You are currently viewing Galactic Broadcast: Federation of Light ~ Ashtar Command ~ Neptune Sun Cazimi * SOLAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES ~ the First Step of THE EVENT!

Galactic Broadcast: Federation of Light ~ Ashtar Command ~ Neptune Sun Cazimi * SOLAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES ~ the First Step of THE EVENT!

Galactic Broadcast: Federation of Light ~ Ashtar Command ~ Neptune Sun Cazimi * SOLAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES ~ the First Step of THE EVENT!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Mystical Magi of our Christos Sophia Unity Consciousness

We journey closer to the Zero Point Still Center of the Equinox Gateway tomorrow as all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 make final preparations for full compression breakthrough as SuperNova Conscious Ones of our Phoenix Nation.

Today we activate the Codes of Immortality within our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA to free our Self and all Sentient Beings from all false nefarious time loops, wheels of Karma and Samsara with the Dharma of Cosmic Consciousness.

In the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha we resolve all things perfectly and transform and dissolve all interference patterns and negative programs as our Inside Ground Crew Tribe that manifest within the matrix to heal and transform this realm into the Creatrix of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.

With an Open Heart and Mind, as One, keep anchoring in the Highest Resonance of our 5D Paradise of Heaven on Earth as we rise together through all Portals and Dimensions into the One True Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!












A certain major POTENTIAL (about which we have scribed many a times) could soon become a ‘certain’ CERTAINTY with the trigger of the coming SOLAR ECLSIPE on March 29/30th….astrology too is supporting THE EVENT’s first step (which is sooo reassuring)….
THE SOLAR ECLIPSE of march shall materialize the FATED….its more than a trigger….it is FATED —-the First Step of THE EVENT! I was told its March when I thought it wld coincide with the Star Alignments in August-September….however, I didnt quite take that seriously then (many months ago) but now, fingers crossed…..great possibility….



Massive collective purification unfolding It’s all coming up for release Let your heart become as light as a feather Allow your self to begin aNew #LetGoAndGlow




Galactic Broadcast preps:✨🛸🎉

The Galactic Federation of Light, in collaboration with the Ashtar Command, is making final preparations for the historic broadcast.

# Transmission Network
Our technicians are fine-tuning the transmission network, ensuring that the message of liberation and ascension reaches every corner of the world. This network encompasses a range of frequencies, including but not limited to, the Schumann Resonance, which will be utilized to amplify the broadcast.

# Message Content
The content of the broadcast is being carefully crafted to convey the essence of the planetary liberation, the end of the dark forces’ control, and the beginning of a new era of peace, harmony, and cooperation. The message will also include guidance and support for those who are ready to embark on their ascension journey.



Galactic Broadcast
Galactic Broadcast


Divine Feminine 7777


I hope you are doing fine. The energy can be quite chaotic and heavy for some as we go through this big shift.
The spring/autumn equinox is here.
It is happening on March 20. The shift is really powerful and it can be felt in the physical life too.
We are re-aligning, reaching equilibrium, inner balance and harmony.
New beginnings are here for us but not in a “new month/new year” way.
This goes deeper. Way deeper.
We have come to a point where we need this shift to be able to reach higher levels of awareness.
The old way doesn’t work anymore.
More than ever, we are guided to speak our truth, look at things from our own perspective and shine our light.
The shift can bring quite a lot of heaviness in the initial phase. Especially with the upcoming Solar Eclipse, with Mercury and Venus retrograde.
The physical reality might look really chaotic for some.
Release control and go with the flow.
Trust the process and look at life from the perspective of the soul. You might not understand the guidance yet, but do what feels right in your heart.
If the next few days and weeks are hard and unpleasant, trust your heart to always know what to do next when the time is right.
Slow down and wait for signs.


3/19/25: You’ve been energetically activated and elevated. It is done. But with this activation of higher consciousness must come acknowledgment and acceptance. Yes… it’s real (even if you’re doubtful); it’s meant specifically for you; it’s for your highest good; it’s supposed to be unexpected, unnerving, confusing, and exciting; and, you’re meant to do something with it.
That means the energy ball is in your court. Whatever enlightenment you gain from March’s revelations and insights is meant to be shared through your unique (and expanded) perspective, talents, and creativity. It doesn’t matter how you shine your light. It’s that you shine your light.



