The dismantling of the Veil continues as crystalline light codes sweep the surface population. During the last two eclipses, much was pushed up to the surface that needed to be dealt with and released for good. Much turmoil was noticed internally around the planet with friends, family and people themselves reacting to the incredibly strong detoxification/purging energies of the dual eclipses. Significant others, family, and chosen family begin to settle down into comfortability as the energies begin to subside and the darkness, or purged energy is expunged and flow begins to resume through the planet and the people. Relationships that were meant to burn away have begun to finalize the ending processes and “breaking up” or moving in different directions is not only being done in a loving, healthy manner, but much healing is being done on these levels because of this awareness.


The Event and The Spring Equinox 2017 ~ The Changeover

By Kejraj Greetings Everyone! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. This process of ascension has not been easy for any one of us. It is not just the ascension but life on Earth as a whole has not been easy for most, including lightworker

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The Tibetan New Year ~ A Firebird Rises

While most of us celebrate the New Year on January first, Tibetans in the Shambhala tradition just kicked off a lunar New Year on February 27th which lasts several days, including celebrations into March. This lunar New Year is revered as the Year of the Firebird, and we’re in for quite a ride, according to ancient Tibetan astrology. The Tibetan lunar New Year is calculated according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, using ancient knowledge of astrology, and changes annually to coincide with the lunar cycle. Tibetan and Chinese New Year start on different dates.

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The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point

As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now! This could happen as a sufficient number of you are yourselves at that turning point after reaching the bottom of your subconscious from where on you can’t go deeper, but by law you must go into the other direction towards the light: it is the turning point in human consciousness, having gone through an immense process of development in awareness and growing expansion of consciousness, not only concerning your mundane affairs but also your spiritual potential.

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Rise Up!! It IS The Season of the Phoenix!!

Rise Up!! It IS The Season of the Phoenix!! By Lisa Gawlas Something HUGE happened yesterday, marked by a very specific 99% totality solar eclipse. 99, the ending of all endings. I heard that, felt that clear as a bell when I posted a little shout out to the eclipse on facebook. As I continued to read on spaceweather more information about the solar eclipse, that it would “snake across 5 countries in the southern hemisphere” instantly I could feel the mighty kundalini serpent of Creation igniting the fires in the southern hemisphere. Change like there has never been change before.

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Body and Soul

I am the voice of the Earth. I carry you in my body. The planet on which you live and walk is my body, the expression of my soul. You are welcome here because you are part of my body. Your body is part of me, made of earthly matter. Be very aware of the cells in your body, which are very small, independent entities that know exactly what they are supposed to do. They work toward balance and harmony and cooperation in your body

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