Eric Raines – The dismantling of the Veil continues as crystalline light codes sweep the surface population. During the last two eclipses, much was pushed up to the surface that needed to be dealt with and released for good. Much turmoil was noticed internally around the planet with friends, family and people themselves reacting to the incredibly strong detoxification/purging energies of the dual eclipses. Significant others, family, and chosen family begin to settle down into comfortability as the energies begin to subside and the darkness, or purged energy is expunged and flow begins to resume through the planet and the people. Relationships that were meant to burn away have begun to finalize the ending processes and “breaking up” or moving in different directions is not only being done in a loving, healthy manner, but much healing is being done on these levels because of this awareness.
Directly following this upgrade was a massive collective, worldwide meditation on Sunday, February 26th. The results of this harnessing of the collective will, and giving it a direction, motive and *PUSH* have expanded the capabilities of humanity, and the light forces exponentially.
Many were able to begin to tap into these healing codes of light, and were able to begin broadcasting them as well as receiving them. The result was a massive push forward in the light quotient of the collective consciousness, and the availability for positive light forces much more advanced than anything we have been in contact with so far are able to begin interacting with us.

7th and 8th dimensional positive polarity entities are now able to freely move in and out of 3rd density, and people who are becoming much more Service to Others, loving, compassionate, and are actively turning on the light energetically are creating positive polarity vortexes or portals that these higher dimensional light forces are using to bypass the external planetary Veil, and interact with the surface population.

This new frequency anchored into the core of the planet through the multiple rips in the veil created by men and women actively connecting to Source and bypassing the Veil to allow Gaia an echo of her former Galactic Consciousness is huge. Multiple groundbreaking barriers and quotients have been met, and collective healing is beginning.
The original DNA incursion that shut down humanity from our multidimensionality tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago has begun to be repaired. The information of the ancients that has been blocked from manifesting in our stunted DNA has no incursion into the flow from the past anymore. What is happening because of this, is ancient modalities, ancient awarenesses and understandings are beginning to become manifest. These are no longer the doctrines that people look at longingly, wishing they had the willpower to fulfill these commitments to a pure way of life. These are becoming the new way of life.
Men and women across the planet are waking up changed from who they were when they placed their head on their pillow and closed their eyes. The are waking up with the understanding and majesty of humanity and what we truly are. A sense of purpose and motivation has grown overnight, and understanding dawns. We know why we are here. We are the light bringers, the light warriors, the light workers, the light healers. We understand what the darkness is, and why we are here.

Now is the time of the Great Beginning. When do you want to see it? It depends on YOU and the choices YOU make. WE are all in this together, but WE is just a reflection of YOU. When YOU begin to shift, WE all do. YOU create YOUR own reality, and WE agree on what is viable together in it. Break YOUR cage. YOU will break OURS by proxy.

This is our work. Our job. Our reason for existing. Stand up to the darkness, unafraid. Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. Let us look up as one into the chaos and laugh. The darkness needs our fear, and we have none left to give. All we have is joy and love. Shine. Just shine dear Starseed, Wanderer, Indigo, Being of Love, Life and Light. Just shine. Just love. Just be.
From me to you,

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