A Powerful Rebirth is now on the Horizon: Massive Quantum Shift ~ Timeline Split (THE SWITCH) Sun enters Sagittarius
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Holy Solar Christos Dragon Nation of the New Jerusalem
Happy powerful 11:22 Portal Activation
Today our Sun moves into the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, our adventurous archer, bringing in the fire element for our Ascending Kundalini energies. We are being lit up with Cosmic Rays of higher resonance for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness.
With these massive energetics flowing in Pachamama received two powerful activations today on the ring of fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Indonesia at 2:48 UTC and a 6.7 quake in Vanuatu at 4:47 UTC. As Gaia rises we rise with her.
The Holy Spirit is with us Now to usher in the New Golden Age of Gods Kingdom on Earth!
As we flow with the Grace of the Great Spirit we are empowered in our missions of full Planetary Liberation. As the Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union we merge the Yin with the Yang to hold the Codes of Unity Consciousness and Shift this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
UPDATE. A powerful rebirth is now on the horizon. You may be feeling that fate is at play. That a force has become stronger than the ego, what was planned, a previous story. This can be a new dawn if you will. You’ve entered a new zone. Yes you are exhausted. It never stopped — the evolution towards more of the truth of You. It does feel like a lot. But your path is unstoppable.
At the end of a galactic cycle we enter our personal ‘Hall of Mirrors’ where we face our own reflection of how we operated & treated others. This time is coming for all beings. Time to atone!
“The difference between the Shadow and the Gift is summed up in one of the sweetest pieces of wisdom ever uttered by any human being. This one is from a Chinese sage, Chuang Tzu, obviously an old friend of Yoda. Take these words in deeply – Easy is Right. Wow, what do you think of that?” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Quantum System runs on high frequency consciousness.
We command to switch it on now.
Expose and Stop ALL corruption.
Distribution of funds equally to those that really earned it. ✨💜
Metatron & Shekinah
Ellen Redd-Starseed Shaman
The 144,000 Masters of Light are now prepared for the roles they are here to play.
They are Masters of Light who are in human form but contain genetics and codes that allow them to travel to the New Earth to prepare the ground, a dream that the movement of the human race towards a new level of consciousness will take place.
The geometric crystal code (around the planet) is similar to the merkabah.
Each merkabah fully formed by the 144,000 Masters of Light, is part of the code to activate the crystal matrix.
The activation of this crystal matrix is what many call “the event”.
The Galactic Federation has the Holy Grail.
Holy Grail’s position is not revealed. This chalice is made from 144,000 facets of brushed moldavite.
Activate the 144,000 Masters of Light.
Every facet contains a code and when Light touches the facet, the Master activates.
The 144,000 are a complex mandala and each Master of Light will have its own role. “Let us help build this New Earth as we usher in this new Golden Age. “We have been chosen by Source to eliminate ALL manipulation that does not work in the best interest of MANKIND.
WE are chosen to bring the world together as ONE. We are here to remember and show HUMANITY and our star children their true legacy and to connect with the Source.”
11/22/23: It’s time to build. You’ve been given many new tools and blueprints this year. Many new thoughts to think and plans to fulfill. Also feelings to explore and dreams to develop. You’re wiser and more self-possessed and ready to create a new reality… one that evolves from the core you’ve spent so much time and effort digging to and through.
Today you choose how and where your future begins. Don’t bother trying to recreate the familiar or look to others to pave the way. This is your show now. One you’ve been working toward for years. The curtain is rising.
Though ((they)) try to with the Scalar and EMF…they try to control the cosmic.fires and reset with their lies but it’s not working anymore.
It’s over.
((They)) have lost all control they once had over all of us.
I will go into this more soon….
For now….
Rest …as our bodies haven’t experienced this before…
Isabel Garcia Garcia.
Planet’s vibration increased very rapidly (Schuman resonance) Our brain syncs to this resonance, and this is why ancient parameters have expired. The problem is not the time, but the gap between our mind and the cosmic time we live in. Living in the present and from the heart is the way out.
Spiritual Ascension is not a escalator that takes us straight to the fifth floor where everything should be fixed. There is the great crisis and the gap that lives in the human mind. We also can’t abandon all the day-to-day things, because we are spirits doing the human experience, we have to solve it little by little, closing cycles and moving on, knowing what are the priorities of the spirit and what are our human self.
Chaos always precedes birth.
The linear time is broken, you can only be in the now.
