👉AGE REGRESSION (up to 30 years)
Holographic Medical Pods or Medical Beds are automated stations where a medical specialist selects the type of procedure to be performed from the computer database, after which the patient lies down in the Pod or bed and the Machine performs the operation or medical procedure.
Lasers then isolate the entry points where the procedure was performed. These types of holographic medical beds or pods have features such as an airtight control screen, comfortable limb supports, laser scalpel, laser mirror arms, liquid spray anesthesia, and vital sign sensors, and all of these features are mounted on an adjustable titanium base.
Med Pods of Beds allow users to diagnose, treat and perform a wide range of surgical procedures with ultra-fine laser incisions guided by 3D anatomical scanning. 3D scanning features refracting lenses that take live scans of the body to perform a variety of medical procedures.
The Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D+ that is currently occurring, and the growing demand for transparency from the human collective consciousness, more and more brave people are coming forward to reveal what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries… and probably thousands of years. Two of these brave souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand.
Ileana wrote the information about the holographic medical pods based on her personal experiences as a secret space program member on Mars. Her information is in the second half of this article. Jared is a very intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with Global Transition for decades and has information on many topics that the general public is unaware of, including but not limited to gifts of alien technology to humanity such as the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Drive, Replicators, and Medical Beds.
There are 3 types of medical beds:
1) Holographic medical beds;
2) Regenerative medical beds that regenerate tissues and body parts from another source;
3) Reatomization medical beds that will regenerate the entire human body from head to toe in about 2-3 minutes.
What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year-old woman? In three minutes she could turn thirty again. 50 years have completed her life. Now she can have children again. If she wants, she can start a whole new family. To this writer, it seems that Med Bed technology is an eternal fountain of youth.
The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology has been around for a while. It’s not something that comes out of the blue. It’s been hidden from humanity for a long time.
Med Bed technology does not come from planet Earth. It is not a man-made technology. It is a technology given to humanity by aliens. A Med Bed is based on the energy of tachyon particles and plasma (plasma) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it is just a different form through vibrational frequency.

✨ BED MEDS – Medical beds Goodbye pharmacies and hospitals 👉🛏
Important regarding MED BEDS, as we have already repeated, this technology will be released to all humanity when the EVENT occurs and the cabal completely disappears from the face of the Earth through arrests, imprisonments or eliminations.
✨ MED BED technology is already used in the structures of the Resistance and the Light Forces, in military and underground structures, they are used for victims, children and hostages LIBERATED from the cabal, both to heal psychologically, mentally, emotionally and to heal physically.
💰 MED BED technology will be made available to the public completely FREE OF CHARGE, so DO NOT TRUST the companies that are currently asking for money and claiming to have it available immediately, these technologies that are commercialized may be very advanced and good, BUT THEY ARE NOT THE MED BEDS that exclusively manage the Light Forces and the military and this will be the case when they are made available to the public, everything will be managed, planned and coordinated by them and they will organize the infrastructure and deployment throughout the WORLD and I repeat that they will be FREE OF CHARGE.
Benign healthcare professionals, Star Seeds and Light operators will be trained in its management😇❓
Where will the MED BEDS be installed? Existing infrastructures in hospital buildings, banks, warehouses, etc. will be used, which will be reorganized and used for the benefit of the community, with MED BEDS, places for food, clothing, information spaces, etc.
👉The reason they have not yet been released to the general public is to prevent the cabal from taking control of the MED BEDS.
😇✨The EVENT is almost here, stay calm and put your trust in GOD, HAVE FAITH IN THE DIVINE PLAN and trust in God’s timing because they are PERFECT
🙏✨✨✨Keep your vibes positive 🙏🤍✨💫 Kat©®

Daily Reflection The Light Has Won, Humanity Is Awakening by Peter B. Meyer
Two New Clear Timelines Get ready and stay alert because things are moving fast now. Banks will be closing, so be sure to stock up on essentials. The transition could take up to three weeks. The corrupt cabal cronies and their supporters are removed. They are part of the Deep State because of the money they received and the work they did for them.
