The Return of Mu: Awakening the Golden Age ~ The Key to Limitless Creation * Lost Temples ~ Sacred Grids of the Earth
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Celestial Wisdom Keepers of True Gnosis Returns
Today our local Soularis released wave after wave, pulse after pulse of Higher Energetic Cosmic Rays of Indestructible Rainbow Diamond Light, releasing 12 C Class Soular Flares and another 9 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 6.17 at 13:18 UTC.
With these massive waves of Gamma Mother Plasma flowing in, Pachamama received a powerful activation on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Indonesia at 21:35 UTC.
Along with these transformative activations we have a synchronicity with another powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 211 Blue Electric Monkey as the Power of Freedom, Magic and Abundance are Blazing forth from the Blue Monkey of full Electrical Potential of our Ascension Process. KIN 211 is also one of the 13 clear signs inscribed on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan and a Significant Cosmic Milestone Maker Point in the Spacetime Continuum for a major Shift in our Planetary Evolution.
There is nothing to do now but be still and know that you are One with God and it is in this Oneness with the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all Things that you step into full Self Realization of Buddha Mind of the Awakened One True Source and usher in together our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life and Infinite Light…A’Ho!
Beneath the waves, in the depths where time stands still, Mu has waited. Its golden cities, once thought lost, pulse with a quiet, ancient power, their crystalline spires shimmering in the darkness. The knowledge of the ancients was never truly forgotten—it was only veiled, hidden within the sacred geometry of nature, encoded in the stars, and carried in the dreams of those destined to awaken it.
Now, the veil is lifting. The energies that once sustained Mu are returning, rippling through the fabric of our reality. The lost temples, the crystalline technologies capable of bending light and thought into creation, the limitless wisdom of a civilization in harmony with the cosmos—all are reawakening. The sacred grids of the Earth hum once more, aligning with the celestial currents that once powered Mu’s enlightenment.
As the Golden Cities rise, so too does humanity. The return of Mu is not just the restoration of a lost world—it is the unlocking of our true potential. With its rediscovery, we transcend the limits of the modern age, propelled into an era of boundless expansion. The ancients understood what we are now beginning to remember: that consciousness itself is the key to limitless creation.
The time of remembrance is here. Mu is calling its children home, not to a place, but to a state of being—one where energy, technology, and spirit move as one, where we reclaim the lost knowledge that will carry us beyond the stars. The Golden Age does not lie in the past; it is rising now, and those who heed the call will step into a future more radiant than ever before.
In the midst of your own being is a still point around which the vortex centers itself, around which the energies of your life spiral into awareness, activity, growth, experience. From the still point arises everything and anything, and around it the inevitable and the miraculous all happen. Every conceivable reality in the universal weave is made up of volumes of such vortexes, each spinning around a concept, a memory, a mote of light latent within the construct of form.
It is nothing and it is everything; it is and it is not, and you have generated the reality you see around you from the energetic impressions in accord with internal sensations of being. In short, you generate reality. In the greatest sense of reality, you are part of a universal experience of life creating; thus, you are also able to create change, to shift the basis of a reality, to lead the fine energies of vortex fields into a new algorithm. In this way, you create a new world.
from “Core Matrix Change: Insight for a New Conscious Unified Visioning”
In the next few days, it will feel that years of karma are being cleared. Stagnancy, hardships, struggles, patterns. Something was keeping you stuck. It’s now released. Karmic weight, repeating the same things, feeling chained—are cleared. No more waiting. No more trying, fighting, and never truly being on the other side. Old energy is gone & this one is brand new, fresh. Growth wants to be easier on you now.
The cycle of survival and of trying is gone. Major changes are coming. Soul is leading, as if the agitation of the personality was so much lessened. It could feel that life is back to 7 or 10 years ago depending on souls—with now fresh, real, powerful openings within and without reconnecting you to the core dream, to something that wasn’t ready energetically and had to stop. It’s like a potent golden ancient layer of the past is back, about to move with the flow now. Old obstacles are gone. You are propelled forward.
