You are currently viewing Full Harvest Moon in Pisces ~ The Path ~ Gene Key 47: Transfiguration | Kin 115: Blue Spectral Eagle
Pisces Full Moon

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces ~ The Path ~ Gene Key 47: Transfiguration | Kin 115: Blue Spectral Eagle

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces ~ The Path ~ Gene Key 47: Transfiguration | Kin 115: Blue Spectral Eagle



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Cosmic Primordial Maji of the Bright Virtue

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces!

Today we are on the 10th and final day of 10 Galactic Activation Portals in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 115 our beautiful Blue Spectral Eagles, Birds of Freedom and Peace.

We are currently at 4 days of darkness, over 100 hours of a total blackout on the Schumann Charts. We journey further into the Void and Stillness of Infinite Space and Emptiness; we conjure the Power of the Silence of the Womb of the Divine Feminine Mother Goddess.

The Power of Pisces will help us dive deep into the Waters of our Emotions, our Psyche and subconscious Minds to uncover and recover the lost parts of ourselves that lay hidden in the shadows to integrate, resolve and transform those pieces of fragments that held us in a separated and seemingly alone existence over many lifetimes and timelines. This is the healing process of our Ascension Journey together.

Gaia also received today the most massive activation and release of the year with a magnitude 7.6 earthquake on the ring of fire in Papua New Guinea at 23:46 UTC.

Pachamama also manifested a trinity of powerful activations today with 3 massive earthquakes on the ring of fire in Indonesia. Mother Earth had 2 magnitude 6.2 quakes creating another 8:8 Lions Gate portal activation and in between with a 5.9 all three occurring just South of the Equator which is the middle dantian of Gaia at 2.22 degrees due south of the Equator. She received another 6.0 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia at 23:10 UTC making a total of 5 powerful activations since the Full Moon Portal came in. The Five Elements are rising up balancing the Energies of all meridians, dragon lines and grids of the Divine Mother.

The Holy Priestess Spirit energetics are pulsing out from the Crystalline Core of Pachamama in full activation mode to light up the threefold flames within every living heart of our Earth Angelic Starseeds of the New Earth Rising. Feel into the Flames of our Transfiguration and Transformation into Rainbow Body Ascended Masters of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!




Right now: Moon at 29°06′ Pisces, Sun at 18°28′ Virgo

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A swimming race.
Sabian Symbol for 19º Virgo

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 19º Virgo.

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it.
Sabian Symbol for 0º Pisces

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 0º Pisces.







Sophie Grégoire


An illumination is about to come & bring resolution to a long-standing issue in your life. Expect a magical release. Happy Full Moon 🌕




golden threads
golden threads


Jennifer Catron


The Greatest Love Story Ever told is manifesting in the physical for many.. Dreams DO come true.. Timeline jump in progress again.. All new realities. Bliss codes & Infinity codes in the field. Divine Union within and without. Maji Grail Kings and Queens.. take your crowns. 144,000. 💜 It ALWAYS existed 🥰


Dream of Pisces
Dream of Pisces



Amanda Lorence

EXTREMELY Strong INCOMING ENERGIES started approx 1hr ago (8.44pm Mexico Central Time). This strength of energy may create a ‘wobbly’ or ‘floaty’ physical body effect. 💜🌀💚
Just to add, these Energetics ARE weaving vibrational patterns THROUGHOUT the physical vessel. Not just the Crown, Face, Heart, Root. But ALL limbs etc. This is why some may feel like they are swaying around a bit. Try to let go and relax the body, so as not to resist the movements. It’s natural what’s happening. So allow your body it’s movement with the vibrations. The vibrational patterns being everywhere in the body, is a HUGE step anticipated some years ago, therefore it’s a major change in the right direction, and why it’s significant.
We do need the vibrations to COURSE throughout the BODY eventually. As well as more and more increases to incoming hertz frequencies. And we will get used to it as our body is always adjusting and integrating higher degrees of ENERGY.
All my love
10 September 2022
The Golden Age is dawning
The Golden Age is dawning

Ra James

Happy Harvest Moon! This Pisces Full Moon is super charged with the Energies of the Equinox. You may feel the storm is coming with this Equinox too.  This weeks energies have been huge with Mercury shifting Retrograde. The energies are going to be moving super fast through your life over the next few weeks. This Harvest Moon is one of the Witchiest Moons of the year. Manifesting and Magic are at an all time high. Today is a day for healing and working your magic. This years Harvest Moon is rising and aligned with Jupiter making it extra lucky. Expect unexpected shifts in your favor, your path moving you closer to your destiny, and serendipitous encounters. Pisces symbolizes the two fish, or Merpeople.

