Leo New Moon ~ Blue Rose Template Holders have Returned ~ THE TEMPLE OF GOD’S WILL ~ The Legacy of Love Sacred Union of Sirius and Venus
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Lyran Nation of our Royal Lion Kingdom of New Lemuria
Happy New Moon in Leo!
Today our beloved Sun and Moon join together in our fixed fire sign of Leo, the Lion, as the Holy Fire of Transfiguration blazes into this realm directly from Infinite Source Prime Creator!
Our local Soularis continues to Quantum Flash in Gamma Plasma Liquid Light releasing another 7 C Class Soular Flares today and 6 more M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.22 at 15:15 UTC. Bridging in the 222 Trinity Gate of our Angelic Code of Divine Union.
Mercury our planet of communication and intellect stations retrograde today in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, the Divine Virgin Maiden,, being ruled by Mercury will ask us to slow down and refine our arts especially our healing arts and focus on self care and rejuvenation.
We also have a very powerful Geomagnetic Storm coming today at level G3 and KP index of 7. This is bringing in our family of the Aurora Kingdom to flood Mother Earth with her Electromagnetic Spectrum of Beauty and Bliss.
Many of our Starseed Ground Crew Team of the 144 are going through an initiation by fire, what many Shaman call “Burning from the Fire from within” This is our threefold flame in the core of our being, our Sacred Heart Center lighting up our innerverse to transform and transfigure what appears to be external. For all things are simply a mirror of Source Creator and Creation and the Mind of Buddha of Awakened Consciousness is the mirror that reflects itself perfectly for all to witness as a temporal transient phenomenon.
Only Love is real and Eternal, everything else is simulated illusions in a state of flux. This is not good nor bad, neither right or wrong, it simply just is. Universal Truth is One Still Center that never changes, and is the fulcrum of the Universe and is everywhere, there is no separation, only the appearance within the simulation of the matrix.
Together we rise in Unity Consciousness and return this realm to the Paradise she was and always will be…A’Ho!
We are in a time on Mother Earth we’re we’ve never been before. These Ascension energies are transforming us at massive speed. Be gentle with yourselves
New monumental restoration and upgrade in the human discs! Thank Goddess! She is giving us back our songs. Get ready for the Queen, she is taking her position into this world.This is not going to be as it was expected
The Masculine in all fully in the process of understanding, refineing and repositioning himself in the Presence of the Feminine Principle on Earth
The frequency of unity consists of a billion points of light-encoded packets of data and YOU represent those potentials.
There’s much more to this planet that many understand fully and it’s through the heart space that you can really feel what your role is and what’s happening now!
You have had to face so many misunderstandings from the outer world to be able to shine your own unique essence & follow your path in the past. So often, they didn’t get your views, your moves. Your light is stronger now, less scared of its own uniqueness and power. Your difference was actually your key to more. Your inner resistance to your fullness has decreased & is decreasing. As you take guided actions from there, your light is about to be revealed even brighter in the world. Allow the potent Lion’s gate codes to reach you, to awaken more of your inner light.
In March I shared the significance of the Sacred Union of Sirius and Venus. Now, the planetary and galactic alignments are unfolding, having started this weekend with a series of powerful influxes of energy!
The ancient Blue Rose Template Holders have fully returned, bringing the Sacred Heart Technology back online and reawakening humanity’s connection to this powerful Rose lineage and Heart Wisdom.
Create an Armour of Self-Love and Joy around your heart and mind.
Humans are such that they tend to hurt one another unnecessarily thru carelessness, misunderstandings and conflicts within. Consequently, if you are positioned in your Safe House of strong self love you will not allow entry of others negativity; not get affected by their unwarranted criticism, disdain, toward you. People will vomit venom but your Self Love acts as a Miracle Mantle of Armour that bounces back the ill vibes to source.
By being Joyfilled, you can maintain self love and eventually become Complete again. Then nothing can shake your Equilibrium.
Such persons are Loving, Lovable, and Loved! And Beautiful!
Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.
I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.
