Super New Moon in Pisces ~ Ignition Key of the Chariot of the Year 7 (NIRVANA) Major Heart Activations
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Seers of our Maji Grail Lineage of Merlin of New Avalon
Happy Powerful Super New Moon in Watery Pisces and 22:22 Gateway Activation.
Today both our La Luna and Helios line up in the powerful water sign of Pisces the Fish. The waters flow freely and deeply in the Sacred flow of the Holy Spirit Shekinah.
We have massive energetics flowing in from the Great Central Sun and our local Solaris as he releases another series of Solar Flares with over 12 C Class Flares and a major M Class 4.43 Flare at 14:50 UTC.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today in the Sacred Portal of Turkey with an magnitude 6.3 earthquake at 17:04 UTC with the epicenter at 36 degrees latitude and 36 degrees longitude created a 99 Portal of the 99 Sky Beings coming in and with the 6.3 mirror we have the power of a 999 Trinity of Completion as our Ascension Journey is coming to Fruition.
Mother Earth is being flooded with higher Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light. Carried and held within the Plasma is the resonance and codes of our redemption and transformations in the light. As Gaia receives her upgrades so too all Her Children of the Sun on Earth are being upgraded in the Holy Golden Rays of Heaven sent to Earth from the most High.
In these final days of the release and transfiguration of the old 3d matrix into the New 5D Creatix where time = art the intensity of feelings, thoughts and emotions ares being slowly raised to new heights of vibration and frequency until we come into the Divine Harmony of the Music of Natures Cosmic Spheres.
With your Pure Intent and Divine Will, allow yourself to feel the wave after wave of the pulse of perfection flowing through your Sacred Vessel and deep into the Queen’s Chamber in the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.
As we navigate these unknown waters of Eternity, keep going through and through and through until complete and total compression breakthrough as SuperNova Consciousness of the New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 11°26′ Pisces, Sun at 2°03′ Pisces
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A petrified forest.
Sabian Symbol for 3º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
An examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood.
Sabian Symbol for 12º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 12º Pisces.
Your mind is the gatekeeper of samsara and nirvana. It is your mind that has imprisoned itself, and it is your mind that can set itself free.
You now hold the key that unlocks the door to nirvana. But you should know that the only way to turn that key is through practice. Do not throw it away.
Even though we received very strong INCOMING ENERGIES 2 days ago…we now receive very STRONG INCOMING again. Landed 15 mins ago (3pm U.K. time). Sending Love, as we go
The energy has increased today and many will feel the energetic intensity within the collective.
Updating and purging of the emotional and mental body is underway, releasing various forms of subconscious programming.. Expansion will follow contraction, via this change.
There are major heart activations taking place. This can bring up unresolved trauma. Moments in time for you to forgive, bless every situation as a stepping stone in your human evolution. Propelling you forward in honor and reverence for the gift of being here now. Taking part in the overall evolution of consciousness remembering itself through tragedy and beauty. What a Blessing!
When Two Divine Intelligent Minds, Two Divine Loving Hearts and Two Divine Noble Souls connect in Divine Sovereignty, Divine Mastery, Divine Integrity and Divine Spirit, the Equilibrium and Stability of the Divine Union, resonates in Eternity to the Infinite of the multidimensional Divine Existence.
Aloha, beloveds! I am sure many of you are feeling the incredible energetics flowing onto the planet. In this sacred NOW, I am sending you LOVE, PEACE, and EASE. Whether you are feeling a lot or nothing notable, it’s all perfect for your unique experience.
Although it may be easy to feel alone at times for those riding the intensity, please be reminded that you are ONE with ALL THAT IS.
Magical Day To You Beloved One, May You Always Keep the Ability To View the World With Childlike Awe and Wonder, May You See Beyond the Mundane Into An Enchanted World Of Wondrous Beauty and Miraculous Magic, There Is So Much More To This Existence Than What Meets the Physical Eyes At First Glance Blessed Be, Endless Love and Marvelous Living To You Namaste
After a long hot summer, we finally had rain today! It was such bliss to enjoy the energy of water as the rain swept across the mountains and out towards the Ocean.
And what better way to celebrate the New Moon in dreamy and watery Pisces.
Pisces water is deep, and it is like sinking deep into an underground water cavern of your own consciousness. Of course, you may encounter some startling things, but these are to be cleared and released.
So, on this day of the New Moon, allow yourself to connect with Pisces and the mystical energy of Neptune, and allow yourself to dream a future that is flowing and free!
And take some time out to rest before the fiery energy of Aries kicks in again in March at the Equinox.
watery Pisces
Blue Rose Oracles
The Pisces New Moon has brought some much needed soothing, fluid and flowing energies after the intense blast of solar flare activity which shifted the planetary grids into a much faster frequency and quantum accelerated our collective timeline into a new bandwidth.
The intense upgrades brought forward within the solar flare activity have been shifting our own electro magnetic wavelengths and accelerating our personal ascension & alchemical process flooding our cells and energetic nervous system with plasma rays that activate the “super powers” within our dna and help to alchemise all carbon based data into crystalline structures within the cells and physical vessel.
This solar plasma upgrade has been one of the most potent quantum shifts we have experienced so far and it’s supported by the fluidity and floating energy of the Pisces New Moon which is helping to connect the upgraded energy & physical bodies to our higher consciousness field so that we can download more of our unique blueprint & activate the natural gifts and divine wisdom we hold within our hearts & crowns.