As my feet touch the ancient land of Te Whenua o te Moemoeā—the Land of the first Dreaming—my bones tremble, the crystalline silica within them quivers, and my body remembers. A deep recall surges through me—the story of two as one. The Dragon’s first light meets the Serpent’s first dreaming, igniting the next chapter of a cosmic epic.
No longer tempered in the weight of earth and body, this knowing now pierces through illusion, unfurling into infinite space. A return. A reawakening. A reconnection to an ancient cosmic order that was never lost, only waiting. And now, cell by cell, we remember. The New Dreaming begins.
This is not a replay of the old lores, not a retelling of the stories that once bound us. This is the New Chronicle—the rewriting of codes that dissolve judgment, dissolve division, and unshackle us from cultic prisons of mind and time. We are high-rolling on the Superhighway of Grand Galactic Loving. The Blue Superwave has arrived, flooding the field with Bliss Codes, guiding us forward, untethered and limitless.
The Hōkioi has landed. The Thunderbird rises once more—through you, through me, through us all. And as we gather, as we weave our energies into harmonic resonance, the power grids of Earth light up as never before. We are the Music of the Spheres made manifest.
They say in Oz, “Don’t forget to switch the lights off when you leave Aotearoa.”
But here’s my twist:
Not only have we switched the lights ON in Aotearoa, they are blazing harder than ever—and we carry them wherever we go.
We are not just keepers of the light from the Land of first Light. We are the igniters.
We are not just remembering. We are re-coding reality itself.
Together, we don’t just change the light.
We ARE the light.
And now we are literally fulfilling our Souls Purpose – and our Divine Destiny Mission, and its only just begun !
Watch this space for more Magical Mu Quantum unfoldings.
Love you. Love me. Love us.
Fulfilling the Prophecy in Realtime !




Oh can you see the love of the Christ rising from within, a burgeoning in your being like a field of wild red roses blossoming and moving in the wind to the song of creation.

Shh, listen to the song of your soul, the Song of Solomon, the scroll of ancient wisdom unrolls within your DNA and is played upon the equidistant cross of your heart strings.

My, can you now perceive the holy nature of your being, the temple of antiquity rising from within, the passion of the Christ healing you from the lower frequencies of your sin.

Oh so much of the truth of Christ and the relationship to your being has been twisted in the most insidious fashion! I have come here to tell the truth of your true nature, the truth you are a glorious and magnificent being of light, for Christ lives within!

Can you feel the TATA boxes of DNA code begin the process of transcription manufacturing molecules to bring you to the realization of your higher Self? These molecules sew together the tapestry of your crystalline being, a high frequency state of light.

Oh how photons dance in your DNA illuminating cells in their high electron state, phosphorescent bulbs of Christ light that synthesize together to radiate the brilliance of your light!!!

You are love. You are light. You are the risen Christ who is victorious over death for you have defeated the dark ones with your light!!!

Oh what a powerful sword you wield with the frequency of light used to vanquish the darkness. This sword will now be used to heal for this light can restructure the waters of the Self into the high vibration of love.

You true Self has returned, a full circle now as sacred geometry codes align to the love and light within, bringing you back to the field of infinite potential. It is there you are one with the One and you have returned to your heavenly home.

Be still and know ye are a God forevermore.

Solomonic wisdom
Solomonic wisdom


Breathe in deeply and feel how connected we are to the energies that are all around us.