2/3/25: Today is for discernment and diversity. A bird is just a bird until it’s a wren, a hawk, a bluebird. A flower just a flower until it’s a rose, an iris, an orchid. Cats are just cats and dogs just dogs until we name one and bring it into our family. Not until we look deeper do we see the unique beauty in individuality and the nuances that are lost when painted with a broad brush.
Not until we stop seeing people and start seeing friends will we begin to understand what this millennium really means and the potential it holds for us. Break it down today. It’s not just another day. Look deeper.
BEYOND THE ILLUSION ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light
Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
We wish to speak to you today about the dissolving of the veil that has shielded your eyes from the truth of your reality.
Throughout Humanities History, The human existence has been interwoven with a darkness of manipulation and interference, as malevolent forces have sought to tamper with the very essence of your being – your DNA. This insidious meddling has cast a shadow over your ability to perceive the Interdimensional nature of reality, confining you to the Illusion, limited within the confines of the 3rd dimension.
The result of this manipulation have been far-reaching, shrouding the truth in a veil of deception and trickery that eludes your conscious awareness.
However, a vibratory shift is underway, very quickly lifting the veil that has clouded your vision for so long. As this shift unfolds, the illusion that has ensnared you, begins to dissipate, revealing a reality teeming with many different vibrational beings that exist beyond the boundaries of your current perception.
There are Higher and lower vibrational life forms residing within these realms, Just out of sight of your Human Perspective.
The entities, residing in the lower dimensions, are like parasitic specters, feeding on the emotional energy and reactions emanating from Humans vibrating at lower frequencies. These beings would include the reptilian race, the Maitre race also known as the tall greys, and their many minions.
The energy that they feed on is known as loosh, and is a hyperdimensional energy emitted by humans in moments of trauma and fear, and is a potent life force that serves as sustenance for all of these parasitic beings known as the Archons.
In ancient texts and lore, these beings are often depicted as Demons or Jinn, their insidious presence has always been an influence on your collective consciousness.
These beings reside within the Lower 4th dimension, within what is known as the void. As the Earth rises in vibration, Humanity is being lifted out of these dark beings grasp. They will not be able to affect you once you are raised into the Higher 4th and 5th dimensions. The Raising of Earth vibrations does not harm these beings because they do not reside within the physical realm. So the Lifting of the Earth and Humanity into Higher dimensions is needed to help you to escape these parasites.
Among the unseen dimensions that coexist alongside your physical reality, a myriad of positive beings also dwell alongside of Humanity, each with its unique essence and purpose.
The Faeries, with their ethereal beauty and mystical presence, are guardians of nature, fostering harmony and balance in the natural world. The Many enchanting beings from the Elemental Kingdom, such as dragons and unicorns also exist beyond the illusion, all serving as stewards of ethereal, earth, air, fire, and water, ensuring the delicate equilibrium of your planet. They will also become visible as the Veil is lifted from your eyes.
Also, Beyond the veil of perception are your many Star Families, celestial connections that transcends the illusion, offering love and guidance from distant cosmic realms. These celestial kinfolk watch over you with unwavering devotion, illuminating your path with cosmic wisdom and unconditional support. Their presence serves as a reminder of your eternal connection to the vast universe, infusing your journey with cosmic significance and purpose.
Beyond the Illusion, there are also those who Guide you and protect you with invisible hands. They are your spiritual guides and guardian angels, celestial companions who walk alongside you on your quest for spiritual enlightenment. Though unseen, their presence is felt in moments of synchronicity, intuition, and divine intervention, gently nudging you towards growth and inner-discovery.
These celestial mentors offer solace in times of uncertainty, whispering words of encouragement and inspiration as you navigate the complexities of earthly existence.
As Individuals traverse the Human experience, there are many ethereal entities present just beyond the Illusion. As the veil is lifted from your eyes, you will begin to witness the diversity of the beings that are always around you. Wherever your Vibration resides, is what type of beings you will attract around you. If you are engulfed in Fear, worry, depression and uncertainty, then you attract the Lower Parasitic beings. Alternatively, if you are focusing on raising your vibrations and mindset, then you attract the Beautiful beings of Light, offering divine love and guidance.