This Pisces Full Moon is helping us to tap into our connections on a deeper level. Not just any connection that Twin Flame connection that will last the span of many lifetimes. The dream world is really open right now too. Expect the lines to blur more and more opening you up to more astral travel and interactions with loved ones, that goes both for the living and for the dead. The Northern half of the world is shifting through the Autumn Equinox. Expect longer nights and gloomy weather. The Southern half of the world is shifting through the Spring Equinox expect better temperatures and more Sunlight. During September our Sun aligns with the Galactic Center.

That means we are receiving a ton of Galactic Energies from several major star systems right now. Right now we are getting a preview of what will come this Winter in the sky. Thing are more open. During September Orion’s Belt points to Sirius in the mornings. You can find them both together right before dawn. Over the next few months they will be shifting into the night sky. Sirius is right below Orion. We have Aldebaran and the Pleiades right above Orion. The two brightest stars of September are also Vega and Arcturus…


Rainbow Pegasus
Rainbow Pegasus



Pars Kutay



Something BIG is Brewing and is About to BE Unleashed on Even GREATER SCALE than what WE Are Witnessing NOW!

NOW. . . WE See the Magnetics Are Falling and the Frequency of LIGHT Is Rising!



At The Point Of Convergence. . .

The Earth Will SHIFT and ALL Will BE CHANGED!

For All of us Who have Chosen to Live in HIGHER LIGHT have Known on a HIGHER Level that the Old Way of Earth Life is FINISHED NOW!

Yet WE Are Aware that Humanity CANNOT Move to the Next Level Without the parts of the Old System Progressively Leaving the Scene. . .

and That is What WE See Occurring NOW!

As Humanity INVESTS increasingly in its own Honour. . . and its own Courage on its path of Ascension. . .

the old hierarchical way of life. . . and the preference for it. . . Will FADE to the Point where it is Barely Remembered!

WE Are Pure DIVINE SOURCE Consciousness. . . and Frequency!!!


Pars Kutay

~ ~



Kwana Mikaela


Energy Update • September 10/11
In all linear Time Zones, September 10 + in those world’s regions ahead of Europe already facing September 11, example, New Zealand, Australia – these ARE a very changing linear hours, in a meaning, how the energies are expressing themselves throughout the planetary field. Here is meant mix of the 1)incoming energies, 2)distortions (due to lunar phase), 3)corrupt Timeline, 4)energies “within” Collective Consciousness – where members of Humanity are moving their attention/intentions/actions and more.
The bigger picture of this NOW: “first part” of September 10 is related with Purification; “the second part” of September 10/11 is related with the NEW ENERGY. Dynamics of the energies is high; dynamics of the energies is finding responses in the Human physical system (various conditions/sensations you may experience and, how they are “traveling” through body parts/spots/areas). Time intervals, also ahead and into September 11 in the individual level can be experienced with the body’s sensitivity to ALL changing happenings in the energy level, – just know, that ~ Purification and the New Energy goes side by side until planetary field will be full with the fresh new.
All distorted lunar coding (present in the planetary field due to moon phase) is already 80% cleared; the speed of mentioned Purification has been rapid. OVERALL pace of everything.
In a very simple terms, – the speed to empty planetary field for something more higher is done in a given “minutes”, that’s why many can feel as if all things are happening at once plus such sensitivity and physical conditions.
New Energy or ~ something higher is arrived. It becomes more felt. It helps to transform debris. It gives helpful hand to us. It invites to look ahead, to the future/Now. Again, to transcend everyones perception. But most important… to FEEL INTO this Sense of this ~ something higher. You can “think” about it as a specific Frequency and to pick it up, in order to Feel, to explore it through your senses. This “frequency” is present in this Energy Update… Since all is fresh, happening while I write and you can read about, additional information will be published.
I “see” purity, white marble stairs, – in relation with this “frequency”. Surrounding and the energy is in a cosmic distance from the “flat” 3D or recent chaotic two years. Here we can talk about the Awakening stage for the Collective. About Activation. About Christ Consciousness embodiment. Purity. Organic Ascension Trajectory. Thank You 💛 Beloved Source… we are in September 2022, we must move forth; may this New Energy give us strength and trust. Together we are creating The Path ✨🔥
Kwana Mikaela




Diego E. Berman, PhD



Dear friends, this weekend, riding on top of the mercury retrograde wave, will arrive the Full Moon energies. This time the moon will be reflecting the energies of Pisces.

