You are currently viewing Rainbow Light Body ~ Brother Ashtar (Mothership New Jerusalem) INTELLIGENT LIFE in the UNIVERSE ~ Redemption in Action
Moon, ruler of how we feel, connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, both in flowing, water sign Pisces

Rainbow Light Body ~ Brother Ashtar (Mothership New Jerusalem) INTELLIGENT LIFE in the UNIVERSE ~ Redemption in Action

Rainbow Light Body ~ Brother Ashtar (Mothership New Jerusalem) INTELLIGENT LIFE in the UNIVERSE ~ Redemption in Action



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Star Warriors of our Spiritual Alliance of Light

Today we complete this intense month of May with a Trinity of Powerful Activations.

Our local Solaris has been very active again today releasing over 16 C Class Solar Flares, 1 M Class Flare and another X Class Solar Flare maxing at X  1.18 at 3:03 PM PST (22:03 UTC) bringing in the Codes of the 33 of Divine Mastery.

We also had higher spikes of Resonance in Gaia’s heartbeat with peaks on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 20 hz, 21 hz and 24 hz. This is calling in our Trinity of Union of our Divine Feminine’s and Divine Masculine’s. This is the merging of the Yin with the Yang, Water and Fire become One as the Eagle flies with the Condor in Holy Union of Hieros Gamos to usher in our New Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Pachamama also received 2 powerful activations today with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake Southeast of Africa in the  Prince Edward Islands at 15:46 UTC and second 6.2 quake on her Pacific Ring of Fire in the Kermadec Islands at 15:54 UTC bridging our 8.8 Lionsgate Portal of New Lemuria.

Keep anchoring in the Light through your Sacred Vessel into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth as we rise together in the Glory of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!










This new structure is SO Rich with Honor..Potent Solar Masculine energy that truly stands for Honor, what is Sacred, what is Free Will Choice, what is True and what is Right.. Redemption in Action. 🫶🌹👑
✨🧘💫👽CONNECTING with the INTELLIGENT LIFE in the UNIVERSE is a global phenomenon like no other…
✨🧘💫👽It represents the next big step in the development and evolution of the human family…
✨😇💫🌟And there are people all over the world who know this to be TRUE…
✨👽👽👽That ALIEN LIFE is a reality and that we are not alone in the universe, even in our own WORLD…



Renewal is here for you! Feel the purification that is happening allowing your heart to open beyond the illusions of programming of the mind. The sun is going through transfiguration and so are you. Harmonizing is the way to bring light within you. Resistance is not flow and causes disease which is the lack of ease. Bask in the light and flow with harmony to shift your energy ☀️

Renewal is here for you
Renewal is here for you
Where There Is Play, There’s No Fear.
For Every Sensitivity, For Every Perception,
There Is An Innate Ability To Respond.
Trusting Ourselves To Play,
Trusting Ourselves To Perceive With Sensitivity.
Knowing We Have The Strength And Presence
To Respond In Each Moment, In Each Movement.
Wanting To Move Forward,
With Our Truth Centre As Our Compass
Not Wanting Our Sensitivity Weaponised Against Us Anymore.
We Won’t Be Pushed Back Into Ourselves Now
Trusting Our Sonar Centre
Sending Out Our True Call And Feeling The Field In Response To Us.
Allowing Resonance Or Not In Every Moment
Moving With Ease And Grace
Joy, Laughter And Love
With Discernment And Sense
Golden Magnetic
Have Fun
It Is Safe To Be Radiant
It Is Safe To Be Innocent
It Is Safe To Be Free
Honey Bees Are Go 😊
Where There Is Play
Where There Is Play
Omg just felt and saw the presence of gigantic mothership and our beloved and revered brother Ashtar spoke to me. I was teleported on to the ship and am still fully immersed and all teared up. I know this place with every cell of my being. I have had numerous exchanges with Ashtar in the past and have felt the Mothership New Jerusalem before but today was something else. He said to tell you that all is going according to the higher plan and not to be discouraged but to remain patient. And that soon they ( our galactic family) will reveal themselves.
He also confirmed that I am part of the galactic council (which I have known for almost twenty years) and that there are new tasks awaiting me and that I am being prepared which is also why he showed up now. And I sense many of the groundcrew will equally be prepared for the great revelation and what is to come which will be a huge endeavor in terms of the global mass scale awakening and especially for the many the realization of the existence of our galactic family of light. So keep the flame of faith alive and strong.. stay calm and know all is well. All is well. We are not alone on this and our galactic family is very very present and unwavering in their love and support.
But it is all up to us not to them to actualize the full disclosure. But we are near the tipping point. And we are victorious. You are so deeply loved. Greetings from Cmd. Ashtar and our galactic brothers and sisters … we are right here with you holding you in close embrace.
Amma Grace with Cmd. Ashtar
presence of gigantic mothership
presence of gigantic mothership