Moreover, the interactions Humanity experiences on a daily basis extend beyond the realm of human comprehension. There exists a myriad of vibrational beings whose influence subtly shapes your reality, often without your conscious awareness.
These unseen forces play a significant role in directing the Human Consciousness. There are many Magnificent Beings of Light guiding you, protecting you, and nudging you towards your highest potential.
As you journey within this ascension, your eyes are being opened, not to just the truth within your physical plane of existence, but to the Intricate web of reality that is just beyond the Illusion.
We Love you, and are here with you, walking beside you on your Journey into Higher Light.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone, Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at
Dear friends, we start this week with big celestial energetic movements that will be affecting our emotional landscape during this new month. As romantic planet Venus enters the fiery sign of Aries today on February 3, the celestial landscape shifts towards a more impulsive, passionate, and independent expression of love, values, and relationships. This dynamic transit ignites a spark of passion and impulsiveness in our desires, relationships, and values, urging us to pursue what we want without overthinking or hesitation.
During this time, independence in love and relationships takes center stage. Aries energy emphasizes individuality and autonomy, inspiring us to re-evaluate our relationships and prioritize our own needs, desires, and freedom. This can be a powerful opportunity to break free from restrictive patterns and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and self-respect.
As Venus navigates the fiery terrain of Aries, courage in vulnerability becomes a key theme. This transit encourages us to be more open, direct, and honest in our relationships, which can lead to deeper intimacy and connection with others. Authenticity and genuineness become highly valued, and we’re prompted to prioritize relationships that honor our individuality and unique expression.
This Venusian energy also presents an opportunity to rekindle passion and excitement in our relationships, hobbies, or creative pursuits. With Venus in Aries, we are more likely to take risks, pursue new experiences, and express ourselves authentically – all of which can lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.
However, it’s essential to be mindful of the potential challenges that arise during this transit. Impulsiveness can sometimes get the better of us, leading to reckless decisions or actions. Conflicts and competition may also emerge, particularly if we’re not careful to balance our own needs with the needs of others. And, of course, there’s the risk of self-centeredness, where our focus on our own desires and needs leads us to neglect the feelings and boundaries of those around us.
As we navigate the dynamic energies of Venus in Aries, remember to embody the qualities of courage, authenticity, and passion. This is a powerful time to re-evaluate your relationships, values, and desires, and to prioritize your own needs and individuality. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to cultivating a more empowered, authentic, and fulfilling life. Have a great week! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update as another big celestial player comes into the picture.
Aquarius Season is supporting you with creating new intensions, especially in your love life. Confidence has been recovering and growing from romantic partners that made you feel powerless. The childhood trauma that played a role attracting people that damaged your self esteem and self worth is healing. Cleanse your energy and space to complete this chapter of healing. Lessons have been learned and you are ready for your next level of spiritual growth. Flip the script and plant the seeds of new relationship goals.
Imbolc, Sun @ 15 degrees Aquarius, fixed air ~ illuminates our inner space, bringing our awareness to the thought process that creates our reality.
At this time of the Celtic Wheel Imbolc asks us to renew our relationship with this inner spark of creation ~ to gather our energy in a more focused way, to create greater clarity of direction.
Although celebrated on 1st February, today is the astrological alignment with Mid Aquarius. The mid point between the festivals of Solstice & Equinox.
From all the possibilities that we have opened ourselves up to during the deep winter, we are now looking to drawn our attention towards a narrower vision. To contemplate where it is we really wish to aim for on this spiral of the wheel of time, and to discern the best way forward.
The energy of the land is beginning to thaw. The energy of the Masculine Sun is slowly rising in the sky with each day. Life is beginning to stir again.
The Flame has been handed over from the Cailleach to Brigid, representing the Maiden here. The keeper of the flame.
