Beyond the Wave X Peak! What Next?
Yes, dear ones, this is indeed an auspicious time to give you an idea of what is to come. In the past, before this gamma wave peaked, we felt it was necessary to concentrate on cleaning up where you were so you could maximize the potential of this new energy but now you have turned the corner so it only seems fair that you receive a beyond the peak game plan. Let us explain! Although all of you were instructed to do deep personal work before this peak, so many of you did not only the personal work but the planetary work as well, that you are now ahead of schedule and have succeeded in raising the vibration beyond what was necessary, yet, this does not mean that you get to sit back and relax. Yes, you did put forth an extraordinary effort and you have made great strides but you haven’t won the game yet. Think of this as a football game and you’re at half-time, you have a commanding lead and you’d like to take it easy in the second half but your coach is telling you that’s not the way this is going to be played. Sure, you’d like to rest, slow down the pace and relax in what you’ve already achieved but if you do that now you’ll be leaving the game at half time when your team still needs you. Yes, you’ve been an enormous amount of help and yes much good has been accomplished but if you stop now the settling in period will feel very unsettling.