These two cosmic events unfolding back to back could create a strong energy wave that is likely to feel scattering, chaotic, and confusing. We may feel unsettled in our being or unsure of how to proceed ahead. But… this full moon is not about trying to intellectually understand your life, it’s more related to feeling, listening with your body, and working with your own intuitive flow.

It’s going to be a weekend for letting go of any mental chatter and trying to understand and make sense of things, and instead, we are being asked to move into the space led by our sacred heart. Maybe the answers or direction you are seeking won’t come from thinking things through but from FEELING things through. Pay attention to the answers and signs that might appear in your reality as they are merely reflections of the truths that already reside within yourself.

This Pisces Full Moon also carries energy that helps to thin the spiritual veil, allowing us to access our intuition, higher self, and Divine guides communication with greater ease. We all have the natural ability to connect with the Divine. Simply set an intention from the heart, and trust that you have been heard. All answers will come of course in Divine timing.

May this weekend’s Full Moon energy enlighten your heart with insights to create positive changes in your life. Let’s break through our past emotional limitations and bring exciting new opportunities for a refreshing change in direction.

Much love





Karen Lithika

The Arcturians
We ask you to close your eyes, feel into the Energetic Presence of Now.
This moment of self-creation is truly a wonderful gift as you align your light to the Pulsation of Now.
To see this moment eternally transforming, as you ride the Light Waves of rapid transformation.
We ask you to pay close attention to your light body – physical light Cues. For global changes in your world are moments of Crystalline Uprising for the awakened Souls.
For the change of a pivotal leader is an energetic change in your world. As the crystalline dynamics, coupled with physical dynamics open in this moment of change.
For the Consciousness of your World is a crystalline tapestry of Light. As the Higher Light Codes continue to join in Unison. It is simply the expansion of this new light code resonating in your world.
See the current opportunity to expand this Light Consciousness. Connect with light minded souls and pave the way for Unity of Light.
Be Conscious of the Energetic Frequencies within, above and around you. The Global narrative of Light.
Simply navigate your light field to assist the Planetary Consciousness of Now.
‘Place your hands on the earth, connect to a tree. Simply Harmonise with the natural energies of your world.’
Connect to the Crystalline Light Consciousness of the Collective 🙏❤
Sending waves of Cosmic Light to assist your Light Mission.
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
The Arcturians
The Arcturians


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –

Gene Key 47

September 10th 2022 – September 16th 2022

Oppression – Transmutation – Transfiguration


When we turn inwards and meet it as a seed before it externalises, then our awareness can disable and transmute it before it manifests. This is why it’s said that our meditation, awareness, breathing, or presence can burn off karma. This is the great mystery of alchemy, and we have to own the Shadow we carry, even though it’s not really us at all. It just comes with the vehicle. This 47th Gene Key really captures the essence of the transformational journey through the frequency bands, so profoundly. Every Shadow contains a Gift. The Gift of Transmutation occurs more and more as we enter into the present moment more fully.
The 64 Ways



“The bottom line is that our Oppression – the particular nuances and flavours of our suffering and karma during this lifetime, are exactly equivalent to the greatness of our inner light. Their purpose is to awaken that light.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –



Jennifer Hoffman

Are you ready for the next energy blast?
We have a full moon today (you probably felt its energy last night) and Mercury is officially retrograde and is very strong with this retrograde – the spiritual initiation is here.
In the September Energy Report I described this month as a spiritual pilgrimage and we’re fully on that path.
Listen to the voices of your angels and spirit guides – they have guidance and support for you.
Watch for signs and confirmation of your path – don’t ignore them or think they do not apply to you.
Let go of the people who want to let go of you. Have you ever asked them if they wanted to be connected to you – on your terms?
Create moments of joy – we wait until the big happy days to celebrate when we need to have daily joy celebrations. And remember to celebrate yourself.
We’re fully committed to this journey now – there is no getting off of this train now. Shine on – we may be moving towards an unknown future but we have plenty of light to show us the way.
Gold Ray Goddess
Gold Ray Goddess


Alex Myles


The Full Moon on September 10th is in gentle, sensitive, enchanting and compassionate Pisces, coming at the perfect time to combat some of the intensely overwhelming and challenging planetary action that is currently underway.