That mental time to postpone what was not done today does not exist anymore.
The demands of the evolving Self require that we pay attention to the time we devote to our internal tuning in order to sustain the external vibrational shifts.
The New Earth is built by learning to use 5th dimension spiritual technology: quantum thought, focused intention, and coherent action.
Let us co-create the New Earth from our Enlightened Heart.
My mother in this lifetime is called Diamond and my sister is called Pearl, true story.
It was unbelievable when I realised how spirit guided me to my path while I had both of these name frequencies next to me all my life.
I am here in service on the part of my own Spiritual Family.
Each one of us comes from a Spiritual Family, there are many different Spiritual Families.
These Families are big!
They are spiritual but this doesn’t mean that all these Families were always getting along or that they were always in alignment to each other, nor that they were all in the same evolution stage.
There were always differences and disagreements.
Many events took place.
But when the dark ones took over, the consequences were devastating.
Many got lost or hurt.
There was no apparent way out of the suffering that was caused.
There were consequences.
So because of a superior need, the Families decided to come together under a new light, for the good of all.
Today, for the Diamond Pearl initiation our Spiritual Families will be there with us to celebrate our reconnection to them.
The children are coming out of the 3d graves, Resurrecting out of the abyss, coming back to Life in the here and now.
This is the activation of the Diamond Pearl and the 12d Etheric DNA in the physical, the forerunner of the actual crystalline DNA in the physical.
“Reunification with the 5dimensional Genitors and Spiritual Families.
Under the Light of the 5th Dimension, old and forgotten Sources and Crystalline Matrices powerful enough to hold huge active Crystalline Grids, will revive on Earth!
Physical Health, Beauty, Peace and Abundance will be some of the natural results for those living in these grids.
This begins now and those in alignment with these energies will be guided towards certain actions.
New hubs of Life and Creativity will emerge and people will have the chance to be in an open exchange and communication with the 5dimension until the full physical merging takes place.”
At the time of our meeting the Sun at 0⁰ Sag will be in perfect trine to the Moon at 0⁰ Aries. Saturn at 0⁰ Pisces, will herald to all the aquatic world the return of the Diamond Pearl, changing the Waters of Life FOREVER!
All realms agree to this, this is why the return is taking place!
This new beginning is of the utmost significance via the triple 0⁰0⁰0⁰ force.
-Message from Āethra and Poseidon, the Godly Genitors of the Blue 5D Plane:
“Expect all waters to change, the sea waters, the subconscious waters, the body waters, the erotic waters, the emotional waters, the unseen waters, the godly waters etc.
The change of Water will begin now!
The Diamond Pearl is coming back!
During the next months and years observe and witness the huge events in connection to the waters, both inner and outer waters!
Use the water for your own highest good, learn from the water, benefit from the water, respect the water, interact with the water.
The Great Awakening is Upon Us: Earth’s Vibrational Shift Is Happening Now!
The term “Great Awakening” refers to a spiritual awakening or evolution of human consciousness predicted by many spiritual teachers and philosophers over the ages. The idea is that humanity will eventually undergo a collective shift in awareness, ushering in a new era of peace, unity, and heightened perception.
Beliefs in an impending awakening can be traced back thousands of years to ancient spiritual texts and indigenous prophecies, which speak of a time when humans will transcend the ego, materialism, and separation. Many modern thinkers also believe we are on the verge of this shift right now.
Evolutionary theorists like Barbara Marx Hubbard describe this as a “Universal Human” phase where we realize our full potential. Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle speaks of a collective arising of consciousness from its deep sleep of identification with form.
Many believe the accelerated pace of technology in the information age, coupled with global crises, is creating the ripe conditions necessary for a collective awakening. As more people around the world gain access to knowledge and have interconnection with others, we gain perspective on the bigger picture and our shared humanity.
This, in turn, leads to more spiritual seeking and a questioning of current social paradigms. I strongly believe that a great “tipping point” is fast approaching – a culmination that will finally initiate the awakening process!
What might follow is a new era of human existence characterized by cooperation, compassion, and co-creation with nature.
Signs the Awakening is Happening:
More and more people are feeling called to explore mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and spirituality. There is a deeper yearning for meaning, purpose, and connection in our lives. Mainstream narratives are being questioned like never before.
People are seeking authenticity and moving away from consumerism and materialism. A shift in consciousness is emerging as we realize how interconnected we all are. There is less attachment to identities and more focus on our shared humanity.
