Currency Reset – NESARA

NESARA originated in 1500 AD. It is the Fear Reduction package associated with the upcoming 2012 Transition. Obama and Dunford are well aware of this, and are both of the Light Alliance- - contrary to the mis-information on the web and elsewhere. This video explains the origins of the Fear Reduction program, why it exists, and how it relate to the upcoming "2102" transition, which is very real and happening very soon.

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Contact Files, Multiple ET Races, Summoning Spirits, Speaking w/ the Deceased Barbara Lamb

Multiple cases of Alien Experiences. Barbara lamb has had the opportunity to work with over 1400 people that have had multiple encounters with ET's. The Greys, Reptilians, even Mantis Aliens are discussed and explained with great detail. Barbara also has been contacted by a Reptilian, that she claims was kind and gentle. Also during the show we discuss making contact with deceased ancestors and other spirits. Check out Barbara's work at

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