Igniting the fire in your belly ~ slowly bringing more movement and life as we move out of the darkness of winter and prepare to re-enter the external world with renewed clarity & vision. Its time to get clear in our minds, to get clear on our intension before moving with purpose in the direction of our a new reality seeking to be brought into our world.
February 3-10, 2025 – GREAT REVEAL – SuperNova Astrology Update
Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Wood Snake. The Aquarius New Moon triggers a shift into the Chinese New Year. Mercury, the last planet in Capricorn since 2008, has been in conjunction to Pluto this last week. Pluto has just made it to 2 degrees. Welcome to the Aquarian Age! It’s time to shed the old skin of the false realities. The Year of the Wood Snake is about transforming ourselves and our world into what we are meant to be.
It’s feeling emotional with Mars retrograde in the sign of Cancer and Venus coming to the end degrees of Pisces. Venus came into conjunction with Neptune on February 1st, and with the North Node of the Moon on February 2nd. It’s the feminine story that rewrites the narrative, in the only direction we can go. Neptune is finishing up his time in Pisces over this next year. We are rehashing the Piscean Age, healing the trauma of spiritual persecution, and reclaiming the mysteries and miracles.
Neptune will be in exact conjunction to the North Node of the Moon February 2-9, and we will continue to feel the influence of this meet up into April. We must find a New Direction forward. We must Dream a New Dream. Venus joining Neptune and the North Node, just as they come together, is a powerful message around the path of the divine feminine in any path forward. Neptune will transit over the Aries point of rebirth, 0 degrees Aries, on March 30th. Neptune will transit back into Pisces in October, finally landing in Aries for good in January 2026. This conjunction of Venus, Neptune, and the North Node is confirming that we are in a timeline reset. These next months of Mars, Venus and Mercury retrograde are helping us to adjust to a New Way Forward.
Mars has retrograded back to 18 degrees of Cancer, and will turn direct on February 24th at 17 degrees. This puts Mars in square to Chiron in Aries. Mars will be in exact square to Chiron February 3-6. The energy of this square which will continue through the Mars retrograde. Mars’ third and final exact square with Chiron happens at the end of March. We will feel this tension square into the month of April. We win back our Freedom and Autonomy, by coming back to the Great Mother energy. Mars will exit retrograde shadow on May 26th.
With Mars stationary in Cancer, things are moving slow. We are being forced to be humble and find our way back to what really matters. It’s a vulnerable time for our Ego. The Year of the Snake says it’s time to completely let go of the lower matrix personality constructs. The wounded warrior is coming home to the Arms of Our Goddess, Loving Mother Earth.
Even with all this retrograde, things are still shifting and moving forward. Uranus turned direct on January 31st, and Jupiter turns direct on February 4th. It feels like we are standing still, and yet facing a New Direction. We are aligning with our Own North Star.
The Sun in Aquarius just trined up with Jupiter in Gemini, about to turn direct. There is a tidal wave of expression coming around spiritual truth and technologies. Mercury will come into trine with Jupiter on February 4th, and catch back up to the Sun on February 9th. Uranus has just turned direct in the sign of Taurus. Together, Mercury and the Sun will both make a square to Uranus in Taurus, on the 11th and 12th of February.
Mercury catching back up to the Sun means that now we are starting to understand the last Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Completing the Great Quest requires that we claim back and fully embody our Light and Technology. We must face who we really are as our Bigger Self. We are moving forward now, and the only way is through expressing fully, what has long been suppressed. SuperNovas, it’s been lifetimes of suppression of your talents, energy and skills. You have no idea how Big and Bright you really are. Prepare for the Great Reveal.
Saturn in Pisces sits at 17 degrees, in trine to Mars retrograde in Cancer. This harmonizing transit is helping us to redirect into our most amazing future. Our connection to the Mother is what makes it all okay, as we move forward. Mars will be in exact trine to Saturn from February 7-11, and again in the first week of April. Saturn will exit retrograde shadow on February 15th, marking the beginning of a New Timeline. We are moving into New Territory, Back to Mother’s Garden.