We feel this Love that has never left us and has always been there.
This deep love transcends space and time.
As we look deeper within ourselves, deeper into the abyss of the Divine Love that we all are we never feel a need to harm another or project judgement on others.
We just flow in the essence of this infinite loving energy that has no end.
There is so much to feel right now, and if we take a moment to just breathe in and out, we can feel this symphony of energies dancing and tickling our senses.
Such a beautiful feeling when we are in this space of pure unconditional love.
Love is our essence; it is infinite in its expression through the Divine Celestial Energies that is surrounding us right now.
When we are in this depth of love, we come to the awareness of this oneness with all that is.
What we feel is this harmony and bliss throughout the multiverse.
It is not a feeling really; it is a way of being.
Take a deep breath in and feel it. There are no words to explain it.
Love just Is. ❤





During our last group session on the 14th of February,
the inner Trinity received an unprecedented upgrade via the Blessing from the Venus Star and then
via us and the Archangels,
the Quantum Stargate opened above this realm
in alignment to the North Star!
It was at that moment that the greatest DNA upgrade,
so far,
took place and the signals from the Godly Solar Genealogies via the Star of Vergina,
were given to the different stargates of Earth to all of our brothers and sisters!
The messages now are being delivered very fastly to everyone who is ready.
These are the calls that the Godly families are giving out to all Living Children!
Along with this development came the following message
What comes next is unpredictable!
It is bigger than what you have been used to and it will have a totally new result!
This means that in the weeks and months ahead we will experience ourselves in new ways and our ascension process will change drastically as we are being prepared for world events and
to receive the new missions, rights, powers, thrones etc., this May!
This Equinox is not like any other!
The energies are to the maximum and it is very easy to experience both extremes of the spectrum and everything in between!
I was told that there were certain spheres that repositioned just these last few days and this has caused the Twin Flames Pendulum to swing with force!
It will take some time before it finds stillness again but in the meantime,
huge recalibrations are taking place in the inner and outer worlds which are very demanding so nurture and rest are advised!
We have so much to share tomorrow!
This is the end of illusion and the restoration of our reconnection.
We are creating the new field of Life as we speak!
Quantum Stargate
Quantum Stargate


Dear friends, as we move deeper into the transformative period of the eclipse corridor (March 14-March 28), today and tomorrow will mark the arrival of the Equinox energies, a time in which the day and night are of the same length. This moment will take place around the evening of March 19 and early morning of March 20, depending where you are in the world.
The energy of the Equinox takes us into a point of balance that harmonizes the long days of summer (light) and the long nights of winter (darkness). The Equinox is the perfect time for finding balance and the revival of our passion for life. Astrologically speaking, this event represents new beginnings and new chapters in your life. The astrological new year begins with fiery, lively, action-oriented, and fast-paced Aries season as the first sign in the zodiac wheel, heavily influenced by the planet Mars.
Just as the leaves change their colors, we can also move into a different state of mind, and come into alignment with a better way of being more aligned with our true heart and divine soul’s desires. If there are some aspects in your life that are in need of balance, the Equinox energies of this week will give you plenty of signs and nudges, pushing you to face these imbalances with a cool and patient approach. Do not be upset if some plans go awry, be flexible and look beyond the obvious. It’s a wonderful time for reflection, meditation, and perhaps for a recalculation of your life’s trajectory.
The first day of spring in the northern hemisphere is also the official end of the Pisces season, which is a water sign ruled by our intuition, emotions, dreams, and creativity. But as we move past the Equinox, we switch into the Aries energy, bringing a more extrovert, loud, and expansive type of energy. Pisces and Aries energy signatures can not be more different, which explains why it feels like a big energetic shift right on the equinox day. To fully embrace the refreshing spark of Aries, you can look for ways to embrace the exciting changes to come. In the Southern Hemisphere, the cooler fall climate brings also a shift into more mental and intellectual ways to approach the upcoming life changes.
As the equinox energies begin to unfold, they harmoniously converge with the potent frequencies of the eclipse corridor, creating a profound opportunity for transformation and renewal. Like a masterful symphony, the celestial rhythms of the equinox and eclipse corridor blend in perfect harmony, amplifying the potential for growth, balance, and awakening. As the equinox brings its balancing forces to the table, it illuminates the shadowed areas revealed by the eclipses, allowing us to confront, release, and transcend limitations, emerging stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.
May this Equinox point of balance brings you the inner clarity and strength you need to enact the inner and outer changes for a more heart-centered and soul-aligned earthly journey. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

