The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point

The Blue Avians ~ The Turning Point


By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 03/01/2017

Dearest Humans!
As we look at your affairs we can affirm to you that your world is on an upswing. It is on the very turning point, where all energies, after having touched the lowest level they can reach, inevitably must turn upwards – and that point of turning upwards has arrived now!

This could happen as a sufficient number of you are yourselves at that turning point after reaching the bottom of your subconscious from where on you can’t go deeper, but by law you must go into the other direction towards the light: it is the turning point in human consciousness, having gone through an immense process of development in awareness and growing expansion of consciousness, not only concerning your mundane affairs but also your spiritual potential.

[This is] extremely good news! It has never happened before since the fall in Atlantis. Even better: having gone through this immense process of working through the separation from your own Divinity, you have arrived at a place of spiritual strength, humanity had never before accomplished in its entire history! Consider in this regard that you now have integrated the dimensions of duality in extreme density, but your soul still has managed to go through it, to come out on the other side more radiant than ever before!The Blue Avians

This is the work of a hero, a Divine Hero, in fact the Work of the Ultimate Divine Who pervaded and integrated within Itself what is dark and absent from the enlightened State of the Divine through the body of humanity.

Now it is important that as many as possible ride this wave of resurrection, to continue to take advantage of the momentum of this rising energy and consciousness to make this process a full success and give it so much power that not a stone will be left standing in your old world.

The transition will be as easy as possible. But it also means that old structures will fall – inevitably! To make ultimate room for new and humane conditions. But as all transitions demand a letting go of the old, a time will come where you will have little or nothing familiar [for] you to stand on.

It is good to be prepared for this with joy and trust, always [be] focused on what you wish to create instead [of holding] on to what is in a process of dissolution.

Never forget how much you all are blessed and that the powers of Divine love and support are always with you exactly in the way you allow them to manifest.

We are proud of you as you have shown your strength and your true divinity! Without these qualities there would be no victory of humanity, which stands now as a glorious example for all to see in the universe! You have accomplished more than most of you can ever be aware of.

Glory to the breakthrough of the Divine Source in the worlds of darkness! This is the beginning of a new era that now slowly awakens to new horizons. Much work is before you! Much challenge awaits you! But as you have crossed the threshold a new power [has] arisen at the very core of humanity to grow into unforeseeable greatness.

This should be a time of perpetual celebration in the midst of sweat and your committed perseverance to ensure the flowering and unfolding of a new humanity in a new world.

It is with joy that we stand by you!

We are the Blue Avians!

Message conveyed by Ute

“Blue Avians: The Turning Point,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, February 28, 2017, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

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