Beyond the Wave X Peak! What Next?

Yes, dear ones, this is indeed an auspicious time to give you an idea of what is to come. In the past, before this gamma wave peaked, we felt it was necessary to concentrate on cleaning up where you were so you could maximize the potential of this new energy but now you have turned the corner so it only seems fair that you receive a beyond the peak game plan. Let us explain! Although all of you were instructed to do deep personal work before this peak, so many of you did not only the personal work but the planetary work as well, that you are now ahead of schedule and have succeeded in raising the vibration beyond what was necessary, yet, this does not mean that you get to sit back and relax. Yes, you did put forth an extraordinary effort and you have made great strides but you haven’t won the game yet. Think of this as a football game and you’re at half-time, you have a commanding lead and you’d like to take it easy in the second half but your coach is telling you that’s not the way this is going to be played. Sure, you’d like to rest, slow down the pace and relax in what you’ve already achieved but if you do that now you’ll be leaving the game at half time when your team still needs you. Yes, you’ve been an enormous amount of help and yes much good has been accomplished but if you stop now the settling in period will feel very unsettling.

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Adventures into Reality

It's invaluable to learn what the best practice for scared living is. We all have an idea but do we really know how to best implement it, how to best live it. Either way if your curious, if something inside you asks "Is there more?" Go to to receive Andrew's video teaching on sacred living "Essential Knowningness", his weekly Insights, updates on shows, and much more. Allow the sacred into your life and become a better steward of your own reality.

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Various positive factors are coming together to assure that your blessings are to be received by you shortly. Our earthly allies have agreed to a time schedule, which is now underway. As we stated last time, a great movement of funds to extremely secure depositories has been completed. The next step is to see that these funds can be safely placed in their distribution centers. Our liaisons report that these measures are nearly complete. It is the intention of our allies that you take possession of these monies as soon as is possible. Hence, the time of the various illegal regimes is coming to an end. Thus, those who have long done the dirty work for their bosses are mostly under house arrest. Major arrests are to become public once these scalawags can be safely transferred to special holding areas. The heads of this evil bureaucracy of bankers and vile businessmen are to be picked up when new governance is ready to emerge. Until then, we have restricted their formerly unlimited powers. The days of the dark and its heinous manipulation of you are basically over! Ahead of you lie days filled with mostly miraculous news!

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The Secret Mantra Essence

His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is Supreme head of the Nyingma (the Ancient Translation School of secret mantra),1932 - March 27, 2009, The original of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in1932 in eastern Tibet, H. H. Penor Rinpoche is the emanation of the great Dzogchen master Vimalamitra. He is the 3rd Penor Rinpoche, and was enthroned as the 11th holder of the Palyul Lineage at the age of twelve. He spent four years practicing in retreat with his teacher Choktrul Rinpoche, and received all the Nyingma and Dzogchen teachings. After 1959, H. H. Penor Rinpoche came to India and re-established the Palyul Monastery in Mysore. Today 1,500 monks and nuns live, study, and practice at the monastery. He has made several trips to Tibet, where he has rebuilt the Palyul Monastery.

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Billy Meier The Extraterrestrial Prophecies 2015

In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or… the most important story in human history? You’ll find the startling answer in this remarkable, true-life story about how a young Swiss boy’s meetings with extraterrestrials would eventually lead him later in life through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders – including Saddam Hussein – in order to fulfill ancient prophecies.

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Cures For All Diseases

A true healthcare reformer, who stood up against the American Medical Association in court, the list of diseases he can cure stretches to some of the most unsettling conditions people face today including: bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, Mesothelioma, acid reflux and drug addiction. Everyday it seems to become evermore clear that the human body has a powerful ability to heal itself naturally. One man in America took this notion all the way, changing history and widening the path towards the cure of all disease, his name is Dr. Sebi. A healer, pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist who immigrated from Honduras, he is a man dedicated to service as he shows people how to take care of themselves no matter the obstacles he faces.

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The following are important messages from the Sasquatch given to British Columbia native SunBow TrueBrother. In these messages, the history and all details of the universe and connection between the human, sasquatch, and some star species are outlined as well as the reasons. These are the answers the questions that everyone is asking! They offer so much wisdom and sound advice on how we can all evolve spiritually and connect with our big brothers.



BLAST OFF! HUGE UFO AMAZES CROWDS! Are You Ready? 2015 Are You A UFOLOGIST? Watch This and Ask Yourself if your Are? Over 270 Thousand Subscribers and 153 Million Views Thirdphaseomfoon Rated Top Best UFO and Paranormal Video On YOUTUBE! Our goal is simple: To bring unfiltered video, messages & research in the field of ufology directly to the public, with credit to whom that shot the video or photo! It's Important!

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