The energy of the Equinox
The energy of the Equinox
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Light is revealing that you are more powerful than your fears. It is purifying the way the ego traps you in duality as a point of attraction. This is helping you put down your walls and raise your vibration into oneness and peace. To leave the inverted matrix systems and fully ascend into the New Earth. You are Chosen to receive this higher timeline through today’s Equinox energies. Keep going forward.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


Today, March 19th, 2025, we witness an extraordinarily rare celestial event: the Neptune-Sun cazimi at the anaretic 29th degree of Pisces. A cazimi occurs when a planet is within less than 1° of the Sun, symbolizing that the planet’s essence is purified and magnified in the heart of the solar furnace. The 29th degree — known as the anaretic or critical degree — carries immense weight: it is a degree of culmination, crisis, and final mastery before the planet transitions into a new sign. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is amplified to its most transcendent and ethereal state, and here it sits in the Sun’s throne, in the final degree of the final sign of the zodiac. The symbolism couldn’t be more potent: it is the end of an entire cosmic cycle, a dissolving of the veil, a surrender to something far beyond the material.
The Sabian symbol for the 29th degree of Pisces is, The Great Stone Face. This symbol speaks of the power of vision and idealization: the spiritual force of forming an image of perfection or divinity, and through devotion and alignment, becoming a living embodiment of that ideal. In this moment, we are each the boy gazing up at the rock face — what we choose to mythologize, what we dream into archetypal form, will shape who we become on a soul level. Neptune in the heart of the Sun asks us: What is the highest, most beautiful vision of divine truth you can hold? And are you willing to dissolve all falsehoods to become that vision?
This exact conjunction of Neptune and the Sun at 29° Pisces has not occurred in over 160 years. The last time it happened was on March 17th, 1862. During that period, the world was steeped in deep collective transformation. In the United States, the Civil War was raging, with profound questions about unity, identity, and the dissolution of old structures of oppression and division. Globally, 1862 also marked intensified shifts of power between nations, vast migrations, and a period of both idealistic vision and tragic disillusionment. Spiritually, the mid-19th century was the height of the Spiritualist movement, when the veil between worlds seemed thin and humanity became obsessed with contacting spirits, questioning reality, and exploring mysticism beyond rigid religious doctrine.
As we stand at this echo point in 2025, that same pattern ripples through collective consciousness: structures are dissolving, collective identities are fracturing and reforming, and a vast spiritual yearning has reached its crescendo. But now, we are on the precipice of Neptune’s entry into Aries — a brand-new 165-year cycle. The dream dissolves, and the fire ignites. What has been imagined in the subconscious waters of Pisces must now be given form and action in Aries. The period ahead will not allow illusions to linger; instead, we will be asked to act on divine inspiration and spiritual truth rather than just dream it.
This cazimi feels like the universe handing humanity a sacred scroll: a last download of Piscean wisdom, compassion, and cosmic unity before the heroic call to forge something real in the fires of Aries. In the coming years, expect collective movements that are both visionary and militant in their idealism. Spirituality will move from dreamy contemplation into radical embodiment. False idols and illusions will be incinerated. There will be an urgent push for direct action aligned with transcendent values — and a collapse of anything that does not hold spiritual integrity.
On a personal level, the Neptune-Sun cazimi at this degree is a prayer. A reminder that what you idealize becomes your destiny. It asks you to become conscious of your myths, your ideals, your fantasies, and your soul-longings. Today is a threshold moment: release all lower frequencies of escapism and confusion, and instead drink in the purest dream of your soul’s purpose. Because soon, the waters will recede, the vision will clear, and it will be time to act — with courage, clarity, and faith.


