Avatars of light ~ THE JUPITER SPARK IS BACK * Your Star Family is with you! A New Era Begins…
Avatars of light ~ THE JUPITER SPARK IS BACK * Your Star Family is with you! A New Era Begins... Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue…
Avatars of light ~ THE JUPITER SPARK IS BACK * Your Star Family is with you! A New Era Begins... Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue…
ANCIENT OLYMPIA ~ IGNITION OF THE OLYMPIC FLAME ~ Through the Eyes of a Child ~ Avatar Update to the Adam Kadman Body Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings…
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of August as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. And in this month of August, sweet ones, as you experience the 8:8 Gateway, you deepen into your Christed Hearts and the activation of the Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.
What if I told you mountains were not mountains, volcanoes were not volcanoes, deserts were not deserts, and canyons were not canyons? You would laugh........but bear with me. I said in my Edge documentary, and even in this weeks FERO episode, mainstream Geology is an elite cover up, and it needs a massive re-look at from a completely blank canvas.