Crystalline Body Of Pure Love ~ POST LION’S GATE PORTAL ENERGIES * Physical Template Of Light ~ Inner Child Clearing and Healing – Galactic Time
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Maji Grail Dragon Queens and Kings of Avalonian Descent
Today the Cosmic Mother Goddess Divine Feminine Energy is flowing in and fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Gaia. Many around the world celebrate the Assumption of Mother Mary today which is the day of the Virgin Mary’s Ascension to the Holiest of Holies and Freedom in the Light. You can connect directly with her and our Company of Heaven today and always for her Divine Embrace and Unconditional Love of Healing and Transmutation.
Synchronizing with today’s Divine Goddess Celebrations we had a massive spike in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth registering on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 20 hz, 33 hz, 61 hz and a big blast of white light at 71 hz; Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchoring in and manifesting.
Pachamama also received another powerful Activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in Taiwan at 23:35 UTC.
Also in synch with these New Earth Events we have an intense Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with KIN 39 BLUE COSMIC STORM which is the 13th Day of the Goddess and final day of the Blue Hand Wavespell of Healing and Abundance. Through this Open Portal we call in our Highest Timeline as we merge all into the One True Ascension Lineage.
The Inner Child being healed and reborn is the Great Inner Sun being Resurrected and restored to its Original Brilliance of the Christos Sophia Consciousness of Divine Union both within and without…A’Ho!
The personal clocks/compasses/fields cannot match in a any way anymore the 3d ones. Temporary dissatisfaction might be present because of this as the SIM is off. Our ships are locking in to the new sync hroni city! The return to innocence!
Time circuit update again tomorrow. Its going to feel like time is vanishing into thin air as we get closer to galactic time. For some of you the last few days have physically been tough. Hang in there.
Mother Mary’s energy returned to Mother Earth on 888(August 8, 2024) of this year. Today, Her Energy will be Anchored In. She is also known as Ma Ra from Lemuria. She has had Multiple Incarnations on Mother Earth and Many of US hold Her Energy, I am One of Them…
The Aquarian age is the age of the Mother and the Holy Spirit. It is the age when we are meant to experience and express the Mother aspect of God. Coming to understand this feminine aspect of God can liberate the creative feminine energy within us, both man and woman—the energy of beauty and creativity, intuition and inspiration.
The concept of God as Mother is not new to Eastern spirituality. The Hindus meditate upon Mother as the Goddess Kundalini, describing her as the white light, or the coiled serpent, that rises from the base of the spine to the crown, activating levels of spiritual consciousness in each of the chakras (spiritual centers) through which that light passes along the way. Whether we are male or female, we are intended to raise this sacred light of our innermost being that lies dormant within us. The key to unlocking this energy, the Kundalini, is adoration of the Mother principle.
The Aquarian age is the age of the Mother and the Holy Spirit
I have a feeling the world is about to wake up en masse and it’s going to be unreal. Like, quite the show. Everyone will be walking around saying “what is this place?” “Where are we?” “How did we fall for it?” “Let’s all go home!” and in that realization we will become one, and party like never before. And all there will be is love.
“Comparison breeds fear. Do observe this in yourself. I want to be a better writer, more beautiful looking, more intelligent, have more knowledge, have more fame in the world, be somebody successful. Success and fame are the very essence of comparison, and therefore, psychologically, we constantly breed fear. Comparison breeds conflict and struggle, and that is considered highly respectable: you must be competitive to survive in this world, in business, in family, in religious matters. You must reach heaven, sit next to Jesus, or whoever it be, your saviour. This comparative spirit of the priest becoming the archbishop or Pope, that same spirit we cultivate very assiduously, very carefully through life, being better, achieving – our moral and ethical structure is based on this. So there is a constant state of competition, comparison and the everlasting struggle to be somebody, or to be nobody. That is the root of all fear because that breeds envy, jealousy, hate. Where there is hate, there is no love, and fear is generated more and more.”
