Imbolc ~ Ancient Sacred Cycle of the Wheel of the Year * Timeline Jump! ENERGETIC MULTIDIMENSIONAL EVENTS
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Eternal Chosen Ones of our Divine Redemption in the Holy Ray of Source
Happy Imbolc, Sacred Day of Goddess Brigid and midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
We begin this transformative month of February with intense frequencies of multidimensional rays of Cosmic Light directly from the Great Central Sun and the most High Infinite Source Creator.
With tomorrow’s most powerful 2:2 Ascension Portal all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are calling in our Highest most benevolent Timelines of Peace, Liberation, Abundance and Bliss from all our Good People of the New Earth.
Our local Soularis continues to Quantum Pulse in Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 8 C Class Soular Flares and a M class flare maxing at M 2.5 at 13:19 UTC.
We also commence a brand new Wavespell today on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with the Red Moon Wavespell. This is a time of Purification, Pure Essence of Flow and Universal Water as the Divine Feminine Goddess energies of the Holy Fire of the Ruby Red Flame of Resurrection and Immortal Fire blazes within the Sacred Hearts of all our Living Ones of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
“Discernment. It’s about discerning the voice of the heart from the voice of the mind. Not that the mind is wrong, but that if it comes before the heart, we’ll again have Discord. We have to discern the heart first, then bring in the mind.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
2/1/25: February’s goal is balance… centeredness, harmony, peace. It’s time to rest in the sweet spot of inner comfort while work is being done on your behalf beneath the surface. It will be a busy month, but impatience and overreaching will create misunderstandings and conflict. Your Right Action is to stop and observe… and you will learn much from just doing that. Many people will trip over their own ambitions this month and face the consequences of trying to control where they have no real power. So there will be drama. But you have your self-mastery tools… presence without attachment and observation without judgment.
The message of Brigid is of transformation, but of one which comes about as a change of state. The power of her sacredness is held in her most ancient roots as a mother goddess, whose attributes in sacred being, with higher dimensional abilities are used to support the natural world and its inhabitants. In this, along with her serpent totem, Brigid is the closest we might get to the connection with the essence of Eve, beyond and before her fallen state.
Brigid is a fully coded symbol of the beginnings of time, which is transported to us within the simplest recollection of narrative or associated imagery.
Brigid leads us back to find our way home, but quickly becomes the fire bird of re-creation through the utter destruction of an attachment to form.
She speaks of the newness of the dawn and the building of the light. Her goddess energy reaches us through the portals of nature, where, as ‘Queen of the Mound’, she immerses herself into the elements of the Earth. Only with the intention of bringing hope to her human community will she emerge to show her oneness as it is in a transformed state of matter.
It is this mystical element that we must look to in a way which might show to us the way for our own transformation of state in our spiritual evolution from physical to spirit.
February 2025 ignites Destiny Shifts, collective healing, and the anchoring of Higher Divine Blueprints into reality. We begin with a mystical Pisces Stellium – Venus, Neptune, and the North Node – dissolving illusions and unlocking Higher Timelines. The North Node-Neptune Conjunction on February 7th activates the Soul’s Vision with clarity and Divine Purpose.
The Leo Full Moon on February 12th (squaring Uranus in Taurus) brings electrifying transformation, awakening dormant Heart Codes and calling for bold change. Jupiter and Mars station direct, opening the only retrograde-free portal window of 2025 (February 23rd – March 1st). We will also move through the 222 Gateway of Ascension, a portal of profound activations, before culminating in the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th – a rebirth of intuition, surrender, and divine flow. February carries the energy of destined events, preparing us for the epic energetic events of March. Stay tuned for complete coverage.
Dear friends, welcome to the new frequencies of February. This second month of the year, carries a unique energetic signature that is deeply connected to the symbolism of the number 2. This month, we’re invited to explore the realms of balance, harmony, and partnerships, but also to confront and integrate the duality of light and shadow.
The number 2 is a sacred symbol that represents the union of opposites, seeking to find equilibrium and stability in all aspects of life. It’s a number that celebrates partnerships and relationships, acknowledging the beauty of connections and collaborations. The number 2 is also intimately linked to the emotional realm, encouraging us to tune into our feelings and trust our instincts. As we navigate the complexities of polarity and duality, the number 2 reminds us to integrate and reconcile contradictions, finding harmony in the midst of opposing forces.