Key observations
Channeling and creative expression are areas of expansion now highlighted within this new bandwidth of energy coming through and the essence of the divine light/ray being anchored is the essence of unconditional love as we release the old patterns of validating and projecting outside of ourselves to understand and connect with the flow and currency of source love within the old matrices.
Craving quite time, drawn to create, daydreaming, visioning, releasing and integrating. lighter foods needed to maintain this softer heart based vibration in the physical vessel. Higher heart openings, sense of inner and outer expansions. Old timelines feel distant and closed off. Merging aspects of self, tingly body, cells feel liquid and crystalline. Enhanced clair senses and vision shifting as we see beyond the veils of our own limitations.
New Moon in Pisces Affirmations
“I release old timelines and weave new dreams into my reality as I prepare to birth new visions and creations that reflect & honour the beauty of my unique gifts & talents”
This lunation in Pisces is reconnecting us to the magic and wonder of the sacred dreamer within.
As we flow with the cosmic tides of this beautiful soft soothing energy we are gifted the opportunity to explore the visions and dreams that have been whispers gently moving through our hearts and awareness, guiding us to remember & reawaken the dormant gifts within our sacred DNA to weave the whispers into visions which we plant as Crystalline seeds during this beautiful New Moon.
The vibrational resonance with Jupiter and Neptune is creating a powerful gateway of illumination, transformation and co creation as we align with the cosmic tides.
Neptune is offering a deeper insight into our spiritual/universal connection as we dive into the primal waters of our psyche, accessing deeper layers, reconnecting to the inner realms and unearthing the pearls of higher wisdom, release past life imprints, dissolve karmic ties & receive the flow of intuitive knowledge downloading into our crown from the higher aspect of our consciousness.
Jupiter has returned after a 12 year journey revolving around the central sun and is bringing new light encoded vibrational frequencies into the collective stream of consciousness, expanding our perspectives and potential as a soul group to co create a new visions and weave new threads of expansion, connection and creativity into the planetary grids.
Jupiter holds an amplifying and expanding energy that is supporting Pachamama as she is awash with soft golden pink and blue pastel light waves which are creating a nurturing & dreamy energetic landscape.
Surrounded yourself with water codes, dream, vision, connect to your imagination and plant the seeds which support you to honour your gifts & talents as you connect to the deeper divine presence within and share your Beautiful presence with the world.
The Sun & Moon have moved into Pisces, which has definitely upped the ante in the astral realms. The dream worlds were super intense and vivid during my journey last night. There are many visions and omens coming through for us all. Much is being brought to light right now. Much is being released. When I went to bed last night, the IC was in Pisces (east coast, US) and conjunct Neptune and Venus at a potent 29°. We are clearing the past to prepare for the future.
The ancestors ask for us to understand what it is that needs to be released from our lives in order to fully embody the next phase of who we are becoming. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Aries represents the zodiacal New Year, which brings with it opportunities for beautiful New beginnings. This next month is a time for deep introspection and preparation.
Mercury is trine to Mars in Gemini, sextile to Jupiter in Aries and squaring Uranus in Taurus. This energy is forward thinking, full of ideas for expansion and success for the future, but we still have some challenges to overcome. This has to do with grounding our energy and plans in the now, and holding our vision in inner knowing. We are learning to be fully present in the moment and existing from a place of trust.
Venus in Pisces is also sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. We are stepping fully into our power within our relationships, whether that means fully stepping up or stepping away. This is a time of deep transformations to our self-worth, as well. Our past & future selves urge us to remember who we are! Remember where we came from and where we are going. We are the one’s bridging the gap between new and old! We should be very proud of the work that we are doing. The higher realms are eternally grateful for our hard work and sacrifice. I know many of us need to hear this right now. You are deeply and infinitely supported, appreciated and loved
Ignition Key of the so far Stationary Chariot of the Year 7
And what an energetic crash post MahaShivratri!!!(Union of Shiv Shakti of Dark Moon 18th Feb). MahaShivratri is the cosmic energetic Kundalini Activation of the Shakti at the base of the spine searing through our energetic chakras releasing all the junk -Purification via Heat, to merge with the Cosmic Dance of Ecstasy of Shiva at the 3rd Eye . If it is Shakti and Shiva …It has to be wild and unpredictable. The “Heat “ generated during this process of Kundalini Activation is the catalyst that clears/ purifies all that which we can no longer carry forward and opens gates of new perception for our union with new dimensions of Divinity/ consciousness/light/ enlightenment. With so much taking place in your energy fields , it is no wonder that you are called to rest and recalibrate in time for the New Moon 20th Feb…the veils have lifted…clarity shines through…
…For the New Moon Conjuncts Venus/ Inanna at Solar Plexus on the 22nd Feb , which is the ignition switch of the very stationary Chariot (7) (until now) of this year of 7!!! Yup the Chariot has at best only had some sporadic jerky starts and stops so far in this year of the Chariot. As I had mentioned in my last post there is much taking place in the etheric fields wrt closing of Karmic Cycles, Life Reviews and Path Progression , Soul Reunions which takes time to anchor in our physical reality. The Kundalini Activations of MahaShivratri is the physical clearing of our Energetic Pathways in response to what is unfolding in our etheric fields and consequently being recorded in the Akashic Realms.
So rest , review and seed / plan your new Blueprint , coz as and when the Marching Orders come through ( Venus/ Inanna will see to that in the coming one month at Solar Plexus) The Chariot has the potential not only to race forward…..It Can Fly through Dimensions!!! Do not doubt what is being revealed to you in the Etheric realms , just coz they are not manifesting in your reality…..the Blueprint is being drawn up….and You are in the Driving Seat of the Chariot!!!…N You are Fiercely Guided n Protected by a Forces unseen….but definitely Felt….