8/15/24: As this 7 month pokes around inside us (as 7 loves to do) you would expect to find the usual dark secrets, hidden trauma, unacknowledged truths, and some leftover unforgiven betrayals. And they are surely there. But what this Dragon year is after is none of those things. It wants the power, strength, resilience, and courage that lies beneath. It will happily and confidently stroll through your darkness in search of your light. And today is for just such business because today lives for love… and love and light go together. No darkness can survive the radiance of your inner light. That’s the treasure The Dragon seeks… and it isn’t afraid of anything in its way.
The Dragon seeks
Divine Energy Works
As we are continuing on the Ascension Path after the Lion’s Gate Portal has officially closed, these energies are still very active throughout August. Lots of integration is required right now, until we hit the next set of Energetic Portals in the Fall/Spring.
On Aug 21st our Sun will be in annual Conjunction with Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, & we will be receiving further Activations & Upgrades from the Lion’s Gate Portal.
Just out of the Lion’s Gate Portal, we are entering the potent and intense energy of the rare Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius, which will exactly square Uranus, the “Great Awakener,” known for its association with Shock and Breakthrough.
On the same day, Jupiter will square Saturn, taking the energy to a whole new level…. This alignment is set to bring drastic, radical, and Destined Catalytic Energy, reshaping the very structure of our lives. These cosmic influences are further activating the Timeline of the Age of Aquarius, propelling us into Quantum Leaps and Breakthroughs, as we Align with the next phase of our Soul Journey.
“Yesterday’s X-Class solar flare has released a plasma cloud that is headed towards the Earth, creating the forces of collective transmutation, transformation, rebirth, and change. There is a major inner child clearing and healing happening right now as well, in the heart of the current retrograde season (with 5 planets currently in retrograde motion).”
We are coming into the energy of the rare Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, which will exactlv Square the “Great Awakener” Uranus, the Planet of Shock and Breakthrough, on the same day as Jupiter will Square Saturn, bringing drastic, radical, Destined, Catalytic Energy that will be reshaping the structure of our lives, further Activating the Timeline of the Age of Aquarius and bringing Quantum Leaps and Breakthroughs.
Venus/ Inanna is currently at the Root Chakra till 4th Sept on her journey of Ascent into Empowerment to reclaim her crown as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
This aspect of Venus concurrent with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius (which continues for almost the entire month of August ) means that the vast Light influx we are currently receiving is stirring up primarily The Root Chakra . As we know from experience, whenever we receive huge influxes of Light, our Energetic Cauldron is stirred up and brings the densities up to the surface to be released.
Currently, the major theme of my client sessions involves this very aspect- Ancestral Lineage/ Bloodline / Earth Ancestry Karmic cords/ distortions are either up for purification, release and redemption and/or the Priestesses are being called to particular sites / grid points on the planet which are somehow connected to their Earth Ancestral Legacy as Guardians of the Land/Natural World.
Focus is on our Root Chakra, our Foundational Legacy via the Karma of our Ancestral / Blood Lines and or our Obligation/ Sacred Duty to the Sacred Land / Natural World Legacy we have been guardians of in our lifetimes past.
Notice your triggers at this point in time. If you ‘observe’ your triggers minus the filters of the ‘ego’, there are many insights and perspectives that will actually be of great assistance moving forward.
Many Ancestral Karmic Contracts are up for release where the initiate/ The Chain breakers of that ancestral legacy has worked with the integration of the shadows pertaining to that particular bloodline’s karmic legacy -the result of Venus/ Inanna meeting with Erishkigal (her shadow self) in the Underworld before rising as the Evening star .
Those who are being called to particular grid points on the planet- this is a reconnection with ones Ancient Ancestral Heritage and a call to embrace ones ancient roots ,not necessarily bloodline but spiritual legacy associated with upholding the Guardianship and Interconnectedness of Natural World/ Gaia. Heliacal Rising of Sirius brings in lots of keys to unlock the potential in the Earth Grids, via the Human Channel- You- the Bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Venus/ Inanna at Root Chakra is the Gate of Manifestation. The descent of Spirit ( keys and codes of Sirius) and its ultimate “Manifestation “ into “Matter” requires a Solid Foundation- ie Our Earth Chakras -Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus .Each of these are Manifestation Portals. Solar Plexus is the Portal for manifesting Intention into Action, Sacral and Root are the Portals of Manifesting “Creativity “ into ‘Tangible’ aspects.
