2:2 Ascension Portal ~ A New Relationship Paradigm is Here * The Queen Has Arrived: Venus Reaches Her Coronation ~ Blue Pillars
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Mystical Maji of our Crystal Wisdom Keepers of our Emerald Order
Happy 2:2 Ascension Portal Activation and Freedom Day!
We have massive higher energetics flowing into this realm today from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
Our local soularis continues to envelope Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light, releasing 11 C Class Soular Flares and a barrage of 8 intense M class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 8.88 at 3:58 UTC opening the Lions Gate Portal of our Lyran Nation of the New Lemuria.
Synchronizing with this Celestial Event we have a magical Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 210 White Lunar Dog of Love and Loyalty.
On this final Groundhogs day we break free from all nefarious false time loops, time traps and cycles of suffering resolving all things perfectly in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha never to fall from Grace again.
On this Day of Freedom we step over the threshold of the doorway of perception into our highest Ascension timeline and New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are tapping into their genius held within their hearts, minds and 12 Strand Crystalline DNA to consciously Co-Create the Paradise Mother Earth has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
2nd February : 2/2 Aquarius Gate and the Grail achieved
Today is the celebration of a planetary “point of light”, the 2/2 Aquarius Gate. We are being showered with high frequency Angelic energy and Codes coming through this portal, and also the Heart Song of the Angels, the light from the Divine Heart to oue Heart. We are also celebrating the achievement of the Golden Grail, the marriage or Sacred Union of the New Masculine with the Divine Feminine to create the basis for 5D life in the New Earth.
It is a time of great Joy and Celebration in the New Earth.
In the old 3D energies there is much confusion and anxiety and anger. This creates sadness and more anger. But we are here to anchor the new frequencies on the New Earth.
2/2 PORTAL. We have already felt the change of energy. You are about to experience a massive renewal, a big paradigm shift that hasn’t happened in years. Reality is changing at a rapid pace. Your dreamed future could be closer than you think. What’s not aligned rapidly, naturally and “evidently” fades away. New opportunities are opening. They both feel new and familiar. New information is being received and revealed — directions, paths, they are key for the person you are becoming. Your sacred role may be deepening, expanding, actualizing. Release your fears, one day a little more. This life you have been prepping for years — it is coming much closer. Ground, rest as much as needed, so that the high influx of energy is processed in the highest way. You are about to take leaps you didn’t know were possible.
2/2/25: Because this year’s number 9 magnifies energies, February’s normally sensitive number 2 vibe must be handled especially carefully. Number 2 gives back what it gets. Show it love and it will adore you. Mistreat or disrespect it and it will take you down, slowly and tortuously. This is a good reason to take things easy this month. Today focuses on details and tidbits. So if you feel the urge to tidy up, take full advantage. February is the perfect time to clean up and beautify your space. You will find all your senses perking up this year which means you’ll begin to notice what’s been overlooked, disregarded, or neglected… and you could be very surprised by what’s been hiding in plain sight.
Fifth Dimensional Vortexes are Opening Up along Many Ley lines and Merkaba Points that Crisscross our Planet. . . Creating a Web of Interconnected Energy.
These Vortexes. . . BE-ing Activated. . . will Gradually Expand their Reach toward the very CORE of the Earth. . . Anchoring Her into the Higher Frequencies Associated with the Fifth Dimension.
As this Profound Process Takes Place. . . our Earth will Experience a Significant Awakening. . . Gaining the Ability to Control Her own Weather Patterns and any other Planetary Activities that have Long been Influenced by External Forces.
Once these Vortexes are Fully Activated. . . NO Longer will the Earth’s Weather or other Natural Phenomena BE Subject to Manipulation by the Dark ones or any other Controlling Entities on our Planet.
Instead. . . Earth will Develop the Capability to Counteract any Attempts at Manipulation. . . Restoring Her Natural Balance and Harmony.
This Transformative Process is Actively Occurring NOW and will Continue to Unfold until the Earth has Achieved Total Control over Her own Body and its Functions. . . Marking a Pivotal SHIFT in Her Evolutionary Journey.
This Process will also Serve as a Catalyst for the Human race. . . Significantly Enhancing our own Spiritual Advancements and Growth.
As these Powerful Energy Vortices Open Up. . . they Create Opportunities for Individuals to Align with and Anchor these Energies to their own Personal Energy Fields.