Venus/ Inanna currently at Sacral Chakra in her Journey of Reclamation and Empowerment as the Evening Star on her way to be Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, has brought us the Oracular Powers of the Wise Crone to seed a New Foundational Blueprint (as the Capricorn Wise Woman Metagoddess) via our Womb Space. These are the Visionary Insights we have received this past month that Venus/ Inanna spent at Sacral Chakra at the Gate of Creativity (Jan 23-Feb 22) And Now She readies to Move to the Gate of Personal Power at Solar Plexus (22Feb) , reclaiming Her Ring of Power to ignite Action to bring these Visions into manifestation!!
Amazing Art by Megane Claire of cosmic_svasti ( Instagram)
Ignition Key
Raphael’s New Moon Puja (Prayer, Blessing, Intention, Workshop, etc.) (3rd after the solstice (3 of 13)
Instructions are in between the (((( )))), and the words to speak are in the “parenthesis” feel free to change this as your instincts tell you; allow your inner-self to be the administrator. But, if a direction is present, please face the corresponding view.
We use nature as a rhythmic reminder, a friend, an ally, and an inspiration. Everything said and done can be done in a “divine light” if we keep this underlying tone. The following words hail from many different traditions.
The Start of the Sacred Intentions
((( Prepare your sacred space in the center of physical reality )))
((( Face East )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the East to evoke “Air,” which will carry in new ideas, energies, situations, and persuasions to manifest into beautiful form. “
((( Evoke the feeling of relief and engulf physical reality and its dimensions in “Rainbow Breeze.” )))
((( Face Southeast )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Southeast to evoke the “Winds of Change,” which evokes both the physical and nonphysical for this purposeful creation effort. ”
((( Feel the energy of positive change coming into our reality. Then, engulf physical reality and its dimensions in “Violet Winds of Change,” – Which is “Flame/Breeze:” Use both modalities at the same time and make them one.)))
((( Face South )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the South to summon “Fire” to ignite the energies that we are transmuting into the best situations and things possible. I am wise enough to know nothing new will take form today; the energy of manifestation is truly a transmutational effort.”
(((Evoke the feeling of peace and engulf physical reality and all its dimensions in “Violet Flame.” )))
((( Face Southwest )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Southwest engulfed in profound energy to help me manifest positive things for myself and others. I turn waves of possibility into a solid form in this sacred dance of mental focus. “
((( Evoke the feeling of happiness and envision an ideal world for humanity and life for yourself and your loved ones. )))
((( Face West )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the West to evoke the element of “Water” with the help of this element, the thoughts I have just created have the longevity to become a part of my physical reality.“
((( Evoke the emotion of excitement and engulf physical reality and all of its dimensions in“Violet Waters.” )))
((( Face Northwest )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Northwest to break free from all limiting thoughts and notions regarding my ability to live in such an ideal scenario by summoning the force of the macro via thought. ”
((( Envision the things you have just created bursting through a wall of light, and then evoke the feeling of bliss. )))
((( Face North )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the North to summon the element of “Earth” to get the blessing of Gaia in our effort of pure intentions. ”
((( Ask Gaia to bless your life with natural wonders, then engulf physical reality in “Violet Plasma.” )))
((( Face Northeast )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Northeast to shift places and times within the “Multiverse.” I am purposefully moving to the best possible timeline, where my visions will manifest gracefully and easily.”
((( Envision yourself walking on your current timeline, then take a stairway of light to the higher timeline you have created through this intention. )))
((( Connect with all directions )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence in all the unnamed directions to evoke the macro profoundly to solidify these changes. “
((( Envision yourself on this new timeline and ground yourself with Rainbow roots from all your chakras, grounding yourself to this wondrous place. )))
((( Bring your mental gaze deep within )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence within to discover all these actions have taken place inside and outside myself.”
((( Please speak the following aloud as you come out or meditation “Mitakuye, Oyasin, AHO!” )))
“Eruption” |: Frank Tona “Monday, February 6th Mt. Shasta had a Lenticular most of the day but as it got closer to sunset the cloud got really impressive and as the sunset color struck the cloud it began to disintegrate in a unique and spectacular way sending tendrils down to the top of the mountain.
As we enter deeper into this wonderful Piscean season, already activated by the Sun and Moon in Pisces, many will begin to feel the dissolution of the many attachments that they still carry, for this is what Pisces is facilitating us to work with, at this time.
There are many who are yet fragmented, and possess many physical, mental, emotional, and ethereal attachments, having their auric field debilitated as well as their physical body. Pisces is the last sign, the one that invites us to clear all misalignments, so we can regain illumination, resurrect our 12D template, so we can finally step out of this human karmic wheel, and move into new harmonic dimensions.
Attachments are energetic and etheric cords or anything that siphon our energetic field that keeps us in a low frequency, and that maintains us linked to another person, soul, or any other form of undesired form of consciousness. Sexual trauma is also another form of attachment, a very profound physical, emotional, and psychological one as well, that needs to be treated, on many different levels, not just spiritually, and that this season will help us work with as well.
Doing our daily protection, from the physical dimension to the 12D one in which we too dwell, and weekly clearings, on both a physical and non-physical level, will help us be purified of all the common debris in all of our bodies. We can utilize the element Water, from the physical element to the liquid plasma one, to clean any blockage in our body conduits that we can feel, and see in our bodies when we consciously scan them.