Currently , Venus/ Inanna is the Leo Metagoddess – Sovereign Queen Of The Creative Fires. The Leo Metagoddess , as the Morning Star embodies the Fiery Sekhmet- Goddess of Transformation. In the Evening Star phase She Embodies Hathor- Goddess of Integration and Sacred Union required for New Creation and Abundance. Sekhmet and Hathor , the two channels of The Kundalini Circuit which when fully integrated are associated with Enlightenment/ Mastery/ Sovereign Queen – ie Sovereign Queen of Her Inner World and Thus The Outer World- ie Manifesting / Creating Her Own Divine Destiny!!!
During this fiery wave, we continue to be immersed in, many of you may feel exhausted during this Solar integration phase. At this time of soul remembrance and profound integration, it is important to work on rejuvenation and cellular detox, as we continue merging polarities, healing distortions, and opening our hearts to Love.
Our bodies are an open energetic channel, constantly absorbing, releasing, and creating themselves anew. The process of chakra transfiguration in which we finally release all of our three-dimensional traumas, is not an easy and quick one.
You are blessed and brave to be in this process, Quitting is not an option, for once we see who we are, there is no way back to the old ways of living, and living, as now, we know the Truth.
We have a few weeks to stabilize our bodies, cleanse our body organs, and expand our hearts before we reach the final embodiment period with the eclipses.
We all are unique and have our micro cycles. We all are heading into a more unified state of being, no matter where we are, for this is not a race and we all need to experience the many detours that help us remember who we are, and retrieve our wisdom and power back.
In this process of heart healing and expansion that many of you are undergoing feeling sadness, confusion, disconnection, and tiredness is common while you are letting go of wounds, for you are traversing your shadows, to reunite again all the lost soul fragments of who you are, becoming more whole and healed.
This is a sign of the deep transformation that many of you are experiencing, as you leave behind the three-dimensional levels, and move into the fifth-dimensional ones, remaining in your Higher Hearth, and hence, holding a more illumined frequency that in time will replace the lower one that your body has been accustomed to dwell for so long.
With Leo’s energies many wounds are going to resurface, helping us see the distortions in our heart-thymus centers, and hence astral bodies, which Leo governs, becoming aware of the many cords that are yet active within our energetic bodies, and that we are yet to remove, to become spiritual sovereign beings, in total charge of our energy.
Many of you are connected to places, old situations you keep reviving in your mind constantly, people, and many sources and influences that you once agreed with, whether consciously or unconsciously, and that keeps your energy depleted.
The power to change this resides in you, for only you can create or destroy the ties that link you to all these scenarios and energies that do not bring any benefit to you. Only you have the power to command your body, for you are the one with the authority to bring any change you wish upon it.
Commitment, dedication to your ascension practices, and faith are pivotal while you are in these phases. The current energies are key to helping us heal hearts and become more empowered in who we are. Leo is precisely about having the will to fulfill our divine destiny, for when there is will there is always a way, as I always say, and we need to be the ones creating the ways, the paths to achieve self-healing and illumination.
Many times when we feel no changes in how we feel, in the initial awakening/ascension stages, we may feel like quitting all we are doing, for our mind will tell us what we do is not working to solve our problems.
All change requires an incredible amount of inner work, hope, and devotion. All can be achieved if we do not let go of our original desire for personal growth and service to others, while we are still in the healing phases.
Ascension is not always a bed of roses, but it is not always a path of suffering.
When we experience this, and nothing seems to be ever balanced, we need to look at ourselves from a wider perspective and see what is stopping us from feeling peace and joy, for when we move into more advanced stages joy, harmony, and peace becomes our natural state of being.