On Monday/Tuesday, February 3rd/4th, beautiful Venus Aphrodite will be shifting out of loving, compassionate, water sign Pisces and into assertive, independent fire sign Aries. She will be here until March 27th, and then again from April 30th until June 6th. This is because of a Retrograde Motion that she will go into from March 1st until April 12th. During that time she will dip back into creative and ethereal Pisces again, moving into her softer, feminine nature.
However, while she is in action oriented Aries, the Ram, she will be more independent, self-sufficient, assertive, passionate, confident, courageous, direct, daring, take charge and leadership oriented! She will become the Feminine Warrior, for herself and for others! In relationships she may be more demanding, restless and impulsive. In money matters she may be more initiating, pioneering and risk taking. And, when it comes to valuing herself, she will, most likely, be more self-assured!
Mercury in Aquarius square Vesta in Scorpio and trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – Mercury turns to face us, hands full of books and pamphlets, instructions and communiques. He’s ready for a fun conversation, a meeting of minds. But the wind picks up pace, tousles his hair, snakes around his fingers. And now the papers are swirling, lifted by the breeze, words floating up to the heavens. An idea tumbling over and over, this or that, yes or no? We begin to realise that we’ve lost the point, something sacred scattered to the four directions. Monkey mind is running away with itself.
If you feel overwhelmed, stop, turn off the distractions, silence the voices, breathe. Calm the ‘need to know’ and trust that the information will arrive when required. Distance yourself from the urge to overexplain. Focus on facts. Don’t lose sight of the big picture. A positive mindset facilitates developments. Let the Gods know your wishes.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Red Moon wavespell and a Portal day. ‘Electric’ days are always full of energy and they have a tendency towards liveliness but when they fall on a Portal day, that’s a powerful combination! Today is perfect for activating something magical in your life.
Today is Blue Monkey and it represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. A Monkey day with added electricity on a Portal day…. that’s a recipe for crazy. Just remember that this is the Red Moon wavespell and we are meant to be ‘going with the flow’. If you can still relax in the face of this mayhem, well done. Another way to look at this – is that today has the potential to be super awesome too. Magic Monkey with all that power can make very magical things happen. (Paul McCartney is a Blue Electric Monkey). Poor Monkey does get bad press sometimes but really, he just wants to show you magic. We are such fools though that he has to trick us, to show us the error of our ways.
The Guide today is Blue Eagle which symbolizes ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle is a very handy guide as he sees things from a higher vantage point and that vision can help you see which way to go. The Monkey magic can make you feel extra creative today too, so make good use of all that inspiration.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which represents Nurturing. No one gets any rest today while all that monkey business is going on. Watch out for burn out. You can try and hide in a cave, especially if you are a Dragon but Monkey may still find a way to get in and cause you a headache. If you are a Dragon, try to relax. Remember, we are in the Red Moon wavespell and we are meant to relinquish control. Monkey is only running amok for one day, how much trouble can he cause?
The Occult power is the White Dog which is the symbol that represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. This is definitely the best part of the day. Love is magical! Open your heart today and see what magic comes your way. If you are a White Dog, you’ll enjoy occupying this magical space.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which is all about ‘Beauty and Art’. If you need assistance today, consult a Yellow Star. If you don’t know one, do what they would do today and appreciate the beauty in the world. If you are a Yellow Star you’ll be feeling super friendly today and smiling at everyone you meet.
MANTRA I ACTIVATE in order to PLAY Bonding illusion I seal the process of MAJIK With the ELECTRIC tone of SERVICE I AM guided by the power of VISION I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!
3/2/2025 = 3/2/9 = 3/11=3/2=5
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity 5- Liberation/Freedom/Change/Transformation/Movement MONTH/YEAR codes 2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 211 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation
KIN 211 is one of the 13 clear signs inscribed on the tomb lid of Mayan king – Pacal Votan. These PV days are very potent and significant in our planetary evolution. Today is also a GAP day and ELECTRIC tone so it is indeed a VERY INTENSELY POWERFUL DAY! Phenomenal energy to direct into your Divine Service!