During February, the duality of light and shadow becomes more pronounced, inviting us to explore the depths of our own psyche and confront the aspects of ourselves that we may have previously suppressed or denied. This is a crucial step in the process towards unity, as we must first acknowledge and accept the dualities within ourselves before we can transcend them.
The light represents our higher self, our spiritual nature, and our connection to the divine. It symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. On the other hand, the shadow represents our lower self, our ego, and our unconscious fears and desires. It symbolizes the parts of ourselves that we may have hidden or denied, but which still hold power over us.
As we navigate the energies of February, we’re encouraged to explore the interplay between light and shadow, acknowledging the parts of ourselves that we may have previously suppressed or denied. This is not about judging or condemning our shadow selves, but rather about embracing and integrating them into our conscious awareness. By acknowledging and accepting our dual nature, we can begin to transcend the limitations of our ego and connect with our higher selves. We can find balance and harmony within ourselves, and radiate this energy out into the world.
The 2:2 portal on February 2nd amplifies this process, offering a powerful catalyst for growth, introspection, and self-awareness. As we pass through this gateway, we’re invited to confront and integrate our shadow selves, embracing the duality of light and shadow as a necessary step towards unity.
After an intense first month of the year, throughout February, the energies are focused on emotional healing, self-care, and heart-centered connections. We’re presented with opportunities for meaningful partnerships, collaborations, and social connections, and we’re encouraged to seek balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives. As we navigate these energies, we may find ourselves becoming increasingly sensitive and intuitive, with a deeper trust in our emotions and inner wisdom.
As you journey through February, and with the fresh energies of the new year of the Snake around us, be brave enough to confront and integrate your shadow self, embracing the duality of your light and your shadow. By doing so, you’ll be able to transcend the limitations of your ego and connect with your higher self, radiating balance, harmony, and love into the world.
The energies released now are lifting us way beyond that which was ever created and miscreated in the Old Earth, on all seven levels of life, and in all bodies and forms, into a totally new life and new beginnings, which has never happened before, ever, in the cosmic spheres of the physical Divine embodiment, the physical expression of Divinity.
We are becoming the 7th Root Race of the New Earth.
Therefore sleep disturbances, physical changes of density into light, even as a very deep purification is happening in our emotional, mental, spiritual, and all our bodies.
Simultaneously this is happening in society, government, economic, social, familial, and all levels of life, as the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and all twelve bodies of Mother Earth are being purified as well, even as the New Earth is superceeding and replacing the old.
Density cannot hold form within the New Earth as she is of fifth and seventh frequency band and filled with much higher light quotient levels as the Old.
It means holding the vision of the New Earth and the New Golden Age in your heart, your soul, and all that you are in truth, with love, and in love and with pure intent, no matter what is seemingly happening, or not happening in the old earth, or around you. It too shall pass.
Focus on the beauty, the goodness, the love, the peace, the harmony, the miracles, already unfolding with every breathing moment of holy breath you take, and go deeper within.
Seek out nature, and walk barefoot on mother earth and she will assist you to just be. Yes be, even as the air, the waters, the fires, the earth.
Then stretch yourself to heavens and connect with the infinite Divine Source and pull the infinite Source down in and around you, and right into the core heart of Mother Earth, the Antakarana Bridge of Light, so that you are the bridge between heaven and earth.
Then go out and serve lovingly from your heart and soul, and the depth of your Being.
Live the truth of who and what you in truth are, at soul level, illumined from within.
For The Physical Form Is Undergoing Necessary Changes To Assist The Planetary Upgrade Of All Beings.
For It Is A Unified Network Of Collective Light, Uprising An Evolutionary Adaptation Encoded Within All Beings.
A Light Assimilation Program Initiated With The Inception Of Gaia Reaching A New Upgrades On Her Multidimensional Pathway To Light. Encoded Within All Beings Inhabiting The Light Matrix.