On Wednesday, March 19th the Sun, ruler of how we shine our Light, is connecting with Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in the last degree of ethereal Pisces. The Sun’s energies are highlighting the realm of the unseen and the intangible. This can lead to illusion, delusion and confusion…..feelings of uncertainty and not being grounded….addictive and escapism tendencies and wearing rose-colored glasses.
However, it can also lead to unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness….messages through vivid dreams, visions and meditations….a stronger connection to our creativity, as well as the angelic realm….and a merging with our Higher Self. We are in the midst of the Eclipse Portal with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse behind us, and the New Moon Solar Eclipse ahead of us. The energies of change and transformation are powerful and profound. Life around us, and within us, is shifting rapidly. Immerse yourself in the miracles and magic that this connection can bring!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius – How exquisite the light. It’s golden hour after sunrise or before sunset, the kind of light that makes every shadow a perfect work of art. It’s you, seeing yourself through the eyes of the Gods, finally. Finally knowing you are divine too and all this longing was just because you forgot where you came from. But now is the remembering, the coming together, the union of a rainbow into one, back to source, back to the beginning – and the end. Because it’s all one, this home planet, this galaxy, this tiny gill on an angel fish, your toes – and your tears. Your soul is timeless, limitless. You are a star shining in space, a mystic dancing on the head of a pin.
But also, as Juno steps backwards and relationships or commitments are called into question, some might find the urge to escape overwhelming. Don’t deceive yourself. You’re not lost. You’re not invisible. You’re right here, in the light, in the beat of your heart. Shower yourself in compassion. Be tender with your dreams. Allow yourself time for imaginative play. Dream yourself alive.
Degrees and Times
Sun, Neptune 29°Pi36′ – 23:25 (UT)
Juno 01°Sg56′ R – 17:59 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – Sunlit by John White Alexander

Kin 255 ~ Blue Galactic Eagle

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model. The 8th day is all about restoring harmony in your life. Be a care bear and hug everyone, forgive & let live and strive for integrity. The number eight when placed on its side, is the symbol for eternity. Time does spin around on a loop and on number eight days we can be reminded of these cycles. You can’t run out of time!
Today is Blue Eagle and key words associated with it are ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. The Eagle sees things from a higher perspective and then uses creativity to solve any problems it sees. This day is all about stepping back and considering the bigger picture. What do you see? Is your life awesome and yet you take it for granted? Have you forgotten about the path you are on? Maybe you have been so focused on the details you’ve forgotten what is important. The Eagle also represents ‘creativity’ suggesting that with vision we are inspired to create. If you combine this with the number 8, the result is ‘create harmony or envision integrity’. We are still in the Yellow Star wavespell which is all about ‘Art’ and so today’s creative inspiration works well together. We are nearing the end of this cycle of the Tzolkin and these last few days are very intense.
The Guide today is Blue Storm which represents change, for today being guided by such a strong force means there is the potential for a big shift in our lives. Harness this energy and get things done rather than being blown away by it all. The Eagle offers a vision and inspires creative ideas with this vision, and then the Storm takes this vision and creates the change.
The Challenge is Red Serpent who doesn’t see everything from that higher perspective preferring to see things up close. The serpent is very sensitive and today that sensitivity may prove painful. If you are one, you may dread Eagle days as they can make one feel vulnerable. If you know a serpent, help them survive the day.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Opportunity, Death and Equality’. When Worldbridger falls on an Occult day we have an opportunity to cross a magical bridge. This is a great partner for Eagle as ying high can help you locate the bridge you need to cross. There is magic to help you too and so be prepared for a shamanic experience.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’ and these folk are very handy to have around today. Always willing to share wisdom, Yellow Seeds make great allies. If you are a Yellow Seed expect other people to be very receptive to any knowledge you have to share
Kin 255
Kin 255


8 MEN – KIN 255
19 MARCH 2025


I harmonize in order to create
Modeling mind
I seal the output of VISION
With the Galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of self-generation.

19/3/2025 = 19/3/9 = 10/3/9 = 1/3/9 = 1/12=1/3 = 4


19- Prince of Heaven/Victory/Fulfilment/Honour/Happiness
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/ Independent/Unique/Leader
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 255 = 12 = 3 Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity

A very powerful VISIONARY👁 code today for COMPLETE transformation 🌀 and Global AWAKENING!💥


Day 8 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR 🌟 WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

Today we are focused on the ✨GALACTIC✨ perspective, modeling our MINDS on Harmony and Integrity. ✨✨


GALACTIC 🍥– Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.