And it slowed me down. I think this will be the slowest Lions Gate I have ever done. Even the snails will be in there before me.
The point is, we do so need to mindful and very grounded in the present. The Planet has never seen such energies, and we are being taken upwards in an express elevator.
Be calm. be peaceful and live with Grace. Divine Grace and the Lions Grace is here to support us through the Portal transit.
I love this image, it is called “The Two Majesties” by a French painter, but I call it the “First Day of Creation:” as I imagine the Royal Star Lion admiring the work of the Divine Creator and the Elohim Teams.
Just as we can admire the work of the New Earth being birthed in which we are part of the Elohim and Angelic/Galactic teams.
Through the intensity, the heat and the passion of scrambled and frantic desire to show up to your ultimate attention, steady guidance is felt to look to the shadow of the presented. There you will find a softness which holds a thousand reminders of peace in transition. Those who learn to seek the delicate in adversity are the most blessed of sacred servers of the mother and her child in cosmic divinity, who find solace in devotion and gentleness in the roar of the universal lion. These are the bravehearts of the living moment who bring the touch of harmony to life’s challenge and turn the tide on ferocious deception with the very steadiness of their breath and the notions of the heart. These are the brave new people of the brave new world; and they are divinely touched.
These energies are the most intense I have ever felt, and it is intensifying.
More Solar Activity and the energies coming into the planet is penetrating the Soil of Mother Earth, most likely felt by those of inner earth as well.
The consciousness of humanity continues to shift, some in a state of confusion, some finally seeing through the veils and those that are giving up their lives during this process is a lot to take in for us all.
This constant chaos of minds will continue as everything continues to reset and align with these divine energies.
My Ears ring so loud sometimes it is deafening, so I tune into to them until my guides help to tone them down.
Got to keep our bodies moving so that this energy doesn’t settle and get stuck in certain areas of our body, some pains may be happening reminding us there are still areas of our bodies that need love and healing.
Been in a nesting mode again, deep cleaning ever room of my house, deep cleaning my yard and starting projects I have put off. Not sure if this is due to the energies or am I nesting for my Granddaughter that is coming in November.
Whatever these energies bring I know it is for the good of this planet and for the shifting of consciousness to continue until every human that chooses to stay in the higher frequencies are content and healed, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
As I said, it is a lot for us all to take in even for those of us that have been working with all this for a very long time.
Source God is working through us at this moment, and you can literally feel that loving energy coming into your heart. We do not hear the voice of God, we feel that within every part of our being because everything is Source God.
This process will continue shifting the more we work together with these energies. More and more are finding the strength to rise above it all, to work with Spirit and bring into fruition the life we have truly desired to live.
Feeling the energies of the triple 8 gateway already as well, there is just so much going on I can’t even keep up with it all. Just taking it all in filtering out what isn’t necessary and allowing those that are.
It is reaching full power this year and will bring on more transformative shifts within us, as well as to our Planet. Excellent opportunity for manifesting our desires into fruition propelling us to a higher dimensional way of being, as well as thinking.
Hang in there Loves, enjoy every minute of this, Grand risings for all.
May all feel the Peace and Love that many of us are feeling during these vibrant times of transformation and may this peace be felt by those that continue to create violence.
Keep manifesting with Loving intensions as we continue to master ourselves at levels we have not had the opportunity of doing so in the past.
We are Rising into the Light of Christ Consciousness.
8/4/24: It’s been easier this year to dig into all the busywork than to stop, observe, and understand not only what you’re doing, but how and why. But you can’t skim the surface or play in the shallows anymore. You must immerse yourself in the entire experience. And the small stuff matters as much as the big.
Overlooking or underestimating one step, because you aren’t entirely present, can skew the whole process and purpose. Today is for leaning in with your senses. Touch. Listen. How does the moment feel? What is it giving you? Most importantly, are you happy in it? Because if that answer is no, you have some inner work to do.
Dear friends, the Earth is receiving a powerful dose of cosmic energy today. The G3 geomagnetic storm we are currently experiencing (geomagnetic K-index of 7) may be affecting not only our electronic devices but also our bodies and minds.
