Saint Germain ~ The Catalyst to Bring Amazing Changes and Ignite the Event

I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become. This process is for all to experience. It is an ascension process. It is not an overnight awakening. For some it can be but for most it will be a process. And you are right in the midst of that process now because of the energies that are coming into the planet and are being accentuated by the galactic events, the celestial events that are happening in order to bring this all about. You must all understand that this was not just a happenstance eclipse. This was a moment, a moment that has been heralded for a very long time. For ages now. A moment that is a catalyst to bring about these wonderful and amazing changes that are upon you now. And as some sources are beginning to say, there is yet one event, one smaller event that will lead into many more events, many more happenings, many more changes before the full “changeover” can occur.

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Eclipse Degree Sparks Again – New Earth Central

It has been a very intense week since the ground-breaking Leo Solar Eclipse occurred on August 21st…unleashing a tsunami of energy into the collective. In the Pacific NW there are almost 1000 fires burning uncontrollably, while along the US coast powerful hurricanes flood cities and oil refineries. Extreme weather is battering status quo, revealing a collapsing infrastructure. Those on the Ascension path knew this time would come - when the outdated, corrupt system would no longer be sustainable. We knew the transition could be rocky, as the old collapses to make room for the New Earth. We are the stabilizers, the gridworkers, the gatekeepers…the Family of Light! Our time has arrived!

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Hurricane Harvey: Call it What it Is

his is a good week to appreciate the dry roof over your head and the food in your refrigerator. Now is the perfect time to appreciate, truly appreciate, that you have a home to come home to: that you have a dry bed, and that your people and pets are close to you. Be grateful for the toilet that flushes, the electricity coming out of the wall, and the privilege of having a toaster and some bread to put in it.

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Two Days Of Solar Winds Increasing Bringing GeoMagnetic Storms With DNA Activations- Eclipse Energy Continues

Two Days of solar winds are increasing bringing Geomagnetic Storms upgrading our DNA activations to our Light Body. Some of the symptoms you may be feeling are difficulty sleeping, headaches, extreme thirst and extreme hunger. I have noticed some on edge and this always comes with the upgrades. I felt nausea and an out of body feeling last night when these storms started. Since I do not get nausea from out of no where, I will always know these energy sensations and symptoms are coming from an outside source.

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How To Cope With The Energies You’re Sensing Right Now

There’s a broad and expansive energy shift taking place on our planet right now. It’s so big, so expansive, yet also subtle and almost imperceptible. But many of us who are empaths and channels sense the shift in the field. We can feel the disturbance in the force. We understand that early waves of energy often make themselves known to us before any material impact is felt.

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