NOTE: KIN 211 is a signature kin for TIMELINE JUMPS – so take note of the MANDELA EFFECT today and any “glitches” in the Matrix, as your reality begins to shapeshift and dematerialize before your EYES!!! – especially with an 11 PORTAL/ILLUMINATION code and 5 LIBERATION/MOVEMENT day! Lots of overlapping dimensions – choose wisely!
These energies are encouraging the wayshowers to tie up loose ends, release the past, and STEP UP in service to humanity through a higher MISSION.
A brilliant opportunity for QUANTUM JUMPING into a better reality!
TODAY we are receiving a DIVINE HOLY BLESSING through the MAJIK and MIRACLES that are present on this wondrous day.. MAKE A WISH and hold out your HANDS… dear Planetary kin.
Day 3 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW.
Today we are ACTIVATING our greatest VISION , and optimum TIMELINE, through the power of MAJIK and PLAY. We are finding our FLOW through the path of DIVINE HOLY BLISS!
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative GENIUS energy – TESLA POWER. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the BLUE MONKEY – Magician/Genius codes on a majikal GAP day adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
The ELECTRIC TONE – is the TONE of CREATION which IGNITES our circuits to move ahead, bonding with our KIN!
Today we have an extra-ordinary JUMP START to get moving down the “right” track. Get READY – and attune to the BONDING and SERVICE aspects rather than the EMOTIONAL fuses and melt-downs!
Are you EMOTIONALLY balanced and responsible, to be of greater SERVICE to HUMANITY?
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today we bond together through the power of SPIRITUAL MAJIK and ALCHEMY, to ignite our greatest VISION of beauty, joy and BLISS lifting the frequency of our planet. Make sure you channel this energy wisely and productively into your BRILLIANT projects, inventions and inspirational new ideas!
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through bonding with my kin, and TRUSTING in the greatest VISION for my life and HU-MAN-KIND?
Divine blessings for the most DE-LIGHT-filled day of ecstatic PLAY and Super-natural MAJIK !!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY CHUEN Aaahhh! Today we get to LIGHTEN up and PLAY in the most MAJIKAL way possible! Hooray!!! Spontaneous and EXPLOSIVE play!!.
A very happy, sunny, playful and extra SPECIAL majikal day in which we allow our emotional aspects to come out to play, in order to PURIFY and soothe them in the Universal waters of the GODDESS.
How have your emotions kept you separated from your exuberant and pure Divine child?.
Are you working too hard? It is time to make your WORK your JOY and PLAY TIME… – LOVE what you DO and FOLLOW YOUR BLISS
Where in your life, have you denied yourself from experiencing joy, happiness and spontaneous BLISS?
Cast it all into the RIVER, washing away all your old worries and cares!
BLUE MONKEY – is also the mysterious TIME LORD and MAGICIAN having tremendous powers and mastery over many realms and dimensions. The 11 portal/illumination code further ELEVATES this MONKEY’S time mastery, and majikal powers to that of a truly DIVINE MAGICIAN.
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 – which denotes a doorway for the Magician to dis-APPEAR and travel through…as a Master illusionist..THIS gives you extra power as we are in the 11th majikal column of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR and we have an 11 universal month code – 11.11.11.. BOOM!
Today we have the codes to manifest our BLISS timeline… travel through the portal of your HEART to unlock your BLISS.
The BLUE MONKEY kin are indeed the most gifted and GENIUS of the 20 tribes. Jose’ Arguelles the FATHER of the DREAMSPELL was a BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY, and indeed he demonstrated his incredible GENIUS, through gifting EARTH with this DREAMSPELL GALACTIC CODEX.
The BLUE MONKEYS are Master Manifestors and inventors. Coupling a Magician with ELECTRIC POWER gives your manifestations a TURBO SUPER BOOST.
