Archangel Michael ~ All is Changing Rapidly Now and Leading to the Solar Eclipse

You are living in a new energetic field now - all has changed - look around, see the “newness” you are creating. Did we not say this year would be a year of NEW BEGINNINGS. Let Go - Allow all to flow to you - this is the energy you have worked so tirelessly to bring to your Planet. You are all so entrenched in the “old” that some of you are not noticing the “new” that is within and around you.

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As each soul within a union with another soul, is needing to feel a DISCONNECTION in their heart – briefly or for a time. Depending on what one is needing to heal and release of both the Feminine and the Masculine. This has been very necessary (for a brief time) in order for us to Balance out our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine sides within us. We have reached this or a point in humanities collective consciousness where this has been done ‘for us’. Such is the ascension energies coming in right now.


Preparing For The Particle Convergence

The Particle Convergence is a really big occurrence for Earth and all humanity, which essentially reflects a stronger merging of dimensions and timelines into one while heralding in a swift matrix shift for our planet. The significance of this occurrence is that Earth continues to be pulled into the trajectory of zero point and the merged timeline of its highest dimensional potential.

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This is it! The next phase of our Love (R)evolution

What "beyond belief" times we live in. As every day the frequency on Mother Earth is growing exponentially, all that is not in alignment with the highest light will come to the surface to be healed and transformed into its divine nature. That is why on a collective and individual level we are being challenged as never before, to awaken our compassionate hearts, our wise minds, our miraculous bodies and our highest potential to serve the wellbeing of all.

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All About Ascension

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have taken yourselves to a point in your evolution where nothing else matters. Nothing in the world, or of the world, is as significant as your evolution, your expansion, your ascension. This is important for you to recognize so that you don’t get lost in the circumstances of your reality.

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What Will Happen After January 28, 2017??? The Effects Of Yin Energy on Our Hearts

Many are asking what will happen after January 28th. It’s obvious that there will be a change of a very strong energy with the entrance of yin energy of heart. You will pass from the “belly to the heart” to be clear so that all you can have the pulse of the situation. You will make a crazy bounce. It’s as if all of the sudden from a dark cave we will be passing outdoors in bright sunlight and our eyes will struggle to get used to the light.

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The Blue Ray ~ 2017 Starseeds, 1st New Earth United Alliance

The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity. The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance “Light body upgrade” Will take place Jan 26th 2017 Thursday 4:00pm mountain standard time. Where you can tune in to through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix. This coincides with the rare astrological event where all planets are moving direct in the month of January.

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We are in "Preparation Mode" as StarGates Align & the Crystalline Grid "Fires Up"

Physical realities.... aligning huge too. Dreams and desires for SOULS are materializing at a rate like never before, due to the super-mega-high frequencies we now exist in. See your own unconscious, limiting, fixed, forceful, resistant (passive aggressive is this too) and move through this, resolve this... all from within. You want AWESOME! This is what you came here to experience. It's just waiting... for you... Open up loves!

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Incoming 6th Dimensional Ascension Waves to Peak Around Jan 14th

I have observed some beyond realistic behavior on a grand scale unfolding on every level and if we are going to survive the days to come we are going to have to get back to basics. We are also going to have to do our own research and develop our own inner sensitivity or what some bluntly refer to as BS meter. Our last administration did bring transparency. What was transparent is the corruption and double talk; which has been epidemic. The BS meter was and still is in the red. Humanity is waking up and what the controllers did not count on is the soul awakening and the Internet both of which are instrumental in their demise. The Fake news or lame stream media owned by the corporations; just several men gave rise to alternative media because of its failure to tell the truth. The double speak is to accuse the alternative media of being the fake news. Almost everything coming out of the past administration was double talk. All the accusations of others defined exactly what they have been and are now doing.

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