESARA, and best of all, the Fall of the Cabal”!! !


Old structures and false systems crumbling and falling apart and dissolving especially the Babylonian Debt Slavery System and Corrupt banking Systems – END THE FEDS!!!



The entire financial system in Cuba has completely collapsed for some reason this monumental story has not made it on to MSM ?

The Cuban people have been left with no financial resources, they have no means of buying food …they are desperate and they are afraid.

This is the final destination, this is where globalism wants to lead you to the apocalypse.

Cubans were forced to adopt the digital banking system & now they are financially runined, they have no recourse.


🆕🇨🇺 In Cuba, there is a massive shortage of cash as their banking system is collapsing around them. Many Cubans have lost their savings as bank accounts are emptied and they cannot access their money at ATMs.

According to the AP, long lines outside banks and ATMs in the capital, Havana, and beyond start forming early in the day as people seek cash for routine transactions like buying food and other essentials.

🚨🚨CUBA’s banking system collapsed. Bank accounts have been emptied and THERE IS NO MONEY in ATMs. The money in your bank account does not belong to you. When this happens in the USA and Brazil we will have a bank holiday and the next day we will have complete digital tyranny. It is worth remembering that they always carry out tests on a smaller scale before large countries.








Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of May 12th through May 18th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





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