There’s a plethora of celestial energies happening today as we approach the main 8:8:8 event on August 8. The new moon energies, the initial mercury retrograde waves, and the solar winds are a powerful energetic synergy for deep transformation. We are being asked to refocus and reconnect with our fearless divine passion so we can fully express our true Light in the world. This process is stirring a lot of past emotional situations at the moment, and trying to bring a final closure to old wounds and outdated beliefs systems about our selves. We are reflecting on the past to rebirth a new future.
These Solar particles from the storm are interacting with our biology in profound ways: altering our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns, influencing our emotional states and mood, affecting our heart rate and blood pressure, and at a deeper level interacting with our DNA and cellular processes.
Feeling anxious, stressed, fatigued, or experiencing headaches? Having trouble sleeping or feeling overly emotionally sensitive? It’s no coincidence. The geomagnetic storm is altering our energy fields and internal rhythm.
But here’s the amazing part: our bodies are capable of adapting and responding to these cosmic influences. By tuning in to the Earth’s energy and synchronizing with its rhythms, we can enhance our resilience and adaptability, boost our immune systems and overall well-being, and expand our consciousness and intuition.
It’s important to ground your energy at this moment, but also to:
– Stay hydrated and connected with nature
– Practice relaxation and meditation techniques
– Rest and recharge your energy
– Connect with your intuition and inner wisdom
Remember, we are part of the Earth and its energy. Let’s surf this storm together and come out stronger, wiser, and more connected on the other side. These intense celestial lightcodes are truly accelerating our alchemical process of 3D to 5D transition. You are not alone.
Dear friends, as the celestial ballet unfolds with today’s new moon energies in full swing, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, begins its retrograde waltz also today Sunday August 4, 2024. For three weeks, the universe whispers secrets to those who listen, inviting us to embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery.
Like a river flowing backwards, Mercury Retrograde carries us into the depths of our own consciousness, where hidden truths and unfinished business await. It’s a time to: RE-EXAMINE the tapestry of our mental thoughts, woven from threads of broken old 3D structures and new 5D futures, RE-CONNECT with the whispers of our soul, and the loved ones who have shaped our journey so far, RE-ROUTE the paths we have walked, and find new roads to hidden undiscovered treasures, and RE-CHARGE the lantern of our heart, so we can illuminate the darkness ahead.
But beware, dear traveler, for Mercury Retrograde can also summon: miscommunications that weave a web of confusion, technical glitches that delay the fabric of our plans, and past unfinished businesses that rise like a phoenix from the ashes to confront us once again.
Yet, in this twilight zone, lies a hidden gift. A chance to: REVIEW the chapters of our lives, and edit the narratives of our soul, RECONNECT with the fragments of our heart, and mend the tears, REFLECT on the mysteries of our existence, and unravel the enigmas that our soul is searching for, and REINVENT ourselves fearlessly under the influences of the Leo energies and the 8:8:8 portal lightcodes.
Embrace this cosmic mercurial pause, let the universe work through your intuition and open your mind to its secrets. As we continue moving forward into the energetic vortex of the 888 Lion’s Gate, new higher perspectives of yourself and a stronger reconnection to the universal heart will be clearly felt. Together with the new moon in Leo and these mercury retrograde waves, you will emerge transformed, renewed, and reborn.
Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned for more updates as the navigate this intense transformative period.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
888 LIONSGATE Portal
The powerful portal of the 888 LIONSGATE is supporting the rising of the Divine Feminine Christ into her Leadership. Regardless of gender, these Leaders of the Way of the Age of Aquarius are receiving a Feminine healing and upgrade this week.
The Divine Feminine Christ is our Sacred Nectar. It is the essence of God’s pure Life Force Energy that He is putting in us, with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to create and birth with, in the New Earth.
The distortions of the Piscean Age permitted entities to block and siphon our Feminine creative power, and use it to control humanity. This dates back specifically to ancient Egypt where aliens came to earth and enslaved the population. The elite have been using the same sorcery to control the matrix, keeping Earth bound as a prison planet. However the timeline shift is here and those systems are falling away as we and the Earth continue on into the New Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age.
