Read more about the article Frequency Holders for the Rose Matrix ~ Awaken, Integrate, EXPAND ~ Unconditional Love from Gaia Core ~ Igniting the Blue Flame Within Us
Divine inner Power as a Sovereign being of the Light

Frequency Holders for the Rose Matrix ~ Awaken, Integrate, EXPAND ~ Unconditional Love from Gaia Core ~ Igniting the Blue Flame Within Us

Frequency Holders for the Rose Matrix ~ Awaken, Integrate, EXPAND ~ Unconditional Love from Gaia Core ~ Igniting the Blue Flame Within Us     Paul White Gold Eagle  Greetings Blessed…

Continue ReadingFrequency Holders for the Rose Matrix ~ Awaken, Integrate, EXPAND ~ Unconditional Love from Gaia Core ~ Igniting the Blue Flame Within Us
Read more about the article Blue Ray Dragon Forces (Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation) Collective Jump in Progress! CLOSING A CIRCLE: PROCESS COMPLETED
Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation

Blue Ray Dragon Forces (Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation) Collective Jump in Progress! CLOSING A CIRCLE: PROCESS COMPLETED

Blue Ray Dragon Forces (Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation) Collective Jump in Progress! CLOSING A CIRCLE: PROCESS COMPLETED     Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings Golden Rainbow Warriors of…

Continue ReadingBlue Ray Dragon Forces (Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation) Collective Jump in Progress! CLOSING A CIRCLE: PROCESS COMPLETED