Divine Feminine 7777

How are you doing? I can feel we are getting closer to an important shift. We had many upgrades lately that we didn’t have time to stop and recharge. It basically didn’t stop since the 55 portal. We went through big shifts and cleared so much. The last few days feel like the time is standing still and we are in a weird bubble of energy where we can’t feel anything. It is similar to the usual void feeling but this time it is different, like we are preparing for something big and new.
It doesn’t feel empty but really full and potent. Like a higher frequency void of some sorts. Fun times ahead. Not only we are ending May today and entering June tomorrow (I really can’t believe it how fast time flies. It seems like we just started this year and five months have already gone by and I don’t know when), we are also getting closer and closer to the 66 portal and the new moon but on June 4th a rare planetary even will happen. It is called the Parade of planets where 6 planets (jupiter, mercury, uranus, mars, neptune and saturn) will align with the crescent moon in a straight line.
Feels like we are (the ascending collective) coming into alignment too, reaching the point in time on the journey of Ascension, where we will finally align with the divine plan, come into balance once again, and have the opportunity to choose a path that will be more of a “straight line” then the “chaotic, victim mentality, trauma line” we were on for so long. Take care of your body, ground yourself, stay hydrated, take time for yourself and enjoy every day as much as you can.
Parade of planets
Parade of planets
5/31/24: Today is strong of heart, aiming for a final cleanup of any residue from May’s busyness. This is literal stuff, but it’s mostly where your internal foundation might feel unsettled or wobbly. This foundation, by the way, is the base upon which you will rely as you navigate the rest of this year.
It is your very center and includes your environment, relationships, opinions, beliefs, attitude, and health. You will reorganize and readjust your space many times but what you have now is your starting point. Take a real, sincere glance (and feel) around today.
If there is any area that doesn’t feel balanced, get in there and do the work. Better to tackle it now than later. Your efforts could be tested in June.

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

The Mother Calls You ~ The Golden Goddess

Greetings, I am Olwen, Golden Goddess and Keeper of the Realms.

Connection and remembrance has been made for transmission.

I am coming forward in these moments, through The Higher Self of Chellea.

You would know me through your Welsh Mythology.

My Name, as Olwen, has the Meaning of the Golden wheel, or Golden Cycle. Throughout the 26,000 year Cycle of Mother Earth, I have helped her Transition into the Higher Vibrations, and then again into the Lower. The Cycles of The Mother are ending. She will not be continuing the same cycle back into darkness as she has done previous. She will be rising out of the cycles that have kept her enslaved to the physical reality. She is now ready to make that transition.

In these moments the Mother Earth Calls to her Children. She is calling out to her daughters, to embody her spirit, and she calls out to her sons, to share in that wisdom.

I first wish to say that all Beings have the Feminine and masculine aspects within them that must become in balance and equal spiritually within. This is the same in your Physical reality. The feminine must awaken to their Power, and become in balance with your Masculine counterparts. No one is above another, all are Divine. you Must all connect within the Divine Union of Oneness.

As humanity raises in knowing, the Great Goddesses of Old are beginning to awaken. The many beautiful Goddesses of your supposed myths, and ancient Lore, are rising to be heard and rising to embody the spirit of the Mother Earth, once again.

Once when we walked the Earth, we brought beauty, protection, and care to her, through our Love. We embodied her beauty within us. Many of us were known throughout your world as the Great Mother Goddesses. Having many different Names, such as Diana… Ishtar… Frigg… Gaia… Freya… Cybele… Isis… Kali… Hecate… Sekhmet… Artemis… Sophia, and many others. Even those throughout your more recent history, such as Mary Magdalene and Quan Yin.