Since 2018 we have been breaking those cords, attachments, and power structures in the Galaxy and on Earth. We have been collapsing those systems through us and our genealogy by clearing every soldier of that system off of us, and removing them from our lives. This is our Legacy and we have been born for this.
This week another level of protection, clearings, and healings is happening from our body, mind, emotions, and energies so we can continue being freed from those entities. As this clears, more wisdom is downloading, transforming pain into pure love.
This will help you continue breaking ties with the old earth paradigm, and fully merge with God. It will also continue inner union so you are whole and can begin creating and birthing God’s plans through you.
You are being healed and cleared of stagnation, illusions and pain to be at the zero point. Here your Divine Feminine Christ Creator abilities will blossom. Everything you understand, create, and birth will all be based on God Consciousness and unconditional love.
This new understanding that you are Chosen for Divine Feminine Christ Leadership to co-create with the Most High and Wisdom of Spirit is showing you the way to this new life path that has opened through this 888 LIONSGATE Portal.
source: 144godcode.com
Ra James
Happy Leo New Moon. This New Moon is extra powerful as it’s happening in the middle of the Lions Gate Portal. We are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies right now. There is a huge healing and inner transformation happening. It’s all about the next version of yourself that you’re becoming, or turning into. We are shifting into higher timelines, and higher realities right now. There is a huge release of all that has been holding you back. We are in a huge manifestation portal. Expect your intuition to be extra strong right now. These energies tend to amplify what you’re feeling. We are also in a strong Solar Storm right now.
Tomorrow brings a huge shift as Mercury goes Retrograde. August is an action packed month. Leo energy is all about putting yourself first, filling your own cup, and owning your confidence. This New Moon is all about calling in your desires. That means the energies we are in are great for resting and recharging. It’s a great time to be reflecting on your future. It’s a great time to be writing that next chapter of your life. Leo’s rule the fifth house of romance so love is in the air. Leo energy is known to be playful and flirty.
This New Moon is bringing major heal your heart chakra vibes. It’s a great time to be clearing the old hurts so that you can open up to love again, and connect on a deeper level. There is a lot of love and magic in the air…
August 4, 2024: New Moon at Leo 12°34’, 7:13 am EDT.
Leo natives, ruled by the Sun, use their considerable charisma to make an impact on their world. The shadow danger lies in excessive egotism – megalomania at its extreme. The light expression is a joyful certainty of purpose that lights up the path for others.
This Leo New Moon falls with Mercury stationary, turning retrograde in Virgo. Jupiter – principle of expansion – has moved into a first quarter square to Saturn – principle of contraction. The essential Earth principles of expansion/contraction are struggling with one another, cancelling each other out and creating a feeling of stasis.
Venus, symbol of values, is on the last degree of Leo and in a quincunx – a relationship of irritation – with both Neptune and Pluto. Together these three form a Yode, a pattern sometimes called a Finger of God. A question lies within this formation: What do we value? What do we want? What do we need in order to have the planetary culture we want to experience?
Every 28 days, the Dark Moon window provides a time of contemplation, an opportunity to meditate on the issues surfacing within our lives. This inward energy is amplified at this New Moon by the station of Mercury. The invitation is to examine ways in which we may have lost our way, fallen prey to the fascination of false leadership; the gaudy exhibitionism that screams to the world, “Look at me, look at me, look at me.”
The question being presented is one of values: What really matters to you? What gives you joy? Peer into the darkness of the moonless night and find the truth illuminated within your heart. Let this truth guide your path forward at this very important time. Ask yourself, “What do I truly want?”
August 3, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
source: shamanicstarology.com
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
This weekend’s New Moon in Leo forms a sextile to both Mars and Jupiter in Gemini while also forming a trine to the Moon’s north node in Aries as Venus at 29° Leo forms a ‘yod’ to Neptune at 29° Pisces and Pluto at 0° Aquarius. In addition, Mercury turns retrograde at 4° Virgo (Aug 4-28) and will back into Leo over the coming weeks.
