FULL MOON IN ARIES ~ Sharad Purnima : an Avatar of Vishnu. Divine Love’s Flame ~ DNA Ignition UPGRADE!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Holy Emissaries of the Light Spheres of Shambhala
Happy powerful Full Fire Moon in Aries!!
With this massive Portal opening we have fiery energies flowing in from on high. Many of our ground crew Earth Angelics are feeling like pressure cookers with the major inner expansions activated.
Today we align on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 144 Yellow Magnetic Seed as we begin our 13 day journey with the Yellow Seed Wavespell of Enlightenment and Awakening. This special day is encoded with our Starseed Ground Crew of the 144 to assist in the alignment of our Quantum Crystalline 12 strand DNA of homo-Luminous; Light beings of Eternal Life.
Tomorrow we have the majestic 10/10 Gateway and in two days time with Kin 146 White Electric Worldbridger we begin our next 10 days in a row of Galactic activation Portals. These interdimensional Portals and Gateways are assisting all Lightworkers in the bridging of Heaven and Earth through our central channel and into the Still Center of the Core of our Being to bring into this realm the Keys and Codes of the totality of our multidimensional Sacred Self.
With these full moon energetic magnetics flowing into the field, Pachamama received a powerful activation and release with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake on the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16:38 UTC right on the Equator and 23 degrees due West of the Prime Meridian as the Zero Point Still Center anchors us in to the the foundation of our fifth dimensional reality.
With the Power of our all-mighty I Am Presence we Command the full Radiance and Glory of our Cosmic Conscious Godhead of full illumination to CoCreate our New Heaven upon the New Earth. By the Glory of God’s Sweet Embrace we commence our total transformation into Christed beings of the Eternal Flame to light up all Grids of the Divine Creatrix.
As we continue this Great Shift of the Ages into the full Transition we are exiting out of the old earth and entering New Earth day by day moment by moment. Keep lighting up the grids Warriors of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 20°17′ Aries, Sun at 16°49′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 17º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 17º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 21º Aries |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Aries.
source: https://www.astrologyweekly.com

Valerie A. Elster
Body MAPPING Updates in the Field. DNA Input/Output. Old Trauma + SOMATIC Releasing into the FIRE!

Juan José Vallejo Cívicos

Myriam Gillis
As, all portals on earth that were inverted, will be fully integrated and returned back to the light, to become the light that commands the full spectrum of light as the GODS COMMAND OF Yeshua.

Tania Gabrielle
In less than 4 hours the gorgeous 7:7:7 FULL MOON in ARIES will be exact!
What a great opportunity to notice our tendency to be polarized. For example, when we get attached to what we view as the negative in another person and promptly forget everything positive that we experienced. ..
This really limits us. And limitation is the opposite of expansion.
Consciousness will always expand, if it’s ALLOWED to expand.
So this Full Moon in the first passionate, self-directed, courageous sign of Aries with the Sun in balanced, loving Libra Is asking you to CHOOSE…
source: https://taniagabrielle.com

Pars Kutay

Blue Rose Oracles
Daily Download
The Lunation in Aries is joining Chiron for a cosmic dance through the deepest layers of our awareness and internal process.
Together they present both the clarity and the gateway through which we can transcend incarnational cycles and karmic patterns by receiving the shadow wounds, acknowledging what’s being reflected and trusting in our ability to hold space for the transformational energies we are moving through.
Chiron helps to reveal the myriad of wounds we carry at a deeper cellular level and alchemise the layers, projections and versions of ourselves reflected through these wounds.
Chirons vibrational resonance is the key to unlocking our most truest expression through opening the gateway to dimensions within that have been submerged, kshadowed, hidden and ignored.
The energetic waves of these powerful cosmic tides are bringing the sediment to the surface. Revealing the deeper layers of our own angst, fears, limitations and wounds like a tidal wave of energies and emotions crashing against the shores of our ever shifting and evolving patterns, layers & comfort zones.
Our nervous systems are upgrading and recallibrating within this potently charged amplifcaton wave of energies. New templates are shimmering around the edges of our awareness ready to be activated and anchored as we shed the response and reactivity drivers to old wound patterns and shift into deeper layers of trust in our own capacity to validate and celebrate our divine essence and presence.
This lunation is gifting you the keys to your freedom codes as we are accessing the wilder untamed aspects of our psyche, the magical realms and inter dimensional universes within our own quantum fields that have been waiting to be rediscovered underneath the layers of conditioning and limiting fear & survival based patterns and programmes.
✨Affirmations ✨
”I am clearing and healing old layers of wounding and creating space for new timelines and templates to anchor“
“I am fully supported and held by the universe as I reclaim the fullness of my divine essence and presence“
✨Journal Prompts✨
What version of myself is emerging and illuminated within this Lunation.
Where am I ready to take action and birth my visions into my reality
What aspects of my shadow are seeking love and compassion right now.
source: https://t.me/blueroseoracles