This made them feel important, but now they have to pay a heavy price. When the dust settles, people in many countries will begin to realize that they have been deceived. They will discover that history is a lie, money is a fraud, debt is a fiction, religion is a system of control, the masses are manipulated by the media, governments and even by the people as individuals. Conclusion: Everything and much more is a big lie and deception!
Two new, well-defined timelines will determine the future: one will lead part of humanity to the new 5D Earth; the other will lead the rest into exile on another 3D planet. Only one third of humanity is capable of achieving and completing the ascension required for this transition; the other part is not. Ultimately, a new cycle and a new Earth will emerge. Where there will be no authority or superiority to influence our free will and choices.
Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with the individual preferences of others. The Light has won. In the new 5D world, everyone creates their own reality. The fate of humanity is finally sealed. The wheat has been separated from the chaff. Only 5th dimensional beings will go to the New 5D Earth. This process is expected to be completed, clarified and resolved by 2025.
The light will become more intense, making it impossible for those who are asleep to sleep. It is certain that many, even if awakened by the high intensity of the light, will choose another dark planet to continue their deep sleep of the soul. Therefore, this article is intended only for those who are truly awake and have chosen the path of the New 5D Earth. Watch this video; The battle is about to end

Master Antuak – Violet Light at highest potency and Gesara Nesara.
Greetings Emanuel and Pastor, I am Master Antuak. I greet you with all the love you deserve. I am always present and attentive to all your work. You are a light, a guide for all beings who seek the path, the truth and true information.
As you know, I am responsible for the New Golden Age that is emerging on the planet and advancing rapidly in these final times.
The main reason for my intervention is that I want to provide some very specific information.
The main reason is that we are emitting large amounts of violet energy from the violet flame retreats of all the masters and all the beings who serve on this ray.
Massive amounts of violet energy are being beamed forth to assist ascending humanity to transform and release as much baggage from other lifetimes and this lifetime as possible.
If you look at the sun, you can see the amount of violet energy emitted by the sun of the solar system and also by the galactic center. This is the energy that supports and advances the process of liberation and transformation of humanity. It helps in liberation and I have always taught all the Chelas of previous times that the use of the Violet Flame is very important. Because now it becomes essential that all the children of the father-mother work and use the Violet Flame.
It is an elixir, it is a palliative for their great transformation.
You need this energy to extract and transform the records you have in your body, in your cells, in your DNA and in your energy.
Remember to use this Violet Flame at least three times a day. Time is of the essence and it is essential that you work and work with the Violet Flame. For this reason, all etheric retreats are fully active at the maximum potency of the Violet Flame.
For we are already at a very crucial time and transformation is needed very quickly, not only for all children, but also for Mother Gaia and all the kingdoms. Your efforts are very important and will also be of great benefit to the New Golden Age.
On the other hand, I would also like to inform you about the lecture on Gesara Nesara. These projects are really important for the new humanity. I have already informed you that we have made progress in these Gesara Nesara projects, we have taken steps.
Not all countries were open to these projects for political, social or religious reasons. But we have made great progress and there are many countries that are already working on the Gesara-Nesara projects and are contributing to this with all the gold and everything that has been recovered.
You already know where the funds that we have recovered that belong to all of humanity and were stolen from them come from. This will be fully installed when the Great Solar Flash occurs and humanity shifts into a higher dimensional reality.
Whoever has thought and thinks about working and creating opens his mind, opens his consciousness. We will no longer speak of work, but of service, because everything that is now obtained through work in your reality is in this reality a gift, a gift from the Father, which is given to us according to the spiritual level that we have reached.
We will give and be willing to serve.
You will be prepared for your sustenance and your basic needs. Because in the Golden Age everything will be for the good and for the love of this humanity. It will be part of the compensation for everything that humanity has suffered due to the control and domination of those who wanted to dominate planet Earth.
Gesara Nesara is expanding and will expand greatly for the benefit of all the children on the planet.
