I AM Freedom in Action Now and Forever
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
How often do you remember to take a LONG moment to make friends with your many, Multidimensional Friends who, by the way, ALL live within YOU!
You came in with a wisdom that most humans are not aware of in themselves yet. You can take the most intelligent person on the planet, the most acclaimed writer, the most accomplished thinker, the most prominent figure on social media, the most celebrated of celebrities, and their consciousness would pale compared to yours.
With the partial Solar Eclipse approaching on February 15th, we have been experiencing increased energies for the last 2 weeks. We have been in the Eclipse Portal since the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse.
We believe that this energy wave is going to connect the ascending humans, the awakened ones, telepathically so that we can support each other during this time of transition.
We stand today on the very cusp of Victory. Patience and guile (internal wisdom) are leading us toward manifesting the galactic society that we all have long worked for. It is ready to become a truly wondrous reality based on the principle of Unity consciousness.
I found this on the 2012 portal blog and thought that this would be a great way to support the light forces.
Your human aspect will experience many deaths along the way. Your physical body will too. This is how your SOUL awakens INSIDE YOUR BODY, and your physical cleanses and purifies all of the human'ness you came here to experience and transcend from within you. As your physical body awakens, it becomes conscious too. The ENERGY of LIGHT will start to move inside of you, activate and awaken that which you didn't REMEMBER existed....