Ascension Tidbits, Individual Upgrades & Collective Cleansings for Huge Timeline Jumps: Teleportation, Materialization, StarGates, Transcending Human Drama Energies, Physical & Emotional Death Cycles
Aloha beautiful love family!
Ahhh, where to start. There is always so much (and nothing at all), all at the same time. Collectively, HUGE things going on and for those SOULS in the depth of huge body/cellular cleansings, huge outer-world re-alignments, huge upgrades, whether conscious of this or not. Everyone, in each dimension of Earth, playing out their current roles, doing exactly what is necessary for continual completion/re-birth, continual template cleansings, continual physical DNA/Genetic re-coding. Each one of us, Gaia Earth Ship and all Galaxies too.