“5th Dimensional Consciousness ~ Living in a New Timeline”
L’Aura Pleiadian
You wake up one day and you see the world and yourself COMPLETELY differently. You do not recognize the person you were.
It was not always like that. There were desires for change. There was that older reality. When things seemed to move slowly. When “time” was the focus. And how long it would be before this or that ended. This or that started.
When the shift was off the time and the monitoring of results in the external world, life itself changed.
Yes there were those echoes of a world ~ that still waited for time.
As if locked into a world that withheld all that you felt separated from. Your desires that is. To change things.
Then you let go.
You gave up trying.
You let go of the struggle and trusted the Higher Power of Divinity, because what you did ~ did not work. Not in the way you wanted with peace and harmony.
When you let go and surrendered you not only felt a relief you also shifted your concepts of time.
Your focus became yourself, to know yourself. To become aware of ~ what consciousness was.
You felt the stillness within you grow.
That was more powerful than anything you tried to lean on before externally.
The stillness became your power. You rested and refreshed yourself in it.
You then felt your Powerful Presence emerge from within you.
That became the foundation for all processes of “thought” to be processed through.
New gateways and portals opened and your DNA was fully activated.
You integrated.
You became aware of your Light.
You became Light.
All those concepts and thoughts dissolved in the SEA of what was emerging THROUGH YOU.
The Light dissolved all pain and worry.
That Light was You.
The Light guided you as it always had.
Now you were aware of it, being the guiding reigns to what truly was your Destiny.
Your Destiny to not struggle to hold and steer the ship of your life.
But to live as letting go in all moments.
To let go of time.
To enjoy the ride.
Love the moments.
To Live amazed at how powerful letting go is.
How powerful and Beatific the Destiny is.
How what you were trying to get to before, became a way of living and letting go.
Then it happened.
Magic happened.
You were ready. You no longer felt plagued by the haunting of your thoughts, of a past, of a future.
You lived truly in Love and Bliss, as that is what your Light is.
The Light was the guide and the ship and the steering. It was all along, you just were struggling against this huge immense WAVE of Light, that you were. And are.
Then, when the magic happened that was your freedom from time. From waiting. From the past.
You entered Magic.
Then the mirror told you a different story of life.
Of who you truly are.
Of what your Presence is.
About magic.
And about entering and being present in your New 5th Dimensional timeline.
Everything else seemed to vanish.
You knew you were a New YOU ~ as if one day, waking up, in great amazement, to everything changed.
Because it did.
It did when you let go.
And now you see.
And now you see it all.
You live and breathe as the magic.
As the Presence.
As the Light that shines and lives eternally.
As 5th Dimensional Consciousness.
In your New World.
In your New Body.
In your New Reality.
In the Newness of every moment.
You live.
The magic lives.
It is you and you are it.
It lives within the freedom of letting go.
It was always present.
Feel and receive.
In the Glory and Presence of the Divine Council of Overseers. I am with you, Present, Now.
source: https://thenewdivinehumanity.com/2017/02/26/5th-dimensional-consciousness-living-in-a-new-timeline
If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.
Judith Kusel
“Thank you!”
“Thank you!”
“Thank you!”
The moment that a deep and heartfelt gratitude is all prevading, the realization dawns that indeed, no-thing is missing.
All is perfect, as just as it is.
This is the highest state of equilibrium and At-One-Ness.
Judith Kusel
Elizabeth Peru
Are you ‘pausing’ and allowing moments of silence and pure nothingness to enter your life? It’s in the PAUSE that STILLNESS lives. And it’s in the stillness that SOUL lives 🙏
Now that we’re into WEEK 3 of 2020, have you noticed that you’re going in DEEP and contemplating your life each day? It’s OK, you’re meant to be. You see, this is a 4 Universal Year for the planet (2+0+2+0=22 and 2+2 +4) and as I’ve said in ‘The 2020 Numerology Guide’…
If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.
Harmonic Convergence 2020
I perfect in order to influence
producing Wisdom,
I seal the process of Free Will
with the planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Universal Fire
Simon Bolivar, colloquially known as El Libertador (The Liberator), born on Day 28 of the 13th Moon of the year as a Yellow Planetary Human (KIN 192) (July 24, 1783). “El Libertador” was a Venezuelan military and political leader who absolved from the Spanish Empire what are currently the states of Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama.

>> 121 Tzolkins after Bolivar’s birth, on October 2, 1869 (KIN 192 10 Human) another revolutionary was born in India: Mahatma Gandhi, the man who liberated India from British Imperialism… NOTE: 121 = 11×11.
>> 213 Tzolkins after Bolivar’s birth, on April 15th, 1935, (KIN 192 10 Human) the first PEACE treaty between the 22 nations of the Americas was signed, fulfilling his long-life vision of a UNIFIED American continent. A New World freed from the rule of the Old World.
