A Wake Up Call for ALL LightWorkers

In this time of transition, the time of the Great shift moving beyond the Kali Yuga and into a Golden Age for all eternity. all being incarnated on Earth presently are warriors of the Light but not all hear the calling... If you are reading this you are one of the chosen to help all humanity walk into the light. As a warrior of Light we live a path with heart.

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Commune with Spirits

Ev tried to conform to a conventional model of a service-oriented career as an 80’s-90’s power professional. She completed her undergraduate work at Cornell University and received a double Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and Art Therapy. Her educational background led her to work on a locked ward in San Francisco studying the development of mental illness and pathology with children and adolescents. The education was interesting, but the work left her yearning for a deeper way to access and enlighten consciousness.

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Message from the Arcturians from Suzanne Lie We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say "we" for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest. Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.


Time of expansion from Quan Yin

I come to you today as many of you are in a period of deep integration of the energies that entered your earth with the X-wave. While many of you are feeling the strong effects, understand this wave is doing exactly what was intended. Each of you is responding differently to the energies and this is determined by the amount of work each of you had done prior to the wave. Understand that all of the information, the light codes, are here to be accessed by all as each one is ready. For this reason you are in a period of deep integration. Once you have cleared density from your form, the light codes are then accessible to rewrite the programming and to change your light body. You will assimilate this information and then work on the next layer of encoding. While this may seem like a daunting task, you must understand that this will allow for incredible growth to take place and the transformation that you seek.

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Connecting to your Higher Self

Ground yourself into the core of GAIA. Connecting with your Higher SELF to expand your consciousness is normal. Your perceptions and thoughtforms are exhaled through your outbreath to create your reality. You have forgotten that your connection to your Higher SELF is eternal, and you can recognize the energy and connection as you ignite your kundalini and flash into your lightbody. You are the brave warriors moving with Gaia into the 5th dimensional habitat ring, and you must maintain your higher dimensional perspective to do so. You may feel nausea or dizziness as you move into that higher state of consciousness as it is new for your physical body. Feel your multidimensional energy field and remember that you are not your Earth vessel - you are 5th dimensional. Feel the areas of your body to see if anything needs to be expanded. Are there any body parts that can use the healing of unconditional love and violet fire? You are on a mission, and you release all that stands in the way of what you decided that you would do within this incarnation. You are the ruler of your reality, and you must take responsibility for all that happens to you. You can expect initiations that enable you to expand further to release fear, hesitation, or other wounded ego illusions.

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Bypassing the Need to Wait – 5th Dimensional Consciousness

When you are always “Waiting” for something that is not present in your life to arrive, you are living in the grand illusion of 3D, that is the Repetitive cycle, and incarnation cycle, of YOU always WAITING to receive that ONE thing you desire the most. You will receive That one thing you desire the most, which your Soul Desires, which you have incarnated over and over to receive, that is, your Destiny. And it is far greater than you realize.

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Inter-dimensional Communication Portals

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you are beginning to release the confines of time that were bound to your third-dimensional, or even fourth-dimensional, thinking. Your fourth dimensional thinking moves faster than third dimensional thinking. However, as you move into your fifth-dimensional thinking and states of consciousness, you are beginning to release your concept of time.

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Interdimensional Communication ~ Releasing Time

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities. Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once seen as tomorrow and today. For you are beginning to release the confines of time that are bound into your third-dimensional thinking and is faster in your fourth dimension thinking. And, as you move into your fifth-dimensional thinking and your fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you are beginning to release time.

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Earth Lightworkers Bring Peace on Earth

Here in the higher realms we are spilling over with excitement. It is working! Thanks to you we come within a whisper of fulfilling our shared destiny. That destiny can only be everlasting peace on Earth, accompanied by prosperity, abundance, harmony, unity and joy. I want to illuminate what has been happening recently. Whether alone or in groups, Lightworkers across the Earth have been pouring themselves into their personal ascension, their ascension projects and missions like never before. Many of these Lightworkers are quite aware of their role, yet some Lightworkers may be fully succeeding at their projects and assignments even without comprehending exactly what those are. Know this - if you are reading this, you are a Lightworker. We, your Ascended Family, thank you for your dedicated service.

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Grounding Higher Cosmic Light

Fear, shame and worry are the predominant atmosphere across the planet, in every village, every house, not matter what the social or economic status of the people involved. Everyone is afflicted by the feelings that begin with fear of not having enough, not accomplishing enough, not being strong enough or steady enough or resourceful enough to get ahead, stay even, prevent disaster, stay ahead of the impending suffering that is just around the corner, lurking.

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