This Alignment will Facilitate a Deeper Balance within us. . . Allowing us to Attune to a 5th Dimensional Consciousness that Promotes Higher Awareness and Understanding.
It is Essential to Recognize that this Alignment Requires ONLY our Intention and a Genuine Willingness to Expand our Consciousness BEyond its Current Limitations.
As these Powerful Energetic PORTALS Expand into the Very CORE of the Earth. . . We too will Experience an Expansion in Consciousness. . . Bringing us into Greater Alignment with the Entirety of the Ascension Process that Humanity and the Earth is Undergoing.
As a Result. . . We will Find that our DIVINE Nature BEgins to Emerge More Fully. . . Allowing us to Express our TRUE Essence in Ways that may have Previously Felt out of Reach.
The Elemental Kingdom. . . in all its Vibrant Diversity. . . is Rejoicing at this Momentous Occasion.
They are Actively Participating in the Process of Anchoring these Vortexes into the Heart of our Beloved Mother Earth. . . Facilitating a Harmonious Flow of Energy that Supports both the Planet and Humanity in this Significant Transition.
They are in Great Joy and Enthusiasm. . . as they Understand the Importance of this Alignment for both the Planet and All Her Inhabitants.
The Earth and All Who Reside within Her Realms. . . Are Moving Toward a NEW ERA of Consciousness. . . Where the Energies of LOVE. . . UNITY. . . and BALANCE Prevail.
The Queen Has Arrived: Venus/ Inanna Reaches Her Coronation
Venus/ Inanna reaches the culmination of her journey as Leo Metagoddess in her Shamanic Journey of Death and Rebirth as she reaches The Gate of Authority at Crown Chakra on Feb 1/2 . She is Now Crowned Queen Of Heaven AND Earth- Coronation of The Sovereign Queen of The Creative Fires, Queen of Her Inner and Outer Queendom, She Who maps her own Destiny guided by her Holy Desire and The Heart’s Sacred Longing for The Divine.
Having integrated her Dark Shadows in the underworld , as she Now passes through the Last Gate , She brings with her the Pearls/ Gifts of the Underworld making her Empowered in Power and Passion,Whole and Complete , Sovereign and Independent, Courageous and Generous, Sensual and Seductive, Master of her Own Agency in Self Acceptance and Self Assurance ….It is Here that She Reconnects with her inherent Divine Goddess Light/ Wisdom- The Queen Has Arrived!!!
And Venus finds greater buoyancy Now with her Conjunction to Dreamy Mystic Neptune at North Node of Fate- this is where your hearts desires , Longings and fantasies especially related to Beauty, Friendships, Love, Connections, Creativity, art and abundance get imbibed with the proverbial Unicorn magic!!!
Venus/ Inanna Goddess of all that we value and want to magnitize towards into our Life (Love, Money, Beauty ) is at her Highest Heavenly Emanation where she will remain for a month. This Combined with the Imbolc Energies of reawakening of Lifeforce energy within and without,It Is Passion and Desire that are Now central to Guiding The LifeForce energies towards fulfilling our Dreams and Aspirations. With Neptune in the fray, Nothing is out of Bounds!!!
A word of Caution though, Venus is in her Shadow period and thus a lot of “divine/ magical interventions and Unicorn created rainbows of Ecstasy” will be up for review (to dispel the illusions and delusions of Neptune )when Venus Retrogrades March 1st. But till then, why not Enjoy the Coronation , The Gifts of Spiritual Wisdom, The Connection to The Divine Abundance, The Queenship , The adulation ,connections and creative outlets…. all that sets your Heart Body and Soul on Fire!!!
Dear friends, today’s 2:2 portal on February 2nd is a significant energetic gateway that offers a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth, new beginnings, and elevated consciousness. This portal is believed to activate a gateway for manifestation, balance, and harmony, symbolized by the Master Number 22.
As we navigate this portal, we have some incoming solar winds and geomagnetic storms amplifying today’s energies. The solar winds, a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun, are influencing our Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, bringing energetic upgrades that can accelerate consciousness expansion.
This connection between the 2:2 portal energies and the current solar winds/geomagnetic storms is not a coincidence. The heart chakra activation during this particular portal resonates with the Schumann Resonance, Earth’s heartbeat, which is partially influenced by solar winds and geomagnetic storms. This resonance can facilitate a global consciousness shift, promoting unity, love, and higher awareness. It is through our heart chakra that we are able to integrate the light and the shadow, the duality of this earthly world and the unity of the spiritual planes.