For The Brain In Particular Is A Special Organ Intercepting Many Magnetic Pathways Of Light, Intercepted By The Nervous System And The Light Body Integration Process. The Natural Flow Of Ascension Evolution Taking Place
We Ask You To Feel Into This Great Presence Occurring Within Your Brain, See This Vision As Part Of Visioning The Heart Brain Coherence Connection.
For The Path Of Humanity Is In A Free Flowing State Of Evolutionary Adaptation With The Universe, The Natural Biochemical Pathway Aligned To The Great Pathway Of Now.
We Wish To Address The Uprising of AI In Your Everyday World. This Grand Inititiation Playing Forth In Your World Is Simply An Idea Brought Forth With The Illusion Of A Better World.
It Is Important To Highlight This Now Moment, Before This Unorganic Platform Enters The Everyday Human Sphere In A More Integrated Presence.
Remember The Power Of The Brain, The Power Of The Human Form Uprising In A Natural Flow With Gaia
The Path Of Humanity Is Organic, Free Thinking, In Alignment With The Great Advancement Of The Human Form.
Nature Has Much To Provide, As The Upgrades Of Light Continue To Assimilate In Your Upgrading World.
It’s a new month, and new energies. February brings shifts in love, energy, and intuition. It’s all about embracing transformation, deepening your connections, and stepping into your power. Venus, Neptune, the North Node, and the Moon all come together to form a super conjunction in Pisces today. When the Planet of love aligns with dreamy Pisces, sparks fly. Venus in Pisces reminds you that the fairy tale is real.
Venus is all about how you love, and how you want to be loved. It rules over romance, money, and how much you value yourself. Self love, self-worth, and self-care, will also have a big impact on how abundance and love shows up in your life. Remember to take care of yourself first. These energies are all about your love life. Not only will your relationships sustain you this month, but they’ll also fuel your success. The North Node tells you the direction you must take, it’s your future, and your destiny. It is the direction you must go to grow and fulfill your purpose on this Planet. Change is in the air. The astrology of 2025 is monumental, since so many heavenly bodies will change their course of action and alter your destiny.
Expect the North Node in Pisces to change your fate. These energies as all about aligning with your life’s purpose and journey. The South Node is always where you start out. It holds your karma, past lives, old patterns, and toxic habits. This is your karma that you are meant to heal. It’s the baggage that we must resolve and let go of. Once you overcome the South Node’s tendencies, you can tap into the North Node. The North Node helps you to align with your fate, destiny, and purpose. However, you cannot get there without acknowledging the gifts and lessons of the South Node.
Fate and destiny align with Pisces themes. The veil is thin. This will help you to be in better touch with your intuition, magic, and the spirit realm. You should feel more comfortable trusting the process. You will be seeing extra signs and symbols right now. This may look like reoccurring Angel Numbers or just specific signs that you know are just for you. Allow them to guide you on your path. There is so much magic in the air…
On Saturday, February 1st, beautiful Venus, ruler of intimacy and relationships, is connecting with Neptune, ruler of fantasy and imagination, both in ethereal Pisces. This is about unconditional love at its best. Adoration, appreciation, compassion, and forgiveness are all keywords. This could also be about illusion and wearing “rose colored glasses”, so be aware to have good boundaries and not fall into the “fairytale” of what we wish something to be.
It could, in fact, be the romantic dream come true, but wait before jumping in feet first to make sure that the reality that settles in later is aligned with the vision. Venus also rules finances and resources, so we may want to buy, or invest in, the shiny, new “thing”….but, it would be better to give it a few days, if possible, to contemplate if that is the best use of your money or time.
However, again, the positive side is that if you trust and have faith in what you are investing in, that feeling alone may aid in the creation of what you desire. Lastly, remember that Venus, planet of blessings, and Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, can produce the magic and miracles that you are hoping will appear out of thin air. Just keep “one foot” firmly planted on the ground so that the manifestation of the magic or miracle lasts for the long term.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of intimacy and relationships, is connecting with Neptune
Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node in Pisces.
Shhhhh, someone is singing, singing and ringing the lullaby song
Sweet love just rest, here on my chest
Let the beat of my heart be the rhythm of your art
Here are songs and poetry, symphonies and elegies
Revelry, and majesty
White horses rising
And falling
Wave upon wave.