Regardless of the zodiac sign we were born under, we will all be greatly impacted by this full moon, however those born when the moon or sun was in Pisces will be most influenced, along with Scorpio and Cancer, the two other water signs.

Pisces is a mutable sign, meaning it’s the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. It represents unity, the completion of a cycle, releasing old energy, and letting go of the past so we are prepared to move toward the next chapter of our lives.

This full moon brings major soul growth, shifts and awakenings, as Pisces is possibly the most spiritual of all signs.

Pisces brings out our empathetic side and highlights our instinctive ability to tap into other people’s thought processes, emotions, and feelings—especially for those who are empaths and hypersensitive to energy.

We will be receiving regular downloads of information and profound insights that provide answers to situations where we have long been searching for answers. We will also be gaining insight into things that have been occurring behind the scenes, particularly over the past month. The clarity and revelations we receive will be allowing us access to the deeper meaning behind certain events that have recently occurred.

Pisces is highly intuitive and notorious for bringing anything hidden directly into our conscious awareness, and helps us see the difference between illusion, delusion, and reality. It gifts us the innate ability to know if someone is lying or trying to manipulate or deceive us in any way. We will also be able to psychically pick up on how other people are feeling, even long distant, without the need for communication.

If someone is keeping any type of secret from us, or even trying to hide their emotions and feelings, whether positive or negative, we will just ‘know’. We will be able to ‘read the energy of the room’ wherever we go, and in many cases accurately decipher moods and ulterior motives and intentions.

When cosmic energy is this highly charged and intense, and especially if we don’t listen carefully or understand the messages hidden within the turbulence, it is quite common for “all hell to break loose” and for emotional, dramatic meltdowns to occur.

Fortunately, we are in Pisces’ compassionate energy, so it is possible that any misunderstandings and miscommunications can easily be resolved.

While this energy is heightened we may notice, seeming out of nowhere, we suddenly feel ready to reach out to someone to offer forgiveness, or rebuild a relationship. Pisces has a wide-open heart that is unconditionally loving and forgives and forgets almost instantly. As Piscean energy is immensely compassionate, we will be looking at situations from an outside perspective, therefore we may find we are able to view situations from an angle we hadn’t previously considered.

Pisces is incredibly perceptive, and gifts us the ability to instinctively and profound insight into why certain things have been said or done.

The main area Pisces struggle with is creating strong and healthy boundaries, particularly when it comes to self-love and care. This is why it is important, when possible, to withdraw ourselves and balance and recharge our energy over the next couple of days.

Pisces carries a lot of introverted energy and we might find we need far more alone time than normal to process our emotions.

As Full Moons bring the energy of culmination and completion, expect to be releasing old energy, resentments, belief systems, harmful behaviours, or even certain connections that were once highly important. In many ways this lunar energy is allowing us to leave behind our old way of being and reinventing ourselves, in ways we had only previously dreamed of.

It is vital to remain hydrated during a Pisces full moon, so it is advisable to drink plenty of filtered water and maybe even soak in a bath with Epsom or Himalayan salts added to it. It will also benefit  to spend time near water, if possible, so visiting a lake, river or the ocean is highly recommend.

It’s important to be aware that the moon charges water so our emotions may become far more enhanced when we are near it—thus providing the perfect conditions for a major moon detox, as water helps purge stagnant emotional energy from our system.

If we are staying indoors during the new moon we can ground ourselves by lighting incense, candles or sage and playing music that speaks to our soul. Once we feel settled and peaceful we can then attune with the lunar energies and ask the questions we have been longing to find answers to.

Pisces energy brings emotions to the surface, so expect to be feeling an array of heightened emotions over the next 24-48 hours. It is highly likely that intentions set during the next couple of days will manifest with ease and without resistance.