Many are feeling the stirrings of a profound awakening happening within. We realize that happiness comes from within, not from external sources. Old paradigms and limited ways of thinking are falling away as more expansive perspectives take hold.
Trust in institutions is declining as people think for themselves and follow their own truth. More are speaking out against injustice and seeking positive change in society. There’s a greater sense of personal empowerment and taking responsibility.
Though the process may seem chaotic at times, it’s all part of the transition to a higher state of being. We are entering a new era of unity consciousness. Collectively, we are evolving beyond fear and into love. The signs are all around us – the Great Awakening is here!
The Ascension of Planet Earth:
The phenomenon known as the “Ascension” refers to the process by which the Earth and all living things upon it are undergoing an evolution in consciousness. Earth and humanity are shifting from the restrictive frequencies of the third dimension into the higher vibrations of the fifth dimension.
Now, our Earth has begun vibrating at an exponentially higher frequency, catalyzing a mass awakening of human consciousness. As human awareness expands, outdated belief systems and divisive ways of living are transcended. This sets the stage for the emergence of a new era founded on the universal principles of love, peace, and unity!
All life on Earth is energetically connected. Therefore, as human consciousness shifts, the collective consciousness of all living things is uplifted. The increased light and energy coming into the planet has set into motion a chain reaction of transformation on all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
This movement into higher dimensional frequencies is a global “quantum leap” for humanity. It is a graduation into a new phase of our evolutionary journey. Ascension signifies that the Earth and humans are now vibrating at levels that will support greater love, harmony, compassion, and peace.
The time for sleeping is over – now is the time to wake up. Raise your vibration through mindful living. Spread compassion and act for the highest good. Our collective consciousness is more powerful than any technology. The fate of humanity rests in our hands!
Awaken and remember who you truly are. A divine being of light and love. Your inner glow is needed to ignite the hearts of others. Shine your light brightly for all to see. This is your purpose, your destiny.
The shackles are off for us Dear Family. We’ve cleared the karmic curse that kept our bloodline trapped. Balance is recovering through Light Body activations. These energies are breaking old earth timelines for good!
You no longer need to carry the past in you as you are now receiving divine healing with justice. Step out of this comfort zone and play, be happy as you are blessed. Continue opening your heart and mind to this transformation and movement into the New Earth.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
New Earth Avatar Universes
Ra James
Welcome to the 11:22 Portal! The 11:22 Portal is a massive Gateway. It’s the peak of the November Pleiadian Alignment. Expect high energies over the next few days. This Portal will help you to get into a deeper energetic alignment. It’s an amazing time to be connecting with your Higher Self, Guides, and Ancestors from the stars. This is a powerful time for the healing that is taking place. Expect physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to be taking place on a deep level right now.
The 11:22 is an amazing time to be tapping into the energies to be doing healing and activation work. This is a Galactic Central Sun portal. We are receiving a huge influx of energies from our Galactic Central Sun, Sun, and the Pleiades right now. During this time our Sun aligns with Alcyone the brightest star of the Pleiades. This portal is reaching its full peak right now. This is a powerful time for manifesting. It’s important that you’re keeping your energy high and your focus on your goals. We shifted into Sagittarius Season today. It’s bringing some major new beginning vibes. Expect a ton of DNA activations over the next week.
If you’re a Starseed you’re probably feeling these energies a little bit extra. If you’re a Twin Flame no matter what your situation you’re clearing a lot of past life karma right now. You’re also probably clearing any karma from within the connection. This is a powerful Twin Flame Portal. If in separation know you always find your way back to each other when ready. If in Union expect to anchor into much higher frequencies together…
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Sagittarius is allied with the goddess Sekhmet. Sekhmet is one of the most ancient of the Egyptian neteru. She is the Goddess of the Desert, mistress of fire, heat, drought, and pestilence.
Sekhmet was a fearsome being to the ancient Egyptians. She is the yang aspect of the Divine Feminine; fierce and frightening, yet also oddly comforting. She is the mother cat who loves her cubs totally and who will fight to the death to protect them.
Sekhmet is allied with the fire sign Sagittarius. Ninth sign of the Zodiac, this is the place of philosophical inquiry. This sign cares about the world of ideas – political, social, and cultural theory. No wonder those with Sagittarius strong in their charts like to travel. They want to experience first-hand how other people do life – their customs, rituals, and perspectives – so they can better understand the philosophical ideas that formed them.