Throughout history and across various philosophies, the number 22 has been imbued with profound symbolic meaning. In Kabbalistic tradition, the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are believed to hold the secrets of creation and the universe. Similarly, the 22 paths on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life represent the interconnectedness of the divine and human realms. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the 22 principles of Ma’at, the goddess of truth and justice, governed the balance and harmony of the universe. In Tarot, the 22 Major Arcana cards represent the journey of the soul through various stages of transformation and self-realization. The recurrence of the number 22 across these diverse philosophical and other spiritual traditions underscores its significance as a master number, representing the pinnacle of human multidimensional integration and spiritual enlightenment.
As we navigate this powerful energetic gateway, it’s essential to be mindful of our own energy and take steps to integrate the incoming energies. Meditation and grounding techniques can help us connect with the Earth’s energy and balance our own. Prioritizing self-care, staying hydrated, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle are also crucial during this time.
The 2:2 portal offers a unique opportunity to set intentions for personal growth, manifestation, and global unity. By being aware of the energies at play and taking steps to harness their potential, we can elevate our consciousness and contribute to a global shift in awareness. As we move through this portal, remember to stay open, receptive, and grounded, allowing the transformative energies to guide you toward a brighter and more loving future.
Today 2/2, a new stabilizing passage begins. A portal that will reach its peak on the 22/2 of the month and that the universal 11 frequency of February also confirms. This is a passage that invites us to continue remaining as Divine Universal Pillars where required, as many times we are going to be called to assist in totally new ways, and that is what it shall be for the highest good of All, at the moment.
Our mission is not to question God’s Will but to adapt and surrender to it the best we can.
There are many different types of stabilizers, including Ruby, Diamond, and Blue pillars among many others, and all of us connected to each other to achieve our stabilizing purpose. We all carry a specific coding, seeding, that helps the location that calls us to be of service, whether remotely or physically, as well as the elementals, and other living Forms within Creation, for there are many types of loving pillars among us.
Many of you are now moving into your roles as stabilizers, I have been shown when stabilizing remotely the many openings and new souls who are now literally bright light pillars in certain locations and earth’s fabrics. All is retrieving its original blueprint and Divine Order. Our mission is to remain in the highest frequency possible, so lower ones cannot touch us, as Orion guides always share. This is how we serve Creation, not by fighting against anything, but by being loving harmonic pillars.
Guides share there are many of you moving into new locations, while others will be awakening to your mission as stabilizers. At least in my personal path, there have been three main phases. Some of you are in the initial phases where your Presence and Essence are key to serving as light encoders and protectors. Others are moving into the second stage where moving into a new location or visiting others is key to stabilizing. While others are already immersed in planetary stabilization, moving into new positions.
All is always equal and serves the highest good of All. There are no better roles than others within Creation; this is spiritual ego.
My Guides shared new locations for all who may need confirmation on their stabilizing roles. Remember, your best compass and guidance are always within you. Within your DNA time codes and Ruby or Diamond codes, to set an example, there are codes which once awakened will guide you towards where you need to be next.
Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Bashraq, Iraq
Kashmir & Tibet
Egyptian planetary grid lines and Astral fabrics are still being repaired.
Uluru – a pure location already that needs stabilization to continue remaining as such, as well as new earth’s anchors who continue realigning our Earth’s organic timelines with Uluru’s ones, for Uluru is an interdimensional portal that connects Earth with all timelines.
Barrancas del Cobre, Mexico.
Machu Pichu, Peru, I received it will serve as an initiating passage for many of you stepping into this stabilizing role.
Easter Island, in Chile, is a universal portal as well.
Xian, China
Due to wars, and with wars Guides are not just referring to physical wars, but to consciousness traps, and many other current wars over consciousness, for there are many different battles. Also environmental manipulations and anomalies, and many other imbalances, there is a need to clear miasma in some of these locations.
You know where to be of service; no one knows better than you where to be next, for only you can know the details of your exact mission.
This month’s harmonic essence will serve all of us, personally and planetarily, to embody more peace, unconditional love, balance, and compassion, for we all are being taught how to embody more neutrality, resilience, and kindness through all we experience personally and collectively,
May you always choose to be a harmonic pillar for yourself, those around you, and All, Beloveds.
Stay Close To Mother Nature As Her Electrical Pulsations Are Providing Rapid Tools Of Light Activations.