All projects and plans will unfold as time allows. Better times will come when these difficulties or limitations that you have in this dimension will no longer exist, and you will be able to expand and work extensively on projects that are of great importance to all humanity.
Do not worry, because the time is very near, the dawn of the Golden Age is coming.
Beloved, I am Master Saint Germain and I bid you farewell with great and infinite love to the One who holds the reins of this Golden Age for the benefit of all ascending and emerging humanity.
Blessings to all the children of Father Mother Adonai.
Emanuel and the Shepherdess – Servium
Sacred Mountain of Erks.

Quantum Financial Systems and Project Odin
This exclusive exposé delves into the secret realms of Quantum Starlink, Project Odin, and how they are poised to revolutionize our world. Brace yourself, because what you’re about to read may change your perspective forever.
Quantum Financial Systems (QFS ) and the enigmatic Project Odin are poised to challenge the centuries-old tyranny of the clandestine controllers. As you embark on this journey, prepare yourself, for you are about to be thrown into a vortex of conspiracy, revelation, and rebellion.
In your wildest imaginations, have you ever imagined a world where the sinister chains of corruption, manipulation and secret control are broken? This is not just a figment of the imagination; it is the imminent reality heralded by Quantum Financial Systems (QFS).
The QFS is no ordinary financial tool. It is a beacon of hope in an increasingly opaque world. When we speak of quantum mechanics, we invoke the immense power and unpredictability of atoms and subatomic particles. And when we marry this with our financial structures, we are talking about an unstoppable force against the machinations of the dark cabal.
Every transaction, every financial move made within this system, breaks free from the old paradigms that have suppressed the masses. The old world banks, with their shady deals and hidden agendas, find themselves powerless against the transparent, secure and fair modus operandi of the QFS.
While the QFS is a shining suit of armor, Project Odin is its sharp, gleaming sword. To many, the name may be unfamiliar, but its resonance is eternal. Mentioned by the elusive Ron CodeMonkeyz, it is a strategy, a weapon forged in the crucible of time, designed to break the hold of hidden powers and their nefarious platforms.
Embedded within the Quantum Starlink system, Project Odin is protected by the Secret Space Programs. Think of it as an elite guard, ensuring that Odin remains untouched by the clutches of the cabal, thus remaining our beacon in the impending darkness.
What is the final move, you ask? Project Odin is programmed to target Mossad’s media satellites, triggering a worldwide media blackout. This is not a glitch or an unforeseen accident.
This is an orchestrated maneuver, a grand move in a cosmic game of chess. Codenamed PROJECT ODIN, this initiative marks a crucial turning point in the history of our world.
The result of such a blackout is monumental. The global population, accustomed to a constant barrage of media, will experience a silent void. But, as the saying goes, it is always darkest before the dawn. This blackout serves as the prelude to the activation of Quantum Systems, forever altering the way we perceive the world.
And in this silence, the military finds the cue to initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), a contingency that was prepared for this exact moment.
The battle is not fought with swords and guns; it is a war of information, a fight for the very soul of humanity. And in this battle, Project Odin and Quantum Systems stand as our shield, our sword, our beacon of hope.
The nefarious forces that seek to control us have underestimated the strength of those who seek truth and justice. We are no longer mere spectators in a twisted game; we are warriors.
The dawn of Quantum Financial Systems and the rise of Project Odin are not mere conspiracy theories. They are real, tangible, and happening now.
Those who dared to look beyond the veil saw the truth. The time has come to rise up, to awaken, and to take back what is rightfully ours.
The revolution is not coming; it is here. The Odin Project and the QFS are leading us into a future where the shadows will be lifted, and a new era of freedom and enlightenment will dawn.
So arm yourself with knowledge, with conviction, and with the courage to stand against the tide. For we are on the brink of something extraordinary, and you have a role to play.
The rise of Quantum Financial Systems and the secretive Project Odin stands as a beacon of hope. Unfolding before our eyes, Project Odin is not just a digital tool; it is the harbinger of a new era, an era in which darkness will be exposed and the shackles of oppression will be broken.