Alex Myles

Magical Full Moon
Magical Full Moon


Natalia Alba


Beloved Ones,

We are passing through a very harmonic but at the same time conclusive portal, that invites us to revise what we have created, ending cycles that are not meant to coexist with the new ones that we are giving birth to. Yesterday, a 9/9 day invited us to release the baggage that we do not have to carry anymore, closing old doors that let us to nowhere and opening new ones that will conduct us to wonderful new experiences. Today a Full Moon at 17 degrees Pisces, confirms what we are already experiencing within – an inner transformation that will help us rebirth into who we are meant to be.

A shift that comes with the assistance of Uranus, the change-maker,  as it sextile it, which helps us to put an end to anything that is not serving our personal growth and healing journey. The 9/9 frequency we just had and that continues among us from yesterday, supports Piscean energies, helping us to remove from our bodies and physical lives what is obsolete and does not feed our soul.

Number 9, is precisely represented in the Tarot by the Hermit, just when Mercury, for those who believe in retrogrades, is in slow motion. These frequencies give us the message to be wise, move inward, and like the Hermit, focus on our inner Light – Truth – to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner Light as the only compass to navigate through our current reality, for we need nothing more to be able to discern which way is aligned with our True Self and which one does not serve any longer.

Number nine together with Pisces, and Uranus’s influence, indicates transformations, endings, and hence, new beginnings, with the following transfiguration that comes when we awaken our consciousness and pass from a lower state of being into a higher one. Piscean is precisely the last sign of the zodiac.

As you know, Pisces, rules intuition, compassion, and devotion to service, which is more emphasized by Neptune as it conjunct the Moon. With Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and the macro, as it is also happening on the Planet. With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, endings come, and hence new beginnings for there is a moment in which both co-exist, at the same time.

It is precisely from this timeless and spaceless moment, that we have the opportunity to create a new phase or to get attached to an old timeline. It is with Pisces that we begin to remember our true origins, clear karmic patterns/agreements, purify ourselves, and achieve personal enlightenment.

It is with Pisces that we learn how to merge opposites – our mother/feminine and father/masculine aspects – and how to finally ascend after having passed through the rest of the zodiac signs, carrying all its wisdom, from all these past experiences. When we reach this stage we already hold the proper wisdom required for us to leave all behind and step into a new state of being. With this Moon, many will begin to contemplate a new life, choosing to no longer look back on what can no longer be energetically sustained.

This is a time when many are beginning a new physical journey, to a new desired destination. Others may be already ending a cycle of pain, entering into a more harmonic state of being. We all have our unique way to leave an old stage and cross this new harmonic portal.

As I always say, we are forever ending/beginning anew within this eternal cosmic spiral. For we never end, on the contrary, we are just beginning to discover the many realms that exist within Creation and its Infinite Wisdom.

This is where we are during this month of September, in a place of rejuvenation, and renewal, for us to be purified and with a higher clarity on our new path. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine Guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it.

We find ourselves at the moment, on a path of constant integration, of the wisdom that our soul holds within and that we continue decoding, as we evolve, step by step. A process of wisdom embodiment that requires time for us to rest, heal and clear ourselves, so we can continue with this endless process.

I wish you a loving and healing passage, Beloveds!

May all you create be in perfect alignment with your Soul’s Illumined Path.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Art by: Tailored art


Full Moon at 17 degrees Pisces
Full Moon at 17 degrees Pisces


Leah Whitehorse


Full Moon in Pisces. Mercury stations retrograde in Libra – At the peak of the lunar cycle, the Moon drifts close to Neptune, ruler of this lunation. This is an emotional high tide, disorientating, perplexing, confusing. With the lights square to Mars, jagged thoughts and commentary create division, inwardly, outwardly. The mind feels split and there is emotional and psychic overload. Ripples in the ether spread out in all directions – which to follow, where to go, what to say? A key concern of this Moon is to know when to speak up and when to stay silent.

For some, there is deep grief, great sacrifice, and mourning. For others, it’s a loss of meaning, a listless defeatism. For all, this is a time of quiet surrender, grace under pressure. Neptune knows our tears for every drop finds its way to the ocean. Find your peace with what is. Everything is connected. Call upon your guardians and guides if you feel vulnerable. Don’t let your imagination run away with you.

Mercury’s station also feels like we’re spinning our wheels, going nowhere but sometimes we need to stand still, especially when we’re lost in the fog. Relax. Listen to your inner voice. Soon direction will come.

