BluePrint for all Starseeds/Lightworkers/LoveWorkers for New Earth and The Event
Join our LoveOlution Evolution. This is a Quantum Leap in Consciousness from homo-sapien to homo-Luminous (**LightBody**) Aho!!
This Mind to Mind Transmission is for all Starseeds/Lightworkers on mission to usher in the Codes for the New Earth and manifest the Event for all of Hue-manity. We are at the midnight hour of fully embodying the 5d energy into the 3d matrix. In the Twilight hour we bridge the Rainbow energies to uplift all Life in all Realms, timelines and dimensions. We came into the Field for ALL LIFE…
Take your time bringing in the energies of Buddha Mind with this transmission. Bring the codes deep into the core of your being and transmit the highest Love and Light through this medium and these technologies to Awaken the collective consciousness of Hue-manity to assist in this quantum Leap of Consciousness from home-sapien into Homo-Luminous (LightBodies). The 144 Crystalline DNA Codes of the Great Mystery. Fully embodies (Heaven on Earth) We are Angelic beings that came here on mission to free all life from the lower realms and manifest the New Eden – Heaven on Earth!!
The Blueprint Videos are not in any special order only as received. We are on our Way to the 2022 LoveOlution Evolution Transmissions.
Namaste BroStars and Sistars of Light….I love you aLL….NaMaSte!! Paul
773 16/7/2019 love transmission – Michael Hiotellis
Holy Fire Reiki for Love Peace and Comfort 
Mission blueprint 
Blueprint for New Earth – ALL StarSeeds, LOVEworkers, Wanderers 
MyBluePrint: JustLove 
A Brief Hello from A Re-Awakener of The Conversation of The Heart 
Silent transmission of love threw my eyes 
Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse 
Lunar 🌝Full Eclipse☀💛 Day 
July 16, 2019 
My divine starseed blueprint matrix in response to paul butler 
An introduction to Zion my path and my light….Prime Blueprint for the awakening! 
Hi. I love you.
Youre Doing Better Than You Think 
Blueprint transmission 
Blueprint: Transmission of Healing Love and StarLight Energetics™ 
💖💜💙New Earth Love Transmission 17/7/2019💙💜💖 
Love light transmission 
Love to the sisters and brothers from light 
Transmission 001 : Starseed Activation – Blueprint from Paul Butler 
Sending love & light 
Paul Butler Cosmic Disclosure Blueprint 
Prime Disclosure Blueprint 
Blueprint for the Lovelution #PaulButler🤟🙏
Paul and all starseeds, mission blueprint transmission. 
Deedee says goodnight. 💜 
Earth Angel Blue Owls. Blue Print for enlightenment and introduction. 
Lightworker love and light transmission ✨ (Paul butler) 
💗Lovealution 💗 Starseed Blueprint transmission 💞✌️💓 
Starseed Blueprint 
(Paul Butler BluePrint StarSeed Transmission) ~Light Worker~FULL 🌕 MOON IN ♑️ CAPRICORN 2019 ENERGY 
Blueprint My Transmission – Paul Butler 
BluePrint for all Starseeds/lightworkers/LoveWorkers 
New Zealand lovealution 
Blue print Transmission 
Link back to: The Blueprint Transmission Board –
Paul my brother of light so much gratitude for all your light and love you share with the whole…
In love , light and Service
Namaste Gena. I appreciate you and your Light my friend. Much Love and Blessings Divine One…Paul
Namaste! May all who read th e following words 33 times aloud while envisioning the entire globe of the Earth enveloped and surrounded by SOURCE LIGHT be themselves perfected in Spirit, Mind, and Body and prospered in all ways. The following is an ancient Sanskrit mantra:
Translation: “I am Divine Love”.
Love to Everyone!
Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Namaste Schavi. I appreciate you Loight and Truth Divine One. Much Love and Blessings…Paul
Mary Ritz
(Chants of Ahum Prema = I am Love playing in the background),_WI
My initial dream for New Earth
Some weeks ago the Creator gave me His plan for New Earth. I was to superimpose my creations upon his. The Celestial White Beings (CWBs) who have seemed now to have gone ‘walkabout’ (Australian Aboriginal term) were there with us and agreed to co-create with me upon the Creator’s Plan. I imagined his thoughts would be an elaborate two dimensional array of parks, temples, lovely homes that were built into the terrain. After all, New Earth is supposedly paradisiacal as it is. I looked around for His Plan. It popped into my vision, it was a powerful intuitive vision. No doubt that this was it. It was simple, a thing He knows I love about him. Simple=Elegant. His plan was two words. ‘No tech’. Well, this is both Godly understated humor, but also dead serious.
The CWBs have become incommunicado.
Humans and their brothers and sister creations will have Creator gifted powers in this paradise. Our thoughts are our telephone, our volition our conveyance, our mover of great things our intention, and all we need to sustain ourselves is our ability to manifest them. I imagine small zero-point energy extractors in each home for heating and cooling, lighting, and hygiene. No pollution.
Will we need electronic devices to share art, news, movies, and imagery? I doubt it, as that function may be now built-in but I’m writing this as a spirit deeply affected by the Third Dimensional ‘Forgetting’.