All the inner work we do shall be followed by a personal work of integrity, impeccability, and honesty towards ourselves and others. When we do not act as we think and feel, for any reason we may have or fears, then we neutralize all the inner work we have been doing, coming back to where we used to be.
Our invincibility resides in the level of integrity, authenticity, and sovereignty that we possess. The more healed, and open our heart is, the stronger we are, on every level, for it is not about healing techniques the majority of the time, but about walking on this earth as loving, compassionate, and authentic beings that bring the shift we so desire to see in ourselves, and personal world.
I wish you a healing and rejuvenating period beloveds.
I am just overflowing with joy and gratitude today when I think that our souls have been prepared for exactly this time, for thousands of lifetimes, and here we are, having now shifted into a much higher Timeline, with more to come!
I was shown how the Beings of Light and Company of Heavens gathered and how they were celebrating. For this indeed, is another milestone reached in the ascension process into the New Golden Age and the New Earth.
Our heart and soul centers will now expand even more, as our higher soul faculties are fully opened, with the removal of the last veil from our third eye and with the full activations of the Cosmic Tree of Life, Sephiroth.
Step by step, breathing moment, by breathing moment, heartbeat by heartbeat, we are being transfigured and transformed, as we fully transcend all which ever was, has been and now are stepping into the fullness of a totally new life and new beginnings – it is unprecedented. It has never ever happened before, on this enormous scale.
Your goals are within reach. Lots of things may be going on due to the quick movement that is taking you into joy and your blessings.
Keep forward focused and know that what kept sinking your light is neutralizing.
You are safe to reclaim your power and shine bright as the Light of the World.
Harness your Divine Masculine Christ power that is assisting you in achieving your accomplishments you so richly deserve.
You are safe to open your heart and trust that you and your life are free!
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Divine Masculine
Ra James
Today Mars in Gemini is square Saturn in Pisces. Saturn is still Retrograde so it’s helping us to clear major blocks. Expect a major karmic energy clearing as Saturn is the Planet that rules our karma. Old cycles are closing out and coming up for release. Mars has been helping us in how we are taking action and channeling our energy. These energies are all about reflecting on how you’re working toward long-term goals. It’s all about self reflection right now.
You may be experiencing delays in moving forward. It can feel like there are obstacles outside of your control that are keeping you from taking action or making progress towards your goals. It’s all about going with the flow right now. There is a huge clearing happening of the conscious and unconscious obstacles in your way. It’s all about how you’re using your energy without getting burned out, or frustrated about anything past your control. Jupiter is a Planet that rules your beliefs. These energies are helping you to clear, release, and heal any old outdated beliefs that are not serving you. Today is all about healing as our Leo Sun aligns with the asteroid Chiron in Aries.
This means old wounds may be coming up. The next few weeks will be stirring up old inner child healing work. It’s all about following your heart right now. We are still in Mercury Retrograde only it has shifted out of Virgo and into Leo, where we will finish up. You’re being guided to reflect on old relationship patterns and dynamics. There is a major healing happening in this area.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo shifts the focus back to themes around your identity and how you’re showing up for yourself, and to the world. It’s also bringing up unresolved issues from the past to revisit. You may find yourself in your head a little extra and thinking back to your past, and any past mistakes made during this time…
On Thursday, August 15th, the heavens are busy again! First, we have the Sun, ruler of our personality, in magnanimous Leo in a positive trine connection to Chiron, ruler of old wounds and traumas, in confident Aries. This supports the healing of our ego, individuality and creative self-expression. Next, we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in colorful Leo in a difficult inconjunct to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in ethereal Pisces.
Our thoughts and perceptions may be a bit deluded and confused, making us unsure about what we are perceiving to be our reality. And finally, we have Mars, planet of energy and action, in changeable Gemini in a challenging square to Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation, in deceptive Pisces. Our forward movement may be met with resistance and delays. We could feel stuck or held back from moving ahead with our plans.