We each embodied the Mother Goddess, Living as One with the Earth and One with the Infinite. We were the Physical aspects of the Great Mother. Her Power rose within us. We each felt her within us, as a connected soul. Embodying and living as the Mother in physical form. We were the physical Beauty of the Mother, We held her physical power, giving us magnificent abilities.

For many many Thousands of years, The Feminine aspect of Humanity has been suppressed, abused, and even was attempted to be removed from your existence. Females in your history have been greatly held down by the patriarchal Hierarchy within your societies, even at this point trying to do away with them altogether. Through your History, in many of your cultures, females were not considered humans. Even as recent as Women’s rights movement within the 1960’s, where women were not considered Human, with the same rights as men. In some of your countries, This suppression is still happening.

Even attempting to do away with the term woman itself by not giving it a definition. This should be an awakening for all women.

This all has been done intentionally to suppress the Higher Powers of the female. A female has the power within her to embody the Mother Earth Energies, and to actually embody her Power. To embody the mother earth spirit can be done by both Male and female, aspect of Humans, but the male must connect to their feminine within. But the female form itself, can literally hold the Power of The Mother, her true essence. This is why the female of the Human race, has been so held down and suppressed.

The Hierarchy of Earth has always been matriarchal, and they have always been aware of this knowledge, and did not want you to discover your true connection to this Earth and to this Universe.

The Earth herself is a female in that she has gone through the same Stages or Cycles. Just as the Female form ovulates in stages and cycles, eventually ovulation comes to an end. This is Known as the Stages, of maiden, mother, and crone. The Mother Earth is Now within the Stage of Crone, holding deep wisdom of her adventures throughout her time within the Physical densities.

This is why most of the Earth Goddesses were considered as Love, fertility, Child Birthing, and Wisdom Goddesses.

Mother Earth is calling upon her Goddesses, to embody her spirit once again. to help her rise from the darkness that has suppressed her, and has held her in bondage.

The divine Feminine in each of you is beginning to Rise, allow this transition. Even as a Male, you hold the feminine within you, allow it to rise, to guide you with its wisdom, Love, and power.

The Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine from within will transform and reconnect Humanity to their Oneness.

Rise Dear Ones, and remember your connection, to this Earth and the Universe. You are connected through the moon, the Sun and the Stars. You are connected through the waters, through the Fire, Through soil, through the Air and through the ethers. You are connected to the spirit of the Mother Earth, Feel the power within you. Be Grateful to embrace your Divine Feminine.

I am Olwen, I Leave you in peace, Love and Oneness.

Intuitive Transmission by Chellea Wilder at

The Mother Calls You ~ The Golden Goddess
The Mother Calls You ~ The Golden Goddess


