***The Event – Powerful Plasma Blasts Continue to Impact Earth! – 9052019 ***
Great one,
Are you still feeling the incredible levels of central sun plasma light, coming into the planet?
Over the last 12 hours, light forces bombarded the 3d matrix with powerful 40-hertz, 5d, central sun, gamma blasts!
Also, at approximately 2 hours ago, the 3d timeline was completely collapsed for several minutes and as it merged onto the 5d timeline!
These brief timeline shifts are not 100% sustained yet and are quick, dimensional on and off’s for the purpose of slowly stabilizing the new 5d energy around the planet!
What is a time-line shift and why does it show up in the energy around planet earth?
a timeline shift is a literal, temporary state where the universe reverts back to a quantum zero time and zero matter state!
The dark matter point detected in the energy of the cosmos ( the black line on the schumann graph) shows this “switched off” state!
Human level consciousness usually has no awareness or recollection of these time-line shifts, however very-aware beings notice that something shifted and changed and that reality was reset!
if you look very, very close at your reality after one of these resets, material things now exist that never existed before or a thing that you remember existing now, never happened!
it can be a bit perplexing to wrap your mind around this but it is a very real phenomena that billions of people notice!
The Mandela effect attempts to illustrate these radical time-line anomalies!
These resets are positive and are required to shift from one dimension up to a faster-vibrating one!
This is all being orchestrated by intelligent, benevolent forces who are doing advanced technical work in etheric realms to assist humanity in their grand evolution!
Starseed ascension symptom reports are still in an elevated status!
Be sure to deploy protocol pb stardust for aid to your light body! you can find pb stardust information in our previous broadcast!
Let us know what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
The galactics say we are on on upward path now as this realm is being completely overtaken by blinding white, magnetic central sun light!
This gamma-photonic light instantly activates dormant dna strands to a higher order when it comes into contact with the human genome!
A galactic, new earth civilization is being born right now and the 4.5 billion starseeds of this planet shall guide this new heaven on earth forever more!
it is your paradise and in this new world, such beautiful and amazing things will all be possible for you!
Dear one,
It is time to say goodbye to those old lower things and come up higher, as the new earth continues to emerge from the ether!
You have to let it all go now, make a major shift in your life, and start living in a natural and authentic way!
Take good care of you and do your inner work more than ever now!
The earth alliance will be passing along several major updates as we move towards a high-vibe, galactic weekend, so standby for super awe-some-ness!
This is truly the greatest time in human history and is what we have work towards for eons!
a new day is finally dawning on planet earth and you are the bringer of it all!
Thank you for your great service to all of humanity!
* be sure to book mark our live space-weather-tools page and visit often!
Elizabeth Peru
We’ve just had the STRONGEST SOLAR STORM of 2019, It’s no surprise to me that over the past 7-days, as August transitioned into September, we’ve had TWO Earth directed solar storms and the last one, over 24 hours ago, was the most powerfully felt on Earth all year! ASCENSION energy is amplified and our 5D reality is coming in powerfully…
Subscribers to my weekly energy forecasts receive my full daily energy overviews & soul growth encouragement, all 7-days in advance. Plus, BONUS videos & guides. JOIN US
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

4 September 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog: https://wp.me/p83Oy1-3CH
KIN 54: White Lunar Wizard
Stabilizing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of death
Harmonic 14: Self-existing Output
Express Intelligence of Form
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 54. Column 3 of the Lunar Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Red Skywalker: Day 2.
– Lunar Chamber (Tone 2): Identify the Challenge.
– White Northern Castle of Crossing: Court of Death.
– Galactic Season of the Dog: White Truth.
* Kin Synthesis: 2 Wizard
Solar Seal 14 = Wizard
– Action: Enchant
– Essence: Receptivity
– Power: Timelessness
Galactic Tone 2 = Lunar
– Function: Challenge
– Creative Power: Polarize
– Action: Stabilize
* Oracle:
– Guide: 2 WorldBridger (Kin 106)
– Analog: 2 Serpent (Kin 145)
– Antipode: 2 Seed (Kin 184)
– Occult: 12 Hand (Kin 207)
* Root Race:
– White Family of the White Root Race.
– The Refiners. Keynote: Spirit.
– White Members: Wind, WorldBridger, Dog, Wizard, Mirror
* Earth Family:
– Gateway Family: Open the Portals.
– Members: Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm, Yellow Seed.
* Chromatic Clan:
– White Truth Clan.
– Position: Root. Action: Transmit.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 8 Lamat = 8 Star, Kin 8
– Lamat = Venus, Rabbit, the Four Seasons.