This exclusive exposé delves into the secret realms of Quantum Starlink, Project Odin, and how they are poised to revolutionize our world. Brace yourself, because what you’re about to read may change your perspective forever.
Quantum Financial Systems (QFS) and the enigmatic Project Odin are poised to challenge the centuries-old tyranny of the clandestine controllers. As you embark on this journey, prepare yourself, for you are about to be thrust into a vortex of conspiracy, revelation, and rebellion.
In your wildest imaginations, have you ever imagined a world where the sinister chains of corruption, manipulation and secret control are broken? This is not just a figment of the imagination; it is the imminent reality heralded by Quantum Financial Systems (QFS).
The QFS is no ordinary financial tool. It is a beacon of hope in an increasingly opaque world. When we speak of quantum mechanics, we invoke the immense power and unpredictability of atoms and subatomic particles. And when we marry this with our financial structures, we are talking about an unstoppable force against the machinations of the dark cabal.
Every transaction, every financial move made within this system, breaks free from the old paradigms that have suppressed the masses. The old world banks, with their shady deals and hidden agendas, find themselves powerless against the transparent, secure and fair modus operandi of the QFS.
While the QFS is a shining suit of armor, Project Odin is its sharp, gleaming sword. To many, the name may be unfamiliar, but its resonance is eternal. Mentioned by the elusive Ron CodeMonkeyz, it is a strategy, a weapon forged in the crucible of time, designed to break the hold of hidden powers and their nefarious platforms.
Embedded within the Quantum Starlink system, Project Odin is protected by the Secret Space Programs. Think of it as an elite guard, ensuring that Odin remains untouched by the clutches of the cabal, thus remaining our beacon in the impending darkness.
What is the final move, you ask? Project Odin is programmed to target Mossad’s media satellites, triggering a worldwide media blackout. This is no glitch or unforeseen accident. This is an orchestrated maneuver, a grand gambit in a cosmic game of chess. Codenamed PROJECT ODIN , this initiative marks a crucial turning point in the history of our world.
The result of such a blackout is monumental. The global population, accustomed to a constant barrage of media, will experience a silent void. But, as the saying goes, it is always darkest before the dawn. This blackout serves as the prelude to the activation of Quantum Systems, forever altering the way we perceive the world.
And in this silence, the military finds the cue to initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), a contingency that was prepared for this exact moment.
The battle is not fought with swords and guns; it is a war of information, a fight for the very soul of humanity. And in this battle, Project Odin and Quantum Systems stand as our shield, our sword, our beacon of hope.
The nefarious forces that seek to control us have underestimated the strength of those who seek truth and justice. We are no longer mere spectators in a twisted game; we are warriors.
The dawn of Quantum Financial Systems and the rise of Project Odin are not mere conspiracy theories. They are real, tangible , and happening now.
Those who dared to look beyond the veil saw the truth. The time has come to rise up, to awaken, and to take back what is rightfully ours.
The revolution is not coming; it is here. The Odin Project and the QFS are leading us into a future where the shadows will be lifted, and a new era of freedom and enlightenment will dawn.
So arm yourself with knowledge, with conviction, and with the courage to stand against the tide. For we are on the brink of something extraordinary, and you have a role to play.
RUMORS: 09/18/2024
● A black swan is an unpredictable event that goes beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially serious consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and widespread persistence that were obvious in retrospect.
● Triggered by protocol 19, the black swan event will be the start of the new ISO currency family flare network. Everything is ready for the change
● From > To:
● Swift > Quantum Financial System
● BTC > Metals backed by ISO Blockchain regulated assets
● MSM > Starlink Project and Odin
● $€ > Gold
● Dark to Light
The new dawn
The signs are undeniable. The Trump presidency, with its bold policies and relentless pursuit of economic reform, has been the opening salvo in a global revolution. NESARA is a blueprint for a new world, where economic freedom and sovereignty are paramount.
The revolution is here, and it is time to stand with the principles of NESARA and the leaders who are fighting to bring about this new era. The era of NESARA has begun, and nothing can stop it. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and be prepared for the dawn of a new world.
