DESTRUCTION OF ILLUSION ~ The Great Clearing and Dissolving ~ VICTORIOUS COSMIC BEINGS ~ The Solar Event ~ Invocation of the Indigo Flame
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Luminous Light Keepers of the Loveolution Evolution
Our local Solaris continues to release consistent C Class flares today and another powerful M 1.84 Class flare at 23:20 UTC. One of the biggest sunspots in years (AR3190) is crossing the solar disk facing Earth today. , a CME appears to have struck Earth’s magnetic field on Jan. 17th around 2200 UTC. Its arrival was signaled by an abrupt shift in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth. (
With all these intense energetics flowing into the field today Pachamama received another powerful activation with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Indonesia on the Ring of Fire at 00:34 UTC penetrating to a depth of 152 km. We may be feeling activations in the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras today. More of the birthing of the New Earth and the Golden Christ Child within.
The multidimensional multiversal Butterfly Effect is fully activated wherein every action and effort you make now affects all crystalline fractals on the Diamond Net of Indra within the infinite multiverse and effects 7 generations in the past and 7 generations into the future. We are Now free from the cycles and time loops of Karma and Samsara and have set forth the Wheel of Dharma, Universal Truth, to transmit the Freedom Codes for all Sentient beings to Awaken from the Dream As Buddhas of the New Earth.
What we are experiencing in this Great Awakening has never happened on a collective level in the history of the world. We have reached the critical mass of Christ Consciousness through all space time continuums to make the Full Quantum Leap of Consciousness and consciously Co-Create the Transformation of this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
All is unfolding in Divine time as we keep the Faith and hold the Divine Line, as we break through and break free from all slavery false systems of nefarious control and blaze forth the trail of Joy, Bliss and Peace for all Life of the New Heaven upon the New Earth. We are the witnesses of the Dawning of the New Era of Sovereignty of 5D and beyond.
Mother Father God, all Higher Dimensionals and interdimensionals, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters are assisting all Ground Crew Team of the 144 in raising the frequency of Mother Earth’s resonance in her Blossoming in the Light as Mothership 33 of the Universal Alliance of Light. All sequence codes of Diamond Rainbow Body have been sent from the Great Central Sun and Filtered through our local Solaris to upgrade Gaia’s Krystal Core and initiate the final countdown to the full manifestation of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
The meek inherit the Earth, in this Now…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 4°14′ Sagittarius, Sun at 27°39′ Capricorn
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 28º Capricorn |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 28º Capricorn.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 5º Sagittarius |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Sagittarius.

All I can say is that as a humanity we are going through an ERA transition. It will be very evident; there will be drastic changes in society and power structuresRight now the DIVINE is crushing the darkness with EXTREMELY HIGH FREQUENCIES.Corrupt entities are being exposed left and right, they can no longer hide who they really are and their plans.2023 is the most important year for humanity!! And that’s up to each and every one of us, please hold the line, be compassionate, show your Light to the WORLD
From this day forward in the days weeks and months to follow expect to cleanse, purge, liquidate anything that is not of Christ consciousness.Listen to your physical body it will speak and let you know what you need to eliminate, transform and reprogram.Purify, magnify your water but most of all hydrate.Transport your vehicle (body) in joy… Grace is poured out in everything and everywhere and in every soul on earth.Become a magician and an alchemist by depositing joy!!!Climb guide
Galactic Jack
The solar event has already started and is happening right now in great size…!! 🧐

Elizabeth Garcia
The Great Clearing and Dissolving
A plethora of distractions in various ways may be trying to keep you held back from your life purpose. These things that can be ranging from anxieties to addictions to a lack of control in life have stemmed from family genetics. You came here to dissolve this and free your bloodline, creating permanent change for the future generations.
The sensitive empath, Crystal child, Starseed you are has carried the energy template required to clear this, as no one else in your family lineage has thus far. You are a special unique soul here on a mission. Now is the time to turn this on and turn your power up, to answer the call to complete what you started.
The energies of the timeline shift are behind us to collectively end these destructive energies of interference. Go your own way and embrace being different. All that you are leaving behind is quickly collapsing. We are to now embrace our unique powers as wise galactic beings, and redirect them into the new timeline together, dear Family.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Kin 244 ~ Yellow Planetary Seed

Implant Removal Ceremony 
Cutting all Chords and Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, implants, inserts and overlays:
Invocation of the Indigo Flame
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