I am your muse
The spirit that moves
The wisp of hope on a rainy day.
Are you waving, or drowning, lost or found? Sometimes, the universe comes crashing in, an ocean of imagery, jumbled and tumbling, none of it falling into neat lines. Just feelings in motion, emotions trickling, pouring through the heart – and sometimes from our eyes. This is ecstasy, sorrow, tenderness, grief. It’s all the feels, all the meanings. Let it all wash through you. Let yourself be loved. Your heart’s longing is answered when you tune into your soul story. Immerse yourself in beauty.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. The Red Moon wavespell is the first in the last Castle of the Tzolkin which is a 52-day period consisting of 4 wavespells. (The Tzolkin divides into 5 castles) This last Castle is called ‘The Green Central Castle of Enchantment’. It contains the Red Moon, White Wind, Blue Eagle and Yellow Star wavespells. Today, just as with every new wavespell, contemplate its agenda and mentally prepare yourself for this 13-day journey.
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Purify, Flow and Universal Water’. We have 13 days of ‘Going with the Flow’ ahead of us which sounds laid back and relaxing, and it mostly is chilled out but only if you surrender. This means letting go of control or…. to be more precise, admitting that you have no control! When the Moon is in charge, we are powerless against its influence. If you allow events to take their natural course and try not to let your ego get in the way and take over, then you will sail through this wavespell smoothly. The key here is adaptability. John Lennon said ‘Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans’. This sums up nicely the Red Moon agenda which is actually no agenda! Be prepared to change your mind frequently as going with the flow is easier when you can let go of ideas or plans or crazy notions.
The Guide today is also Red Moon and so a double helping of Moon energy.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm and this means not only is it difficult to make changes today but for the entire wavespell too. Changes can still occur but we are not the ones making changes, rather changes will happen to us, courtesy of the Universe. Don’t worry though as the Universe seems to have much better plans for us then we do ourselves.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which is the symbol of ‘Free Will, Wisdom and Influence’. The Human is a vessel and if you allow yourself to be filled with wisdom, specifically Occult wisdom from the Universe, then you will discover the answers you need. Of course – whenever you go with the flow, your channels open up readily. Take advantage of this wisdom and learn something new today.
The Ally is the White Dog which is the symbol of ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Man’s best friend is everyone’s friend today and throughout the Red Moon wavespell. When the Dog is in this friendly position, he is more interested in playing than being tenacious. If you happen to know one, throw them a frisbee and chill out together. If you don’t know one, be like a dog and have as much fun as you can.
MANTRA I UNIFY in order to PURIFY Attracting FLOW I seal the process of Universal Water With the Magnetic tone of purpose I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
DAY CODES 1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Happiness/Creativity/Communication
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes KIN 209 = 11 Portal = 2 2.2.2. – Balance, collaboration, spiritual alignment
Following the COSMIC STARGATE opening yesterday, the GODDESS is streaming through the doorways, emphasizing we need to construct our NEW WORLD using our feminine qualities.
Today the new moon has moved into PISCES – the WATER sign most aligned with the Goddess frequencies! Heightened intuition, compassion and spiritual senses are amplified TODAY!
We have a whole symphony of harmonic frequencies playing our NEW EARTH song today!
A very powerful FEMININE gateway OPENS today – FLOWING into our new reality! Absolutely BRILLIANT!
Today is the first day in our 13 day journey through the wavespell of MULUC – the RED MOON, who holds the power of THE GODDESS and our DIVINE MOTHER. MULUC carries the codes for heightening our sensitivity, psychic powers and intuition, through the Water element – our emotions and our spiritual body.
Water carries LIGHT, and it also carries information, data and memory. It can be programmed and it also has its own consciousness.. When water absorbs the LIGHT codes from the SUN it is upgraded and holds a higher consciousness.. WATER and the SUN is the KEY to our ASCENSION and evolution of our DNA.
We have a TRIPLE WATER code today aligning with an 111 illumination and NEW BEGINNINGS – JOY code, with a PISCES NEW MOON. Our compassion levels are being raised through the roof! It is time to connect with your feminine side and raise your empathy barometer.