We can create a vortex in the middle of our room with the Water element, commanding that everything that damages us in both a physical and non-physical perspective, is immediately released. However, when there are profound attachments, or other types of energies, that have caused soul fragmentation, we need to go further, using other clearing and healing treatments, as well as cutting cords techniques to remove them.
After doing this initial inner work, for those who are in this phase, we can move into further stages, as it is with Piscean energies that we can begin to merge our masculine and feminine polarities, building the shoulder portals, the final stage of building our light body, which is where both opposite essences reside in our bodies, being released and reconnected with the sixth and seventh-dimensional rays.
We have a unique opportunity with Pisces to continue the liberation inner work that we began with Aquarius, for we not only free ourselves at a mental level, but at a physical, and soul one as well. We not only need to be liberated from false beliefs and old patterns, but from anything else that keeps us attached to an old self, and timeline, and it is now the time for us to cease all cords with our past, heal and resurrect, as Pisces invites us to do, into the illumined lovelight being that we, in essence, are.
March will provide us with this opportunity of healing and clearing in a massive way for all who are willing to confront their shadows. There are many issues we can treat during this season and that helps us initiate ourselves in further stages of our ascension journey.
Saturn in Pisces will precisely help us in taking responsibility for our inner work, for our human life experience, revising all we still need to heal, and master, so we can finally end a cycle, and begin a new one of conscious creation, at all levels, for when we talk about conscious creation, it includes from how we treat our bodies, for we are constantly creating it, to the thoughts we think, that later on will create our reality.
We are living in a time of infinite possibilities like never before in our human history. We have the energetic assistance required for us to completely heal, reset and reconnect our bodies. It is our personal choice to be willing to be completely devoted to our evolutionary path, or continue into our past trajectory. As always all choices serve and are equally respected within Creation.
To assist the transition and changes on your planet.
An Easy Light Flow of Ideas, Thoughts, Light Imaginations.
To Plant The Seeds of Light, that is the Light Task
We urge you to make this a priority, to move rapidly forward with your existing life contract, to reach your Higher Light Role.
Draw and play in Light, Bring Through Light Ideas in This Reality
We ask you to see the Light in every soul, focus on the creation of life & the magic of the Universe. For true happiness is here for all who choose to see the Higher Perspective of your World.
Awaken to the intelligence of your Heart – a portal of rapid Healing, Alignment and Manifestation.
The Pisces New Moon has released the Spirit hidden deep within. As Spirit rises she reveals the truth that is ready to be received. The wounded ego cannot get in the way of what is now clear. It is easier to take responsibility and move forward with this knowledge and growth. Continue taking back your power from past situations, now that you can clearly see people’s motives from a sovereign independent perspective. Detach yourself and let it all go so you can heal and evolve for the next stage of life.
The current ascension energies are aligning us to be unconditional love – to give and receive and live this vibration in all of our relationships. The dog totem animal is very present today with the heart chakra clearings and upgrades. Responsible faithful reliable loyal caring protective and playful are some of the energetics we are collectively upgrading into.
The Pisces New Moon is in collaboration with this, launching us forward to begin this new time space continuum where we are all in this same harmonic match and tone of unconditional love. Everything that is not in alignment with this is being purged out for the new heart chakra to merge with the oneness field of Creation.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Adrienne Elise
February 20-27, 2023 – TIME TO SHINE – SuperNova Astrology Update
We have been feeling a rapid shift of energy of with the Sun moving into Pisces, just in time for the Pisces New Moon on February 20th. With all planets direct we are ready to move, but the ground seems to be shifting underneath us.
Mercury in Aquarius is in square to Uranus in Taurus this week. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and we are coming up against where we haven’t been able to claim and progress in our spiritual evolution. Forces seek to hold us back from knowing who we really are. Mercury and Uranus in this square is opening up our mind to the possibility of great insight of who we really are and how to claim back our power.
Black Moon Lilith in Leo is forming a fixed T-square with the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes of the Moon are about our path forward, and what might be holding us back. The North Node in Taurus is challenging our confidence and self worth for who we really are. The South Node in Scorpio speaks to hidden factors that continue to hinder our progress. In square to Black Moon Lilith, the hidden things are dark shadows which we have allowed to eclipse our light. Everything is saying that it’s time OWN it. It’s time to Shine.
New Moon in Pisces. Venus enters Aries – Sitting quietly on the beach, ear to a shell, the soft hush of the sea, in and out, breath of the cosmos. Here we are now, back to the beginning and conversely at the end. There are no more boundaries, just the quiet tick of earthly time countering the soul’s knowing that time is an illusion. In this liminal space we’re pressed to give form and shape to dreams, to release old baggage and reconnect. But maybe for some it’s a hard task. Sometimes we feel invisible, ignored, blamed, filled with sorrows. Sometimes just none of it makes sense.
The trick is to allow feelings to flow without getting caught up in them. Let go of distractions. Release idealism, escapism and self-recrimination. Send back unconditional love through time to your past self and your ancestors. Find your meaning, the why, the reason for getting up in the morning. In stillness a portal opens, a spark of magic bursts to life. From a place of trust and intuitive knowing, all kinds of miracles occur. Look into a mirror. Kiss your reflection. You are the pearl in the shell.
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The 5th day is very powerful and it commands your attention! Whatever day the number fives combined with it always adds some energy, so expect a very dynamic day. This is the fifth day of the White Wizard wavespell and we are under his spell for another 8 days. The fifth day is empowering and therefore the spells cast today are powerful.
