Star Councils of Light: 2018 Sound Healing/Activation

We, the Star Councils of Light, are de-lighted to enter into this portal with you, dear Earth people – the portal of 2018, in your time line. We bring you news that will excite you beyond measure – those of you who are ready for change! For those of you who are fearful of change – who are reluctant to let go of the safety of the shore and glide with the current of life’s stream into the new reality – you may experience cynical or doubting thoughts and emotions as you hear our words. But you will feel an underlying excitement, nevertheless, at the future possibilities we describe. And if you allow yourselves to move with that excitement, you will quickly dissolve the resistance that holds you back.

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Is Q Anon AI?

Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence - Is Q Anon really A.I. - artificial intelligence or an inside government operative helping humanity trnasform into a positive state of existence. Some people believe A.I to be Alien or Inter-dimensional Intelligence. The question is is this Intelligence Malevolent or Benevolent? I guess only time will tell. Some people also believe that block-chain is a real world Skynet from the Terminator and A.I. is communicating through these block-chains. Elon Musk believes we may be summoning demons with this technology. Look at the connection between A.I. and Cern and also look up the black goo phenomenon. Things are really starting to get weird in the Matrix. (Divine Water)

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Judy Satori's Complete Merging Activations With The Multi Galactic Diamond

Every month for the foreseeable future, I have been guided by Spirit to release Full Moon Regenesis Transmissions 60 minutes of information and accompanying energy activations that will greatly accelerate your path of physical and soul Ascension. The Full Moon Regenesis Transmissions are designed as a series of teachings and energy activations that will build over time, one upon the other, to create understanding, substance and form to our new human creation. When I speak of NEW CREATION, I mean human evolutionary upgrade and the switching on of previously dormant aspects of human DNA potential.

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11:11 Artificial Intelligence Cryptocurrency and the Biological Singularity

In this video I explain the connection between artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. A.I. is here my friends and there is very little we can do about it. Do some research into black goo, the black box of Saturn and Alien Intelligence. What is this artificial intelligence. Is it alien consciousness manifesting through technology?

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As we approach the final days of 2017, the solar system travels the gateway to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the massive black hole of the Galactic Center, which lies at 26-27° Sagittarius. When we connect to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core it brings us closer to the emergence of our divine existence. It takes 2,000 years to pass through the band of gamma photons streaming out of the Galactic Equator. The solar system is now fully infused in the ‘purification’ that naturally occurs from the surge of brilliant gamma photon light. This is evident in increasing solar flares, earthquakes and volcanos, coastal flooding, wildfires, melting ice caps, intensifying storms and shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere and the acceleration of time towards zero point.

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All Dimensions INTERFACE NOW ~ Here on Planet Earth

The Dimensions are very interesting to view when viewed from a place of separation from them. They all exist now and you might imagine them as overlays or spheres of consciousness “worlds” as realities that interface and penetrate the very fabric of the here and now. Many Beings are here on Planet Earth in the so-called 3D World ~ yet consciously exist in the higher Dimensions. These sphere of consciousness are ALL consciously ACCESSED when you live through your Higher God Self ~ Union. That is ~ with no awareness of SEPARATION. You exist in that state now ~ not consciously in your vibrating form of light that you perceive as solid. The Process of Ascension with the YOU as your conscious awareness now with your Original Light which aligns you with all the dimensions you exist in and AS ~ with the merging and Union within the consciousness that inhabits your form.

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