Secret Alliances: Trump and the Global Patriots
Trump is not acting alone. Secret alliances with other nationalist and populist leaders around the world are forming an unbreakable chain. From Bolsonaro in Brazil to Modi in India, a global network of patriots is emerging. They are united by a common goal: to dismantle the globalist agenda and restore economic sovereignty to their nations. This alliance is more than political; it is a concerted effort to implement NESARA on a global scale.
The Vatican and NESARA: An Unholy Alliance
The Vatican, with its vast hidden wealth and influence, is not immune to these changes. The Trump administration is pressuring the Vatican to reveal its secret archives and hidden assets. The Vatican’s silence and recent financial reforms indicate a complete capitulation to this pressure. It is about recovering humanity’s hidden treasures that have been locked away for centuries.
The World Bank has just reported that:
On 10/1/2024, the entire WORLD banking system will be within the QFS System – Quantum Financial System.
Every penny will be tracked in the world and every account will provide the same services as a bank.
Purchase, sale, transfer, notary services for the purchase of goods.
Together we should have the EBS – Emergency Broadcast System, which for 10 days will be posting on TVs, films explaining the changes and possible government changes, mass arrests, punishment for crimes against humanity.
All of this is Gesara, with humanitarian transfers being a small part of the process.
Everything defined, everything happening irreversibly.
📷We are in the final battle between good and evil
Now is the time to pray…QGlobal Currency Reset Activates October 20, 2024 (Sunday) Global EBS Activation Martial Law Blackout CIA Mass Arrests, Mossad Disappears, Trump Returns, Quantum Financial and Voting Systems, Medical Beds Worldwide – Deploy All Assets – Survive as a Nation – We Will Rise or Die – We the People
Bank screens show new interest rates
– not the highest rates of the Redemption Center: 3.41 dinars, 0.47 dong, 1.08 rupees, 30 million Zimbabwe per 100 billion dollar note, 0.30 bolivars per billion.
Now is the time – Trust the plan – Pray
“The enormity of what is coming will shock the world”
…President Donald Trump, Q+
Right now in New York, the UN global elites are positioning themselves to completely control the people of the world through the adoption of the Global Digital Compact or the Illuminati “Great Reset.”
About that…
On Monday, Trump announced the launch of the World Liberty Financial Crypto Exchange, the apparent precursor to a global monetary realignment backed by gold/assets from 130 sovereign countries that granted people full control over their own money and debt freedom was granted to all.
Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes.
We’re going to celebrate this week. There are things I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving forward.
The Internet is being replaced by the New Quantum Internet.
Watch the Starlink rocket launches.
Alpha and Beta versions.
Alpha is 10,000 times faster.
Beta is about 7,500 times faster and ready to use.
The Internet needs to be cleansed of Operation Mockingbird.
All new platforms are coming.
President Trump is scheduled to make an announcement
important (transmission of information. As it will also be broadcast live on “X Stream”, it seems that the intention is for the information to reach people all over the world.
There is no clear advance information, but based on various information, it seems that there is a possibility of talks related to the establishment of new finances.
If we think about it normally, we might ask, “Why would President Drump make an announcement about opening a new financial company in the middle of a presidential election?”
If we look at it superficially, it seems abrupt.
However, I feel that this event is not a “political theater” movement, and the information being released seems to have “an important intention”.
I would like to pay attention to this.
✴️Welcome September of the Julian calendar! ?
Earlier this month, we talked about the period September 1-6 of the Julian calendar as an element of interest.
We are currently in September of the Julian calendar and important movements (events) related to the Q-Plane are becoming apparent.
We have added the verification details (changes since September of the Julian calendar) in the following schedule.
* Important developments are also emerging in the political theater, such as the second assassination attempt on President Trump. I believe this week will mark a major turning point in Plan Q.
Regarding the assassination attempt on President Trump , I believe the measure is in line with the Earth Alliance scenario, so I did not delve into the matter.
However, in each of the two assassination attempts, the perpetrators appeared in *BlackRock* commercials. (I mean, that’s not a coincidence.)