>> 105 Tzolkins after the signing of the pact on April 15, 1935… Jose Arguelles received the Roerich Peace Medal for his lifetime work of Peace activism. (Remember: April 15 is day # 105 of gregorian year…)
“As Earth Wizards, we have to have the moral imagination and moral strength. We have to have this moral force and moral strength to change. If no one else will, we will. We have to understand that we are not helpless. We can be a million John Lennons and a million Nicholas Roerichs and a million Gandhis and do it, because if we don’t, we won’t have a world for our children. This is the fundamental meaning of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and Peace Plan. We are going to a Culture of Peace.” ~Jose Arguelles
In Lak’ech
To learn more please visit:
Lost gospel of Q:
Jovivi Chakra Gemstone Tree of Life:
The Tzolkin Times
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its key words are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce.’ Today gets 10 out of 10 ! Any day that falls on a ‘Planetary’ day gets greatly enhanced, in a positive way. We are now on the tenth day of the Blue Night wavespell and it is the perfect day for making your dreams come true. And it’s a Portal day!
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. Whenever the sun guides our paths are illuminated and so going forward is easier. We can see where our path lies.
The Challenge today is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication’ and when in the challenging aspect this can lead to misunderstandings. This is not a problem if you remember to tap into your intuition as this will help you discern the truth. If you are a White Wind, sorry you just have to try harder than everyone else.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘Going With The Flow’. When in this magical position, going with the flowing and surrendering, results in magical outcomes. This sounds easy and it actually is easy but convincing ourselves is very difficult. Why do we feel the need to be in control all the time? Most of us find it hard to surrender because it requires a leap in faith. Faith that the universe has your best interests at heart.
The Ally is the Blue Hand which symbolizes ‘Healing, Inner Knowing and Accomplishment. If you know a Blue Hand, try to hang out with them today as they can be of great assistance. Its their role to be supportive today. If you are a Blue Hand, expect to be needed today but you won’t mind as you are a healer and enjoy being there for others.
Christina Papageorgiou
20 JANUARY 2020
Producing wisdom
I seal the process of Free will
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of Universal Fire
✨✨✨20/20/20 = TRIPLE AWAKENING PORTAL 👁👁👁🌞🌞🌞
A FANTASTIC day for the masses to WAKE-UP – LET’S HOLD THAT VISION👁👁
Today we have a very potent 20:2020 CODE on a physical MANIFESTATION PORTAL day – we have fantastic energetic support to collectively fuel our PLANETARY DREAM of having AWAKENED, compassionate and ENLIGHTENED beings occupy our beloved Nova Gaia – so please take a minute to energize the manifestation of this DREAMING.
IMAGINE THAT! A world full of Buddha’s/Christ’s/Sophia’s – – what an AMAZING world that would be! 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌞☀
Divine blessings for our powerful accelerated PLANETARY ENLIGHTEN-ment today!💥 WAKE UP SHEEPLE!! 👁👁🐏🐑
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: AVATAR- Neytiri movie image DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
Christina Papageorgiou
20 JANUARY 2020
Producing wisdom
I seal the process of Free will
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of Universal Fire
20/1/2020 = 20/1/22 =7
20 – Awakening code/Clarity
2 – Partnership/Cooperation
7- Majik/Mystic/Spirituality
22 – Building a foundation of PEACE
KIN 192 = 12=3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
✨✨✨20/20/20 = TRIPLE AWAKENING PORTAL 👁👁👁🌞🌞🌞
A FANTASTIC day for the masses to WAKE-UP – LET’S HOLD THAT VISION👁👁
As we used to joke here in Oz land – “Wake up Australia – Tasmania’s floating away!” – 😌😌😌
🌟 🌟🌟 MAKE A WISH!!!! 🌟🌟🌟
Calling all PLANETARY KIN – today is a phenomenal day for personal, collective and planetary Manifestation. We have an incredible alignment of codes and frequencies to tap into for the manifestation of AWAKENING to greater prosperity, happiness, success and FREEDOM.🐎 🏇🐎
Day 10 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE and it’s a BIG ONE! . We are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality! Today we are choosing to manifest greater SOVEREIGNTY. In so doing we are MANIFESTING the Planetary Dream of Abundance through our independance – AWAKENING as en-LIGHT-ened divine beings.
PLANETARY🌏 – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS and deep soul longings that we desire. PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great ABUNDANCE through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting ABUNDANCE in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level.
With such powerful 20:2020 CODES on a physical MANIFESTATION day – we have fantastic energetic support to collectively fuel our PLANETARY DREAM of having AWAKENED, compassionate and ENLIGHTENED beings occupy our beloved Nova Gaia – so please take a minute to energize the manifestation of this DREAMING.
IMAGINE THAT! A world full of Buddha’s/Christ’s/Sophia’s what an AMAZING world that would be! 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌞☀
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW HUMAN ☺– EB relates to wisdom, intelligence, free will and abundance. Today we are examining our own FREE WILL and our capacity to use our intelligence to make better choices to claim our sovereignty and dreams of Abundance. EB asks us to honour our ancestors, and the wisdom that came before us, the wisdom of the STAR beings and the wisdom of the Earth. We are focused on how we can utilize this greater WISDOM, and use it to influence and unite others in our collective dreaming. Making choices that create better outcomes for humanity and our planet. Choosing, with our free will, the realities THAT WE WANT TO LIVE IN!…We can recognize that our FREE WILL can assist us in becoming wiser elders that can influence future generations. The choices we make NOW, MUST benefit our children and future generations. This is MANDATORY!
