Preparing For The Particle Convergence
By Tiara Kumara, 02/19/2017
Guest writer,
The Particle Convergence is a really big occurrence for Earth and all humanity, which essentially reflects a stronger merging of dimensions and timelines into one while heralding in a swift matrix shift for our planet. The significance of this occurrence is that Earth continues to be pulled into the trajectory of zero point and the merged timeline of its highest dimensional potential.
This can be envisioned as a complete re-write of all other non-serving timelines to finally bring a firm close to the old system that is commonly called, ‘third dimension’. Planet Earth is returning back to its original seeding and point of origination as a higher dimensional planetary body.
This gives great meaning to the immense level of purging we are now witnessing from the collective mainframe and mass consciousness morphogenetic field. All that is happening in the world of upheaval is on purpose and as result of Earth’s ascending pulse.
In our physical dimension, there is a three-day solar ecliptic window beginning on August 21st when we are literally in the sweet spot for this particle convergence activity and grand seeding of new circuitry. Everything within our field gets super magnified at the level of thoughts, feelings and creative action.
What this means from a spiritual perspective, is an occurrence with monumental potential to propel and elevate our own timeline transition into the reality of our highest held preferences. Just like the Earth, our bodies are making way for the new energetic foundation and crystalline hubs to come online.
When this first big wave of the Particle Convergence streams through, from August until December, it be like crystal rivers moving and flowing throughout the energy architecture of Earth to securely anchor the new circuitry that supports higher dimensional existence.
The strongest places on Earth that this can be experienced are the main nodal points along the crystalline grid network including the sacred sites, the leyline grid and geographical regions that hold a high level of crystal energy in the ground.
As individuals and as a collective, we are placing high priority on matching our vibration with Earth’s ascending rhythms. Some ways to do this include getting yourself activated through group coherence building activities. Going deeper into your spiritual work. Being the calm eye of the storm while unplugging yourself from the mainstream chaos. Surrendering all unnecessary distractions and focusing yourself in the pure clear spiritual light of the soul.
It is also very important to stay grounded and centered while these higher frequencies anchor in. Be sure to take plenty of time to integrate, spending time in nature, peaceful contemplation, whatever brings you into that place of inner quietude.
Finally, and perhaps the most important of all, listen to the signals from your body and your higher heart. During these times of great upheaval, our natural instincts and divine intuition are the unfailing homing beacons that will guide us safely through this planetary transition.
It is certainly going to be a powerful year of shift for us all.
May your greater emergence be blessed,
Tiara Kumara
I AM Avatar & The Institute of Divine Potential
About the author: Tiara is a multifaceted facilitator whose humanitarian work has profoundly assisted countless lives in consciousness awakening and transformation. Her accomplishments include several dedicated years of planetary unity grid activation and the training of tens of thousands of people in remote energy transference on mass scale. She is the founding producer of I AM Avatar and several educational experiences purposed to initiate and empower the soul’s evolution. Website:
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