The July 21 Full Moon at 29° Capricorn ‘stirred’ up a lot of energy and made us aware of what needs to be completed which has led to a lot of ‘movement’ of energy in our space over the past couple of weeks.
Now, it is time to set a foundation upon which we can authentically EXPRESS what has come together for us before we ‘build’ toward new possibilities for growth and expansion in the near future fueled by what has arisen…
And while it will be important to be cautious and deliberate as this process will require adjustments and editing over the coming weeks, on the highest level, there is an URGENCY to take the ‘first’ steps toward this intention in SOME form now!
It can be something small and subtle but it must present as a CLEAR intention…the universe will ‘fill in’ the rest in due time.
On Sunday, August 4th, there is much going on astrologically! We start out with the New Moon at 12 degrees of Leo the Lion. New Moons are about new beginnings and planting seeds, and in fire sign Leo it is about confidence, courage, leadership and self-expression. Be in your heart! Be in your truth! And, roar like the Lion or Lioness that you are! Venus, ruler of love, partnerships, personal resources, finances, values and self-worth, finishes her travels through the “take charge” lion by connecting with Neptune, ruler of unconditional love, compassion, trust and faith, and then shifts into practical Virgo where she stays until August 29th.
Now she is more discerning in her relationships, more detailed in money matters, more aware of what she values, and perhaps more judgmental regarding how she values herself. Venus who loves to love, is not very comfortable in this perfectionistic and meticulous sign of the Virgin. She will, however, remain diligent, organized and sensible as she accomplishes her tasks. Lastly, we have Mercury, the Messenger, at 4 degrees of logical Virgo, turning to retrograde motion.
He has already been in his shadow since July 17th, so we have already started to experience the miscommunications, misunderstandings and faulty technological situations that he brings during this time. He remains retrograde until August 28th so we have plenty of time to reassess, revisit, revise. repair, refocus, research, redesign and redo.
We are balancing the masculine Leo energies of “action” with the feminine Virgo energies of “receptivity”. now. It is a time to set your intentions and manifest your truth, while at the same time going with the flow and trusting in Divine Timing.
New Moon in Leo. Venus in Leo quincunx Neptune retrograde in Pisces – We’re at the beginning of the lunar cycle, a meeting of the lights. The Moon is lost in the blaze of the Sun, and we are overwhelmed by the glory of creative possibilities. Here is a message from Source seeded straight in the heart. How beautiful a thing it is to be able to wipe the slate clean, start again, redraw, reshape, tinker with temperament and personality until our character fits the life we long to sparkle within.
The challenge is that the heart is flooded by impossible dreams, yearnings unfulfilled, longings from long ago. For some it is unrequited love with a person, for others the object of desire may be a vain hope, an empty promise. Whatever the expression, it’s time to let the bubble pop to set the stage for a far more thrilling tale. If you’re struggling, give yourself a pep talk. Shake off disappointment with creativity and pastimes. Cultivate a playful attitude. Recapture the delight and exuberance of your inner child. Life is not a rehearsal.
The number two is called ‘Lunar’ and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. Shying away from our problems and procrastinating about resolving them only adds more stress into our lives. When we have a ‘Lunar’ day every 13 days, we can practice the art of problem solving and removing obstacles. There is always a solution but you have to strive to find it… hence the challenging aspect of this number but the process leads to stabilization. So, turn things around in your favor today because this is an opportunity to Polarize.
