Patricia Cota-Robles

February 2, 2020

I AM transcribing this Newsletter on February 2, 2020 which numerically is a mirror image number, 0202 – 2020, as well as a palindrome number 02022020 which is the same backwards and forwards. This rare numerical phenomenon will not occur again until December 12, 2121 = 1212 – 2121 then not for another 909 years, on March 3, 3030 = 0303 – 3030.
The particular Cosmic Vibrational frequency that is bathing the Earth today is extremely rare and is empowering the I AM Presence of every person on this Planet with the full Divine Momentum and Creative Love Nature of the Divine Feminine. In response to our Heartfelt pleas, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have agreed to encode into the words of this Newsletter the full Divine Potential of these Cosmic Vibrations. The Divine Intent of this Gift from On High is to give every person’s I AM Presence permission to utilize these Cosmic Vibrations in their personal life in ways that will perpetuate their Awakening and the fulfillment of their Divine Plan during this New Decade.
Dear One, KNOW that your I AM Presence has accepted this precious Gift and is now standing in readiness awaiting your direction. This is true no matter when you are reading this Newsletter. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by. Focus on exactly what you personally want to manifest for yourself, your Loved Ones, Humanity and Mother Earth during this New Decade. Then, set your Intention and ask your I AM Presence to take command of your vision, this will occur in perfect alignment with your Divine Plan and your highest good.
Now, please focus the full power of your attention on what the Company of Heaven is revealing to us about this Cosmic Moment in our Ascension process. Go within, and the Flame of God’s Illumined Truth pulsating in your Heart will help you comprehend the magnitude of what we are being Called to do in 2020
We have entered a New Decade, and we have been assured by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life. The information flowing forth from the Realm of Illumined Truth is revealing that during this decade, 2020 to 2030, Humanity will develop our latent abilities through which we will literally TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. This seemingly miraculous Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God said this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.
With the God Victorious success of the miraculous events that Birthed this New Decade, and the final phase of the Eclipse Series which was brought to fruition with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the weekend of January 10-12, 2020, we crossed the Threshold of what the Company of Heaven referred to as the “13th Gateway”. Our Father Mother God said the victory of this facet of Earth’s Divine Plan paved the way for brand NEW frequencies of the Violet Flame to be anchored through Humanity’s Heart Flames.
The Violet Flame is the Sacred Fire associated with the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity. This 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light will be the predominant frequency of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that will bathe the Earth during the Age of Aquarius which we have now entered. The largest Portal through which the Violet Flame from the Core of Creation enters the atmosphere of Earth includes Florida, Cuba, Santo Domingo and all of the Caribbean Islands. It is not by chance that we were guided to have our first Free Seminar of the New Decade in Orlando, Florida on January 12th.
January 12, 2020, our Free Seminar in Orlando, Florida
Dedicated Lightworkers from Orlando and the surrounding area gathered at the Free Seminar in Florida and joined in consciousness with Lightworkers around the World who were projecting their Light and Love into the Chalice of our unified Heart Flames. Together we fulfilled the 1st phase of the Divine Plan for our monthly Free Seminars by consecrating our Life Force and offering to be the Open Door for the Light that our Father-Mother God are rhythmically infusing into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love every month. This Light is now expanding every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold every single day.
The next wave of our God Parent’s Light will infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love during our Free Seminar in Palm Springs, California, February 9, 2020. If you have the Heart Call to add to the Light of the World in this critically important way on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, and you would like to physically attend our Free Seminar, you can register by clicking on the link below.
After empowering our Grid of Divine Love, we were ready to fulfill the 2nd phase of the Divine Plan for the Orlando seminar.
The Second Phase of the Orlando Free Seminar
The Company of Heaven guided us through several activities of Light that prepared Humanity and Mother Earth at a cellular level to receive a brand NEW Aspect of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. The Beings of Light said this Aspect of the Violet Flame could not be anchored on Earth until this Planet had successfully passed through the 13th Gateway. They said prior to that time, this frequency of the Violet Flame was beyond what Humanity could safely assimilate into our Earthly Bodies.
This NEW Aspect of the Violet Flame is known through all Creation as the VIOLET FLAME OF TRANSFIGURATION. During the seminar in Orlando, the Lightworkers gathered there unified our Heart Flames and formed a mighty transformer through which the highest frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity and Mother Earth have ever received was anchored into the physical plane of Earth and is now readily available for everyone who has the Heart Call to utilize it.
The most critical time for initiating the direction and the momentum of a New Decade is at its inception. In this case, we are talking about 2020. This critical facet of the Divine Plan will not just randomly happen. The direction and the momentum for this New Decade will only be successfully cocreated with the assistance of you and me and the rest of embodied Lightworkers on Earth. We were told by our Father-Mother God that this NEW Aspect of the Violet Flame will empower Humanity to TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and the Bodies of Mother Earth and ALL her Life into the Crystalline perfection of the New Earth during this New Decade.
The Beings of Light have revealed that Divine Timing has brought us to this critical point during which the incoming Power of God’s VIOLET FLAME OF TRANSFIGURATION will build to an intensity beyond anything Humanity has ever experienced. In 2020, step by step and month by month, we will be guided through this unprecedented process of TRANSFIGURATION. As each facet of this Divine Plan is revealed to us by our Father-Mother God, we at Era of Peace will share that information with you through our Weekly Vlogs, Free Seminars and Monthly Newsletters. If you are not familiar with these items, you may sign up to receive them for FREE on our website, www.eraofpeace.org .
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-RoblesEra of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA  –  February 9, 2020
HOUSTON, TEXAS  –  March 15, 2020
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA  –  April 19, 2020
ATLANTA, GEORGIA  –  May 17, 2020
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS  –  June 14, 2020
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA  –  July 12, 2020
MILL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA   –   August 16, 2020
ROCHESTER, NEW YORK  –  September 13, 2020
34TH ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION OCTOBER 17-22, 2020 in SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO   (We will not have a Free Seminar in October)
TUCSON, ARIZONA  –  November 15, 2020