The fact that Chiron, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn are all retrograde at the moment is suggesting that we are going within to do some soul searching and inner healing. There may be something important that we are meant to learn so that we can release old patterns and evolve to the next level on our soul’s journey.
Mercury retrograde re-enters Leo. Sun in Leo trine Chiron retrograde in Aries – Mercury’s backstep into the sign of the lion, prompts us to find our voice and speak our truth. Here in this playful sign, we’re asked to remember what excited us as a child and to seek out more of what inspires us now. Maybe it’s time to rethink the script you wrote for yourself, the part you thought you should play. Maybe it’s time to let the true you shine through, without apology.
Sometimes life requires us to take a risk but we hold back for fear of getting it wrong, for fear of getting hurt. You can’t get it wrong and if you are hurt, you will heal. Have the courage to get back into the game of life. Live from the heart. You are not ‘less than’ for your faults and scars. You are not a project to be fixed. You don’t have to conform. Be a maverick, an artist, an energy healer, a chess player, a ballerina or a belly dancer. Be whatever title lights you up from the inside out. Identify what gets you up in the morning, your reason for being, your purpose. Use your gifts.
The number 13 is called ‘Cosmic’ and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. The last day of a wavespell is usually intense because you must digest all that has gone on for the last 13 days. There is great potential for transcending all you have endured and this symbolizes that any progress we make comes with a price. Anything worthwhile is never easy. The number 13 is a formidable number and has been the target of bad press over the years. It’s not unlucky, just powerful.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation’. These days are never relaxing but you know a Storm clears the air and with all its energy, can bring about big life changes. If you enjoy excitement – you’ll like this crazy ride but for the more timid among us, Blue Storm days can make you want to hide. It is an INSANE combination of number and day. A Storm we’ll really have to endure! The number 13 gives power to this storm creating a potential hurricane. Plus, it is a Portal day! It is the kind of day that shakes things up and brings about tumultuous results. If you don’t make big changes in your life today you’ve missed an opportunity that this wavespell has led you to. We began with the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing & Accomplishment’. The last day is about ‘enduring to catalyze’. So, there’s potential for healing but we’ve had to endure to achieve it. The Portal day aspect makes today extra intense, and note that the Blue Storm only happens twice on a Portal day and therefore it’s not that often do we get blown around this much!
Today’s Guide is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. This is the nicest aspect of today’s characteristics suggesting that all this energy can actually be harnessed to help you realize your dreams. Think big today as it might just be the best day ever for making a huge change in your life.
The Challenge of the day is the Red Moon and so people born on Red Moon will find today very, very tough. There is so much disruption and chaos going on that you can’t chill out. Don’t lose hope, you have just as much chance as anyone else to make your dreams come true, if you can harness the energy of this crazy day. (it’ll all blow over by tomorrow).
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. The power of the storm has magical potential to change your life, if communication happens with the right person. Avoid arguments today as there is so much energy and storms in teacups can easily escalate out of control.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you know someone born on a Yellow Sun, then ask them for help to get through the storm. They love all that disruptive energy and they can be very helpful today. If you are a Yellow Sun, offer your help to others today as they probably will need it.
An EXTRA POWERFUL DIVINE ABUNDANCE G.A.P. Portal day to catapult our HEALING and COSMIC transformation.
Day 13 is the LAST DAY in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL. We complete a very full cycle of ACCOMPLISHMENT, that brings HEALING and a deeper knowledge of what is required in order for PROFOUND change to occur, in ourselves and the collective consciousness…
As we complete this cycle, we look back and marvel at how far we have come, and what we have accomplished, and I am sure we are all further progressed than we were before. Yesterday, today and tomorrow form a very powerful TRINITY for our planetary transformation. We should witness major SHIFTS by tomorrow and throughout the YELLOW SUN Wavespell of ILLUMINATION!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. The frequency of number 13 holds the KEY to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS..
At day 13 -We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!.
This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Finally….LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE once again!