Yellow Star is the glyph that represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. A Yellow Star day certainly gets us looking upwards at the heavens and mesmerized by all things shiny and sparkly. But as it is a challenging day you may have to work for your bling. I wouldn’t book a hair appointment or re-decorate your space, it may not turn out the way you expect. No worries, focus on removing those obstacles that stand in your way and may you find by the end of the day you’ve had a beautiful experience. Think of removing obstacles as an elegant way to make your life better. strive for beauty but don’t expect it to be easy. Experience can be a beautiful thing and the more we face these tricky situations, the more skilled we become at the art of problem solving.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Universal fire and Enlightenment’. This is a helpful guide on a tricky day like today. Expect revelations and they will help you deal with the challenges. If you are a Yellow Sun, lead the way today and you’ll be a big help to others by shining a light on our paths.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents truth, so look out for lies or misleading information. When Yellow Stars look in the mirror, they are blinded by their own light shining back at them, making it hard to see their reflection. This symbolizes their dislike of the truth. If it isn’t pretty or sugar coated, they don’t want to know. If you are a White Mirror your day may be more challenging than everyone else’s but hey – make it your challenge to have a beautiful day too.
The Occult power is Red Skywalker, the brave adventurer. This suggests that ‘thinking outside of the box’ could have magical consequences, so don’t be afraid to expand your mind. This is my favorite characteristic of the Yellow Star personality; they have a lot of original ideas that come from their open-mindedness which of course is great for art! They are also quite brave and daring and so, we too can feel bold today because of Skywalker’s influence. This will help you summon up some courage when tackling today’s challenging aspect.
The Ally is the cheeky Blue Monkey. If you are lucky enough to know one, they can be very helpful today in dealing with the challenges. The monkey loves shiny sparkly Yellow Star day and this means he is better behaved.
KIN 28 = 10=1 Manifestation/Leadership/Authority/New Beginnings
Through this DIVINE GATEWAY we are harmonizing polarity, so that more BEAUTY, PROSPERITY and SOURCE energy can FLOW through and support us. HALLELUJAH!
Day 2 of BLUE HAND WAVESPELL where we are accessing more knowledge to accomplish great HEALING.
Today MANIK is living up to his promise of helping us accomplish our HEALING goals. We are able to apply Majikal solutions, erasing those old triggers and strongholds. Finally LIBERATING us from the push/pull game of duality consciousness in order to find our balance.
Tone of Creation
LUNAR Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. A day filled with questioning how WE can transcend duality using our inner Magician through the power of ILLUMINATION.
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges, in order to resolve our FEARS, leading us back to wholeness. Polarity reveals our conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by our beliefs in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects.
Has your feminine aspect been repressed, from being receptive to all the MAJIK that surrounds you?
It is time others become more enchanted by your true beauty and raw vulnerability.
It is real to express your true inner being, and allow more RECEPTIVITY to flow into your life.
Do not hide parts of yourself, compartmentalizing fragments of your soul. No longer can we wear the MASKS of duality. It is time to take off our masks, that the masses have been hiding behind and be whole again.
It is TIME to show our true FACE again and SMILE!
The authentic YOU, is BEAUTIFUL and radiant in your raw essence. A spark of the divine. Step out and SHINE!
Today’s question is “What challenges have been BLOCKING the FULL expression of my LIGHT, creativity and ABUNDANCE?
How can this be HARMONIZED to enjoy more peace, wellness, beauty and prosperity in our world, so that we can experience HEAVEN ON EARTH ?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
The YELLOW STAR is tribe number 8 which relates to ABUNDANCE and infinite FLOW from SOURCE… This PROSPERITY frequency is amplified through the 8.8. ABUNDANCE code today giving us an 8.8.8. triple GATEWAY to SOURCE.
LAMAT is a STARGATE or PORTAL within itself, bringing forth a greater INFLUX of new prosperity, joy and creativity If your FLOW has been lopsided the LUNAR STAR affords the opportunity to HEAL your financial situation and bring greater stability.
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity today, and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music!.
Is there any blocked or repressed CREATIVITY within your being that is needing to surface and be expressed as Art?
LAMAT holds the codes for the New Harmonic Matrix that we are anchoring as STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS being the pillars of LIGHT upon this EARTH PLANE…
This NEW TIME is expressed through CREATIVITY and ART – where our soul can sing through EXPANSION.