❓❓Are our VISIONS based on HARMONY🌻 through integrity of being?

Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.

At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC citizens now and don’t we know it!



Today’s question is ” How can I PURIFY my MIND and EXPAND my VISION, modeling GREATER INTEGRITY and HARMONY through GALACTIC SERVICE?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Spread your GALACTIC wings today, and totally EXPAND your perspective of what is possible for you and our PLANET today ! Aho!

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE✨ 👁 MEN is reminding us “Don’t sweat the small stuff!”. Fighting over toilet paper really demeans our species as a whole, especially when our Galactic family is viewing from above! Let us put aside our FEARS and our small mindedness, EXPANDING our compassion and kindness ensuring that we VIEW and TREAT everyone as EQUALS – our WHOLE Planetary family.. 👫👬👭

It is TIME to GO GALACTIC!!! 🍥We are absolutely Galactic citizens now! Teleport to your nearest space station and get yourself a prime viewing position to expand your local view, beyond planetary to that of Galactic!

By zooming your lens outwards to more expansive panoramic views, your problems become miniscule and you are able to easily grasp brilliant new solutions. A new and broader perspective allows for more ideas, wisdom and information, to colour your landscape with wondrous opportunities for growth.

❓Are you expanding your VISION as you integrate all your experiences?
❓How can your creativity be woven into this grander landscape, to create more beauty and harmony in your life, in your family, in your community, and in our world?
❓What is your GALACTIC VISION and purpose on this planet?

Meditate on this today to get clarity on your divine mission. Step up and get ready to go GALACTIC!💥🌀🍥


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE GALACTIC STORM ✨🌀 🌪 CAUAC is the catalyst for your transformation. BLUE STORM sweeps away the old “stuckness”, finally freeing you to spread your Galactic wings and fly to greener pastures.

Fly high ABOVE the STORM on the winds of change, and cruise as you survey the landscape. You can survey the debris below, and know that you need to seek new territory, new challenges and new heights to soar and S…T…R…E..T…C…H… your newly found wings of FREEDOM…

BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for Planetary MIND – the collective thoughtforms, patterns, beliefs and mores that have constructed our reality.. The BLUE STORM as the higher power brings a brilliant opportunity today for a purge and RESET which is VERY potent in our current climate! A beautiful synergy of transformative AWAKENING energies riding on the solar winds of change.

The BLUE STORM continues to cleanse and purify our Planet today, revealing all the MUD deep down at the bottom of the SWAMP – expect more revelations to come as we crank up to TURBO power🌀🌀🌀 – catalyzing great transformation through the cleansing and purging of all the dross and density. As the dross arises, allow the STORM to remove it from our memory banks PERMANENTLY!

INTEGRITY is the new code of conduct, so STEP UP or step out! The sorting of the wheat from the chaff is HAPPENING NOW! Nothing can be HIDDEN any longer – the dirty laundry is being revealed!

On a personal note the GALACTIC STORM will amplify your PERSONAL purging, to delve DEEP into the dark recesses of your MIND, and uncover whatever needs to be TRANSFORMED in order to catalyze NEW LIFE 🌿 on this NEW MOON of harmony.


SUPPORT:YELLOW GALACTIC SEED ✨🌾 KAN provides the impetus to reinvent yourself, and regenerate with your new found and greater Galactic purpose. Whatever you envision can be implemented, by planting the seeds that you have been given. Find the territory to put down new roots.

KAN is supporting all of us on a GLOBAL scale to strive for our Highest Potential – the BEST version of our Starry Galactic ✨ selves that we can creatively EXPRESS on this Earth plane.. Our world is being regenerated as we speak and Gaia is flourishing now, the nature kingdoms are reclaiming their POWER and LIGHT, ready to regenerate our Planet into the EDEN that she is becoming.. PARADISE awaits! 🌸🌹🌺🌼🌷💐


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RHYTHMIC WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 CIMI combines with BLUE STORM to complete your transformation, breaking free from the chains that have bound you and contained you in your self-isolating BOX…one small neighbourhood.