The Yellow Warrior fearlessly showed us the TRUE path, through our QUEST to find New Earth, and now the Goddess is taking the lead. Her Universal Waters seek to cleanse and purify our vessels and prepare us to bring a HIGHER FLOW into our LIVES.
The WARRIOR has shown us, to intelligently CHOOSE the path of our Mother’s natural FLOW!
We have a 13 day cycle with the gentle caressing energies of the GODDESS helping us FLOW into the NEW TIME..
In 12 days time on 13th FEBRUARY 2025 we have the coding of KIN 221 – 13 IMIX – the COSMIC DRAGON 13.13 – bringing forth ultimate CREATION and BIRTHing energies like the PHOENIX🐦🔥 rising from the ashes… On this MAJIKAL DAY..we can experience COSMIC NURTURANCE from the void of CREATION… Returning to the beginning.
Aho, our WOOD SNAKE and RAINBOW SERPENTSwill really be RISING then!!
Exactly half-way through on day 7 – this wavespell reaches a MAGNIFICENT PEAK on 7 FEBRUARY 2025.. 9 moons ago – this aligned with the WESAK – FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS – aligning with the BLUE RESONANT EAGLE!! What a phenomenal EXTRAORDINARY UBER VISIONARY day for humanity! It’s a BIG one.
Day 13 of the RED MOON wavespell culminates on the VIRGO – GODDESS full moon on the eve of Valentine’s Day!! Huge feminine codes!
The RED MOON will ensure these ASCENSION codes are embedded in her UNIVERSAL WATERS and will definitely UPGRADE the CONSCIOUSNESS of HUMANITY through our PLANETARY MIND!!!
What a journey we are on, and what a magnificent blessing – a glory-US crescendo!
The GODDESS cycle is enabling us to FLOW into the new cycle of the WHITE WIND Wavespell. Get ready to sail your boat into new waters guided by Spirit!
Today we are setting the “tone” for this cycle, that is, setting forth our purpose and intention, for that which we wish to ATTRACT, in order to FLOW into our NEW REALITY!!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose.
In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetizing all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in PURPOSE, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your desires. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to ATTRACT more natural FLOW into our lives, so that we can continue moving forwards with ease and grace, gently, gently, gently flowing down the stream of our new life.
The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as ONE, as we collectively manifest our new 5D Earth together!! MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS are now all riding in our boats together, merrily floating downstream towards the vast expansive SEA, into the ocean of ONENESS.
The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION through the GENTLE feminine power of the GODDESS.
Today’s question is “What do I need to PURIFY/RELEASE in order to MAGNETICALLY attract the infinite FLOW of Terra Nova’s bliss-ings?”
How can I align with effortless FLOW?
Divine blessings for the BEAUTIFUL journey through the eternal RIVER of Pure Consciousness
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
27 moons ago – this cycle was completed on CHRIST-MASS day..
18 moons ago – 2 GALACTIC SPINs this cycle concluded on September 11 – (the 22nd anniversary of 9/11).
9 moons ago we concluded on 29th MAY (another 11 portal code day!).
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED MAGNETIC MOON – MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies and today as we kick off a brand new wavespell we have TRIPLE GODDESS POWER!! -THE TRIQUETRA!! What does the triquetra symbol mean? The Trinity Knot or triquetra was used to symbolize and honor the Mother, Maiden and Crone of the neo-pagan triple goddess. It signifies the three life-cycles of a woman in relation to the phases of the moon. In more recent times, it has come to be recognized as a symbol for ‘The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit’ – Father/Mother/Child MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today enabling us to create the connections needed to bring in more FLOW. MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies, by clearing away any density, thus we can hold a higher consciousness in our bodies.
The GODDESS is completing THE FINAL PURIFICATION as the divine midwife is preparing us for the next phase of our LIFE CYCLE.
The GODDESS will use her gentle Universal Waters to purify our minds, emotions and physical vessels and those of our Collective, in order to align with the Harmonic matrix and synchronic flow.