Sagittarius/Sekhmet natives are agents of change. Truth, as they perceive it, is everything and they will lead the charge in defense of an idea. They are passionate about what they feel is right and wrong. And it is possible for this native to go too far. When outrage over injustice overpowers tolerance of difference, we have entered the realm of dogma. Many a war originates with the idea that one set of beliefs is “right” while another set is “wrong.” Much damage can be done when dogma takes hold and blocks intellectual curiosity which is the natural expression of this sign.
The Sun will emanate through Sagittarius/Sekhmet from November 22 to December 21.
source: shamanicstarology.com
Art: Sekhmet by Dark Natasha.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Wednesday, November 22nd, the Sun, ruler of our life force energy, is shifting into enthusiastic Sagittarius where it will be until December 21st. The Sun rules our personality, individuality and self-identity. It rules our confidence level, physical vitality and creative self-expression. While in energetic, fire sign Sagittarius we should be more optimistic, happy go lucky and freedom oriented. However, we might also be more judgmental, outspoken and restless. We desire to see the bigger picture now and expand ourselves into new horizons! Although, we may have to shift our perspective and our belief systems in order to do so. Aim your arrow of intentions and shoot for the stars! It is the only way to activate the blessings that Sagittarius wants to bring to you!
Venus, ruler of partnerships, in loving Libra is opposing Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in courageous Aries. There is the potential for relationship healing from old patterns where there is a lack of equality, fairness or peace. Communication is the key, for without speaking your truth with one another, there can be no change. In all of our interactions we are looking for mutual kindness, respect and support. So have awareness of the traumas and challenges of the past and how they affect you, and then set the intention to bring cooperation and ease within your interpersonal connections once again. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Venus, ruler of partnerships, in loving Libra is opposing Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in courageous Aries
Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Sun enters Sagittarius. Sedna retrograde re-enters Taurus. Venus in Libra opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries – With so many aspects happening today, many areas of life demand our attention. Still, the Mars-Pluto connection is just the super-charged boost we need to handle such clashing influences. Take control where you can. Channel your energies effectively. If you feel frustrated, find a tangible project to focus on, or break a sweat through physical exercise.
As we move into Sagittarius season, the impulse is to expand our world, broaden horizons, learn, travel, find the truth. It’s exciting but there are also niggling insecurities – the fear of being hurt in relationships, old memories of past disappointments nipping at our heels. Money worries too may be an acute stumbling block for some. Hold your nerve. Keep your attention on what can be done instead of what can’t. Give yourself the loving attention you so deserve. Take constructive action towards change. Self-belief is key.
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and it represents the energy of channeling. The 7th day is right in the middle of the wavespell. Time to ponder on how to proceed and a time to take stock of how this journey is going. The Blue Hand wavespell is about ‘Accomplishment and Healing’, also putting your hands to good use. If you have not yet succeeded in accomplishing your goals, use your intuition today to steer yourself on the right course. Yesterday was a double Human day, and we were encouraged to use our intuitive skills. Today the number 7 asks us to do the same.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. This is a great combination of day and number. Red Skywalker is an energy that is full of fun, adventure, curiosity and courage. Skywalker encourages us to take a step in a new and exciting direction. If you have not achieved your goals thus far… Skywalker can show you a different way of thinking. As it is a Resonant day, Skywalker can show you that thinking differently can open up your third eye and so he shows us that it’s an adventure in psychic awareness. Try opening your mind today and you’ll soon be rewarded with messages.
Today’s Guide is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life force, Survival and Instinct’. A serpent’s senses are very heightened, they are so sensitive and always alert to what is going on around them. The Serpent can guide you today, helping you become more aware. Be careful that you do not become over-sensitive and maybe you should avoid loud people and busy places. This sensitivity is great for feeling which direction you should go but be aware that there are also drawbacks when you become aware of everything!
Sorry but if you are Blue Night, it’s a challenging day for you. You don’t like adventures although you do like dreaming. Red Skywalker is about ‘wakefulness’ and it’s challenging for you because you would rather dream.