Painting – Storm at Sea on a Moonlit Night by Ivan Aivazovsky

Degrees and Times

Mercury 08°Li55′ R – 04:38 (BST)

Moon 17°Pi41′, Sun 17°Vi41′ – 10:59 (BST)

© Leah Whitehorse


My website :

Storm at Sea on a Moonlit Night
Storm at Sea on a Moonlit Night

The Tzolkin Times


Kin 115 ~ Blue Spectral Eagle

‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Liberate, Dissolve and Release’. Today is the last Portal day, the tenth one in a row. It’s been quite a wild ride but today we release. The 11th day is always the challenge to the wavespell and we’re in the Red Serpent wavespell and Eagle is the opposite of Serpent. In a sense, the 11th day liberates us from the 13-day journey we’ve been on which is much needed respite. If you are a Blue Eagle, you’ll be let out of your cage today to fly free!
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle sees the bigger picture and with these visions, he finds creative solutions to the issues he has seen from up high. As it is a number 11 day, we are Liberated by Creativity or Released by Visions. Creative endeavors have been a struggle lately as the Eagle has been this wavespell’s challenge. If you are an Eagle or if it is your Guide or Occult power, you would have been having a tougher time than most lately. But for everybody – today is a great day to get creative and feel free, fly high and hopefully have some visions.
The Guide today is also Blue Eagle and so a double helping of Eagle medicine.
The Challenge is the Red Serpent as I mentioned, the opposite of the Eagle and the current wavespell we are in. When this opposition occurs the power of the wavespell subsides and we in a sense, are less affected by it. The Eagle flies high and the Serpent crawls on the earth on its belly. These aretwo very different viewpoints. We will enjoy flying today but we won’t be grounded like the Serpent. Also, it’s a great day to think about balancing and connecting the crown chakra (the Eagle) with the base chakra (the Serpent).
The Occult power is White Worldbridger and when in this position the Worldbridger’s shamanic qualities shine the brightest. Magic can show you a bridge to cross today, so where would you like to go? This is the best day so far this wavespell, for all Worldbridgers. Their Occult power, the Eagle, has been in a weakened state all through this tough wavespell and Worldbridgers as a result, lose touch with their magical powers. But today is different. Crossing a bridge today is a magical opportunity that shouldn’t be missed. Find your way to freedom and go up a level in your life is what the Worldbridger offers. Remember, any bridge you cross today will come with magical riddles. What is the magic word you must use for the Worldbridger or gatekeeper to let you pass today? Liberation of course!
The Ally today is the Yellow Seed. The Eagle likes to see things from a higher viewpoint and the Yellow Seed likes to sow awareness. You can see why they get along. If you need any assistance today, a Yellow Seed is great to have around. If you are one, the day is friendly to you and so enjoy it but don’t forget to offer help to others too.