Violet Flame Time-Keepers Awakening

Beloved Ones,
This eighth universal year has initiated many of you into higher levels of consciousness. As you realign to your monad, activating your dormant eight DNA strand, the descension of all the soul memories, wisdom, and power begins, assisting you in your process of galactic lineage and soul mission retrieval.
Since March, we have been assisted by infinite Illumined Energies and Beings to retrieve our original template and that of Earth. We have Emerald, Ruby, Gold, and the Sol-AR frequencies that are constantly descending upon our planet. My Guides share that now Violet plasmatic transmission will also join, to assist those who are ready to awaken to their Violet-magenta lineage, as well as all of us in the conscious alchemy of our physical bodies.
Energies that are helping many to awaken to who they truly are, by removing all non-benevolent implants, old beliefs, and many different patterns impeding them from experiencing their true potential.
At this time my guides shared a message for all the Violet Flame Keepers that was given to me through the exact vision in the image I share, and that I also light encoded, as invited to do. The awakening of those belonging to the violet-pink flame of creation has begun, for this is a year of profound reconnection for all of us.
Violet flame keepers are the ones whose main mission is to transmute, through their unique blueprint, all that is inorganic, and that shall be removed from both earth and ourselves, acting as filters and transmutators of all lower frequencies.
Often, many of you violet keepers will feel the call in your female left shoulder blade portal, as a waking-up call or when it starts to open. Your seventh-dimensional shoulder portal is where you connect, as a violet flame keeper with the seventh, and the seventh dimensions where you originate from.
Clearing this portal is essential for all of us, in our ascension journey, even more to those whose mission is related to precisely helping in the restoration of this ray, for they need to act as living seventh-dimensional violet anchors.
Their mission is to clear and restore the main timeliness of our galaxy system, which as you know goes up to the 15th dimensions – the three flames of creation, where we all descend from in our plane. A universal clearing task that will also involve our three-dimensional plane, the elementals, spaces, and animals, and that starts with DNA retrieval and reconnection.
A personal role that is one of the most challenging ones for those who need to act as energetic, and cellular purifiers for it involves a complete daily cleansing, protection, and above all discernment, of what is yours to experience and what is for you to filter and release.
As you correct your DNA time codes, 144 in each of your DNA strands, you can act in the many dimensions you are meant to bring alchemy and purity. Part of the main purpose of the violet flame Time-keepers is to help in the restoration of the seventh violet ray on our planet, which has recently been repaired, allowing us to receive the full spectrum of the violet flame, and hence using it to clear the many implants and non-benevolent essences that as humans, we all carry.
As you know, the seventh ray has been deeply manipulated, to impede us restore our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal, and with it, our female essence. This has also occurred in our planetary grids, for our seventh-planetary gate has been occupied for eons, being liberated in recent years.
At this time, violet-pink flame descendants are required to assist the Auroras in the transfiguration process that the elemental are experiencing, for they are too evolving, as we are, and need of your help to achieve ascension.
This is a time of massive planetary reconfiguration, and those with violet lineage will be involved in the retrieval of the divine masculine, as well as the Ruby and Golden ones, and in repairing many of the inorganic earth’s portals.
As you retrieve your mission and fulfill your role, you too retrieve the information stored in the earth’s grids, descending its light codes for All who are willing and prepared to hold them within their new bodies, for our bodies are shifting into fifth-dimensional light vehicles.
All of you Violet Flame keepers, act as organic shields, for your essence filters, transmutes, and restores wherever you go, seeding purity and harmony and allowing others to clear themselves, naturally.
Healing reversals and being living purifiers is not easy for those of you with that purpose. This is why it is so important to remain grounded, so you can discern what you are personally experiencing, from what is part of everything you are transmuting.
The stone recommended for the violet-flame keepers is an amethyst together with a clear quartz, to soften the physical body, and help you clear and release as you receive, for it is a very overwhelming planetary mission to achieve, together with your personal evolutionary journey.
Guides recommend having as well tools to help you filter energy at all levels: environmentally, and energetically in your house and outside, using also amplifiers that when programmed appropriately can help you improve your energetic DNA receivers.
All of you, in your unique lineage, essence, and mastery are precious assistants to retrieve earth’s purity. All of you are equally important within Creation, assisting simply by your Presence. Your pure intention and conscious decree to continue becoming integrated and being in service of All, egoless, is essential at this time, choosing to love All unconditionally as you too love, and honor yourselves and God within you.
Every choice takes you closer to who you are, to your mission and to be a part of this challenging, but wondrous planetary transfiguration.
Thank you for choosing lovingly, respectfully, and compassionately.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Photo: Natalia Alba
Violet Flame Time-Keepers Awakening
Violet Flame Time-Keepers Awakening


For the Deep Internal roads of Light are Expanding
The Great Connection of You – Your Ancient Light Connection Meeting You.
Simply see the Light Evolution of the NOW morphing, awakening. As you fuel each day with the air you breathe, the nourishing food you consume. Leads you to the path integrated within the deep crevices of light.
For the path is unique, coupled with your light mission requirements. Your worldy commitments.
Simply embrace the Wonderful
Have Faith in the Chosen Path
For the Future is Bright and Exciting
Advanced Souls of Light
Cosmic Pathways are Now Imprinted in your World. There is no turning back from the future before you.
As you prepare and align in Light.
With Love For Your Journey.
June Light Message Will Be Birthed Tomorrow❤🙏 With Love 🙏
Arcturian Light Team
Karen Lithika

You are ready to have more Beloved. It’s time to receive, especially your Rainbow Light Body. This weekend you may feel strong and confident to make the changes to get you where you want to be. You are supported and guided in doing so.