Today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The Mirror when it occurs on a number five day is about being empowered by the truth. So often when we look in the mirror, we see our flaws and this is disempowering. If you looked in the mirror and actually saw your true-self rather than just what you look like…you’d be amazed. You would see your compassion, your warmth, your life experiences and the battles you’ve survived. You’d see an old soul who has been through a great deal but is still functioning! Your true self is a sight to behold and it is truly empowering to understand this. Spend some time today reflecting on the truth.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Such an interesting guide for today, you can cross a bridge to find yourself as the Worldbridger provides that opportunity. This guide can lead you to the truth if you are willing to pay the toll. If something is holding you back, let it go…cross the bridge as the truth is waiting for you on the other side. Remember there is always a weight restriction on the bridge and so the Worldbridger asks you to shed unnecessary baggage. What can you leave behind today?
The Challenge of the day is the Yellow Star, so if you are one, you may find today tough. Sometimes, you only see the beauty, the shiny sparkly world and it’s challenging for you to see the truth…especially if it doesn’t fit with your viewpoint. You too can be empowered today, although you may have to try harder than everyone else. A reality check that is empowering can help you too. On days when the Yellow Star’s light is diminished we may find it difficult to appreciate the beauty in others because the mirror can make us a bit critical.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer. This suggests that with the truth, our dreams have a magical ability to come true! Dream big today, it is an empowering day after all! The Blue Night when in this special position can take our breath away with his outstanding imagination. There’s a psychedelic quality to the dreams you may experience. Pay attention to what your dreams are telling you.
The Ally is the Red Dragon, the nurturer. If today is too painfully truthful for you, a Red Dragon can offer great comfort, if you are lucky enough to know one. If you are a Red Dragon, give extra cuddles today as your caring nature will be needed. If you don’t have one handy, be inspired by the Dragon’s friendly nurturing energy and do what they would do. Hide in your cave if necessary and be kind to yourself. Take care!
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 18=9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Endings
KIN 18 and the MIRROR tribe number 18 gives us an 18.18. double whammy fueling upheaval and uprising.
The 18 reduces to number 9 and represents ENDINGS and CLOSURE, as well as humanitarian interests so we have HUGE codes today pertaining to the collective, bringing CLOSURE through some time of EVENT – or upheaval – especially with WORLDBRIDGER as our Higher Power! STAY TUNED!!
Today’s codes are pushing our buttons and seeking to LIBERATE us
Gazing into the LOOKING GLASS we can SEE HARMONY and great PEACE up ahead – particularly for our DIVINE UNIONS.
Need I say it, today is indeed another VERY POWERFUL Majikal day of RADIANT EMPOWERMENT!
Today officially marks the DEATH of the old MIRROR WORLD!!
NOTE: Today is a brilliant code for TWINFLAMES to merge from two hearts, into one heart by evolving beyond the “Mirror games”. tHE 2.2.2. code favours and ACTIVATES DIVINE UNIONS – partnerships and bonding through SERVICE.
It is also a great day for each of us to reclaim the true POWER of our RADIANT and WHOLE HEARTS.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance. 5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the White Wizard Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS.
When we give ourselves permission to “unhook from the Mirror world”, we transform! Today we are reclaiming the TRUE POWER of our pure DIVINE and RADIANT HEARTS as conduits for Spirit.
Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform in order to feel empowered?
Command your RADIANCE and spread your golden LIGHT!
Today’s question is “How can I become more EMPOWERED, using WHITE MAJIK to BREAK FREE from the OLD illusions? Am I READY to CLAIM my FREEDOM and SHINE brightly as a RADIANT DIVINE soul in this beautiful NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the blossoming of our BRILLIANT NEW SHINY and EMPOWERING FREE WORLD.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
The travelers stand again upon the shore
A journey that has taken us so very far
From a world of mortals to a SHINING STAR
We can never be apart
I don’t want it any other way
Sweet song
A soundless gem that lingers on
A fire of LOVE creates the GOLDEN AGE
True heart
Lyrics from song “TRUE HEARTS” from the FLYING FREE Album recorded by BLISS (Lucinda Drayton & Andrew Blissett)
The Mirror world SHATTERS! It is time to break FREE from the matrix!!! The illusory prison that we have contained ourselves within, for the sake of growth through suffering! The veil has finally lifted and we are FREE to step up in our MASTERY. and evolve to the next level of our soul’s journey, writing the new chapter for our planet. Her-story begins today!
Today is a day encouraging you to gain a NEW PERSPECTIVE of your life.
The themes are very expansive, emphasizing timelessness in unison with the WIZARD wavespell, and endlessness from the WHITE MIRROR.
We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to SEE the WHOLE TRUTH! The WIZARD provides the sword of truth, which cuts through illusions revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are most viable, pointing to the solution needed.
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS bringing forth the messages from SPIRIT. We have a TRINITY of TRUTH bringers today, with ETZNAB, CIMI and IX, as well as the 20 AWAKENING our CLEAR VISION code. These quadruple TRUTH energies are like a MAGNIFYING GLASS- highlighting and exposing ALL lies and DECEPTION, enabling us to SEE what is REAL and what is FAKE, illusory and irrelevant. The MIRROR is also a MAYAN PYRAMID adding FIRE from the PYRE to IGNITE the HIGHER VISION.
