How To Exit The Matrix

Join host Michelle Walling with the new way to celebrate Thanksgiving: discussing how we will exit the matrix! Michelle will discuss her recent trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas and Augusta, Kansas, and what unfolded there. She shares her amazing healing experiences with the very gifted healers: Adrienne Goff, Candace Craw-Goldman, and Kim Hutchinson. Rejuvenation plays a huge role in our very near future, and Michelle will explain how she knows this. She will also discuss the expansion of In5d into many exciting areas as well as the new messages brought to her and many others from Dolores Cannon about the new quantum healing opportunities for humanity!

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What is the quickest way to attract wealth, money & abundance? GODDESS LAKSHMI - The Archetype for Infinite Abundance and Wealth What is the quickest way to attract wealth, money & abundance? SHREEM BRZEE!

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Guided Full Moon Meditation

Join Asa with Source Vibrations for a guided full moon meditation. Wednesday the 25th at 6pm - 7:30pm MST. Experience the power of a share intention for healing and evolution. This full moon in gemini focuses on the self-transcending influence of discernment in the communion of the three minds.

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Beloved People of the World, There are many changes that are in the works at this time. Although it may seem as though the world is on the brink of being overtaken by chaos and its forces, know that things are not as they seem, for there is a new dawn on the horizon. We ask that you do not falter in the upholding of your own Light and the invocation of the Light for the world you live upon and all of her inhabitants. As you know, we work with you in energetic ways and so, together, we now take a stand and draw our line in the sand.


The Safety of Love

Beloved ones, We the Arcturians come to you within your NOW to salute you for your ever-expanding transmutation into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. As your consciousness expands into the frequency of reality which is the threshold connecting the fourth and fifth dimensions, often known as the Rainbow Bridge, your perceptions of reality take a quantum shift.

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CREATING A NEW WORLD ~ The Arcturian Group

Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The “future” is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what “should” be happening or when and how it “needs” to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light, Dear Ones, for you are creating a new world.

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