This first step can be admitting to yourself where you are shut down and blocking yourself from receiving. Are you in your own way and self sabotaging?

It’s time to stop judging yourself and others, and open your heart. Let love guide and protect you through this growth cycle of expansion. Trust that you are wiser, more balanced, and capable of protecting yourself from something bad happening.

This is a new story that is based on love. Take the offer of love, life force energy, and Masculine Feminine Unity. Return to your naturally recurring state of creating and birthing of your daily reality. It’s already within you, you simply need to align the details and feedback within so you can redirect for focus of being a Master Creator without.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Friday, May 31st, we close out this month with the Moon, ruler of how we feel, connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, both in flowing, water sign Pisces. The Moon rules our emotional sensitivities and empathic nature, and in Pisces those are intensified. The connection to Neptune brings in the magnification of our intuitive and healing abilities, our artistic and creative expression, and a need to trust and have faith in all that is unfolding.
The message for today is to surrender and go with the flow. Tomorrow begins a new month with a new vibration. Let’s just gently float through the end of this month with the belief that a greater power is guiding us towards the next step.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Moon, ruler of how we feel, connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, both in flowing, water sign Pisces
Moon, ruler of how we feel, connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, both in flowing, water sign Pisces
Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus – If you’ve been feeling bored, uninspired, or stuck, this aspect is a jumpstart to the mind. As Venus rules Taurus, listen to your heart for a twinge of excitement, a tingle of pleasure. Allow your curiosity to take you off the beaten track. Sometimes you have to do what is right for you, even if it shocks or surprises other people. Think before speaking but don’t be afraid to deliver your message. Words can seed innovation and catalyse change. As the Sabian symbol of this union is A Vast Public Park, it reminds us that there is space for everyone and room for diversity. Be proud of your uniqueness.
Be prepared for cosmic downloads, sudden knowing, a brilliant idea that comes out of nowhere. Unexpected news or decisions may jolt you out of your comfort zone but reveal new horizons. Improvise. Awaken your mind with fresh information and different perspectives. It’s time to tell a new story.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Uranus 24°Ta07′ – 06:53 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Afternoon In The Park by William Merritt Chase
Afternoon In The Park
Afternoon In The Park

Kin 223 ~ Blue Lunar Night

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. It is the second day of this current wavespell which is always challenging. Like any journey you must prepare, pack and plan. A wavespell journey is no different, the second day is about looking at the challenges you face so you may ‘polarize’ them and proceed. These can be tough days but if you are conscious of the process, it can be much easier. Think of it as an exercise in problem solving.
Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreaming, Abundance and Intuition’. These days are very dreamy, a great time to take your dreams off the back burner and give them some attention. The Blue Night also brings abundance and so expect some to come your way. Practice saying ‘Abundance’ out loud because it’s a sure way to attract it, by showing you appreciate the abundance you already have. Your glass is half full not half empty! The Lunar Night sure sounds like a sleepy Night. As the number 2 is challenging we may find it hard today to snap out of it. The dreaming may have us in a grip.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary. The Eagle invites you to see things from a higher vantage point and with this view you will have a greater understanding of what to do about your dreams. The Eagle also represents ‘Creativity’ suggesting that once you see the bigger picture, your best course of action is to come up with creative solutions.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night is challenged by Skywalker because the Night wants to dream and the Skywalker represents ‘Wakefulness’. This symbolizes that you have to wake up to make your dreams come true. Perhaps your dreams have no realistic chance to come true and you need to ‘wake up and smell the bacon’. If you are a Red Skywalker you may find today difficult, you get frustrated by all the dreaming when you want to go exploring and have adventures.
The Occult Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’ and when in the position of Magic, the Mirror can show you truths about magic and how best to see it. If you remain truthful in pursuit of your dreams, you’ll have a greater chance of success.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so, if you need assistance it’s their job today to be there for others. They possess intelligence and they ask a lot of questions, so Warriors can help you determine which dreams are worthy of pursuing. If you are a Warrior, expect to be popular today.
Kin 223
Kin 223