We commenced the BLUE HAND Wavespell on day 1 Magnetically attracting all that we needed to fulfill our HEALING goals.. On the last day of the cycle we realize that we ARE TOTALLY HEALEDand WHOLE as we EXPAND our being into the COSMOS – floating endlessly on the Waves of Creation.. aaaaah PURE PRESENCE.
STORM WARNING – BLUE STORMCAUAC coupled with the COSMIC tone makes for one very POWERFUL storm of Galactic proportions – especially on a G.A.P. portal day!! For those souls who have not completed their PURGING – COSMIC STORM comes today to totally BLAST any lingering remnants and finish the job!
NOTE: Today is a FANTASTIC day for cleaning, clearing, and HEALING.. Synchronistically I have a personal HEALING scheduled for today – and it was not deliberate! Hee hee hee gotta love the DREAMSPELL!!
Today’s question is ” What are my DREAMS telling me to TRANSFORM?”
“How can we embrace the deepest transformation as a collective, TRANSCENDING density, to arrive at a state of PURE DIVINE PRESENCE?
We bid adieu to MANIK the magnificent BLUE HAND, who has enabled us to access realms of healing wisdom and resources, in order to accomplish our goals, of returning to WHOLENESS and the truth of who we are as souls.
MANIK gifted us with the power of accomplishment, to step up and leave the suffering and dis-ease of the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, hold and embody more healing LIGHT
Tomorrow a new solar seal – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN AHAU – the SOURCE of our EN-LIGHTON-MENT- hosts a brand new Wavespell, as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for the completion of our collective healing journey back to Divine wholeness! Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC STORM CAUAC signals MAJOR transformation, change, and self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the Thunderbeings who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, CAUAC represents the STORM, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by FIRE breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of ALL THAT IS.
The COSMIC STORM catalyzes TREMENDOUS POWER of COSMIC proportions, to effect the change needed, for our Planetary body to make the next GIANT LEAP in our Ascension journey. Out of the ashes to RISE, RISE, and RISE like the phoenix...
Today we have a 6-1-6 code signifying NEW HEAVENLY BEGINNINGS as we walk through the doorways together. As the old paradigm crashes, another RISES ready to be born from the ground once again.. And so as the NEW EARTH..RISES… so too does our Global hope and our Planetary family…
The PEACE cry of the New Earth RAINBOW WARRIORS echoes throughout the COSMOS as the prophecy is fulfilled!
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you SEEM to be in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in your final stages of initiation in preparation for your rebirth through the YELLOW SUN supporting energies today.
If you are done with purging and are on the road to Self-Mastery then today’s challenge is how well you can STAY CENTRED and BALANCED!, calmly seeking refuge in the EYE of the STORM as a beacon for others!
As the energy is COSMIC and EXPANDED on the SPIRITUAL plane, we may see many SPACE storms – Solar Flares and phenomena unleashed today accelerating our Planetary transformation.
NOTE: If the star glyph for CAUAC/BLUE STORM appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your catalytic and transformational powers will be EXPANDED exponentially!
Get ready to BE THE CHANGE that you have been waiting for!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC NIGHTAKBAL Today the presence of HEALING, is with us as ALL as we dive deep into the collective to uncover unconscious motivations revealed by AKBAL.
Through witnessing these buried patterns we allow for the presence of deep transformation in our lives, as the collective unconscious becomes conscious, and the energy once buried, is now allowed the free form of pure transmutation. Tremendous POWER exists to delve deep into the SWAMP of the collective to PURGE all that is needed – such darkness and density of the calibre we could not imagine, or perceive will be revealed and CLEANSED through this final stage of PURIFICATION.
AKBAL is the GATEKEEPER to the DREAMTIME, so pay particular attention to your DREAMS today as they hold clues to this transformation. AKBAL is the Planetary GENIE who holds the keys for GLOBAL ABUNDANCE. .. This COSMIC NIGHT is able to OPEN and access DIVINE GIFTS and treasures through this COSMIC GAP prosperity portal.