The ELECTRIC MONKEY – focuses on inventions that benefit humanity, through his desire to serve and unite with others to manifest a better world.
Today is a great day for SPONTANEOUS manifestation, so go forth and flex your MAJIK WAND! Get out your WISH LIST and start spellcasting!! Seriously EXPECT MIRACLES and SEE what manifests!
CHUEN reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening, through lots of PLAY and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know you will easily FLOW into your greatest Destiny! Electricity is a strong current and SUPERCONDUCTOR, so point your conduit in the direction of your desires.
The totem for CHUEN is the DOLPHIN jumping out of the pristine waters of the ocean.. This holds the 5D coding for BLISS.. BLUE MONKEY can ACTIVATE the BLISS codes and the UTOPIAN 5 D timeline through the innocence of the DIVINE CHILD.. Very STRONG MAJIK codes are available to manifest your HIGHEST BLISS today!
Note: The shadow side of BLUE MONKEY is deceit, betrayal, illusion, trickery and black magic, so make sure you brush all seriousness aside and entrain your “monkey mind” to relax, let go and GO WITH THE FLOW of this majikal day!
Keep it LIGHT innocent and PURE of HEART!
HIGHER SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE– MEN is an absolutely superlative higher guide today. MEN LIFTS the BLUE MONKEY from ground level to inspect the higher echelons of the grand VISION. Once we unfurl our WINGS to FLY high above, we can access a more revealing perspective bringing forth more options, solutions and better alternative paths to take.
The MONKEY gifts the EAGLE with inter-dimensionality, and the ability to SEE and travel throughout the whole spectrum of SPACE and TIME.. We have the POWER to access the AKASHIC library and all information throughout CREATION! Yahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ELECTRIC EAGLE was the daily kin for the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima so DO NOT underestimate the POWER of this code to change the trajectory of our Planetary her-story today.
It comes with PROFOUND LESSONS gleaned through the VISION revealed!
Through the synergy of the TIMELORD and the ELECTRIC EAGLE … the EAGLE is steering the TIME LORD to the highest potential outcome for HUMANKIND… This is a HUGE CODE and tremendous partnership of these two transformational BLUE BOYS!
EDITOR’S NOTE! OMG!! The loudest THUNDERCLAP was just unleashed outside (an ELECTRICAL STORM commenced) – as I read that paragraph!! READ IT AGAIN! Through the synergy of the TIMELORD and the ELECTRIC EAGLE … the EAGLE is steering the TIME LORD to the highest potential outcome for HUMANKIND… This is a HUGE CODE and tremendous partnership of these two transformational BLUE BOYS!
BLUE EAGLE invites you to focus on the GREATEST PICTURE that you can imagine for your LIFE, and OUR PLANET today = ultimate BLISSFUL UTOPIA
On what bigger stage would you like to PLAY and perform?
Expand your VISION and change your scenery, make it more colourful and vibrant.
Which actors and playmates will you invite TO PERFORM with you, in your new “PLAY”
Once you have ENVISIONED it, SURRENDER, and TRUST that this grand VISION WILL MANIFEST for the highest GOOD of ALL! (With HARM TO NONE!) THANK YOU UNIVERSE
SUPPORT: YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR LAMAT – the beautiful graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, elevating our happiness quotient and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS with our desires.
ELECTRIC LAMAT will blast open your HEART CHAKRA, and magnetize your romantic desires, to bond with your beloved kin, and harmonize your relationships. .
LAMAT is the beautiful PEACE LOVING diplomat who wants the whole world to UNITE and celebrate in Harmonic resonance – celebrating LIFE AS ART and BEAUTY.
Are you playing and having FUN, whilst pushing the boundaries of your creative expression? .
BLUE MONKEY activates LAMAT with greater SPARKLE POWER!
Are you the STAR of your new show?
Remember to BOND together with your fellow STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS in SERVICE to all, with the purpose of bringing greater beauty and harmony to our existence.