2025 Brings Wonderful Energetic Alignments For Those Attuned To Welcoming These Light Frequencies.
We Are The Cusp Of Change Now Initiated In The Hu-man Form.
We Have An Interesting Empowered Year Before US
Together We Uprise In Light
Grateful We Are Together Standing Strong
Much Love
Global Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Grounding, Resting, Integrating
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
A New Relationship Paradigm is Here
This week we are finally receiving results of our efforts to heal and end karmic relationships. You may have experienced these toxic relationships your whole life, with each new relationship turning into narcissistic abuse. These relationships and patterns may also have propelled you into doing your own healing journey where you learned to set boundaries, clear karma, cut cords, and end those contracts.
If relationships have been a lot of hard work, know that you were born into these experiences to end them for the paradigm shift. That is why many of us Starseeds and Lightworkers Worldwide are having these exact same experiences. As a Collective we’ve completed ending duality and are aligning with oneness, interconnectedness, and unconditional love.
Our Star Families are here assisting us in cleansing, healing, and upgrading into oneness this week. A lot of shifts may be felt in the 5 bodies, including your DNA, so you may return back to the sovereign, powerful being of light that you are.
Collectively us Starseeds and Lightworkers are beginning a new paradigm of love together. This is where you can connect and unify with your Divine Counterpart, Soulmates, and Soul Family that are just like you – love and light. We can come together, support, love each other, and grow as one.
This is happening now. We are crossing the bridge into the oneness field this week, and this month of February. Allow, receive, grow, and expand in this truth of the real you.
source: 144godcode.com
Uranus Stations Direct
Ra James
Happy 2:2 Portal.
Today brings us a lot of high frequency energies, that are taking us to a higher vibration, and even higher realities. These energies and light codes streaming in are bringing with them major DNA upgrades. The energy begans to amp up on today and will only be magnified for the 2:22 Portal. Today is a huge manifestation portal. It gives you a chance to align with the Universe on a bigger level, and with what you are currently working on.
It’s a great time to be putting your intentions out into the Universe. A great technique is to visualize the life that you want. You’re planting seeds. Stay focused on tending to and nurturing these dreams to bring them into reality. These energies are amazing for helping you to heal, or work through any karmic lessons still affecting you in your life. Shadow work may be coming up.
These higher energies tend to push to the surface everything in your life that you need to heal. On these Portal days, the Universe throws a concentrated load of energy at us, which can bring up the things we might otherwise usually like to push away or repress in everyday life. That makes this a great time to be releasing energies that are no longer serving you, and clearing the blocks. Your intuition will be amplified helping you to tap in much easier. Make sure you’re listening to it as to what to be doing. These are very spiritual days.
Know where you’re going, and where you want your destiny to lead you. The key is to know what you want to do with your life. These energies can help you massively in getting there…
On Sunday, February 2nd, we have the elements of Fire and Air combining their powerful energies together. The Moon, ruler of our feelings and reflections, is in Fire sign Aries for the day. First, she will be connecting by sextile to Mercury, ruler of thoughts and ideas, in intellectual, Air sign Aquarius, then a sextile to Jupiter, ruler of beliefs and the higher mind, in curious, Air sign Gemini, and finally a sextile to the Sun, ruler of self-expression and potential, in innovative, Air sign Aquarius. Notice these connections are all sextiles, which is considered an aspect of opportunity.
This means that when we see, hear, feel, sense, or know about an opportunity, we must take some sort of action in order to benefit from it. Fire is about creativity and passion, and Air is about communication and networking. So, today, listen to the messages from Spirit, immerse yourself in your creative gifts, write out that to-do list, follow up on that email, text or phone call……sing, dance, paint, draw, color and play……write, speak, teach, research, communicate and share.
Make it the most inspiring, Light-filled day!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
elements of Fire and Air combining their powerful energies together
Lunar aspects – The Pisces planets continue to sing and ring in the background but emotionally there’s a shift from twinkly kindness to fiery curiosity. Luna’s leap into Aries brings with it an urge to explore, a feeling that now is the time to conquer the world! Let’s go, says Luna, and here we are, bags half packed, laughing, grabbing passport and guidebook, savouring foreign words on the tongue like melt-in-the-mouth sweet treats from an Italian bakery.
And it is time to be bold, in small ways, in ways that matter, in ways the push you along a little further than yesterday. Talk to a friend about your hopes and dreams. Find a buddy, an ally, a cheerleader or become one for another. Being strong and independent doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone. Cut the dead wood from your life. Wrestle back some control. Say yes to an adventure!