However, if you want your dreams to come true, you must wake up. Be a little braver today and face that challenge. This applies to everyone today, not just Blue Nights.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star, people born on Yellow Star days can supply beautiful magic today. Their appreciation for art and beauty adds an elegant touch to Skywalker’s adventures. Remember beauty today and that will make the day quite special. If you choose to indulge in art or to beautify your home, the results are likely to be very magical indeed. Also because Skywalker is so bold, don’t be afraid to use bright colours!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger. Not surprising Skywalker and Worldbridger are best buddies. Even their names have similar meanings. Worldbridger likes to cross over to other worlds and so they are always up for an adventure! If you are a Worldbridger, offer your support to others today and you will be very much appreciated
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 33 – Ascended Master frequency
33=6 Heaven/Christ/Harmony
KIN 33 is providing very HEAVENLY and DIVINE CODES today through this HIGH vibrational day!!
A full BANG for our buck today – check out this line-up
A TRINITY of MASTER codes to propel us into our HIGHER DESTINY and SERVICE in these majikal energies.
An UBER powerful destiny day with the capacity for great shifts. Very Cosmic expansive energies!
Day 7 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL inspires us to channel healing knowledge from expanded, multi-dimensional sources.
BLUE HAND is tribe number 7 and we have reached the 7th day in this Wavespell giving us 7.7. Magician’s code – DOUBLE the Majikal POWER to access and accomplish great HEALING.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the manifestation potentials today as it provides the ability to FINE TUNE and CHANNEL these majikal forces.
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. It is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we ATTUNE and then CHANNEL the MAJIK through this present moment that is available to us all, we can INSPIRE others to do the same.
A VERY potent DIVINE DESTINY day, to allow the AWAKENING of our raw and primal emotions to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us .
Attune to the MAJIK of BLISS ON EARTH!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER BEN the Galactic Shaman and SPACE EXPLORER is seeking EXPANSION today… He wants you to go BIG.. and connect to the Greater Cosmos through the portals opened by BLUE HAND.
BEN is tribe number 13 – vibrating at the COSMIC LEVEL and we have a 13/4 day code today – expanding our EARTH experience to the COSMIC realms too… 13.13 SNAP!! Time to SOAR through SPACE.
BEN is activating WAKEFULNESS and we have a WAXING GIBBOUS -70% moon in PISCES the sign of SPIRITUAL connection – we are being summoned to HEED THE ASCENSION CALL.. and ELEVATE our consciousness to the GOD BANDWIDTH!!
BEN is enabling more earthlings to have that ‘AHA’ – epiphany as they are filled with LIGHT and can AWAKEN to the true expansiveness of our multi-dimensional existence and the TRUE SPACE that surrounds US.
According to BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY the greatest of the 3 POISON’s to afflict man is IGNORANCE, the other two are GREED and HATRED. One of the worst fates to befall a soul, is to complete their soul’s journey and upon reflection, realize that they were totally OBLIVIOUS to the TRUTH of that reality – like they missed the whole point! They SLEPT through the whole SHOW!! It is like being drugged and kidnapped until you arrive at your final destination…
Life is a JOURNEY not a destination!!! We need to be FULLY AWAKE, ALERT and cognizant to the experiences along the way! That is how we LEARN and GROW. Going through life with BLINKERS on is NOT an option any more, as we are in the time of THE GREAT AWAKENING
As PLUTO is in its final passage through CAPRICORN, we can AWAKEN from the old PARADIGM and be FREED to float in the ethereal BLISS realms that PISCES ushes in… especially correlating with the BLISS energies of the RESONANT SKYWALKER!! These LIBERATION energies are constantly fuelling us to BREAK FREE from the MATRIX. Many more souls will be TRIGGERED to AWAKEN. – “by hook or by crook” – WAKEY WAKEY – SLEEPY HEADS!
We are headed to an era where ALL of Earth’s inhabitants are fully CONSCIOUS and responsible for the stewardship of our Planet – NO MORE FREE RIDES – all aboard!
BEN the Angelic Messenger can help you attune to the BLISS CODES flooding our Planet at the present time.. OPENING and EXPANDING both our HEARTS and our MINDS as they are in DIVINE ALIGNMENT attuning your channel to the DIVINE energies.
BEN assists us in ditching the density, and FLYING HIGHER into the BLISS realms, accessing our Rainbow Bliss Bodies which are NOW becoming available for us HU-MANS to anchor in our vessel. We ARE becoming the PURE LIGHT BEINGS that we came here to be.. The DIVINE CONDUITS CHANNELING the energies of HEAVEN through our bodies, and joining with Pachamama in DIVINE RAINBOW union.
HIGHER SELF: RED RESONANT SERPENT CHICCHAN is the instinctive SERPENT that is the overlighting energy today.. CHICCHAN AWAKENS the planetary kundalini Serpent energies of the Rainbow Serpent and Quetzacoatl.