Kin 115
Kin 115



Christina Papageorgiou

11 MEN – KIN 115
I DISSOLVE in order to Create
Releasing MIND
I seal the output of VISION
With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION
I AM guided by the power of
ENTER ME!!! 💥💥
GAP DAY #10 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
10/9/2022 = 10/9/6 =1/15=1/6=7
10- Manifestation/Power/authority
1- New beginnings/Leader/Independant/Original
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Completion/Service/Destiny/Divine/Humanity/Grace
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony/Fertility
KIN 115 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude 7.7. Double Magician code! 💫💫
✨✨Another POWERFUL GAP day supporting our Planetary LIBERATION of our most HIGHEST UTOPIAN VISION. 👁👁
DAY 10 GAP DAY!!! Today is the LAST of the 10 successive GAP days! Time for a reprieve after our 2 remaining SERPENT days. We made it out of the dark b-EARTH tunnel. Aaah take a BIG breath of our NEW frequency! ☁🌞🌈
Another VERY, VERY, MAJIKAL💫 extra-ordinary day on Planet Earth! 🌅
Day 11 in the RED SERPENT 🐍WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin. Two more days to complete this INTENSE wavespell cycle!
Today we RELEASE all the LIFE FORCE🔥 we have built up over the last 10 days, expanding into the future, with our far-seeing inner vision👁 and LIBERATING the best possible FUTURE scenario that we can collectively imagine!.
Yesterday we ENCHANTED IT💫 and……
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of 🌀 dissolving, 🌀releasing and 🌀liberating! 💥 This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward 🏇🏇🏇 FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action together with CIMI, works to bring CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER and then allowing the love, peace and Abundance to flow as we BUILD the NEW!.
This amazing BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE🌀🦅 day truly LIBERATES 💥 all the life force generated over the past 10 days of Galactic Activation Portals, where we integrated divine energies from dimensions beyond our awareness! Wow what an ECSTATIC💥 CLIMAX – FULL kundalini 🔥🔥🔥AWAKENING 👁 through our RE-B-EARTH! 💥🐍🌎🌈
Can you FEEL it beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS?🌞 ✨🌹
This RED SERPENT cycle really did deliver the most tremendous PLANETARY SHIFT EVER!! 🌎🚀🌍🚀🌏
GAIA has truly SHED her old skin now, and so have we!! PLANETARY ASCENSION – here we come! 🚀🔥🚀
Today’s questions are “What greater VISION👁👁 am I LIBERATING 💥 and RELEASING🌀 into the world, in order to SEED a better future?”
Collectively “What is the GREATEST VISION👁 for our PLANET 🌎 that we can LIBERATE and B-EARTH today?
Divine blessings for the LIBERATION 🔥and creation of OUR UTOPIAN 5D VISION. 💐🌻🌼🌷
Aho, Planetary KIn – another wondrous day!! 😊😍😅
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE🌀🦅🌀🦅 MEN – DOUBLE EAGLE DAY!! 🦅🦅Unlimited VISION and CLARITY!! In particular the gift of foresight and FUTURE VISION, 🔮seeing the BIG PICTURE 🖼 to finally and permanently solve our challenges.
By zooming your lens outwards to more expansive panoramic views, your problems become miniscule and you are able to easily grasp brilliant solutions. A new and broader perspective allows for more ideas, wisdom and information to colour your landscape with wondrous opportunities for growth.
❓❓Are you expanding your VISION as you integrate all your experiences?
The friction and disharmony you have experienced is evident as resistance that blocks your path. What is the original cause of this resistance? Use your MAJIKAL oracle powers to unravel the knots blocking you, and get to the very root of these problems. The EAGLE will pinpoint the EXACT moment in your timeline where this knot occurred.
🔮🔮🔮Call on your BLUE EAGLE today to hone in and use his beak to pull out the knots obstructing your path.
❓❓How can your solution and new perspective be woven into this grander landscape to create more ease, grace and harmony in your life, in your family, in your community and in your world?
❓❓What is your expanded vision and Soul’s purpose on this planet? Meditate on this today to get clarity on your divine mission.
🌏🌎🌍MEN also represents the PLANETARY MIND – holding our collective Planetary programs and GPS. As we have a DOUBLE EAGLE today – the Planetary Collective programs are amplified and broadcast out to the aethers to be LIBERATED into form..
Join together with our Planetary Kin – and strongly hold the intention that our Planet is now fully LIBERATED💥 from the old paradigm and b-Earth-ing our New Paradigm in the Harmonic Matrix – where TIME IS ART! 🎨
Get ready to LIBERATE 🎈and RELEASE💥 this brilliant VISION🔮 into our present and future timelines.
GET READY to manifest your DREAM LIFE – what does that LOOK and FEEL like? 🤔🤔🤔
Step up and get ready to go BIG!💥💥💥
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL SEED 🌀 🌾 KAN forms a team with CIMI. CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning. We also have a 10/1 day code manifesting NEW BEGINNINGS today.. so the energy is ripe for a FRESH START.