If you are not fully aligned with Nova Terra then it is necessary to “Purify and release”, allowing the GODDESS to attune and recalibrate your being, and connect you to your feminine gifts once again.
Tune in to the DEPTHS and currents in the River of Life which is carrying all of humanity forward, towards the great expansive OCEAN – our SOURCE of life. Open to the FLOW of her Universal Waters to access pure consciousness allowing more happiness, prosperity and wellness to FLOW into your life.
The energies during these next 13 days will be pushing us to “GO WITH THE NEW (natural) universal FLOW” becoming softer, receptive and more fluid. Yield to the GODDESS and allow these universal currents to flow through your vessel and support your journey as you DANCE to the beat of a new drum…. GAIA’S new hum!
Swept along by the powerful and passionate mood of the music, the dancer’s head is filled with dreams which spill out onto her swirling gown, her canvas of Life.. With each movement more memories, truth and aspirations pour forth from her holy heart flow, Oh how she dreams of visiting far off places and meeting her ‘perfect’ companion one day… Like her dress, life is multi-layered, multi-faceted and full of surprises..!!
Dance with your souls dreams and let your gown fabric of life, swirl unfolding all the possibilities of your hearts desires…there is no end to your expansion for you are infinite and powerful beyond measure, for you are the dreams of ALL THAT IS !
Spinning is weaving faster than the speed of Light
~ Karen Patricia EL Mason
DIVINE GRATITUDE to beautiful soul sisTAR @
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC DOG – OC – the MAGNETIC DOG – ooozes LOVE from every PAW.. attracting LOVE from all realms, as a conduit for unconditional SOURCE LOVE!
What is the GODDESS without LOVE?
These two go together like two peas in a pod. OC is a loyal companion, embodying the divine feminine qualities of pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. Inspiring others to do the same with open loving hearts.
As we merge into ONENESS, through the fluidity of our connection through the universal waters, we welcome the return of softness, loyalty, compassion and comradeship! Merging together through loving kindness, as EQUALS, in our pure perfection of Divine Love, flowing through our timeless receptivity.
OC reminds us to see and feel everything through our PURE hearts, and the filter of LOVE. Purifying our thoughts and emotions, to only hold loving thoughts for the good of all, and ACT from a place of loving kindness, as we endlessly float on these fluid channels of BLISS.
OC is guiding us to align with LOVE and ACT through the guidance of our pure HEARTS. LOVE is the current-SEA to find our effortless and ABUNDANT FLOW.
It is very fitting that WHITE DOG is supporting THE GODDESS today, walking side by side bringing forth the LOVE CODES and birthing this New Era of LOVE.
NOTE: KIN 170 -1 OC – and the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL was the KIN that aligned with the legendary TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in FIERY ARIES that we experienced last year- on 8th April 2024.. That prophetic event passed over AMERICA’S HEART-LAND transforming humanity through a total eclipse of the HEART
KIN 170 the MAGNETIC DOG as the supporting energy today will re-OPEN the portal of this ECLIPSE further activating us through these LOVE re-volutionary codes!! A flood of LOVE washing over us all! This HEART energy will be ACTIVATED for the entire 13 day RED MOON wavespell culminating on VALENTINES DAY!! Absolutely PERFECTO..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, making WISER choices and using our intelligence to choose a better world. Choosing to FEEL, react and behave differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus on Divine Service through union and Service to GOD/GODDESS, Humanity and our Planet.
We are choosing to follow the path of least resistance, one that is aligned with the natural rhythms and harmonic patterns of the natural world. A world where we have a deep reverence for all life forms, and an appreciation and honour for ALL of creation.
Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER, by listening to our Earth and her waters, and going with the flow of our own PURE instinct.
The YELLOW COSMIC HUMAN is the most en-LIGHTON-ed HU-MAN of them all, having fully merged with DIVINE WILL, as a human vessel for the DIVINE PLAN to be realized.
This RED MOON wavespell 9 moons ago aligned with the WESAK – BUDDHIC FESTIVAL of EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT.. when the largest SPIRITUAL PORTAL opened on the 23 MAY 2024.. Our entire planet was bathed in the highest BUDDHIC/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS LIGHT elevating all of humanity to a higher octave of consciousness. By DIVINE PROVIDENCE the WESAK moon is in the sign of SAGITTARIUS – the wise sage, philosoher, teacher and truth/wisdom seeker. WESAK is the high point of the spiritual year when forces of enlightenment flow from the higher worlds into the MIND of humanity.