Our minds can receive endless visions and truths TODAY, as we align and marvel at the Divine order, in the reflections of truth that we receive. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities, as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed, in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
On a GLOBAL level we are witnessing unprecedented AWAKENING to the TRUTH of the lies, deception and ILLUSION that has been drip fed to humanity for eons! The MIRROR is shattering and the false illusion cannot hold together any longer…
The lame stream Media is tripping up and is now being EXPOSED for its deception, feeding the masses the narrative espoused by their puppeteers.. The W.E.F. is openly revealing their evil agenda of mass depopulation. The psychopaths have now been EXPOSED and defeated, and the SICK for PROFIT industry is collapsing, as the masses AWAKEN and defiantly REFUSE to be bound by THEIR rules. The veil of ILLUSION is no more! .
The DARK WIZARD’S holographic PROJECTOR has been EXPOSED, as the curtain is drawn back on the little bald guy pushing the buttons… UNPLUGGED and disconnected, that PROGRAM can no longer operate…
The NEW 5D projector has been installed and now we can only REFLECT on the BEAUTY, HARMONY and RADIANCE of our New Reality… This is the only VIEW that will hold substance now..
Our NEW MIRROR is reflecting a beautiful world filled with RADIANCE and compassion, that seeks to EMPOWER all souls.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER CIMI – is the HIGHER POWER today SLAMMING the door – which SHATTERS the HALL of MIRRORS.. The WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of DEATH, bringing forth the ENDING of the old PARADIGM as we knew it. The collapse and demise of the control/domination matrix and old paradigm, to make way for the new.
Absolutely PERFECT that WORLDBRIDGER appears to assist us today, in releasing the baggage and paving the way for a NEW BEGINNING on this wonderful new Era dawning!
We have a wonderful NEW MOON in PISCES today, blessing us with NEW DIVINE LOVE – HIGHER spiritual LOVE, bringing forth these blessed NEW energies that we are craving.. In order to embrace the NEW we must LET GO of the old ways, to MAKE SPACE for something BETTER to flow in.
The lesson of WORLDBRIDGER is to understand and ACCEPT that everything is a CYCLE and that we must LET GO and SURRENDER the old, in order to make space for the new ways, cycles and energies that are wanting to anchor.
We cannot welcome the NEW if we are still GRIEVING the OLD, so disconnect from the pain, suffering and collective trauma that we have been processing during these final days of DARKNESS.. It is time to LET GO,, in order to enter the RAINBOW BRIDGE.
In LETTING GO the WORLDBRIDGER becomes active in bridging the two cycles and welcoming the NEW.
We have now reached a very critical juncture in our journey as STAR BLISS SUNS – the timelines are SPLIT – and we must ACTIVELY CHOOSE to follow the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.
The WAYSHOWERS are clearly being assisted by the company of HEAVEN – to BREAK AWAY and forge a NEW PATH. We can CREATE it – if we STICK to this new path and surrender the old ways.
WORLDBRIDGER perfectly paves the way for us and creates the new path for all those who seek to follow. Get ready to CONNECT with your KIN in new and more EMPOWERING WAYS – all celebrating our RADIANT true HEART connections.
The OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER is bringing forth those wonderful 5D connections, networks, resources and soul tribes – all RADIATING SOURCE LIGHT.
Keep forging onwards TRUE WAYSHOWERS!
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE DRAGON IMIX provides the protection and self-nurturance needed in order for you HEART to HEAL and become WHOLE again, so that you can truly SHINE and RADIATE the GLORY of LOVE within.
It is time to COMMAND all the Divine Nurturance that your soul craves and deserves. Mother IMIX can support your soul’s empowerment by providing the nurturing and creative energies, to support your choices, and the creation of your new ideas, options and pathways. IMIX can then provide the POWER to b-Earth these dreams and visions that have been illuminated by the MIRROR.
The DRAGONS are back on EARTH and have pledged allegiance to the NEW EARTH WIZARDS, as their trusty companions, protectors and guardians. The DRAGONS are ready and waiting for your COMMAND, to give you a BLAST of their FIRE in order to fuel your PASSION, and give you the strength and courage needed to LEAD THE WAY.
Call on your personal DRAGON guardian and those of the 5 elements, to give you added SUPPORT and the MAJIK of invincibility needed to get over the FINISH LINE!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR NIGHT AKBAL brings forth the dreaming codes, to manifest your NEW RADIANT and beautiful visions and dreams into creation, enhancing RED DRAGON’S powers. What a BRILLIANT GIFT that our Majik Genie provides as the SUPER POWER today.
IT IS TIME for all your accumulated WISHES and DREAMS to be GRANTED!!
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that Spirit has your back! All the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices. TRUST your intuition and know that you DESERVE to manifest your DREAMS today, and in the coming days, as you have earned it 1000x over dear STAR BLISS SUNS.
Our collective DREAM of Planetary Abundance, Harmony and PEACE is absolutely MANIFESTING now, as we all claim back our DIVINE POWER and sovereignty, COMMANDING our NEW WAY DREAMING into BEING!
IT IS TIME TO PULSE out your INTENTION, to manifest NEW EARTH – push your VISION out into the QUANTUM FIELD and watch it MANIFEST.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR LAMAT is today’s GIFT heralding the arrival of the NEW TIME and the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX that GAIA has attuned to. This NEW TIME is the new frequency SET for this beautiful AQUARIAN AGE.
Anything NOT in alignment with this new Matrix HAS become very apparent, as it is in its last death throes with PLUTO in the final degree of CAPRICORN – the sign of the PATRIARCHY…
Only those energies that support LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and UNITY consciousness through RADIANT EMPOWERMENT will grow and flourish in this prosperous future we are creating NOW!