Encoded Frequency
The time is today!
There is an interesting energetic divide. On this moon is dazzling in time to get in line to Miracles unfold one to another in front of our eyes
Collectively, we have changed the deadlines and time lines, getting rid of the karmic ones and aligning ourselves with those that invite us to ascension.
How do I know if you are changing the timeline?
Today I’m sharing with you the basics of what “timeline change” means:
*Unexpected changes; things go and new things begin; As the vibration and intention of the collective consciousness changes, the trajectory of humanity and the earth also changes, everything moves, flows, transforms and renews itself. something dies and another part of you is reborn, allow yourself to be reborn if you feel yourself in that push and pull of the old and the new. If you don’t take off your old shoes, the new ones don’t fit your feet without hurting. so today you are invited to let go!
* Fluctuating time: Life feels slow or fast and there are even intervals between both where sensations of Deya vu, “did I already do this?”, “I don’t remember it like that?” they cause confusion, and a feeling of having lost your way, yet quite the opposite in that you have a new location in the universe.
In the midst of the current energetic climate, Meditation, go with ease, soothe your vibe and self love is the imperative to align with the window of opportunity opens for profound transformation and immense soul growth.
Normally meditation with higher self will do the trick so today Meditate, spark your light and Glow.

Tijana Sophia
I was made aware that today is Sharad Purnima.
Sharad, an Avatar of Vishnu.
Which is so relevant for, and in alignment with, the energy of this Aries Full Moon.
As we come into our Ascended-Mastery, we are being asked to not only be the Creators of our Life, but also the *Sustainer* AND the Conscious Destroyer.
During this month and particularly with the 10/10 Portal we are being asked to walk in the *NEW* timeline of our individuated Self-Mastery.
And this requires the cultivation and directed attention on our *inner* Sustainer.
Sustainer of our Presence. Our Attention. On our Inner Most Essence and Creations.
Sustainer of our Frequency and Manifestations.
Sustainer of our Service and Dharmic Expression.
In perfect alignment and Union with the Western Aries Full Moon that for me is so much about our Individuated Self.
In our Mastery.
In the Union and Divinity of the Human and the Godhead merged as One.
What a beautiful opportunity to receive all of the support from Life. And everything it has to offer us during this amazing time of Home Coming and the deeper Anchoring of our Quintessence.
It is a Joyous Celebration.
The Union of the East and the West coming together in Harmony to Co-Create the perfect conditions for the uprising of Humanity.
Happy Aries Full Moon and Sharad Purnima beautiful Earth Family.