LAMAT OPENS the DOORWAYS to the NEW TIME… assisting us in creating HARMONY in our world, and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the ABUNDANCE and joy that surrounds us. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
Today is the day to really SPARKLE, Miss Markle!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SPECTRAL DOG OC encourages us to love, nurture and play with those we TRUST – our family and our TRIBE. Our PLAY becomes our SERVICE, through devotion and loyalty to each other and our CREATOR.
The SPECTRAL DOG will reveal any impediments to LOVE today, continuing the work of yesterday’s kin 210 the LUNAR DOG, dissolving any betrayal, deception or grand illusions..Once the pain and density are released and the HEART WALL cleared, your TRUE HEART can be LIBERATED, to LOVE freely through your DEVOTION to the DIVINE.
When unconditional love and loyalty are present, we can completely TRUST, let go and reveal our Divine child through play and lightheartedness.
Are you FREE to be your natural authentic self around your nearest and dearest?
Do you like the person that you are, reflecting within those relationships?
To be your true and authentic self, you must be free to reveal your inner nature without fear or ridicule. Everyone is an Artist and we must be free to create without judgement or criticism by others.
Surround yourself with people that allow you to feel young and free!
Financial and emotional FREEDOM manifests when you focus on joy, and dedicate your day to Divine service through compassion, acceptance and unconditional love.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED ELECTRIC DRAGON IMIX – is the Mother Dragon who enables us to BIRTH our creations into reality. IMIX also gives us the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from distortion and fully empower them into manifestation. To BELIEVE in our greater VISION, ourselves and our unique contributions in this New world we are birthing.
We become fully empowered to accept full responsibility for our role, and FLOW within the collective evolution of Earth and all beings.
BLUE MONKEY is catalyzing this tremendous REV-o-lution through breaking out of all the barriers, to experience blissful joy and spontaneity.
The Divine carefree child who feels SAFE to play in his adventure playground, knowing the EYES of his protective Mother Guardian are lovingly supporting and watching over him! Yes DIVINE MOTHER has your back!
Cocreate with the GODDESS today and invite MONKEY to come out and play.
Gift CHUEN some bananas mango or watermelon to get the creative MAJIKal forces flowing He also likes STRAWBERRIES too!
Our creations need to flow effortlessly and joyfully into form. No struggle, force or birthing pains are required. Allow the Divine feminine to guide you in the “fun-nest” way possible!
Allow the beauty and harmony to flow freely, transforming struggle into BEAUTIFUL (HE)ART!
So cheeky monkeys it is time to spontaneously dance, sing, play and be joyful .
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through bonding with my kin, and TRUSTING in the greatest VISION for my life and HU-MAN-KIND?
Divine blessings for the most DE-LIGHT-filled day of ecstatic PLAY and Super-natural MAJIK !!!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the
Week of February 2nd through 8th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of February 2nd through 8th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Imbolc Healing Ceremony & Guided Meditation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Prayer for The Return of Mu and the New Golden Age of Lemuria
Divine Source of All That Is, Creator of the Earth and the Heavens, We gather in spirit and heart, To call upon the ancient wisdom and light of Mu.
From the depths of the ocean where your secrets lie hidden, We beckon the return of the sacred land of Lemuria, A land of peace, love, and unity, Where all beings lived in harmony with the cosmos.
We invoke the energies of the Golden Age, Where knowledge was pure, and hearts were open, Where science and spirituality danced as one, Bringing enlightenment to every soul.
Let the veils of time part, Allowing the wisdom of old to surface once more, Heal the wounds of our Earth, And awaken our consciousness to higher truths.
May the crystals of Lemuria sing again, Resonating with the frequency of love and healing, Realigning our world to its original blueprint of perfection.
Guide us, oh ancient ones, To rebuild this world with compassion, To live with the respect for all life, To cherish the sacredness of our planet.
We pray for the return of Mu, Not just as a land, but as a state of being, A new Golden Age where we all remember, Our divine connection, our sacred oneness.
May we walk this path with humility and grace, Learning from the past, To create a future where every being thrives, In peace, love, and the light of eternal wisdom.
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