Temples will keep the tech we may need for certain esoteric uses controlled by Priests and priestesses of incorruptible celestial origin. AI will be banned and destroyed en masse in periodic EMP sweeps. Our society and mankind is already showing signs of the devolution brought about by these thousands of distracting mindless machines and alluring superficial and communication devices. Surely other cultures have found a way to control this. The decay will stop by eliminating those addictive machines in New Earth.
There will be a place in the cosmos for those who wish to tinker with illusory matter all day, that can only produce results less satisfying than our own Creator gifts, soon to be activated by Five D Gamma level EM radiation bathing this planet. But these tinkerers will not be on New Earth, and soon not in this in this galaxy.
My vision of New Earth will not follow the technological footsteps of Atlantis. This will be no Atlantis and this Galaxy shall flock to behold the comity and the imagination made possible without the thrall imposed upon our pent up energies from the seductive temptations of witless tech, that promises to make our lives simpler but betrays this trust by eating more of our time and stealing our precious focus upon our families and our dreams.
I visualize New Earth as a Paradise for all beings of Light. Each civilization who wishes shall have ‘areas’ allocated to representative samples of their races with perfect atmospheric mix, pleasant plant and beneficent animal life, extremes of geophysical beauty, wilderness zones, and safe and comfortable habitation.
The areas allocated to all races will be mixed among each other and the Creator’s gifts given one race could be used to assist their brothers and sisters of of less gifted races to enjoy the fruits, and vice-versa.
The Humans will make you Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans , Andarians, and Orions proud of we humans for having unleashed our love and creative forces upon this galaxy. You saved us from the mind control slavery of thousands of years. This is the equivalent of a Hoover Dam break, we have been so long pent up and suppressed. When Disclosure of the magnitude of our servitude and the cruelty of our mass manipulation becomes common knowledge there will be the cry to take up the sword against the oppressors. No. No. No.
Trust this: we have had violence and it always hurts ourselves. Send the perpetrators your unconditional love and forgiveness and they will likely return to grace. The love will boomerang right back to you, multiplied many times. We enlightened humans must be the control rods in the atomic pile to discourage those who seek violence against our enslavers. They are creatures of the Creator, and he does not take kindly to those who wreak havoc upon His loved ones though they may have turned temporarily dark.
For humankind I imagine a great plain of majestic beauty containing the wonders of this world amplified, multiplied, and enhanced. Muir Woods, Yosemite, Glacier Park, Florida, Hawaii all the places that engender our love and awe. Places of romance and creation. There will be some tech for toilets, showers, sinks and so forth. this easel and canvas will be multidimensional and contain living space for all the Creator’s beings, Like Blue Avians, Arcturians incarnate, and all of the thousands of galactics who wish to be here.
The common language is telepathy. And the local environment of a particular species shall accommodate their physiological, artistic, and spiritual needs. There shall be no closed borders except that there may be controls on entrance to particularly attractive regions. Multidimensional means unlimited scope. This project could contain substantial representation from all conscious beings in this galaxy. A model for the comity of all His creatures. And NO tech. (This, I know, is the Creator’s preference, and mine too, long before he told me).
The outline above is a basis for a galactic tourist attraction, a demonstration world to be repeated thousands of times across our galaxy, and a place that will provide the environment for threat spiritual growth.
I noticed my link disappearing from the video
Is my video contribution
Love and light
Hi beautiful hearts, here is my love transmission. Utube says i am not able to do live as i dont have 1000+ subscribers. And i dont know how to post it. I love you all! Sending you all love healing and abundance.
My Starseed Blueprint Transmission
Namaste Joy Divine SiStar of the Light. Thank you for your transmission and for joining our LoveOlution. Your Souls Light codes have been received and connected. Much Love and Blessings in the Sacred Light of Holy Source. Aho!
The video is on youtube the link is
I love the pictures you paint for me with your words, I am not a visualiser(?lol ) I am a feeler and that felt amazing ❤️
I’m sorry if I’m posting on someone else’s bit but couldn’t decide if my YouTube transmission got through, popped my cherry last night and I’m a bit confused ❤️
If relevant, I have been channeling the energies coming in through Piano transmissions.. and would love if they could be shared here, as a unique medium… <3
Have a listen Paul, and feel free to put any of them up here as part of the Blueprint!
This is my Transmission. Thank you Paul for everything you do. You have inspired me to channel my love and light. The link is:
My loving blueprint transmission ❤️❤️❤️
Namaste Carolyn Divine SiStar of the Light. We appreciate you joining the LoveOlution Evolution. Transmission received. Blessings in the Light. Aho!
Namaste Whitney Divine SiStar of the Light. Thank you for your transmission and for joining the LoveOlution Evolution. Much Love and Light….Aho!!
Namaste Barry Divine BroStar of the Light. Thank you for joining the LoveOlution Evolution and for your Love Transmission. We have received. Blessings in the Light of Divine Source. Aho!!
This should be the video I made. Hope I’m submitting it correctly
My blueprint transmitted from one of my favourite sacred and Devine nature spots in Denmark . Much love and light… Namaste.
Namaste Karina of the Divine 44. Transmission received beloved One. Aho!!
Namaste Aho Agape Famila Great Job!! Keep Up Good JOB!!
Namaste Steven,
Thank you. Keep shining bright Divine BroThor of the New Earth. Much Love and Blessings in the Light…A’ho! 🙏🕊🦅