2 AKBAL – KIN 223
31 MAY 2024
🌃 👁🍇🍎🍓💰👍🏠 🌃
🌃 👁🍇🍎🍓💰👍🏠 🌃
I POLARIZE in order to DREAM
Stabilizing intuition
I seal the input of ABUNDANCE
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of VISION
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
31/5/2024 = 31/5/8=31/13=4/4=8
31-Genius/Think outside the BOX
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 223 = 7 Majikal Mystical code!
✨✨Another potent NEW EARTH gateway today with the 4.4 and 31.13 codes…. A BIG day for DREAMING and visualizing our PLANETARY NEW WAY DREAMING.. we are grounding a NEW FOUNDATION of ABUNDANCE for New Earth. 🌈🌎
Today is Day 2 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the WHITE WIND 🌬 which is bringing forth the FRESH new benevolent WINDS of CHANGE! 🌬🍃⛵🌫
The WHITE WIND is whispering the messages of Spirit, opening and enhancing our communication channels. In this cycle we are becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to work through our being.
Today we are questioning the polarity challenges that have interfered with us ACHIEVING and anchoring Spirit’s/God’s BIG dream, for collective Abundance on Earth.🌍🌻🌎🍇🌏💰
What’s the hold up planetary kin??????🤔🤔🤔 Let it FLOW….. 🌊🌊🌊
LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Today we are focused on the PHYSICAL plane and how we can anchor the collective DREAM of ABUNDANCE in our PHYSICAL reality.
Today is a day filled with uncovering HOW we CAN finally transcend the see-saw challenges to having infinite abundance.💰🌻.. Examining and questioning the separation between the “HAVES” and the “HAVE NOTS”
It is time to BALANCE and harmonize this discrepancy. All people on this EARTH are seen as EQUAL in the eyes of Spirit – therefore we all have EQUAL access to enjoy God’s INFINITE ABUNDANCE on this EARTH plane! This is NOT just a DREAM – but a potential REALITY and our FUTURE BIRTHRIGHT!
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges, in order to move into more constant FLOW. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. These polarizations will be amplified today, bringing forth much needed WISDOM to heal the GAP.
Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity to giving and receiving abundance… ALLOW yourself to RECEIVE and keep the FLOW of prosperity continually moving like the great WHITE WIND… the inflow and outflow of CREATOR’S breath.
Our INFINITE ABUNDANCE is now flowing to all who CLAIM IT! 💰🌻🍇🌫
NOTE: Be mindful of any conflicts/relationship challenges that arise today, revealing what needs to be addressed in order to reach equilibrium and harmony in your life.
Today there is much friction and opposition in the air, forcing PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION. The BLUE NIGHT’s spotlight is that of Abundance, particularly related to our HIGHEST soul’s dreams and destiny calling. Today we have a 4.4. portal to lead us to the 8 – infinite ABUNDANCE flowing from SOURCE.. which is our birthright and the FOUNDATION of our beautiful abundant NEW EARTH!
Today’s question is “”How can I harmonize any obstacles/challenges, in order to anchor infinite ABUNDANCE and BLISS on our beautiful, bountiful planet?
Divine blessings for anchoring FEARLESS DIVINE ABUNDANCE today! May all our GREAT DREAMS come TRUE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
36 moons ago KIN 223 occurred on 25th July 2021, which of course was D.O.O.T day 🕊🎈 DAY OUT OF TIME!! 👫👬👭 D.O.O.T is the realm of the NO-TIME in the zero point field where everything is possible. The realm where QUANTUM MIRACLES ⚛ are birthed.
We have travelled VERY far since then to revisit the question of WHY HAVE WE NOT (YET) MANIFESTED GLOBAL ABUNDANCE for EARTH’s citizens – particularly GAIA’S LIGHT-HOLDERS??????????
ABUNDANCE💰 , JOY,✨ HARMONY☀ – NOW IS THE TIME TO anchor the BIG DREAM for more ABUNDANCE and HAPPINESS to FLOW into your LIFE and our PLANET! 🌟⛵🌴🎨🏠💟
HALLELUJAH, and so mote it be! 🙏🙏🙏
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT🌃 – AKBAL Today we are BLESSED with AKBAL – the genie code,, so we have a wonderful opportunity to DAY DREAM and contemplate the NEW WAY FORWARD for our planet from now on!
Today we are DREAMING of our wonderful New Earth – which provides ABUNDANCE for all beings on this bountiful planet . AKBAL is THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys🔑 to prosperity 🌻and abundance🐬, accessed through intuitive knowing by attuning to Spirit.
