Lightworker News Jan 24th 2018 ~ 7.9 Earthquake ~ The Shift ~ Blood Moon
Lightworker News brings you the latest news in Earth Changes The Event and Shifting Consciousness.
Lightworker News brings you the latest news in Earth Changes The Event and Shifting Consciousness.
We are in the Shift and the Event is coming Soon. Be well and be prepared. The Light is coming to the dark.
How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally? Good news for persons with serious eye conditions is that the how to improve your eyesight naturally product gives the quickest ways to stop certain conditions from worsening. These include lazy eye, cross eye, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, astigmatism, retinal disorders, near-sightedness and others.
Sitting here writing this NEW Beginning and magical New Moon. In love and Grace with BLISS knowing no end. The Shortest Day ~ Of Daylight. December 21st, 2017, at 12:28 Pm AST. We enter the portal and womb…of darkness ONLY to EMERGE into the REBIRTH of Light. Welcoming IN the NOW new GREATER Light.
Every month for the foreseeable future, I have been guided by Spirit to release Full Moon Regenesis Transmissions 60 minutes of information and accompanying energy activations that will greatly accelerate your path of physical and soul Ascension. The Full Moon Regenesis Transmissions are designed as a series of teachings and energy activations that will build over time, one upon the other, to create understanding, substance and form to our new human creation. When I speak of NEW CREATION, I mean human evolutionary upgrade and the switching on of previously dormant aspects of human DNA potential.
A lot is changing and shifting in the Matrix. We are in the acceleration of information. As we go through this Shift all things are being revealed. There is no time like the present. If you are here now I know you are feeling the changes happening in this realm. Namaste LightWorker...
Global Oneness Day is a day dedicated to celebrating our Oneness with the Divine, each other and all of Life. Similar to Earth Day, which galvanized the global environmental movement; Global Oneness Day has become a catalyst for spiritual activism and the emerging global Oneness ushering a new paradigm.
Ligusticum porteri, known as Osha or oshá, is a perennial herb found in parts of the Rocky Mountains and northern Mexico, especially in the southwestern United States. Its common names include osha root, Porter's lovage, Porter's licorice-root, lovage, wild lovage, Porter's wild lovage, loveroot, Porter's ligusticum, bear medicine, bear root, Colorado cough root, Indian root, Indian parsley, wild parsley, mountain ginseng, mountain carrot, nipo, empress of the dark forest, chuchupate, chuchupati, chuchupaste, chuchupatle, guariaca, hierba del cochino or yerba de cochino, raíz del cochino, and washí (tarahumara). In the Jicarilla language, osha is called ha’ich’idéé. The White Mountain Apache call it ha 'il chii' gah.
Best Multi Collagen Powder Protein Supplement on the Market Dr. Axe Multi-Collagen Protein Powder - High-Quality Blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Chicken, Wild Fish and Eggshell Collagens, Providing Type I,…
Wild Lettuce is also Known as Opium Lettuce. For a good reason. While it doesn't contain any opiates, it has similar side effects when used – it acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to lessen the feeling of pain, just like morphine.