The old time was expressed through TIME=MONEY and therefore ENSLAVEMENT and CONTROL… Whoever CONTROLS the MONEY enslaves the people! These themes are coming to a HEAD today on a collective level… so HOLD STRONG and keep shining your LIGHT through creative expression, as HE-ART.
The BLUE HAND provides the power of accomplishment, to see your creative pursuits and enterprises through to completion. LAMAT provides perfect energies for HEALING any disharmonious relationships, particularly relating to twin flames through this 2 LUNAR TONE.
The LUNAR STAR will reveal any discord and bring it to LIGHT in order to be healed.
Many “LIGHT” workers are being challenged at the moment as darkness and shadow arises. Instead of blaming others we need to heal our own shadow aspects… When you are WHOLE you can focus on just RADIATING your LIGHT instead of playing the polarity game.
LAMAT seeks to UNLEASH this beautiful PEACE filled energy into our world and our lives, leading us to greater HARMONY within ourselves and the outer reflection in our world – assisting in facilitating great HEALING..
The star glyph of LAMAT is a portal which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
This LAMAT PORTAL aligns with the MANIK PORTAL of BLUE HAND. Day 1 of the BLUE HAND Wavespell linked us back to the 8/8 LION’S GATE portal on August 8th, 2019, and we are currently in the LION’S DEN as we head to the 8.8.8. gate in 4 days time! The SIRIAN’s are MASTER HEALERS – particularly using SOUND and LIGHT frequencies SO CALL in the SIRIAN HEALING TEAMS to fast track these technologies giving you additional support.
Look into the opening of the LAMAT star glyph whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold against the blue of twilight skies bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars! VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the GOLDEN STAR LIGHT carrying forth the infinite HEALING and ABUNDANCE codes from throughout the galaxy.
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW LUNAR SUN AHAU is illuminating any disharmony and density that may be dimming your true LIGHT. Many souls are playing small and not fully embracing their FULL LUM-IN-ESSENCE.. Other souls are wearing Dark cloaks and masks hiding from their true identity.
Whatever REFLECTIONS souls have been casting, will be fully revealed in the LIGHT of the LUNAR SUN today – which highlights the DARKEST of SHADOW and the BRIGHTEST of LIGHT…
ALL the Dark Magicians’ WILL be decloaked by the DIVINE LIGHT! There is nowhere to HIDE!!
In the 3D world we are being constantly challenged to “CHOOSE a SIDE”. Which costume will you wear as your robe? A dark cloak or a rainbow robe of many colours?
Beneath all the masks, cloaks and games each of us has a VERY PURE SOUL essence – our GOD self, that is our TRUE NATURE and we are all on a collective journey to rediscover this TRUTH.
AHAU provides the Universal Fire which purifies any lower density, thus elevating our frequency into the GOLDEN LIGHT! AHAU reminds us that the ultimate SOURCE of abundance, creativity and BEAUTY already exists within our core, as we are ALL CREATOR BEINGS.
I AM THAT, I AM! EXPAND your crown chakra to the HEAVEN’S ABOVE and allow the golden streams of LIGHT through this MAGNIFICENT LAMAT gateway to fill up your golden chalice.
Expect more INTENSE streams of SOLAR FLARES/C.M.E’S today!!
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY CHUEN is the great Magician who is a MASTER of ILLUSION The LUNAR MONKEY will reveal the tricks, betrayal and deception that have all been part of this GREAT Magic Show . This has created the ILLUSORY WORLD in which our soul’s have chosen to PLAY the GAME of LIFE.
TODAY we get to SEE HOW the Majik tricks are performed!! Sneak a peek behind the curtains and look inside that majik box, that severs the beautiful assistant in two parts! The GAME is revealed before your EYES.. so have a LAUGH and realize that it was all necessary for our GRAND EXPERIMENT on this EARTHLY plane..
CHUEN brings forth MAJIK, Alchemy and the playfulness of your divine child. Tap into these qualities in order to become the great DIVINE MAGICIAN of your LIFE. Laughter, joy and merriment expressed through your creative self, opens the gateways to ultimate abundance and wellness.
Step through the curtain and enter the STAGE of your new Majikal and wondrous LIFE.