Today we are stabilizing our intuition, grounding it into the physical plane through ACTIONING our “hunches.” – What is your gut instinct revealing today?
Our Greatest Abundance springs forth from GREAT IDEAS💡 and inspiration❓arising through our intuition, listening to our gut instincts and acting on our “hunches”. You may also find inspiration through stillness, meditation, sitting in nature, or allowing your creativity to FLOW through you, expressing your innermost VISIONS.
The DREAMTIME is the dimension where we hold the VISION 👁 to create our current reality, where our creation VORTEX🌀 exists. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.
Today we can access the energies of the DAY OUT OF TIME – through the wormhole of the past 4 GALACTIC SPINS!! We can easily access the realm of the DREAMTIME through NO-TIME – the ZERO POINT of infinite CREATION! Hold the VISION in your astral journeys today.
BLUE NIGHT holds very powerful dreaming medicine. Today our long term prosperity, and that of our planet, is very much in focus – and you should be asking the question….
❓❓ – What has been blocking my rightful Abundance so far? 🤔💰🌻
NOTE: That ABUNDANCE is not just limited to money, gold, property, possessions and material goods. TRUE ABUNDANCE encompasses PEACE and the FREEDOM to be happy, healthy and express your soul’s creativity in wondrous ways that makes your HEART SING! 💟🎵🎶
As it is another Divine destiny day you may be catapulted in the direction that SPIRIT desires you to take. Expect the unexpected!
❓❓❓What DREAMS will you energize today?
✨✨Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of ABUNDANCE for all beings!🌸🌼🌻
“The inherent design of the Game of Creation is boundless generosity. Life is the ultimate giver, of all GOOD things. To THRIVE is to allow Life to express her supreme potency.”
CODE 23 – ✨33 CODES✨ BLUEPRINT FOR NEW EARTH🌈🌍🌎🌏 – Adi Lamborn
🌟🌟🌟888 Hz | Flower of Abundance, Sacred Geometry | Attract Infinite Abundance of Love and Money.🌟🌟🌟
Today is a great day for Majikal Manifesting rituals and devotional prayers to bring forth your DREAMS into the physical plane.
✴✴✴NOTE: Be mindful of what is revealed in your DREAMSTATE today – as great revelations may come forth! ✴✴✴
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
HIGHER SELF: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE 👁– MEN is an absolutely BRILLIANT higher guide today, as it LIFTS the BLUE NIGHT out of the introspective cave of his subconscious mind, into the higher echelons of the grand VISION.🖼👓
What an absolutely fortuitous guide for today – blessing us with PANORAMIC and FUTURISTIC prophetic VISION! 🔮The ability to DAYDREAM into all realms and possibilities through SPACE-TIME!! Whoop, whoop! 🎉🎊🎉🎈🎆
BLUE EAGLE brings forth the much needed VISION and IN-SIGHT to guide you through the obstacles, illusions and conflicts. The LUNAR EAGLE pinpoints EXACTLY where these blocks and kinks are in your ABUNDANCE FLOW.
BLUE EAGLE will LIFT you far above the chaos, and reveal to you the GREATER VISION 👁👁 that SPIRIT holds for you and HU-manity.🏔
BLUE EAGLE invites you to FOCUS on the GREATEST PICTURE🖼 that you can imagine for your LIFE and our planet.
❓🤔On what bigger stage would you like to PLAY and perform? Expand your VISION and change your scenery, make it more colourful and vibrant.
❓🤔How can you place yourself in the FLOW🌫 of more prosperity💰🍇 and happiness? 🌻☺
Once you have ENVISIONED it, SURRENDER this DREAM to the will of SPIRIT and TRUST that this grand VISION WILL MANIFEST! 💫 ⚛🌠
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR WARRIOR🌈🏹 – CIB the LUNAR WARRIOR is a FORCE to be reckoned with! The LUNAR WARRIOR is insistent on SMASHING💥 all obstacles to manifesting THE COLLECTIVE DREAM of PLANETARY ABUNDANCE! 🌻 🌍🌎🌏🌻
CIB raises the QUESTIONS….
❓🤔WHY have we NOT manifested collective ABUNDANCE to this date, on a personal and Planetary level?
❓🤔Why have the Rainbow Warriors suffered from so much LACK, scare-city and trauma?
The dark interference and distortions have NOW been erased and harmonized, so NOW it is time for us ALL, to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright, for GLOBAL Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire. 🌠💫🎆