– Trecena of Imix’ = Dragon Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #Matrix1320 #Frequency1320 #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #Kin54 #LunarWizard #2Wizard #8Lamat

45 Tzolkin since the Harmonic Convergence 1987.
Today’s Kin 55 (Electric Eagle / 3 Eagle) opens the Galactic Season of the Eagle which represents the Root Element of the Blue Sky. In the Dreamspell Count, the four tribes of the Polar Earth Family (Sun, Serpent, Dog and Eagle) divide the Tzolkin in four equal parts, called spectra or galactic seasons (65-day each = 65×4 = 260 days).
Each season recapitulates the transformative power of the root elements: Yellow Fire, Red Blood, White Truth, and Blue Sky. The Electric Eagle (Kin 55) activates the Galactic Season of Vision.
Today’s Kin 55 also marks 45 Tzolkin (45 Galactic Spins = 45 x 260-kin) since the first day of the legendary Harmonic Convergence 1987 invoked by José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan and Bolon Ik). They issued a call for 144,000 human beings to gather near sacred sites at dawn on August 16 (Kin 55) and August 17 (Kin 56) to “open the doors to the final 26 years of the 5,125-year Mayan Great Cycle.” An Era of unprecedented change, and the preparation for a new evolutionary cycle on Earth.
The Harmonic Convergence 1987 was the First Synchronised Global Meditation in human history and it set the beginning of the New Age as a social movement.
The milestone of 45 Tzolkin since the Harmonic Convergence 1987 points out to number 45 = 9×5. Number 9 represents the Solar Consciousness and number 5 symbolises the 5th Dimension of Prophecy. Exactly, the number of the Harmonic Convergence’s Kin 55 (11×5) refers to 5D (5th Dimension), the Prophetic Dimensional Shift of 2012-2013.
* Learn more:
Historical blog about the 31 Years of the Harmonic Convergence.
5 September 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog: https://wp.me/p83Oy1-3CH
KIN 55: Blue Electric Eagle
I activate in order to create
Bonding mind
I seal the output of vision
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of self-generation
I am a polar kin, I establish the blue galactic spectrum
Harmonic 14: Self-existing Output
Express Intelligence of Form
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 55. Column 3 of the Lunar Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Red Skywalker: Day 3.
– Electric Chamber (Tone 3): Identify the Service.
– White Northern Castle of Crossing: Court of Death.
– Galactic Season of the Eagle: Blue Sky Element of Vision.
* Kin Synthesis: 3 Eagle
Solar Seal 15 = Eagle
– Action: Create
– Essence: Mind
– Power: Vision
Galactic Tone 3 = Electric
– Function: Service
– Creative Power: Activate
– Action: Bond
* Oracle:
– Guide: 3 Storm (Kin 159)
– Analog: 3 Seed (Kin 224)
– Antipode: 3 Serpent (Kin 185)
– Occult: 11 WorldBridger (Kin 206)
* Root Race:
– Blue Family of the Blue Root Race.
– The Transformers. Key note: Abundance.
– Blue Members: Night, Hand, Monkey, Eagle, Storm
* Earth Family:
– Polar Family: Sound the Chromatics.
– Members: Yellow Sun, Red Serpent, White Dog, Blue Eagle.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Blue Sky Clan.
– Position: Crown. Action: Receive.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 9 Muluk = 9 Moon, Kin 9
– Muluk = Water, Jade, Offering, Water Animals
– Trecena of Imix’ = Dragon Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #1320Matrix #1320Frequency #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #13Moons #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin55 #ElectricEagle #5Eagle #9Muluk #EagleSeason #HarmonicConvergence
Now it’s the darkness that has cognitive dissonance 🙂 ha ha ha
It’s 9:09am. Feeling as high as a kite blowing free in the Spring Breeze 🙂
My Protection has arrived – my 9th Andara. It literally pulled me down to my letterbox. He is a Rainbow Oracle Master with Archangel Michael Cobalt Blue and St Germains Violet Flame! So strong, so strong, so strong! Amazing, amazing energy!!!!!
There’s a Giant Squid in my new Andara. My 12D arch frenemy is starting to lose her grip and fade 🙂
For the first time in a couple of months, I have been able to enjoy listening to music today without any intrusions from my interfering 12D Arch Frenemy 🙂 I refused to be pulled into her dramas and did not take up the end of the Tug Of War Rope being offered to me over the last couple of months. Her stuff, not mine, yes! Something in my vibration attracted that situation to me, yes!!
Guard ye the secrets I leave with thee,
and surely my Spirit will guard thee through life.
Guard ye the entrance to the Halls of Amenti.
Guard ye the secrets I have hidden among ye.
Let not the wisdom be cast to barbarians.
Secret shall thou keep it for those who seek Light
(The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean)
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