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Stabilize, Polarize and Challenge’. This is the 2nd day of the Red Moon wavespell and a Portal day. The number two is challenging itself and when it falls on a Portal day it can be a bit intense, be warned. This only happens 5 times in the Tzolkin. Today is a Dog day and that means that there is tenacity to tap into if you need it, and that will greatly help the removal of obstacles.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Normally Dog days are fun and playful and good for putting your heart into whatever you do. When Dog falls on a Lunar day the dog is challenged and the ‘Inner Doberman’ can surface. That’s the not so nice side of White Dog. He growls and shows his teeth. Be very careful today that you do not growl at your loved ones, matters of the heart can be tricky. Dog was friendlier yesterday in the Ally position and tomorrow he is the Occult power. It’s just that number 2 doesn’t bring out his best side and with it also being a Portal day, there’s simply too much chaos all around. On the other hand, it’s this kind of energy that can be very useful. We must deal with challenges today and if the Dog has a bit of attitude, well that might be what it takes to get the job done. Doggy determination.
The Guide today is the White Wind which is the symbol of ‘Communication’. As the Pink Floyd song says ‘Keep Talking’. When all else fails, open the channels of communication. If the dog bites, say sorry. Whenever we have any kind of challenging day, there is always some helpful aspect you can tune in to. The Guide and the Occult power, I find most helpful and so today, remember this support is available.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. Today the answers don’t come easy and good ideas are scarce. Matters of the heart are so distracting today that no one is really thinking with their heads. If you are a Yellow Sun, I’m not going to lie…it’s potentially a rough old day. Your sunny nature will be tested but by tomorrow you’ll be right as rain again.
The Occult power is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. When Monkey is in his natural position of magic, he is at his strongest. This means there really is a lot of magic in the air but also great potential for monkey tricks. Tomorrow is a Monkey day on a Portal day and so he really is running loose at the moment!
The Ally today is the Red Moon which is also the wavespell we are in. This is very helpful as the Moon is really supportive on this challenging day. All you can do is surrender and see how the day unfolds. If you are a Red Moon expect people to ask you for help, your chilled out energy is really beneficial to others today.
MANTRA I POLARIZE in order to LOVE Stabilizing LOYALTY I seal the process of HEART With the LUNAR tone of CHALLENGE I AM guided by the power of SPIRIT. I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!!
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 210 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity
What a beautiful DIVINE BLISSing for us all!! 2.2 and 4 – codes today – the codes for building a NEW COMPASSIONATE EARTH very, very; potent as this was the code of 4-MULUC the Year of the SELF-EXISTING MOON – in 2022/23 as our compassionate GODDESS took on the task to reclaim our world – after the plan-demic – through a new sensitivity and compassion as the NEW FOUNDATION in the rebuilding of our communities after the fall!
Today we have an EXTRA potent GAP day, bringing forth much LOVE and DIVINE BLESSINGS from the GODDESS! BOOM! A powerful WAKE UP CALL – to RETURN TO LOVE!
Day 2 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels, in order to receive pure consciousness and initiate more Universal FLOW
Today we are anchoring more LOVE FLOW into the PHYSICAL PLANE, by connecting to our KIN, through the power of unconditional love. We are being challenged to recognize and stabilize all that is NOT aligned with Divine LOVE.
LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female, and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Today’s codes bring attention to the duality trials between people – particularly twin flames/couples and partners. Trials, tests and polarity challenges ...
We have a 2.2. GAP portal day today – highlighting TWINS and relationships – so this will be the major focus today!
BE AWARE so that you can actively CHOOSE LOVE to dissolve any conflict within your relationships and create UNITY and ONENESS.
Today is a day filled with uncovering how you can transcend duality, through the power of unconditional love and loyalty. It is TIME to step OUT of the duality game and all its possible challenges, in order to move into a more unified FLOW.
Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects.
Has your feminine aspect been repressed from being receptive to the LOVE that surrounds and enfolds you?
It is real to express your true inner being and allow more receptivity to FLOW into your life. Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the masks of duality.
The GODDESS is calling for reunification – no polarity, battles, duels or conflict – just ONE river FLOWING in the same direction towards the greater OCEAN. .
Today’s question is “How can I move beyond duality conflict and challenges, to allow for greater LOVE and LOYALTY to FLOW into my LIFE?”