Diego E. Berman, PhD

Suryananda Aed

Ana Maria

Alex Myles
Happy Full Moon!
The Moon in Aries impacts all zodiac signs, but will feel immensely charged for fire signs – Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.
The Full Moon rising in fiery Aries, conjunct Chiron, opposite Venus in Libra, brings a huge energetic shift as some of our oldest and innermost emotional wounds rise to the surface.
Full Moons illuminate what is hidden and during this period we could be noticing how our old wounds have been holding us back within our relationships, daily life or even our careers.
We may find the reason we are not progressing in ways we would like, or why something isn’t manifesting as easily as we might have hoped, is because our old fears and past pain are causing blockages that keep us clinging to what is familiar, preventing us from moving forward.
Once a light shines on these shadow aspects, we will almost instantly feel these energetic blockages begin to clear, and with self-love, nurture and compassion, we will be able to heal and transcend past any underlying issues that have been triggering us, keeping us stuck in a cycle repeating the same patterns.
This may feel like an emotionally intense lunar phase, as it could bring back memories from our childhood, particularly where we may have felt unloved, uncared for or neglected in any way. This doesn’t necessarily have to be connected to our parents or primary caregivers, it could be memories of any dynamic we experienced at an early age that left some kind of emotional wound, that still deeply affects us today.
As the moon is opposite Venus, it is highly likely our self-worth and self-value is in the spotlight, and we might be reflecting on times when we felt inadequate or unworthy of someone’s love, affection or attention. When we revisit how we felt at the time, and recognise how much it has impacted other relationships in our life, it is essential we are compassionate with ourselves, to help with healing and transcending the associated trauma and pain.
If we try to look at our past without feeling shame, or blaming ourselves or others, the awareness we gain can help us understand why we have replayed events from our past, through choosing partners or friendships that also behaved in ways that resulted in us feeling unvalued or unloved.
We may find on a subconscious level we are attracted people who are emotionally avoidant, or who don’t communicate how they feel, or show it in meaningful ways. We then repeatedly receive the message that we are unlovable, and that there must be something fundamentally wrong with us, as the people we connect with continuously display the same behaviors we experienced during childhood.
This pattern may not even be in our close or intimate relationships, it could be something we have noticed within our careers, or wider society, how there is some aspect of how people interact with us that triggers insecurities and deep-rooted fears that we aren’t ‘enough’ or are insignificant in the world.
Fortunately, this aspect between the Moon and Chiron helps us overcome these fears by realising that how other people react to us and communicate with us is rooted in their own fears, conditioning and learned behaviours. We will not only find ways of nurturing ourselves so that we fill these inner voids, but we are also awakened to similar wounds that other people around us have, and we are able to perceive our relationships in an entirely new light.
We may find we are able to heal our own wounds through forgiving other people for how they treated us, or even just coming to a place of acceptance that how other people treated us was not a reflection of who we are, but of who they are.
It begins to make sense, in a profound way, that how certain people treated us was not personal at all, and was simply due to wounds they experienced, and as those wounds had not healed, they project their pain on to others, in turn to cause other people to feel what they were feeling on an internal level.
This Full Moon, opposite Venus, is going to help us to see how vital it is we nurture ourselves, rather than looking for external validation, and we will be recognising the importance of self-compassion and self-nurture, and finding ways to ensure we take care of ourselves in ways that make us feel fulfilled, safe, secure and loved.
Overall, this is a time to release whatever has been holding us back and causing us to subconsciously sabotage our happiness or avoid deeply authentic relationships, so we can move forward with an open heart, ready to experience love and life from an entirely new perspective.
Due to the Full Moon being in Aries we may notice we have been feeling a little more impatient than normal and that we are quick to react in anger, however, these little temper tantrums will only last a hot minute, and if we’re aware of it we will likely be able to calm ourselves before saying or doing anything we may regret.
Aries is known for being courageous and having a warrior-like spirit, so if ever there is a time for breakthroughs, it is now, particularly regarding themes where we have felt fearful of letting go. We may find we are now able to release old attachments, and connections to people that have felt more like trauma bonds and addictions than healthy, balanced, mutually reciprocated and rewarding relationships.
If we are not quite ready to let go of certain dynamics, even just altering our perception on past experiences, and offering ourselves more self-love and care will dramatically affect our emotional well-being and quell tension within ourselves and prevent and repair conflict with others.
Aries are brutally honest, assertive, direct and sometimes quite brash, so don’t be too surprised if our, or other people’s, communication style is suddenly bold, brave and straight-forward and over the next couple of days. This could even lead to unexpected emotional confessions – particularly with Venus, the Goddess of Love, in opposition to Aries
Collectively, this phase is an immense healing period and a major positive energy shift for our entire planet, as we awaken to emotional pain we, or those around us, have either suffered, or are still going through, and we take steps to heal and be much more compassionate within our connections.
Over the next few days it is highly important to be gentle with ourselves, and others, as we recognise we all have wounds and we are all in the process of healing from past experiences. We are all worthy of love, compassion, kindness and tenderness and now is the time to redirect our energy internally, and to have those deeply healing honest conversations with ourselves, and others, so we can finally release past pain and manifest everything we have been hoping and dreaming for – particularly connected to love and our most important relationships.