Today is a pivotal day in realizing the Sun’s significance in our Soul-ar evolution through the blossoming of our HUMAN species from Homo Sapiens🙁 to Homo illuminous. 😍🎆
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW SUN –🌞 AHAU the sun is calling us outside today to receive the 5D solar pulses to upgrade our bodies and that of our planetary body to FREE us from the Artificial time Matrix. Using our FREE WILL to choose to align with the Harmonic Matrix of Nova Gaia. The depths of AKBAL’s abyss are illuminated and melt away due to the strength of the SUN’s LIGHT. AHAU shines a LIGHT on our DREAMS so that we can understand our place in the Collective Dream of mankind. As we evolve, align and synchronize with these natural evolutionary cycles of our planet, we gain a greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. We can then align with our I AM presence. AHAU FREES us and elevates our independant thinking in order to claim our full SOVEREIGNTY allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS and wayshowers in the NEW TIME! Today is a day of EMPOWERMENT! 💥
MAHATMA GANDHI the legendary Spiritual leader is a YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN = KIN 192 .
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. SOURCE: Wikipaedia
GANDHI – a peace loving and diplomatic Libran exemplified the code of the Yellow Planetary Human. His ethos was that each person is an individual with equal rights and sovereignty, not bound by the constructs of man-made realities. He rallied against the oppression and encouraged his followers to claim their own physical independence, choosing the WISDOM of knowing that they have equal value as sovereign beings. He SHINED his LIGHT so BRIGHTLY with AHUA as his higher self/guide, influencing others to EN-LIGHT-enment through perfecting their individual LIGHTS to SHINE as BRIGHT as the SUN.
Indeed a very WISE, sovereign and independant Planetary leader showing us all how to be LIGHT’s WISDOM.
Famous quotes from this inspirational Man of Wisdom.
☀You must BE THE CHANGE, you wish to see in the world.
☀An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
☀In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
☀Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
☀Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
☀Where there is love there is life.
☀The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
☀Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
☀I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
☀The future depends on what we do in the present.
☀A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.
Extremely WISE words from a highly illuminated intelligent HU- MAN BEING!
👁👁 P.S. Keep a global EYE on uprisings, protests and rebellions today💥 – indicating the MASS AWAKENINGS💥 of our Planetary populace!
SUPPORT: BLUE HAND🖐 – MANIK is giving us a HUGE HELPING HAND today to gain our keys to FREEDOM through claiming our independance. BLUE HAND assists us in gaining the knowledge needed to heal our connection to the great ABUNDANCE that Mother Gaia bestows upon us. Manifesting great healing of our lack consciousness as revealed through our dreamstate. Perfecting HEALING by releasing all lack , scare-city and victim hood!. Realizing that as we shift from our intellectual MINDS and will power, to using our intuitive senses, we are more in alignment to make wiser and more harmonious choices.Trusting in that whatever we FEEL we are drawn to accomplish, is leading us to the realization of DREAMS. MANIK gives us the capacity to make a difference in this world by being able to accomplish our higher desires and Divine Mission.
✨🌞✨MANIK🖐, AHUA 🌞and EB 🙂 are a formidable TRIO that can powerfully accelerate your INTENTIONS and MANIFESTATIONS today, allowing you to PERFECT your own DREAMING and that of our PLANET!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:RED MOON 🌜– MULUC the GODDESS👸 is today’s SUPERPOWER. She assists us in gaining more wisdom through purification of our minds, and allowing for greater wisdom and messages to flow through. Allowing the Universal Waters to bring more fluidity into our thinking and our lives, so we can flow with our Dreams in the universal river of Abundance. We are becoming very sensitive to trains of thought that are the major new influences that are opening doorways on our planet right now… The instinctive mind is picking up on pure currents of telepathic currents within the collective consciousness as we awaken to bridge worlds through the mental planes today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE WIND 🌬🍃– IK challenges us today to balance our free-will with the will of spirit. Becoming a hollow pure vessel receiving the whisperings of the wind to guide our path in manifesting our Dreams. Becoming FREE to be guided by a greater force that shows us the divine culture of the Solar Logos. We thus become cocreators, acting in unison with the will of spirit in order to effect greater influence and become the wayshowers and leaders of our new communities. Drawing together to manifest Divine Will and the Collective Planetary Dream of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY for the betterment of ALL as ONE.
So today we have a wonderful opportunity to accelerate our evolution as DIVINE SOLAR HUMANS realizing that we are all united in our beautiful world as fully ABUNDANT CHILDREN of the SUN! 🌞🌞🌞Hold the collective PLANETARY 🌏dream of our new 5D Ascended Gaia🌍 in your MANIFESTATIONS today.
Today’s question is “Am I ready to claim my FULL sovereignty, as an independant PLANETARY citizen, to manifest the collective dreaming of our fully AWAKENED New World”
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for your powerful accelerated ENLIGHTEN-ment today!💥 WAKEY WAKEY!!! 👁👁
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: AWAKENING to a new day! DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artist 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
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