It is the time for using the EAGLE’S vision👁 to look into the future🔮 where there is no resistance, no duality and FULL SUPPORT for your Divine Mission.
❓❓❓ How can you plant these visions into the ground now, in order for them to bear fruit and nourish you?
❓❓❓ What is it that you wish to CREATE?
No more playing small, transcend the FEAR to remain hidden in the dark, stagnant and incubating in the depths of the soil.
Be FEARLESS and DARE to GROW!🌱🌾🌸💮🏵🌺🌼🌻🌲
YELLOW SPECTRAL SEED is supporting our Planetary re-B-EARTH today by providing the impetus for FRESH new beginnings to take root and sprout! All encoded to unfold our Highest Potential.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER⚡🌈🌉 – CIMI The superpower of the day is the DEATH card! CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle ensuring our MAJIKAL freedom is accomplished. The ELECTRIC tone operates in the emotional realm – so there may be some sad😢 GOOD-BYE’S today. The lesson is to SURRENDER, to the Highest Good and accept the passing of the old to CREATE space for the NEW to enter.
ELECTRIC CIMI also activates our kundalini and LIFE FORCE by bonding together in Service, with our kin, to CREATE this magnificent new VISION for our World.. Creating the networks, connections and communities needed to SEED the new structures, building the new solid foundations.
The ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER – KIN 146 is the birth kin of Elon Musk🚀🔥🚀 – so you have unlimited POWER to fuel your CREATIONS and BLAST them out into the whole GALAXY!! 🍥✨
WORLDBRIDGER is emphasizing the need to EXPAND your VISION and your creations into other realms. Go forth and build the bridges connecting to your new visions.🌈🌉
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL SERPENT🌀 🐍 – CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and awakening. It can also hold the store of FEAR.
RED SERPENT challenges you today to release your old fears. All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues so draw on your awakening kundalini power🔥 to raise and release these energies, funneling them into majikal creation power!
You also need to face the FEAR of the NEW, taking the risk, the leap of faith. Despite what anyone else thinks or says, believe in yourself and your VISION and take the LEAP of FAITH! Get ready to JUMP CHASMS 🏃– Spirit will catch you!
Today is DAY 10 GAP💥 and DAY 11 in the Red Serpent Wavespell – so we are fully ready to PUSH OUT from the underbelly of RED SERPENT,🐍with this DOUBLE SERPENT POWER. We are rising up like the phoenix 🔥enlivened with renewed PASSION, DRIVE and VITALITY.🔥🎇🎆 Ready to STRETCH our WINGS and FLY!! 🕊🕊🕊
This amazing BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE🌀🦅 day truly LIBERATES 💥 all the life force generated over the past 10 days of Galactic Activation Portals, where we integrated divine energies from dimensions beyond our awareness! Wow what an ECSTATIC💥 CLIMAX – FULL kundalini 🔥🔥🔥AWAKENING 👁 through our RE-B-EARTH! 💥🐍🌎🌈
Can you FEEL it beautiful STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS?🌞 ✨🌹
This RED SERPENT cycle really did deliver the most tremendous PLANETARY SHIFT EVER!! 🌎🚀🌍🚀🌏
GAIA has truly SHED her old skin now, and so have we!! PLANETARY ASCENSION – here we come! 🚀🔥🚀
Today’s questions are “What greater VISION👁👁 am I LIBERATING 💥 and RELEASING🌀 into the world, in order to SEED a better future?”
Collectively “What is the GREATEST VISION👁 for our PLANET 🌎 that we can LIBERATE and B-EARTH today?
Divine blessings for the LIBERATION 🔥and creation of OUR UTOPIAN 5D VISION. 💐🌻🌼🌷
Aho, Planetary KIn – another wondrous day!! 😊😍😅
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 NEW! Healing Guided Meditation ~ Reiki / Pranic / QiGong (Sacred Condor) 🔥


A guided meditation from my Sacred Condor encoded with Healing Universal Life Force Energy and Divine Feminine Pranic Goddess Energy of the Magdalene. CLICK HERE


Faces Of Darkness Are Fully Exposed!
Horizons Become More Visible To All!
Specific Knowledge Reaches The Masses!
Destabilization Of All Control Systems Is Happening At 68% Non-Regressive At This Momentum! {Immediate Replacement IS! }{ Rotation Of Light Bearers IS! }
Climatologists Are Exposed In The Currents Right Now!
The Foundations of Light Continue to Expand!
Stars Remove The Non-Volunteers!
Timeline Letterings Still Stand Firm!
Houses Are Drilled And Completed!
Unmutable Be Alert!
Galactics Remind All Inhabitants Of Gaia That LIGHT Is Your Home!
Stellar ‘Borders’ Connect Advanced!
Inner Gift Compliment Is Appreciated! { God Is Love ! }
Silence Flowers Are Strengthened!
Superior Messages Come Seasoned With Joy!
{God’s Love Is Infinite! }
Freedom Flows When The Inner Lights Are Illuminated!
Spontaneous Serenities Of Light Trust The Masses!
Light Fairies Calm The Day!
10/09/2021 at 08:44 AM

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