Make a WISH upon a STAR – and these beautiful celestial conjunctions.
The natural inclination of a soul is to GROW through experience, and the FRICTION of polarity, challenges us to do just that.
This SKYWALKER has a CRYSTAL tone, so he is providing much CLARITY to SEE beyond the ILLUSION and polarity challenges.. He is seeking to cooperate, and trailblazing the way forward, to HARMONY with our kin and our world, through unification and teamwork.
In order to bring PEACE to EARTH we must first COOPERATE with one another as ONE EARTH family. As the division melds, conflict dissolves and we can create HARMONY. Great prosperity can FLOW once again to all continents on EARTH.
BEN is the Angelic Messenger that allows you to freely access all these OPEN portals today. Flow on the Cosmic winds wherever Spirit directs you, stepping back into this reality with a new more expanded and harmonious experience of SELF, and the infinite sources of HEALING available to all.
Allow BEN to be the bridge anchoring all the gifts of HEAVEN onto this EARTH plane.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR MIRROR ETZNAB is a LUNAR MIRROR – The 2 sides of the coin will be CLEARLY REFLECTED today in the Hall of Mirrors..
We have portals opened through MANIK and LAMAT …. leading to many dimensions and worlds.
We get to CHOOSE – which world we seek to inhabit. The MIRROR WORLD is reflecting the disharmony of the Old Matrix, and revealing a new PATH beyond, the GATE full of HOPE and PROMISE. LAMAT and MANIK can lead us to NIRVANA, the land of milk and honey – beyond the greener pastures. You can ESCAPE the duality challenges of 3D Earth through QUANTUM jumping to a better reality……
The WHITE MIRROR provides the sword of TRUTH cutting through all ILLUSIONS, DECEPTIONS and falsities that have fooled us in the past.
This is a GREAT AWAKENING code as the MIRROR SHATTERS into 1000 shards revealing what was previously hidden. You will be CHALLENGED to SEE and ACCEPT the TRUTH of what is revealed in the shadows.
The LUNAR MIRROR is a great GIFT today, revealing any CHALLENGES that are obstructing our COSMIC ABUNDANCE!
WHITE MIRROR will REFLECT to you any blocks or limitations to RECEIVING abundance, healing or love in your life. Once the truth has been exposed you can SHINE the LIGHT provided by AHAU and the portal of LAMAT to finally clear any disharmony and discordant energies.
Do not get distracted and fall to the challenges, thank them for revealing themselves and then burn them in the Universal Fire of AHAU to clear your way to receiving Cosmic Abundance and HARMONY!
Today’s question is “What challenges have been BLOCKING the FULL expression of my LIGHT, creativity and ABUNDANCE?
How can this be HARMONIZED to enjoy more peace, wellness, beauty and prosperity in our world, so that we can experience HEAVEN ON EARTH ?”
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Divine Spirit, Source of all Light and Love,
We gather under the vibrant energy of the New Moon in Leo,
A time of new beginnings, creativity, and self-expression.
We welcome this opportunity to renew our spirits and ignite our inner flames.
With the courage and strength of Leo the Heart of the Lion,
We release all that no longer serves us.
We let go of fear, doubt, and negativity,
Embracing the boldness to step into our true selves.
May this New Moon bring healing to our hearts and minds,
Restoring our confidence and passion for life.
Help us to shine brightly, sharing our unique gifts with the world.
May we be a beacon of joy, love, and inspiration to those around us.
Grant us the wisdom to follow our hearts and the bravery to pursue our dreams.
May we create and nurture with the generous spirit of Leo,
Bringing warmth and light to every corner of our lives.
We ask for your guidance and support as we set our intentions,
Aligning them with our highest good and the greater good of all.
May this new lunar cycle be filled with opportunities for growth,
Transformation, and the realization of our deepest desires.
With gratitude and love, we embrace the energy of this New Moon,
Trusting in the universe to guide us on our path.
Thank you, Divine Spirit, for your constant presence and blessings.
So be it, and so it is.
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