Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with creation of the Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families. Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive off-ledger private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though they had been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since at least the late 1600s.


Energetic Activation

We’re nearly halfway through 2016 and if you feel like you have made no progress this year, you are probably right in more than a few ways. So far 2016 has felt like one big retrograde with each small step forward accompanied by several huge steps backward. But this month the energy clears and we have a double 6 vibe (June is the 6th month, 2016 is a 9 and 9 + 6 = 15, which adds up to 6), so we can see movement, grounding of higher vibe energy, and concrete progress, with a big caveat – we must align internally first, before we act externally. June’s energy is like a rose – the outer petals open when the inner ones are ready—and it’s also the month that roses traditionally begin to bloom. May’s five retrogrades helped put us into position and now we’re entering a new month with new options, opportunities, and a big desire to move forward, which we have been awaiting for a long time.

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We Are Being Prepared Right Now for Total Change

Some weeks ago on ‘An Hour with An Angel’ – May 17th 2016 – Archangel Michael explained to us why many had experienced feelings of exhaustion earlier in May. In the following excerpt from that radio show I have added the darkening / underlining in an attempt to clarify what this message is saying to us. Every single person on this planet is currently being penetrated by Loving Energy from Source through the Portal of the Pleroma. Look around you and ask anyone how they are feeling lately. Everyone is experiencing tiredness on some level. One friend says she can see that people are ‘outside of themselves’. We are being prepared right now for Compression Breakthrough / The Event. These are Michael’s words. “Many, at this time, have been taken out, shall we say, put on the sidelines for reconstitution, rewiring, regridding…some just to learn how to breathe again.

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Diamond Emerald Heart

The Indigo Beings were the Spiritual Warriors who paved the way for Transformation, and the Crystal Beings opened our Hearts and Souls to our inheritance as Star Beings and to the Divine Love, Empowerment and Abundance that is our birthright as incarnate beings on Earth. The Diamond Light Codes upgraded our consciousness to a full awareness of our Galactic and Cosmic connections and our place among the Star Nations. The Emerald Light Codes reconnected us with the Earth and with our abilities as Co-Creators of Time Narratives on Space Ship Earth.

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Starseed Ascension Shift

We are addressing different spectrums of the Starseed and Light Bearers shift awakening, to let you know you are all a part of this together, each affecting the whole matrix 444 and that is all beings on the planet in unison of creation of the human web of light. Some of the old souls, ultra sensitive empaths who have been on the path for a long time, may feel fatigued and burned out from the years and decades of transforming the energies, ascending and evolving.

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Escape From the Matrix

Learn the "Anti Thought-Form Hack Technique" and free the mind once and for all. How aware are you of these beings each stealing the limelight from awareness? We all desires stillness and control within our minds, and prefer our inner domains to be free from disruptive thoughts that cause us to react.

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May 2016 is initiating another quantum shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I know that those words will create some anxiety and even a little resistance in many people since it seems that every time we go through one of these major opportunities to move forward in the Light the events in our lives become more intense. In anticipation of that response, the Company of Heaven is reminding each and every one of us that we have been preparing for many lifetimes to not only withstand, but to God Victoriously accomplish this unparalleled Divine Plan for Planet Earth.

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The great keepers of time that stand beside the prime archangels have spoken and said “The end of time is at hand and The Kingdom of Heaven will now be seen on the Earth.” In other words, though the ascension pioneers that crossed the 5D boundary are starting to experience and perceive tangible 5D things now, we all still desire to see a physical new earth matrix and a new kingdom of heaven. We came to tell you that after the final 2 waves of beings are inside the 5D vibration in late summer 2016, the earth will start to transform into the physical paradise version you are desiring without the negative vibrations.