LAMAT asks you to become aware of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process so your LIFE reflects this new beauty, grace and harmony.
Our PLANETARY MIRROR has now been attuned to a higher 5D frequency where TIME IS ART!
LAMAT is challenging you today to FOCUS ON THE PEACE and BEAUTY
COMMAND only BEAUTY – refuse to bear witness to the ugliness… Fill your world with flowers, beautiful perfumes, a palette of rainbow colours, sweet loving people and the sensory pleasures that make your HEART SING… Sing, dance, play beautiful music and switch your life channel to this new harmonic chord.
To REAP the GIFTS of LAMAT TODAY, choose to OPEN more fully to HARMONY and BEAUTY in ALL aspects of your life.
When you focus on the SWEETNESS your life becomes LA DOLCE VITA!
This HARMONY and empowerment of self and one’s life, becomes the new foundation for FREEDOM.
The TRUTH shall set you FREE!
Like the song says “A journey that has taken us so very far. From a world of Mortals to a SHINING STAR”.
We are no longer mortals! We have evolved to beautiful divine SOPHIA/CHRISTED HU-MANS and stand BRILLIANTLY SHINING in our DIVINE POWER and our new found RADIANCE!
The challenge today is – DARE TO SHINE! and KEEP SHINING – NO MATTER WHAT!
Today’s question is “How can I become more EMPOWERED, using WHITE MAJIK to BREAK FREE from the OLD illusions? Am I READY to CLAIM my FREEDOM and SHINE brightly as a RADIANT DIVINE soul in this beautiful NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the blossoming of our BRILLIANT NEW SHINY and EMPOWERING FREE WORLD.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
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“The timespace is the function of different creation matrices that can be mathematically and geometrically postulated. The logarithmic spiral, for instance, is well known to underlie many configurations of nature as well as many facets of human art and skill. Its intrinsic system of proportions defines spatial relations occurring throughout nature. This numerical sequence is credited to Leonardo Fibonacci (1170–1240 CE). Fibonacci called this series the Golden Ratio or phi because the interval ratio between all numbers is 1.618 or phi. In the Fibonacci series, each new number is the sum of the two previous numbers, beginning with zero:
0:1:1:2:3:5:8:13:21:34:55:89:144:233:377:610:987. These numbers define the measure of evolution of whole systems unfolding as a galactic timespace spiral. Another key point to grasp—and this is fundamental to the entire perception of cosmic history—is that number, as its own dimension of intelligence, is the coordinating means of a vast system of telepathic knowing.”
Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 5
“Book of TimeSpace”
On the Galactic Count of 260 DAYS today corresponds to KIN 18 5MIRROR. This is DAY#5 of the 13-DAY cycle commanded by the White Wizard and the Power of Timelessness. The 5th DAY represents the 5th Force: The synchronic G-Force that sets the Universe in Timeless motion. The affirmation for today states:
I Empower in order to Reflect
Commanding Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Overtone of Radiance
I AM guided by the power of Death
KIN 18 marks a KEY NODE of Harmonic Resonance within the mathematical structure of SPIRAL TIME. How is this?
The White Overtone Mirror invites us today to dive into the “Endlessness of Timelessness” and explore the Infinite patterns of Mathematical Harmony emerging into our NEW awareness.
On June 27, 2021 – NS1.33.13.1 KIN 195 13Eagle, we introduced 2 NEW DISCOVERIES revealing the interconnectedness between the Organic Logarithmic Spiral of Creation and the Synchronic Order. These discoveries led to the birth of 2 NEW “creation matrices that can be mathematically and geometrically postulated”:
Let’s explore these discoveries in detail by bringing back to memory some of the highlights of their original introduction, published for the 33-DAY countdown sequence to the Galactic NEW Year known as New Sirius Cycle NS 1.34 (Link to original entry in comments section).
June 23, 1987 marks DAY #1 of the FIRST recorded 260-DAY TZOLKIN cycle or GALACTIC SPIN of the NEW Dispensation of Time. This event corresponds therefore to DAY #1 of Galactic Time and marks every year the arrival of “Galactic Culture” on Earth.
The “Galactic Spin” is a function of the 5th Force: the SPIRAL G-Force that synchronizes the Universe.
φ • EXACTLY 33 days from Ground Zero of Galactic Time marks the FIRST DAY of the FIRST MOON of the New Dispensation of Time on July 26, 1987. KIN #34 8Wizard (NS1.
φ • The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 took place 21 DAYS later on KIN #55 (Fibonacci #10) of the year coded by KIN 34 (Fibonacci 9). This alignment allows us to plot an ENTIRELY NEW HARMONIC TIMELINE of the Harmonic Convergence based on the harmonics of a Logarithmic Spiral of Time.
When we extend this spiral into the PAST we can locate the ORIGIN on KIN #1, June 23rd, 1987.
When we extend this spiral into the FUTURE, a NEW set of DISCOVERIES connecting the harmonics behind the Logarithmic Spiral sequence and the Tzolkin Matrix (Harmonic Module) can be established with great precision and absolute numerical clarity. How is this?
There are 4 HARMONIC FACTORS to highlight. Please see attached graphic chart as reference:
1. The Fibonacci 15 POSITION (F15) on the time-spiral (610 DAYS elapsed from Ground Zero of Galactic Time) corresponded to KIN 89 same KIN as Fibonacci 11 POSITION (F11).
2. The Fibonacci 20 POSITION (F20) on the time-spiral (6765 DAYS elapsed from Ground Zero of Galactic Time) corresponded to KIN 260 the same KIN as position 0 (F0): KIN 260 13SUN!!!