Intuitive Astrology with Jaime
We are in the energy of a potent Aries Full Moon with Chiron offering deep relationship healing with self so we can come into healthier, more sovereign, co-creative relationships with others. This is an invitation to embrace the magic of who we authentically are to share with our relationships.
With this Full Moon, the Moon at 16°Aries is fully illuminated by the light of the Sun at 16°Libra. The Aries-Libra axis is the relationship axis. Aries represents our relationship with self, and Libra represents our relationships with others. With Chiron strongly activated with this Full Moon, deep wounds around where we haven’t felt safe to authentically express ourselves in relationships in order to belong may come up to the surface for healing. This Full Moon may bring up intense emotions to the surface for alchemization. This is an invitation to heal our wounds keeping us trapped in the past so we can more boldly and courageously embrace the magic of the present moment and how it is to be in relationship with others in the purity and possibility of the present moment.
Venus, the Wisdom Keeper of the Libra Mysteries, is conjunct the Sun as she travels behind the Sun through her Underworld journey. Since she started her cycle in Capricorn in January, we’ve been through initiations to surrender conditioning, distortions, and inversions around the feminine that have kept us disconnected from our heart essence and fertility. As Venus is now in the Underworld, we are being asked to fully surrender distorted versions of ourself. The Underworld journey is where we die to who we are not to be reborn into the truth of who we are vital and full of life force energy. This is the phase in Venus’ cycle where we love ourselves back into wholeness to be resurrected into more of our Sacred Feminine essence. There is powerful magic available as Venus travels through the Underworld by turning inward and nurturing your relationship with yourself.
Venus opposing Chiron with this Aries Full Moon feels like a highly significant initiation leading into her Libra Venus Star point on October 22nd. The Venus-Chiron opposition stirs up our emotions for powerful heart alchemy. Wounds around previous relationships may arise to break through armoring around our hearts that we have placed to keep us safe and protected, which worked at one point in our lives for survival but is now keeping us disconnected from authentic sacred relating. With Chiron, the alchemy comes through the broken open human heart that opens us up to more love and compassion. We have to feel it to heal it. If intense emotions arise, is there a way to safely hold space for what’s moving through? This is where the Chiron medicine is alchemized. And if not, can you hold yourself with self-compassion and gentleness?
What does your body and nervous system need to feel supported?
I sense what is being released with this Aries Full Moon with Venus opposite Chiron will open up space for what wants to emerge as Venus meets the Sun at 29°Libra on October 22nd for her exterior conjunction. This is the first Libra Venus Star Point in over 100 years seeding a new relationship paradigm of sovereign, sacred relating. Venus is in a Capricorn cycle that started in January of this year which is asking us to create the template for sovereign, sacred relating for the New Earth. The Star Points that have been moving through Scorpio have been calling us to heal out of balance power dynamics in relationships, among many other powerful themes. Now that the Star Points are precessing into Libra, we are being called to uplevel our relationship dynamics and co-create as sovereign beings so each being in a relationship has the life force energy available to bring their magic through to create in partnership as opposed to getting it drained in co-dependency and out of balance power dynamics.
Pluto stationing direct with this Full Moon is adding to the intensity. See my previous post about Pluto stationing direct if interested to explore more into this.
Mars, the Wisdom Keeper of the Aries Mysteries, is in Gemini slowing down to station retrograde late October. As Mars retrogrades through Gemini October through January, we will be asked to reorient what timelines we are directing our life force energy into. At the time of the Full Moon, Mars is square to Neptune retrograde in Pisces. If intense emotions are triggered with this Full Moon, there may be confusion around what the actual trigger is, and we may find ourselves tempted to impulsively project out at anything that catches our attention, run around distracting ourselves, or engage in escapism. Be mindful of reactivity and how you are crafting your words. Take time to slow down and draw your energy back to yourself. Our energy can get diffuse and scattered with Mars square Neptune. When Neptune is activated, things are not what they seem. Someone triggering you is likely a divine player to remind you of a deeper wound seeking healing that has nothing to do with that person, but simply pointing you back inward to heal a deeper wound.
This current lunation cycle we are in that started with the Libra New Moon was opposite Jupiter retrograde inviting us to be in relationship with those that are in alignment with our highest path. With the Full Moon, Jupiter is retrograde at 1°Aries preparing to move back into Pisces in late October. 1 is the number where new energy flows in. Because Jupiter is retrograde, the new expansive energy is flowing inward to support forward movement on our quest to bring through the higher inspiration that was seeded with the Pisces Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in April. We may not see the blessings and gifts yet as the energy is calling us inward to clear any energetic blockages around moving from our sacred full body yes.
We’ve been in a time of accelerated evolutionary growth as every Full Moon since July has been with an outer planet working on deeper evolutionary themes that are rippling out much farther in time. This will culminate next month with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse with the Moon conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener.