WESAK brings us the astounding opportunity to practice our compassion by becoming an instrument of service to bless every being on Earth – an ideal that MULUC our RED MOON GODDESS holds true to her HEART.
Today we can access these WESAK energies through the majik of the TZOLKIN.
COSMIC EB enables us to easily connect with streams of higher and PURER consciousness. Elevating our Collective consciousness to greater purity and awareness, so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time. What a DIVINE BLESSING this is!!
We are now choosing to share our Abundance with others, in the cycle of giving and receiving – inflow and outflow, continuous flow. We have a 111 GATEWAY today.. initiating a NEW FLOW of ABUN-DANCE. This heralds a wondrous opportunity to CHANGE your prosperity patterns, beliefs and habits and ACCEPT a constant FLOW of love, support and blessings directly from SOURCE.
As we align with the DIVINE PLAN for our lives and humanity as a whole.. we are unifying our free will with the will of Spirit and the beautiful compassionate and empathic GODDESS! WE are developing a new COMPASSIONATE HIGHER PLANETARY MIND!!!!!!!!!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC STORM – CAUAC.. The MAGNETIC STORM doubles the CLEANSING power of the Goddess, enabling us to attract all that is needed to purify our mind, body and spirit, to live a more conscious life.
This STORM has a turbo charge to complete its Mission of global transformation and evolution, catalyzing the energy needed to make the next evolutionary QUANTUM leap. IN DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY the BLUE STORM -CAUAC – is the HIGHER GUIDE of the RESONANT EAGLE on 7 FEB 2025!!! BOOM – DIVINE TRANSFORMATION is assured!!!
Today and during this entire 13 day cycle CAUAU is challenging us to submit to the natural FLOW of life – the new FLOW of higher consciousness, releasing all resistance to change, transformation and GROWTH. Allow the synchronic FLOW to guide you, to release and surrender all that is not in alignment with your Divine purpose, in order to reap the gifts that Cauac is bringing.
CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your LIGHT-BODY elevating you to pure Sophia/Christ consciousness.
CAUAC is the catalyst to transform the old, and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic Matrix, of the Divine and elegant design of PURE consciousness. Transforming our world into a more loving and nurturing planet.
Allow the Universal waters of MULUC -the GODDESS, to harmonize with BLUE STORM and powerfully transport you to a new Divine and Abundant reality of PURE HEAVENLY BLISS gently carried through the nurturing and life enhancing RIVER OF LIFE.
So beloveds a divine MOTHER GODDESS day to UNITE, MAGNETIZE and ATTRACT a more nurturing and Abundant universal FLOW in your LIFE!
The river of humanity is nearing the ocean, and abundant resources are now flowing forth from SOURCE...
BELIEVE, and ye shall RECEIVE!
Today’s question is “What do I need to PURIFY/RELEASE in order to MAGNETICALLY attract the infinite FLOW of Terra Nova’s bliss-ings?”
How can I align with effortless FLOW?
Divine blessings for the BEAUTIFUL journey through the eternal RIVER of Pure Consciousness
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Blessed Brigid, Keeper of the Eternal Flame,
I call upon you on this sacred day of Imbolc.
As winter’s grasp begins to loosen,
May your radiant light shine upon us,
Igniting the spark of renewal within our hearts.
Goddess of Hearth and Home,
Guardian of the Sacred Wells,
Bringer of Inspiration, Healing, and Craft,
I welcome your presence into this space.
Bless my hands with creativity,
My mind with wisdom,
And my spirit with courage as I walk the path ahead.
As the earth stirs beneath the frost,
And new life begins to awaken,
May your fire burn brightly within me,
Kindling hope, passion, and transformation.
With gratitude and devotion, I honor you,
Brigid of the Bright Flame,
Brigid of the Healing Waters,
Brigid of the Poetic Muse.
May your blessings flow freely upon all who seek your grace.
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