Divine blessings for FLOWING together with your beloved kin, in the sweet RIVER of the GODDESS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
NOTE: Be mindful of any conflict or relationship challenges that arise today which need to be harmonized and stabilized into ONENESS.
18 moons ago – last GALACTIC SPIN – KIN 210 occured on the LAST day of the month of AUGUST 2023, which fell on on a BLUE MOON– the second FULL MOON that month – It was a SUPERMOON in the sign of PISCES.. A very potent LOVE portal on a GAP day – blasting OPEN our compassionate HEARTS for more LOVE to FLOW..
We are linked to this portal through the majik of the TZOLKIN GALACTIC SPINS through SPACE-TIME.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE LUNAR DOG OC brings our focus to our precious HEARTS today and matters of LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. As it is THE GODDESS wavespell we are focused on stabilizing loyalty to our kin, our families and our loved ones. The GODDESS beckons us to purify any patterns of resistance that are impeding our relationships, and our ability to FLOW together with our kin.
Today is the day that WE LET GO OF THE SHORE – and become the LOG/DOG in the RIVER where all our LOVED ones gather as ONE family, and ONE tribe, floating together on ONE raft, in the infinite waters of the GODDESS.
It is time to UNITE and all FLOW together – seamlessly all in harmonic concordance, totally attuned to each other’s frequency. In beautiful alignment as soul family, without the need to utter any words – just PURE connection through the streams of consciousness.
OC and the GODDESS are stabilizing and strengthening connection with our families and common-unities, through building a solid foundation constructed on PURE DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE LUNAR WIND – IK communicates Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order. Stop, be still and LISTEN to the whisperings of the Great White Wind. Great SPIRIT is communicating LOUD and CLEAR through the portal of your higher HEART today, guiding you to connect with your kin through HIGHER DIVINE LOVE, as universal children on this great planet.
GREAT SPIRIT is calling us to LET GO OF THE SHORE, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. Float to the middle of the RIVER and allow the currents to lead you to your Divine destination. – Hopi prophecy
Each of us is a hollow vessel, like a reed of bamboo, allowing great spirit to voice through our being. It is a brilliant day for planetary kin to come together, to network, to communicate, to create, to laugh, dance, sing, channel and meditate.
What inspires the NEW TIME, is to MERGE HEARTS with others. breathe and channel the NEW RAINBOW energies.
Open your HEART to the dance of Spirit and the Goddess – Father/Mother GOD.
SUPPORT: RED LUNAR MOON – MULUC the GODDESS adds DOUBLE the FEMININE power today, continuing to offer very STRONG support and guidance initiating her profound wavespell. MULUC is BOTH the supporting energy and the wavespell energy today.
The LUNAR MOON will reveal the polarity struggles between masculine and feminine aspects today – whether that be internally, within your being, reflected to you by others, or even on the greater global stage… If there is friction and unresolved conflict between these two principles – the imbalance will arise to be harmonized through the LOVE of the Lunar Dog.
Unconditional LOVE FLOWS endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Divine Mother aspect of SOURCE. GODDESS provides all the love, nurturing and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our HEARTS and allow the FLOW.
MULUC supports us to loosen up and become more fluid... tuning into our senses and our intuition. Observing our psychic connections to Spirit, ourselves and each other. WE CAN also clear the karmic, ancestral and familial patterns, that have placed a WEDGE to giving and receiving LOVE within our relationships.. all betrayals, deception, oppression and denial can be HEALED throughout space-time.
Tune in and FEEL the messages in your HEART. We can ascertain the direction in which to FLOW, moving forward with ease and grace, allowing the Universal waters to gently take us to our next destination point.
Our sensitivity is heightened as we become pure channels, and we have the ability to respond and FLOW with the needs of the common-unity. Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed in order for DIVINE LOVE to flow endlessly once more!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY – CHUEN The beautiful Divine child, CHUEN invites us to LIGHTEN up and play with our KIN. Be spontaneous, follow the promptings of spirit and see where it leads you, all laughing and flowing together.
The CRYSTAL MONKEY brings forth great Majik, ensuring you have crystal clear telepathic links with your kin. This connection will dissolve the polarity conflict and OPEN the communication channels, facilitating greater HARMONY through empathy and understanding. Once you look past the conflict and disagreements, you will discover that the connections are very CLEAR and strong, enabling you to bond with others through HEART resonance.
The MONKEY is a Master of Illusion When combined with the LUNAR tone, CHUEN will rapidly reveal any deceptions or deviations from pure LOVE, LOYALTY and DEVOTION.