Maureen Moss

Beloved Hearts,
From my Heart I wanted to send forth to you the Love and Blessings of both the Angelic Realm and the Sirian Royal Lions that I received this morning during a beautiful Ceremony for this the 2-02-20.

The Earth was blessed deeply, the energies coming forth from the Stars and Aquarian Stargate were filled with Love, new Ascended Life Codes, and beautiful frequency waves of blue and white poured forth and around us, and still are.
May each surround you Now and expand your Hearts.
May your day and your week be Blessed and your Heart filled with Love as you go forth spreading Love, radiating your Light and offering the many Blessings bestowed upon you to all you meet and all you sense may need them, including Gaia.
I look forward to being with you on the 2-22-20.
One Love, One Heart, One Humanity.

Judith Kusel

“The Goddess is the one who has always been in the charge of all the energy centers of the earth, within and without. Hers are the pyramids and the pyramid energies, and those crystal pyramid temples which now are rising.
She is that which brings the higher consciousness to rise again and is transforming humanity.
She holds the keys and codes within our souls, and she activates them from deep within.
She is the one who brings in the cleansing and purification of mankind, so that mankind itself can be reborn.
There is no greater force at play currently as the Goddess and she is now truly transforming us, and bringing us back the truth of all being.
Her symbol is the ROSE.
The rose has many petals. Each petal then opens up a higher state of consciousness and love, of compassion, and grace. Therefore those who receive the rose in inner initiation then become part of the great Sisterhood of the Rose, who work with the transformation of mankind in all its phases”.

Excerpt from my Goddess Energy Course. Copyright Applies.
Judith Kusel

Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr

Feb 03 through Feb 07 2020

Gene Key 13

Listening Through Love
“The great challenge is to listen, to open our eyes, minds, and hearts, and read the secrets that are written all around us, inside us.

When we listen from our heart, our soul, then we begin to see hope in everything around us. In listening to a higher frequency, we first of all have to resonate at that frequency. Our whole body has to vibrate at a higher frequency, and then we feel more of the truth. We feel through our body, our organs, particularly through our belly, and we begin to feel the higher purpose within things. The more we listen in this way, holding someone’s higher purpose always foremost, the more we’ll emanate that through our listening, and the more others will feel that trust emanating from us.
True, deep, heart listening brings all human beings into sympathy.”
– Excerpt from The 64 Ways

Magical Hologenetic Gene Keys Geometry

SIDDHIEmpathy (13) is the Beauty (1) of Rapture (30)
GIFTDiscernment (13) is Fresh (1) Light (30)
SHADOWDiscord (13) is the Entropy (1) of Desire (30)

This week Gene Keys 13, 1, and 30 interwoven.



“To be empathic is to have access to the egg out of which all the great myths have sprung. Empathy alone goes further and deeper than myth because it reunites the opposites and brings an end to the stories themselves. Empathy is a state of consciousness outside of time, even though it enfolds time. Again this is symbolised by the mystery of the number thirteen, which stands for the hub of the great wheel of twelve, the mystic number of the grail at the centre of the Round Table, or the Christ encircled by his twelve disciples. It is the number of Arachne, the spider, the mystical thirteenth sign of the zodiac. She sits at the heart of the web of creation and through her legs she remains in constant empathy with all that is.”



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr


The Tzolkin Times

10 hrs
Kin 206 ~ White Spectral Worldbridger
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberate, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day of a wavespell is all about letting it all go. Don’t think or worry about the mission you began, take a day off and feel liberated!

Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death,Opportunity and Equality.’ The Worldbridger is always offering us a chance to cross a bridge. As Bob Dylan said ‘You give something up for everything you gain, pay for your ticket and don’t complain’. This sums up the rules of the game. Every bridge you cross, every level you go up, comes with a price. You must let something go. ‘Liberate’ yourself today by giving up something that will free you to cross a bridge. May the bridge you cross be to a happier place.
The Guide today is also White Worldbridger.
The Challenge is Yellow Warrior which is the wavespell we are in. This means we are liberated from the agenda for a day, so take a break and forget about it all.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which symbolizes ‘Creativity and Vision’. When in this position the Eagle sees magic. You too can have a magical vision today which should help you cross a bridge.
The Ally is Red Skywalker who has a lot of courage and makes a great traveling companion if you want to go somewhere new and exciting.



Christina Papageorgiou


Releasing opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!
3/2/2020 = 3/2/4 = 9
3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity
9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
KIN 206 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breathe-Outbreathe/
A very powerful LIBERATION 💥code today, releasing the old paradigm and entering the NEW world!
Day 11 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in his path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World. Yesterday through the 22/22 gateway we fully anchored the foundation of our PEACE full new world.. Today the FEARLESS WARRIOR is fully LIBERATING us from the old world in order to RELEASE new opportunities, leading us over the RAINBOW BRIDGE, to a wondrous NEW WORLD and NEW LIFE!
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! So today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion – to be expressed and dissolved , allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with your higher wisdom giving you the intelligence to carve a new path of LIBERATION. This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING of old ancient ancestral patterns and cycles. Choosing to RELEASE and liberate all that no longer serves our wellbeing. These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming and manifesting your DREAM LIFE!! Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW more DIVINE REALITY filled with abundant opportunities..
The Master Builders are moving into their new houses🏠 and sacred temples!🕍 Certificate of occupancy status obtained!! 📂
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER –🌉 CIMI Seals the store of Death! As it is a DOUBLE WORLDBRIDGER day today, coupled with the SPECTRAL tone of RELEASE and DISSOLUTION.. we have tremendous power to witness the DEATH OF THE OLD WORLD and the DEATH OF YOUR OLD LIFE today!!! Finality – NADA – all dissolved, done and dusted!! Sweep this old life under the carpet! CIMI and the YELLOW WARRIOR asks you to FEARLESSLY LET GO and SURRENDER. Attracting a deep surrendering from one world into another, completely LETTING GO of all attachments to any identification to anything. Thus allowing us to EXPAND into a whole new world and New Time. Release the past and build a bridge to the new! Feeling and sensing where and when to make connections and uniting with our soul families. WORLDBRIDGER LIBERATES new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Build the BRIDGE to the NEW world you want to LIVE in! 🌈🌏
SUPPORT: RED SKYWALKER –  🚶 BEN As one door closes through death and endings, another opens. BEN our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman is our guide assisting us in accessing these multidimensional doorways opening today. BEN and CIMI are best buddies and work together crossing through the doorways, giving us the wisdom to awaken to greater Divine Service, bridging Heaven and Earth! .Pack your bags and allow these buddies to take you to places that you never dreamed of, or imagined in your wildest sci-fi adventures. Anything is possible! Expect the UNEXPECTED!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE EAGLE 👁– MEN Reveals the BIG PICTURE allowing us to SEE what needs to be released in order to LIBERATE more energy, creativity and new more expansive opportunities. BLUE EAGLE is the superpower giving you the gift of FUTURE VISION, so that you KNOW where you are going. The fearless Warrior can now forge ahead on his known path to his desired destination. LOOK and SEE in order to LIBERATE the BIGGER PLAN for your DREAM LIFE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW WARRIOR –🌈🏹 CIB provides the fearless courage to walk through the doors that OPEN today. YELLOW WARRIOR enables us to SURRENDER and release the old, walking forth with renewed determination and vigor. Fearlessly focused on the future and where we want to go! Shrugging our shoulders and walking away, leaving our past BEHIND us – where it belongs!!!. Do not LOOK BACK – as the parable of LOT’S WIFE – in the bible warns us. Keep your EYES focused on what lies ahead and in the distance. As we focus on New Horizons the past quickly dissolves, soon to be erased from our memory banks forever. BRAVELY march forwards into new unchartered territory as the wayshowers in the RAINBOW ARMY that you signed up to be.
So precious hearts💓 today the EMOTIONAL body will reveal all that is needed to be SURRENDERED in order for the NEW ENERGIES to anchor. Detach from all emotional drama and any FEARS that arise – CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE and DISSOLVE all of those! Choose to FOCUS on the NEW and put down very strong roots anchoring these LIBERATING energies into a solid foundation for your NEW LIFE!

Today’s question is “What do I need to SURRENDER and dissolve, in order to LIBERATE my New Life?”
🐬🌈 🐬🌈🐬🌈🐬🌈
Divine blessings for the DISSOLUTION of the old paradigm.. Yonder forth, your beautiful New Life AWAITS!! 🌈🌈🌈
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: Exiting the old world DIVINE GRATITUDE to Unknown Artist 🙏🙏🙏

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