Everything is Sound ~ Your Life is a Symphony

In the beginning was the Word(the sound) , and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Most Spiritual Traditions and Religions talk about this Word or Sound. The Hindus use the sound Aum or Om as the Sound of the Universe. The Mongolian Shamans have the Sound of Light. Nikola Tesla taught is that everything is frequency and vibration, literally sound vibrations. Think of the time before Light and Dark, form and emptiness. In Buddhism it is said the from the void came sound and that sound became light, light photons became atoms, DNA and form.

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Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid. It has everything to do with the arrival of 13th dimensional beings as well as the Andromedans whose ships can block out the entire eastern sky and when powered up can be as bright as 10,000 suns. This might be a hint as to the sun NASA observed coming our way that keeps changing speeds. How is this going to affect earth? It all has to do with frequency. Those holding on to the past, old grudges attitudes and emotions especially the frequency of tyranny and the arrogance of separation are not frequency specific to this wave. They will not fare well. The masks are all coming down. This is a healing energy yet along with it is the program of Universal Law. The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.


The Archon Influence and Control is Done. End of Archonic Reign

The Archons are higher dimensional beings that hijacked the Matrix (Divine Water) and manipulated the energy of this holographic "reality" into a negative/suffering polarity. This was just an experiment and it has come to fruition. The knowledge of the Archons can be traced back to at least 1500 years ago from the library of Nag Hammadi that was written in Coptic by ancient Gnostic Christians.

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The Eye of the Storm, 12:21:16 ~ The Closing of the Galactic Alignment

For the past thirty-six years, humanity has been moving through the eye of the needle of a rare cosmic phenomenon which occurs only once every 26,000 years and is known as ‘The Galactic Alignment Zone’. This began in 1975 and concludes in 2021. The thirty-six year window of time referred to as The Galactic Alignment formed its epicentre. This eye of the storm phase began on the Winter Solstice of 1980 and draws to a close on December 21, 2016. Its purpose has been to catalyse an unprecedented spiritual awakening and an unparalleled acceleration of the evolution of consciousness. As one might imagine, the lows of this roller-coaster ride have brought us to our knees, yet the highs have enabled us to soar to new dimensions that were simply beyond our comprehension pre-1980.

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SOLSTICE 2016 ~ 12:21 Stargate Open to The Great Central Sun

Since the 12:12 Stargate opened this week the Diamond Light infusion from the Great Central Sun has been activating the original 12 Strand DNA Human Blueprint as well as accelerating the crystallization of the Light Body in the axiotonal channels/biocircuitry. The Galactic Codes are initiating the Cosmic Ascension timeline where all ascending souls will align with the 5D New Earth. Envision yourself as Master Alchemists, merging Past and Future Timelines into the eternal NOW. We are in the process of completing all interaction with the fallen consciousness during the final weeks of a ‘9’ year.

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We are at the End of the Matrix – Suffering Experiment is Over

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! This is it my friends. This is it... We stand here now in the center realizing that we are at the end of the matrix. We are on the threshold of the shift to higher consciousness. The experiment of suffering is ending. You did well my friend. Fear is no longer necessary for survival. We have lived out the experience of fear and suffering. We are being released into a timeline of letting go and freedom. At last we will experience the fruit of our long labours. Our labor of Love. This end is a new beginning of Life and Light. Our long dormant DNA is awakening or should I say activating.

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Dimensional Overlays of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

Your own CONSCIOUSNESS transmits the frequencies, sequences and codes that tell the physical how to take form. You, your attention, what you allow you to think, allow yourself to participate in, allow to continually occur in your own physical timeline. You do not get to "just leave".... your Crystalline LightBody has to EVOLVE, hold light, activate your crystals, Christed Consciousness, so that you can vibrate, literally, your Quantum Cells will vibrate you into different realities FOR YOU.... Yes, that physical reality is YOUR REAL.... your program.... your play..... All yours.... and how you JUMP TIMELINES it totally up to the amount PHOTONIC LIGHT that you hold (Light Quotient).... in every moment... or the amount of physical matter density that you still hold.

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Nine Steps for Putting the Violet Flame into Action in Your Life

Set aside a time each day to give violet flame. You can give violet-flame decrees anywhere, anytime—in your car, while doing chores or before going to bed. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. It’s best to decree in a place dedicated to spiritual work, such as a chapel or a well-lit, clean and aired room. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. On your altar you can put candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and your loved ones.

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End of The END, Liberation of The Human Slave Race

And so here we are. The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation. We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims.

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