The CRYSTAL tone will heighten your ability to uncover any “monkey business”. Use LAUGHTER, and joviality to brush aside the friction, uniting through spontaneity and JOY.
Gather with your kin folk and allow the Divine Majik of Spirit to flow through your body. See WHO is flowing in your river with you and celebrate. Connect with your kin and cocreate through spontaneity, PLAY and pure innocent JOY!
BLUE MONKEY represents the Dolphin jumping out of the deep blue, expansive sea of LOVE, and the magnetic attraction of JOY into the void of LOVE. The Dolphin energies carry the codes for 5D Bliss and JOY.
The CRYSTAL MONKEY will broadcast these 5D BLISS codes throughout GAIA’S crystalline communication grid today.. Tune in through your beautiful HEART and unite with your kin in these 5D airwaves – pulsing these frequencies throughout the globe.
Return to your purity and innocence, to reclaim your forgotten MAJIK and reclaim the power of your PURE HEART.
Take a deep breath, and TRUST in the innocence of your Divine child to show you the way home. Dive deeply into the HEART of LOVE, merging with Divine Mother’s compassion and pure nurturing love, as you blend into the field of ONENESS with ALL THAT IS.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW LUNAR SUN – AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through EN-LIGHTON-MENT, purifying our physical vessels to allow for greater LIGHT to be anchored.
The LUNAR SUN challenges you to focus on the SUN-LIGHT, and embrace your shadow through acceptance and unconditional LOVE…
There is an old Cherokee story that tells of this battle with our shadow.
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all.
One is EVIL. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is GOOD. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
LOVE the darkness and forgive any judgement of yourself or others.. Pure acceptance and forgiveness, is the path to higher LOVE and higher consciousness.
The act of forgiveness and Grace allows you to EXPAND your heart toroidal field, in order to truly SHINE your HEART LIGHT.
Expanding your LOVE and LIGHT into the Cosmos and connecting to the Divine LIGHT of pure consciousness. Uniting with our planetary kin as fully AWAKENED and evolved Christed HU-MANs, spiritual beings having a HUMAN experience in this physical reality. Anchoring our LIGHT through our physical vessels allowing the pure streams of consciousness to FLOW through our being.
We are blessed to independently SHINE our LIGHT cocreating our beautiful common-unities through the POWER of SOURCE itself. Returning home, full circle to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART! AHO!!
So beloved planetary kin, another very potent DIVINE MOTHER GODDESS day to express, FLOW and UNITE through the POWER of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with your beloved kin.
It is also noteworthy that on this day during the Goddess Wavespell – White Lunar Dog -23 May, 2019 – 8 Galactic SPINS ago – 5 million women took to the streets of Kerala in India to protest at the polarization of women in their country, demanding equality and respect!
The LUNAR DOG is very potent for shaking us out of our comfort zones and accepting responsibility for the creation of our collective reality based on a new foundation of unconditional LOVE, loyalty and acceptance of ALL souls.
Today’s question is “How can I move beyond duality conflict and challenges, to allow for greater LOVE and LOYALTY to FLOW into my LIFE?”
WARNING! KIN 210 can be extremely challenging or ecstatically BLISSFUL – oscillating between the two states… The whole gamut of expression through polarity is possible today, exacerbated through the 2.2. GAP portal and link to the PISCEAN SUPERMOON last GALACTIC SPIN as well as the GAP intensity.
Make sure you consciously COURSE CORRECT today – and keep CHOOSING LOVE in each instance, to steer your way into the OCEAN of ONENESS.
Divine blessings for FLOWING together with your beloved kin, in the sweet RIVER of the GODDESS.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the
Week of February 2nd through 8th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of February 2nd through 8th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Imbolc Healing Ceremony & Guided Meditation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Beloved I AM Presence, Divine Light within and around me,
I call upon Your radiant power to awaken my soul to its highest truth.
I stand in the infinite brilliance of Divine Love,
a vessel of pure light, harmony, and wisdom.
Flame of the Eternal, rise within me now!
Ignite the sacred fire of my heart,
Illuminating my path with clarity, strength, and divine purpose.
Let all shadows dissolve in Your presence,
as I align with the highest will of the cosmos.
I AM Light. I AM Love. I AM Power.
I AM the living expression of Divine Perfection.
Through the I AM, all things are restored to harmony,
and I walk in the grace of infinite creation.
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