3. The Fibonacci 21 POSITION (F21) on the time-spiral (10946 DAYS elapsed from Ground Zero of Galactic Time) corresponds to the same KIN as the Fibonacci 19 POSITION (F19): KIN 18
4. The Fibonacci 22 POSITION (F22) on the time-spiral (17711 DAYS elapsed from Ground Zero of Galactic Time) ALSO corresponds to the same KIN + 1 DAY as the Fibonacci 21 POSITION (F19): KIN 18+1
Reaching this Holographic Milestone of this Spiral Timeline of 21 (F21) means that since June 10, 2017 KIN #18 we are riding the 8th Fibonacci position (F8=21) of the Logarithmic Spiral sequence!
The purpose of mapping time in this way is to allow us to gain perspective over large periods of time and establish new sets of time coordinates and time intervals that, over time, generate compounding resonance, revealing potent combinations of celestial harmonics. Why is this relevant now?
These OUTSTANDING numerical and cyclical synchronizations over such LARGE periods of TIME are testimony of the HARMONIC TRUTH behind the New Dispensation of Time calibrations and lead us to a NEW BIG discovery:
Contemplation and analysis of the Fibonacci 20 POSITION (F20) on the time-spiral (6765 DAYS elapsed from Ground Zero of Galactic Time) matching the same KIN as position 0 (F0) KIN 260 13SUN led to further realizations:
When we calculate the interval between both dates, this Golden Harmonic Spiral in Time of 20 Fibonacci STEPS unveiled itself to reveal a Golden Template of 26 TZOLKIN cycles of 260 DAYS EACH contained within it. In other words:
“THE FIBONACCI 20 MASTER HARMONIC TIME MODULE” is a SPIRAL in TIME of 20 Steps + Ground Zero. This Master Template of 6765 DAYS serves as container for 26 TZOLKIN cycles or GALACTIC SPINS of 260 DAYS each + 5 DAYS. These 5 EXTRA DAYS correspond to the 5 LEAP DAYS (February 29) comprised within this HARMONIC time frame of 6765 DAYS.
On the 13-Moon, 28-DAY calendar every February 29 or “Leap Day” is observed as “0.0 Hunab Ku” DAY and counts as an EXTRA DAY OUT OF TIME for every Gregorian leap year.
As a holonomic reflection of the perfection of spiral patterns in Life, the synchronic order and its tools (13-Moon, 28-Day synchronometer, and 260-DAY Tzolkin Matrix) act as a telepathic field of harmony capable of absorbing the dissonance embedded into the Leap Day “anomaly” of the Gregorian calendar, and integrate it via Hunab Ku (“The ONE Giver of Movement and Measure”) into the PERFECT mathematical resonance with the cycles of the Galaxy, the Stars, the Sun and the Moon and the stages of the logarithmic Spiral pattern of creation…
As mentioned on our prior entry, the 4th Dimensional Pulsar Wave of the current wavespell is comprised by KIN 14+18+22+26. Each of these gateways hold the 5th Force oracle of Timelessness in place, and each of them also holds a KEY EVENT of enormous significance within the prophetic narrative of the New Time. On this spiral waveform the next harmonic milestone is the prophetic KIN 22, holding the Mesoamerican Axis of Prophecy = 9 Underworlds +13 Heavens =
KIN 22 = 9Wind – 9Ehecatl sign of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan-Venus across Mesoamerican traditions.
This prophetic day serves as the virtual alchemical container for the transmutation of the Gregoarian calendar.
KIN #22-23: 2.24-25.2023 : TIME SUPERNOVA
In other words the window of February 24-25, 2023 (KIN 22-23) holds a KEY NODE of harmonic resonance between timelines. How is this? According to the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline, it was on February 24, 1987, KIN 142 12Wind when a supernova event known as SN1987A “Quetzalcoatl” signaled the FULL entrance into a new stage of the evolution of life on Earth: THE NOOSPHERE. This potent celestial light appears to be triggering the evolutionary counter-spin to the entropic paradigm embedded into the artificial time matrix.
The WIND represents SPIRIT. The word SPIRAL and the word SPIRIT have the same root, serving us as invitation to observe and notice that Consciousness/Spirit moves in a SPIRAL fashion. We are in an ascending spiral of evolution. Each new cycle brings the opportunity to shift our perception of time. And as we shift our perceptions we shift our consciousness.
TIME is not linear, is not flat and it is neither represented by a circle (cycle). TIME IS best described as A SPIRAL. With the purpose of simplifying and universalizing the comprehension of this organizing principle we are defining it as “THE HARMONIC FACTOR”:
This mathematical constant also known as the “PHI ratio” or “Divine Proportion” is present in the natural unfoldment of forms across the Universe and is reflected in the Fibonacci numerical sequence…
On this sequence ( 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233…) each number is in a Golden Proportion relationship with its predecessor and holds the harmonic resonance of the PHI ratio, defined as the Number 1.61833…
This entire 13-DAY cycle serves therefore as an ascending spiral staircase in TIME connecting KIN #13 (sphiral position #7) holding the “Transcending Power of Cosmic Prophecy”… to KIN #21 (sphiral position #8) birthing the “Integrity of Galactic Time”.
Remember: We just closed a 13000-DAY hologram of the New Time on KIN 260 13Sun and started a NEW 13000-DAY Journey during this 8th Moon of the 13-MOON year: the Galactic Moon of Harmony…