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for our planetary kin. We have battled for too long (don’t we all KNOW that! groan!) and NOW we are claiming our VICTORY! 💪🏆
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OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR🔮🔎 – ETZNAB the CRYSTAL MIRROR is today’s SUPERPOWER!! This is a BRILLIANT tool of the LUNAR NIGHT to reveal the blocks and distortions to TRUE ABUNDANCE.
ETZNAB assists you to delve into the abyss of AKBAL! The deep unconscious realms that hold our primal fears and limitations.
❓❓❓Where are we holding FEAR, lack, poverty consciousness, or SCARE-CITY, programs in our being?????
Tune in to your own physical and PLANETARY bodies, to scan and discover where the barriers, limitations and stagnation exist.
Allow ETZNAB to reveal the distortions and illusions, REFLECTED in the Hall of Mirrors, guiding our passage from the old crumbling Artificial MATRIX. Dissolve the discordance allowing for BALANCE to be restored so that we can access the ABUNDANT energy available and waiting to be transformed through Divine Alchemy. ⚛💫🎆
ETZNAB illuminates our NIGHT VISION👁 so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in the DARKNESS and in our DREAMTIME! Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency,
and the wall of MIRRORS shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the verdant landscape beyond the horizon in all directions. The fertile new soil in which we sow our new ACTIVATED DREAM SEEDS! 🌱🌱🌱
The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear. Which road shall you choose, dear LIGHT holder? All roads NOW lead to LOVE, UNITY and SOURCE! 💓🌈🌞
🌃 💰👍🏠⛵🏖💒 🌃
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER ☁🚶– BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who can help us access the UNSEEN worlds and multidimensional realms, particularly in the DREAMTIME.
BEN is very adept at skipping through these super trippy realms, to discover wonderful solutions to the mysteries that have befuddled you, claiming your super CREATION powers!
The Dreaming realms hold many clues and codes that are brought forth from our Higher self, guides or Spirit, particularly if you ASK for signs, messages or clues These clues will help you navigate your path, opening the doors to access Cosmic Abundance.
BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits, that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth! As the hollow bamboo is the conduit for Spirit, WE are the Light Holders who are anchoring Heaven on Earth. 💒💒💒
✨✨✨We are the Dreamers – Living SPIRIT’s DREAMING of itself in physical HU-man bodi-es!🌈✨
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of attaining COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE for all beings and anchoring HEAVEN on EARTH.🌈🌎
NOW is the TIME to BELIEVE and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
Today’s question is “”How can I harmonize any obstacles/challenges, in order to anchor infinite ABUNDANCE and BLISS on our beautiful, bountiful planet?
Divine blessings for anchoring FEARLESS DIVINE ABUNDANCE today! May all our GREAT DREAMS come TRUE!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 NEW on Patreon Guided Meditation: Healing Ceremony with the Avian Star Nation from Pegasus Constellation with my Sacred Condor 🔥



A Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor

Experience a transformative journey with our guided meditation: “Healing Ceremony with the Avian Star Nation from Pegasus Constellation.” Embark on a celestial adventure as you connect with the wisdom and healing energies of the Avian Star Nation, beings from the mystical Pegasus Constellation.

Allow yourself to be guided through a sacred ceremony, where you’ll encounter gentle, nurturing energies that facilitate healing on all levels—mind, body, and spirit. Surrender to the cosmic embrace of these benevolent beings as you immerse yourself in a profound experience of self-discovery, restoration, and inner peace.

Join us on this celestial voyage and awaken to the boundless possibilities of healing and transformation.


CLICK HERE to for the Healing Guided Meditation





MAY IT BE SO!!! 3x, 6x, 9x..
Source : Violet Flame – Decrees
Love and light to all 💜
A NIGHT of blessings!!!

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