We have an 8.8. Universal month code for the month of AU-GUST – where the DIVINE WINDS -GUST – are bringing in the AU- GOLD…
Be AWARE of your DREAM messages and intuition throughout the next 48 hours, as AKBAL may reveal IN-SIGHTS into HEALING any poverty consciousness, or feelings of lack and unworthiness. AKBAL reveals that we ALL have access to, and DESERVE INFINITE COSMIC ABUNDANCE!
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds and begins streaming the radiant light codes that will fully FLOOD our Planet throughout the coming 13 day cycle of the YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN! Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment! Expect more CME’S and X flares!!
The purpose of the STORM is to prepare us for en-LIGHTON-ment. Once the dross is washed away our bodies are CLEAN and PURE, enabling the embodiment of more LIGHT... As the mud at the bottom of the pond is cleared, the LOTUS rises towards the SUN, and opens its multi layered petals, revealing the BEAUTY of her core through pure presence.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation, has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. Expect many RAINBOWS to appear today!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC WIND IK brings forth the refining energies of Spirit. honing our vessels to allow us to be stronger and CLEARER channels. This WIND is a MAGNETIC one, enabling us to attract and magnetize the POWER of SPIRIT throughout the Cosmos as we become COSMIC BEINGS.
The MAGNETIC WIND is bringing forth DIVINE SUPPORT and ABUNDANCE for all those beautiful devoted souls who serve humanity through the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH. The WILL of the DIVINE is the SUPERPOWER directing this STORM –
The WHITE WIND provides the messages of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. Follow the guidance of Spirit, to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies, fully catalyzing the transformative POWER of the COSMIC STORM.
The COSMIC WINDS of TREMENDOUS CHANGE are blowing our planetary vessel into new clearer waters today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED COSMIC MOON MULUC gifts you with heightened GODDESS powers today – with more sensitivity and intuitive senses tuned into Spirit’s channel. The GODDESS frequency is transmitted through the number 13. Today we have a 13/4 day code, and the 13th tone of CREATION – plus the GODDESS = 13.13.13 COSMIC frequency code. We have an ABUNDANCE of COSMIC energies available to build our NEW compassionate EARTH. (13/4)
The COSMIC GODDESS has unlimited power to effect deep healing, with her endless intuitive reach. The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT.
MULUC challenges us to
Allow the IN-SIGHTS from your dreams and intuitive responses, to lead you to purge and purify what no longer serves you, in the Universal cleansing waters of MULUC and BLUE STORM.
RED MOON provides potent COSMIC PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any density or toxins, you have been holding in your body, mind or life. To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness, shine your RADIANT LIGHT becoming the beacon of awakened awareness.
As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Today’s question is ” What are my DREAMS telling me to TRANSFORM?”
“How can we embrace the deepest transformation as a collective, TRANSCENDING density, to arrive at a state of PURE DIVINE PRESENCE?
We bid adieu to MANIK the magnificent BLUE HAND, who has enabled us to access realms of healing wisdom and resources, in order to accomplish our goals, of returning to WHOLENESS and the truth of who we are as souls.
MANIK gifted us with the power of accomplishment, to step up and leave the suffering and dis-ease of the past behind, expanding our ability to receive, hold and embody more healing LIGHT
Tomorrow a new solar seal – the MAGNIFICENT YELLOW SUN AHAU – the SOURCE of our EN-LIGHTON-MENT- hosts a brand new Wavespell, as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for the completion of our collective healing journey back to Divine wholeness! Aho!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Obey the command of the Elohim of Peace and lift your eyes daily toward the sun of the heavens and charge the quality of the golden oil of peace into your orbs; and it may be that we shall be able to do something to remove from the retina of your eyes the hindering qualities.
Do this faithfully, make the application, and we shall charge into your world, through the oil of peace and the radiation of tranquility, the qualities that shall help to clear up the mirror of light that forms your eyes. You must make this application, you must do the work and we shall do our part.
Be at peace, dear heart. Be at peace! Always be at peace!
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