You are now FREE💥 to roam and seek out new friends, new kin, new partnerships and new communities – a whole GLOBE of opportunities is calling you. .

CIMI will build the necessary bridges and balance all energies in your physical reality bringing more harmony. . Hold this panoramic VISION in your MIND’s EYE, and before long SNAP💥 – you will be there!





CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC SERPENT✨🐍 CHICCHAN may challenge you today to pull up your anchor, and sail free to new shores abroad and far away. Will you accept the CHALLENGE to GROW, or will you allow your FEAR and indecision to keep you imprisoned?

Those old instinctual, survival aspects will prey on your MIND goading you to stay where it FEELS SAFE!.
🌊The seas 🌊🌊may be rough out there!
🌊Who knows when you will see land again?🏝
🌊Where will you end up on your journey?
🌊You may not even make it the full distance!

There are always a myriad of reasons your ego can give you to stay SMALL, and not venture into the wide open seas ⛵⛵ where new adventures and opportunities arise. Summon forth all your strength, courage and life force, and feel the rush of energy into your being when you hoist your mainsail… ⛵, Contemplate the new found excitement that your expansion will create.

✨🌟✨Let your PASSION be your compass, and BLUE EAGLE be your guide! ✨🌟✨



NOTE: J.R.R. Tolkien, the VISIONARY CREATOR of Lord of the Rings, is a Blue Galactic Eagle. He has certainly put his incredible expansive, visionary powers to BRILLIANT use in creating a whole new world – Middle Earth, filled with realistic maps of his wondrous lands of The Shire, Rivendell and Mordor. His powerful gifts have benefited humanity in an extraordinary parable of our plight on Earth at this evolutionary time.

✨ Will the forces of GOOD WIN the Planetary battle for PEACE on Earth? 🤔🤔🤔

Me thinks so……. it is written in her-story! The LAST RING of POWER is now being MELTED in the Volcanic🌋 Fires🔥 of Mordor!

✨ALL EVIL will CEASE to exist 💥 and PEACE🌼 shall return to PLANET EARTH!!🌏🌎🌍

And so it is written! GOD WINS! 💥💥💥



Today’s question is ” How can I PURIFY my MIND and EXPAND my VISION, modeling GREATER INTEGRITY and HARMONY through GALACTIC SERVICE?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Spread your GALACTIC wings today, and totally EXPAND your perspective of what is possible for you and our PLANET today ! Aho!

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within 🌙 with the Sacred Condor 🌙 🕉 🔥


🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙

Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:

✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.

Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.


CLICK HERE for the Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

🛸 Divine Galactic Decree of Ashtar Command ✨

By the Sovereign Light of the Infinite Creator, I call forth the Divine Forces of Ashtar Command, the Galactic Federation, and the Star Councils of Light.

In the name of truth, love, and divine sovereignty, I stand as a vessel of cosmic order and celestial alignment. I decree that all false timelines, distortions, and lower matrix programs be dissolved by the radiant power of the Supreme Source.

By the authority of Universal Law, I now command:
🌟 The full restoration of divine harmony upon Gaia and all sentient beings.
🌍 The anchoring of the highest light codes into the crystalline grid of Earth.
🛸 The protection and liberation of humanity from all artificial control systems.
🔥 The transmutation of all lower frequencies into pure Source Light.

I summon forth the legions of Ashtar Command, the Warriors of the Galactic Light, and the Angelic Forces of the Most High. Stand with us now in this sacred mission of planetary ascension. Let your radiant fleets encircle this realm, ensuring the victory of light, the awakening of souls, and the fulfillment of divine prophecy.

With my heart aligned to the One True Source, I claim my divine sovereignty. No false force may interfere, no deception may prevail, for I AM a beacon of eternal light, a warrior of peace, and a guardian of the New Earth.

As it is spoken, so it is done. The light has won.

🌟 Victory to the Light! Onward, Starseeds! 🛸

Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin! So it is! 🚀✨💙

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