It’s probably an Earth Alliance production… but there’s no way many people would notice something like that (bitter smile)
“Things are moving defiantly behind the scenes. Let’s celebrate this week. There are things I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are moving defiantly.” …
“I agree with Mr. Salvage’s report about German Bastidas, who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group. They have now terminated all contracts with the Call Centers that are located in Brazil.
On Monday, September 16, 2024, notifications will begin to be delivered. On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, they will close the platforms and be ready to begin the blessing.
They will start sending transactions from October 1st to 2nd to each member.”
It’s going to be biblical!
Explore the dramatic connection between the 2024 Blood Moon, Solar Eclipse, and ancient prophecies. As the U.S. Debt Clock ticks toward financial collapse, celestial events and biblical signs may signal an imminent reckoning.
The signs are unmistakable. We are on the verge of a moment that unites economics, prophecy, and the heavens. Just look at the U.S. Debt Clock. The numbers don’t lie, and neither do the signs in the sky. Are we headed for a collapse of biblical proportions?
A Darkened Sun and a Blood Moon: The Time of Signs
“The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood…” — Joel 2:31. Those words have never sounded more ominous. On September 17, 2024, we will witness the Harvest Blood Moon — a Partial Lunar Eclipse that traditionally signals endings. Two weeks later, on October 2, 2024, comes the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, marking new beginnings.
Why now? Why this particular combination of events this particular year? The dates align with the Jewish High Holy Days—Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement—marking a time of reflection and awakening.
The Time of Rosh Hashanah and the Meaning of 10 and 2
On October 2, 2024, the Jewish New Year begins. It is a time of judgment, and this year its significance is amplified. Is it a marker, not just for the Jewish people, but for the world at large? The numbers 10 and 2 seem to pop up everywhere, adding to the intrigue. Are we seeing a hidden prophecy unfold?
Signs in the Stars, Economy in Collapse
For years, the U.S. Debt Clock has been a constant reminder of the economic instability we are facing. Now, with national debt levels rising, an impending financial crisis seems inevitable. The Bible speaks of a time when the world will face great tribulation. Could this be it? Collapse seems not just a possibility, but a certainty, and signs in the stars suggest that time is running out.
The alignment of these eclipses with Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement seems like a final warning. Could this be the moment before a financial and spiritual collapse?
A Reckoning: Christ, X and the 24th Letter
X, the 24th letter of the alphabet, has long been a Christian symbol representing Christ. As the eclipses of 2024 align with Jewish holy days, we cannot ignore the prophetic connection. Are we witnessing the turning point predicted in ancient texts?
The Eighth Day and the Prophetic Timeline
As we move into October, the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles unfolds from October 17-23. The symbolism builds toward the Eighth Day—a sign of new beginnings. Could this be marking the final stages before divine intervention? With economic chaos, natural disasters, and heavenly signs aligning, are we on the brink of something unprecedented?
The US Debt Clock and Looming Financial Catastrophe
As we look to the sky, the situation on Earth becomes dire. The U.S. national debt is approaching an unimaginable $40 trillion, and the system is breaking down. Are the upcoming eclipses a warning of impending economic collapse?
When economies collapse, societies fall apart, and chaos ensues. The alignment of the Blood Moon, the Ring of Fire Eclipse, and the Jewish holy days seems like a portent of what is to come. The clock is ticking.
Connecting the Dots: Bible Prophecy and Modern Events
The Bible warns of a coming tribulation, and the current economic crisis and celestial events in 2024 seem to align with these prophecies. Is this just speculation, or are we witnessing the fulfillment of ancient warnings? The sun, moon, and stars are all pointing to a cataclysmic event in 2024. As the U.S. Debt Clock ticks down, the heavens are telling us that time is running out.
Conclusion: It will be biblical
Whether you believe in Bible prophecy or not, one thing is clear: something big is coming. The signs in the sky, the numbers on the clock, and the ancient texts all point to a time of reckoning. Get ready, because it’s going to be biblical.
🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 15th – September 21st 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste
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