Erik Roth of InSpiral Nexus
October’s Full Moon takes place in the sign of Aries at 16°32’ and will be in conjunction with Chiron. In this current age, the sign of Aries is overlayed by the constellation of the Fish and where the March equinox (Zero Aries) is located.
From an experiential perspective, the Moon stays full for about 3 days and so will look full on the 8th and 10th as well. The sign of Aries being strongly activated this time in conjunction with Chiron is a pre-cursor to a period of time between late February and mid-May of next year where the nature of Aries comes fully into view. This is due to various conjunctions taking place in Aries in 2023.
Aries is the archetype of the warrior in traditional definitions but its essence is mission-oriented, rugged individualist who is loyal to a cause or purpose. This essence is operating in the context of this age and seen more as the alpha-like energy that competes for everything, is ambitious and desires victory above all else. It also strongly shows up in those needing to show their strength in the world or to rescue all that are in need.
Since the Full Moon is conjunct Chiron, this will emphasize the vulnerabilities and the medicine needed through Aries. This includes the recognition of knowing that acknowledging one’s place of vulnerabilities is also a strength. Aries can have a tendency to avoid discussions about cracks in their armor or especially their feelings. In some segments of society, it amounts to never admitting defeat or being wrong. This can, at times, show up with the signs of Leo, Scorpio or a few others.
This is in part what Chiron is showing us as where the medicine is needed. Chiron is the shamanic, wounded-healer and teacher. It is there as a guide to assist us in formulating the medicine we need to work on our deepest wounds across the present and across generations. Another layer are the wounds that Aries bears with regards to warfare and the wars that have raged across the planet for thousands of years. Aries, as a sign, was utilized in a distorted way in this regard, looked at more as one-dimensional and regulated to being the “warrior” and fighting.
But Aries is much, much more than just a warrior (the word warrior is derived from “war”). Aries is a fiery, actional force in the world at large. Finding its mission and purpose is priority number one for Aries. It can sacrifice itself for the mission, but it is not something that is intended to be reckless, but more as a last resort. In its shadow, it will be only its mission as the only view, regardless of much of the world around them. This can lead to stepping over others who get in the way of that mission.
Chiron can help Aries see its blind spots in both an individual and in society in general. Also, humanity’s relationship with war has been in a moment in time where it was made to be a normal part of life over the last few thousand years. But war isn’t normal. And to recruit Aries as only the warrior in normal wars is certainly not how civilization can truly evolve except perhaps to self-destruct. Self-defense is one thing and a need to defend home and family is important. But Aries’ role is much more intended to be a defender / protector and not a conqueror.
It is also about what takes place after wars and other services where traumas take place in the missions or duties. How can the healing happen and how can Aries be supported in the long-term. These are questions that Chiron is highlighting for humanity and each individual who perhaps has Aries or Aries-like themes in life.
From Lynda Hill’s “The Sabian Oracle” (pg 17), the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is 17 Aries and provides another aspect. The title of the symbol is “Two prim spinsters sitting together in silence.” The keywords are “the need to loosen up emotional blockages. The struggle to hold onto one’s original identity. Compromise because of social expectations. Meditations that communicate. Exclusive relationships. Relationships that have a quiet knowing. Dignified silence. Inner withdrawal. Communicating through body language. Spinning straw into gold. Rolling of the tongue.”
From this symbolism, it shows that it is perhaps a collusion in silence of events previously enacted that may have created trauma for humanity. But it is just as easily an inner communication that conveys what is needed in reflection, introspection and inner process in partnership. There seems to be some qualities of Libra here, in the polarity of Aries. The archetypal expression of Libra can bring out what is needed through personal and community relationships, which can be a powerful resource toward processing and healing.
Like all signs/archetypes, Aries is experiencing a fragile moment in this current age of redefining the use of its skillset. This Chiron – Full Moon conjunction may help us with the awareness of our blind-spots and where we can have greater awareness of our vulnerabilities. It is not meant to rid ourselves of vulnerabilities or blind spots, but to work with them in a way where they provide the shamanic medicine needed for a healthy approach to our healing journey.
source: turningoftheages.com

Leah Whitehorse
Full Moon in Aries – The peak of the lunar cycle reaches boiling point. A burning issue becomes apparent and cannot be ignored. With the lights intimately bound to a Venus-Chiron opposition, matters around goals, independence, passion and autonomy are bound up with fears of rejection and not being good enough, rich enough or attractive enough. The Aries Moon wants to appear strong, but vulnerabilities are evident, and triggers tapped. We need to show each other who we are behind the warrior mask so that we can meet each other on equal footing. There is strength in acknowledging weakness.
Underneath everything is the question, are you happy? Because life’s incessant call to achieve, to chase, to WIN can become like an over spiced meal, erasing all other subtleties of flavour. It’s time to clear the palette, cool down, question whether what you are chasing is really what you want. Consider your needs but remain open to compromise and connection. Dare to follow your inspiration, even if it means breaking from the herd.
Degrees and Times
Moon 16°Ar32′, Sun 16°Li32′ – 21:54 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source : https://www.leahwhitehorse.com/
Painting – A Ligurian Shepherdess by Henry Herbert La Thangue

The Tzolkin Times
Kin 144 ~ Yellow Magnetic Seed

Christina Papageorgiou

New – 13 Days and 12 States to reach My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness.
Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames-

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