NOVA GAIA – is flying HIGH today as her kundalini rises to the MAX!! Today’s 11,22 and 33 codes provide ample impetus for her children to ride this wave and meet her at the TOP as the MASTER beings that we ARE!!
We can access this vitality and LIFE FORCE through mumma Gaia if we choose to attune to these energies. This potent energy may also rapidly AWAKEN many people! AWAKENING through emergency RESPONSE – as you do when your life is in danger and you instinctively channel clarity, as the adrenaline rushes through your body, bringing a solution for FAST response to the danger. RED ALERT is an AWAKENING code!
Today we are TUNING into the Cosmos for wisdom, information and HEALING codes, SUPER supported through the 13/4 NEW EARTH CODES..
We may find ourselves EXPLORING what it is to express, in a raw and instinctive way, any energy that wants to move through us. Of course being a Resonant tone, this means emotional energies will be flowing, moving and rising…
The key is to allow, allow, allow and become highly inspired by the movement of energy that comes up and out from your very core There is an element of the witness here, become the observer, and just witness what it is to express in the moment with no filters… Sing, dance and allow communication in the ways that channel through us in order to accomplish healing and wholeness in our emotional bodies.
Make sure you fully GROUND this energy, and funnel any excess into MUMMA GAIA.
LET GO of the past, and ALLOW the NEW energy to FLOW through you, reflecting the perfect order of TRUTH. The TRUTH shall set you FREE. And INDEED the TRUTH shall clear all the heaviness and blocks within your being, allowing your SPIRIT to be LIGHT and FREE in these beautiful new energies.
SURRENDER your vessel to channeling LIGHT from throughout this multi-dimensional reality. Open your channel, and attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure codes to course through your body, raising your kundalini and purging any emotional blocks that have kept you stagnant.
The RESONANT WORLDBRIDGER has the POWER to attune to and channel all the wisdom, resources and contacts needed to restore your life force and vitality needed to continue your Mission – with more PASSION, drive and energy to surge ahead and INSPIRE others.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT STAR LAMAT is another portal that opens our access to the STARRY REALMS. Allowing us to take a journey, as we float endlessly in the expansiveness of SPACE.. Feeling this SPACE within our bodies and feeling the BLISS as we become ONE with ALL THAT IS..
Today’s SUPERPOWER is enabling us to ATTUNE TO PEACE – and our new 5D Reality. Absolutely PERFECTO as we attune to the new HARMONIC TIME MATRIX we are fully ANCHORING and GROUNDING today!!
Attune to the BEAUTY, HARMONY, ART, WONDER and MAJIK that surrounds us eternally in the higher dimensions – accessible to all who raise their frequencies to allow these multidimensional RAINBOW BLISS codes to FLOW through.
As we are becoming more EN-LIGHTON-ed STAR BLISS SUNS day by day, we now know what it FEELS like to hold the feeling of PEACE within our bodies and our MINDS..
Feeling the absolute ecstasy of being one endless multi-dimensional cog in the Harmonic Matrix of Creation, intertwined with our fellow travellers.
Allow LAMAT to flood your being with the WISDOM that the Cosmos is indeed beautiful, benevolent and highly intelligent, providing a wonderful playground for our grand adventuring.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT – AKBAL challenges us to be inspired by
THE VISION OF ABUNDANCE for all beings on our planet.
To resonate with the cycles of evolution as THE GREAT DREAMING is seen, when we open our channel to the visions held in the collective unconscious, where ALL needs are met by Spirit. What a DIVINE GIFT through these phenomenal alignments today! We have the FULL SUPPORT and BLISSING of SPIRIT.
The BLISSing of AKBAL is to be inspired to DREAM Earth’s greatest VISION. Channel that pure life force and kundalini energy through your PASSION and creativity, to inspire others through your actions, hopes and dreams.
A VERY potent DIVINE DESTINY day, to allow the AWAKENING of our raw and primal emotions to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us .
Attune to the MAJIK of BLISS ON EARTH!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the higher BLISS frequencies, allowing the pure life force to express through me in a raw and unbridled manner, AWAKENING my sense of adventure to INSPIRE others?
Divine blessings for your DIVINE attunement to the pure primal CREATION energies of the Cosmos!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
This is lesson 4 in our Gong Fu Tea Training Course. We review some of our favorite teas for our Gong Fu Five Elements Tea Ceremony.
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