The Day Out of Time
JOIN US IN HONORING "THE DAY OUT OF TIME" ~ Yellow Crystal Star, Wednesday, July 25, 2018 ~ Celebrating "Peace Thru Culture" in over 90 countries around the globe!
JOIN US IN HONORING "THE DAY OUT OF TIME" ~ Yellow Crystal Star, Wednesday, July 25, 2018 ~ Celebrating "Peace Thru Culture" in over 90 countries around the globe!
We are now moving through the eclipse corridor for the next four weeks. Eclipses awaken karmic imbalances in an effort to flush out hidden unconscious patterning and programming that limit our human reality.
Message to Lightworkers and Starseeds from the Galactic Federation of Light
Consciousness of the Ascended being who has taken Arhat initiation is absolutely free from any negativity and suffering and is full of what is true, good and beautiful.
Entering the Portal - Matt Kahn Hello Luminaries Today offers a profound confirmation of renewed hope that all your efforts have been and will always move you forward into…
The number thirteen is found in the harmony of the earth’s cycles, moon cycles, women’s cycles, and in the cosmic order of the universe. It is interesting to note that for hundreds, if not thousands of years, this number has been made out to be “unlucky”.
This is an exciting "time" for all of HumaNIty... Eclipses that open more Portals and Gateways for us all! What a beautiful OPPORTUNITY for each, as the old Matrix programs become visible for Transcendence, all new emerges from within!
Cosmic Gateway Activations by Meg Benedicte The cosmic ascension plan for Gaia and humanity is well underway, picking up pace during the 2018 quickening. During this momentous ‘11’ year of Mastership we…
The End of Time and The Construct of the False Matrix
We are currently in the 6th and final ascension energy wave which has a lot more going on than first thought. Earth has evacuated and no longer supports the construct of the Matrix…